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Grade: 1
Subject: Social Studies
Topic: My World: Home, School, & Community
Class Length: 30 min class
GLO: Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how identity and
self-esteem are enhanced by their sense of belonging in their world and how active members in
a community contribute to the well-being, growth and vitality of their groups and communities.
SLO: 1.1.3 Examine how they belong and are connected to their world by exploring and
reflecting upon the following questions for inquiry:
In what ways do we benefit from belonging to groups and communities?
Objective: Students will be able to identify ways we benefit from belonging to groups and

1. Have students join me on the carpet.
2. Outline behavioural expectations clearly: sitting properly in carpet spots, hands in lap,
hands up if you have something to say, and to be quiet when I am talking.
3. “We have been talking about the benefits of belonging to groups and communities. Who
can remind me what benefits mean?” Write this on the board: Something you get that is
good or helpful.
4. Explain to students that we are going to be doing an activity where we will randomly pull
out a slip of paper from the pile I have created and that I am going to read it. Show them
the piece of paper that they are going to receive that has a T-chart with one side
‘Benefit’ and one side ‘Not’. When I read out the statement, it is their task to glue it
where it needs to go and they will get their own pile of the same statements and they will
need to find the corresponding one based on the # on it)
E.g. 6. Feeling loved and cared for
5. Do an example: pull out a statement and ask students to respond with hands up if I
should glue it under ‘benefit’ or ‘not’
6. Ask if there are any questions and clarify if need be by repeating example.
7. Explain to students that I want them to do their best because I am going to look at their
sheets afterwards to see if their brains are growing and that they understand the benefits
of belonging to groups and communities.
8. Have students return to their desks and instruct that all they need out is a glue stick.
9. Have one helper hand out the worksheets and have the other hand out the
pre-organized piles of statements.
10. Use popsicle sticks to have a student come up and randomly select a statement.
11. Read it out and have students find it in their piles based on the number.
12. Have students hold it in the air once they have found it so I can see everyone has found
13. Then instruct students to glue it where it should go. Set a 1 minute timer for gluing.
14. Repeat steps 9-11 until done or until only a few minutes left in class.
15. Have students come get folders as I call them for a movement break and return to desks
to put the completed sheet away.

-The numbers on each statements make it easier for non-readers to find the correct statement
-Some students may need additional prompting or help with gluing * they can say where
something should be glued and I can assist with the actual task of gluing but I want them to be
able to show what they know without being told explicitly
-movement break to come up and select a statement is beneficial for mover and shakers

Formative Assessment
-I will look at their worksheets afterwards and give a 1 (don’t got it), 2 (kinda got it), 3 (got it), 4
(can teach it to a friend)

1: none are in the correct spot

2: some are in the correct spot
3: most are in the correct spot
4: all of them in the correct spot
Benefits List:
1. A feeling that you belong

2. Access to parks, libraries, swimming pools, and more

3. Personal growth and confidence

4. Develop friendships

5. Learning new skills

6. Feeling loved and cared for

7. Stay fit and active

8. Learn from others

Non-benefits list:

9. Your turn to pick the movie

10. All day recess

11. Have dessert after breakfast

12. Stay up late for fireworks

13. Get a no-homework pass on the weekend

14. Extra free time in the classroom

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