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Aum Sri Sai Ram

Krishna says to Arjuna

na me pārthāsti kartavyaṁ triṣhu lokeṣhu kiñchana - I don’t have any work whatsoever in all the 3 worlds, oh! Partha

nānavāptam avāptavyaṁ varta eva cha karmaṇi – I don’t have anything to attain. Yet, I am engaged in prescribed duties.

Yejada charati shresta - As the noble ones conduct themselves

Thada deve tharojanah – the other ones follow

sa yath pramanam kuruthey - the kind of examples they set for the others,

lokasthadana varthathey - the rest of the mankind follows

The masters always come and engage in action out of compassion for the others, to teach them the higher truths

Srotriyo – the noble know the essence of all the shrutis

Avirajo - whatsoever

Akamahatho - doesn’t have any desires

Yo brahmavithama – knows the Brahman

Once you know that there is nothing more to be known. Very beautifully Shankara explains how the noble one is,

Nirindhana ivanala - he is like the fire that has consumed all its fuel, achieved everything, nothing more to attain

Ahethuka dayasindhu – he is very compassionate

Bandhu satham – those who come to him and do namaskar, to them he is very kind

Katopanishad says Shanto mahantho nivasanthi santo vasanthavat charatha – the noble is peaceful, in bliss, goes around
like the spring season and brings happiness to all

Therna swayam; bheema bhava arnavam – he has already crossed over

Jananahethu na anyapi – he comes for the people, nothing else

Tharayanthi - help others cross over to the other side

By teaching them the Vedanta vignana, by their practice they inspire others to join the path to self-realization.

For all those who do vichara (meditate) on Vedanta, all the sorrows vanish (dukkha nashana)

Vivekachudamani says – Shastra vaakye Guror Vaakye – Have complete trust in scriptures and Guru

Kataksha drushya - The disciples pray, from the corner of guru’s eye, let his glance fall on me.

Tatwamakshyadi lakshyam – guru shows you that the only real goal is tatwam

In Guru stotram AdiShankara says – Ajananda thimirandasya, jnananjana shalakaya, chakshurun meelithanyena – I am
slumbering away in blinding darkness of ajnana, please open my eyes with jnana

The guru can inspire, initiate, guide and encourage but the experience must be yours alone with your own efforts.
Without drinking the medicine, the disease will not go, similarly chanting Aham Brahma mechanically will not help –
vina aparokshaanubhavam brahmashabdaihi na muchyathey.
Satyabuddhi & Shradhaya - If there is extreme yearning, then we will put effort to practice and wait for the
experience. Vivekananda said, Take an idea and make it your life. That is the power of your thought. When you
continuously think about the mantra Aham Brahma it will reveal itself to you. Ex. All the rays of the sun when they are
concentrated with a lens they have the capacity to burn anything.

If you get restless, it becomes an impediment to the growth on this path. Don’t discuss your experiences with others and
compare – it only leads to discouraging others or jealousy about others. Ex. If a particular rice variety is not cooked in
20mins, it will need to be cooked for another 10mins until it becomes edible. Similarly on the spiritual path, the results
will come based on our efforts and karma. If we practice our whole life without looking for results, without any
expectations – This is sanyasa. The experience comes to you only when Brahman thinks you are ready. Keep as much
maunam as possible. Too much food, laziness (Jadya) and sleep are the obstacles on this path, so make some
sacrifices. No pain, no gain. Stomach after a meal should be ¼ empty, especially at dinner time.

Our current syllabus is like the grammar rules of Panini that don’t save us in the end from Yama - Nahi nahi rakshathi
dukrunkarane – Bhaja Govindam by AdiShankaracharya. Our syllabus should include 10 Upanishads and Bhagawad
Gita. Half the time in a day should be spent on Aparavidya and then rest on Paravidya by children of our campuses.
Truly speaking, there are just a handful who know from experience, so we need to work on many gaining this
knowledge. Vidyaranya and others worked hard and failed as invasions were hindering the vedic culture. Right now
there is no invasion from outside, it is just our own foolishness as the enemies are internal now (laziness & materialistic
view). When students’ intellect is sharpened with Dharana & Dhyana, automatically they will be great at Aparavidya
also. The students of our institute will ensure that the entire world will change. Education being free will not be
unique selling point of our institutions, it should be the vedantic study!

Same with all of you who take up this path, 50% of your energy should be spent on Paravidya. Once Kathopanishad is
over, read other scriptures, it helps keep your mind always absorbed in the Brahman

Bhagawad Gita

Vivekachudamani (AdiShankaracharya)

Dhrukdhrushya Viveka (Vidyaranya Swami)

Vairagya Shatakam

Ashtavakra Gita

Everything in science is changing, according to scince 400 years ago Earth was flat. What was a planet earlier, is not a
planet anymore. The scriptures are so old yet everything in it is eternal.

In 20-25 years just 2 decades, Vedantins will be most in demand. Vedantic study will be the most popular. Automation
will take care of everything and people will study Vedanta. Sanskrit will be the most learnt and spoken language and the
official language of many countries. All technical information also will be available in Sanskrit.

We are born animal, should live as humans and should die as God.

Ex. Many people buy expensive homes and holiday homes but they are too busy trying to pay off the EMIs for these to
actually enjoy them.

Whereas with a Brahmavida they can enjoy anytime, anywhere – Yatra yatra manoyathi, tatra tatra samadhaya

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