Renai Lore Documentation

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His Illustrious Eminence, Eric Gaille, Duke of Parador, the Brave, Hammer of Realm

2.Vassenteau - 1
Her Esteemed Majesty, Antoinette Vassenteau, Countess of Naeworth, the Glorious,
Pillar of the Law

3. Chavathier - 3
His Imperial Excellency, Stephane Chavathier, Lord of Stapleton, the Merry, Champion
of the mountains

4. Rauchanteau
Her Revered Grace, Gwendoline Rauchanteau, Pontif of Clifton, the Noble, Heir of the
8th estate

5. Lamagné
His Most Noble Lord, Victor Lamagné, Count of Reinhold, the Bold, Keeper of the isles

6. Dullac
His Royal Notability, Robin Dullac, Earl of Earlington, the Accursed, Heir of Ruin

7. Beriou
His Apostolic Holiness, Jacque Beriou, Duke of Eldford, the Great, Protector of the

8. Kergavès - 2
Her Serene Worshipfulness, Emmanuelle Von Kergavès, Baroness of Warsle, the
Invincible, defier of death
Regions of the Renai Aristocratic Commonwealth
1. Parador
Parador is a farming region situated in the Renai Aristocratic
Commonwealth. The Region has enjoyed relative prosperity under the
rule of Eric the brave.
2. Naeworth
Naeworth is the current administrative capital of Renai, it hosts the
largest of their portside cities, Silkport. This region hosts the nation's
present ruling Noble, Antoinette the Glorious.
3. Stapleton
Stapleton’s region is dominated by an extensive mountain range, which
makes the region a key location for military training and mining, the
mines don’t tend to find too much suspendium, limiting the size of
Renai’s air fleet, and the region hosts some of Renai’s most plentiful
traditions, courtesy of Stephane the Merry
4. Clifton
Neighboring Stapleton, Clifton is surprisingly very light on resource
production, instead of serving as the religious center of Renai, the region
hosts many churches and monasteries. This is overseen by Her Revered
Grace, Gwendoline Rauchanteau.
5. Reinhold
Reinhold is the coastal region of Renai, home to the fishing and trade
industries of the nation, overseen by His Most Noble Lord, Victor
6. Earlington
Once upon a time, Earlington prospered, but this is not that time, a
generation ago, a large earthquake rerouted a river that once ran through
the region, but with it rerouted, the region has fallen into decline.
7. Eldford
Eldford is the military capital of Renai, the region hosts the headquarters
for the national army meeting place, and though each region holds
several armies, they need somewhere to meet up and join together before
embarking forward for the conquest.
8. Warsle
The industrial capital of the nation, Warsle is most well known for its
reigning Baroness, who has survived numerous assassination attempts,
the region continues to produce the tools of the trade.
Cities of the Commonwealth
1. Mythfell - Naeworth Capital
2. Caveholde - Stapleton
3. Dragonhollow - Naeworth
4. Boulderfront - Stapleton
5. Basinscar - Stapleton
6. Blindguard - clifton
7. Brinerun - Naeworth
8. Lostmount -parador capital
9. Bleakstar - eldford
10. Shroudsummit - warsle
11. Snowcliff - eldford
12. Heartden - parador
13. Stonevale - eldford capital
14. Pearlvale - eldford
15. Knightspire - reinhold capital
16. Freyvalley- parador
17. Spiritspire - reinhold
18. Stagwall - Earlington Capital
19. Dimcoast - reinhold
20. Shadowbury - reinhold
21. Graypost - Stapleton
22. Windlight - clifton
23. Whalevalley - warsle
24. Elderfront - Naeworth
25. Grimefort - warsle
26. Shadowpass - stapleton
27. Rimeborn - warsle
28. Dimpost - Earlington
29. Midgate - Narworth
30. Mythgulf - clifton
31. Castlemaw - warsle capital
32. Neverreach - parador
33. Lightvein - clifton capital
34. Brittelward - Earlington

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