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🎄 Best ways to catch santa

Description Supplies
How to set up

Feed the deer The reindeers will get Carrots, glitter, oats First you get the oats and put
them in a bowl then you mix the
attracted to the food
and won't leave glitter with it and add some
carrots to the side and then
set it on the roof. Last step,

Sticky feet While they are eating Super glue First you take the glue and
their food they won't put it on the roof but it has
realize their feet are to be in the right spot on the
glued to the roof so roof so when the deer lands
they can't move. to eat, their feet will go
perfectly onto the roof and
stay stuck.

Slippery cookie Santa will try to get Cookies, necklace You will have to first make or
the cookie but he beads, string, net buy cookies then you tie the
doesn't know that string to it, make sure the
there is a string to it cookie has a little dent on
so when he grabs the the bottom so you can fill it
cookie i will pull it and with the beads then you tie
then the beads from a net to the roof and have a
under will spill out and string and pull it when Santa
Santa will slip and the slips on the beads.
a net will come down
and capture him

Sneak attack You'll put a fire in the Logs, matches, Put logs in the chimney and
chimney so he has to cookie plate start the fire with matches.
go through the front Wait by the door for santa
door knock his head and hit him in the head with
with the cookie plate a plate
and sneak into his bag
and go to the north

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