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Introduction and History of Cars

The automobile, a revolutionary invention that transformed transportation, was born

in the late 19th century. Karl Benz is credited with creating the first true automobile
in 1886. Over the decades, cars evolved from basic, handcrafted machines to
sophisticated, mass-produced vehicles.

Early Developments:

 The Model T by Henry Ford in 1908 revolutionized production with assembly

line techniques.
 The 1920s and 1930s saw design innovations and the rise of iconic car models.

Page 2: Types of Cars

Cars come in various types to meet diverse needs, preferences, and lifestyles.

Passenger Cars:

 Sedans, coupes, convertibles: Ideal for daily commuting and family use.
 Hatchbacks: Known for practicality and cargo space.
 SUVs (Sport Utility Vehicles): Popular for their versatility, offering ample space
and off-road capabilities.
 Crossovers: A hybrid between a sedan and an SUV.

Performance Cars:

 Sports cars: Designed for high speed and agile handling.

 Supercars: Exotic, high-performance vehicles with top-tier engineering.

Electric and Hybrid Cars:

 Electric vehicles (EVs): Powered by electric motors, producing zero emissions.

 Hybrid cars: Combine an internal combustion engine with an electric motor.

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