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POSTED/UPLOADED ON AUGUST 22, 2015 / TIME: 3:50-3:55pm

1. C. Light Emitting Diode

2. D. Collector Base Emitter
3. B. A short circuit
4. A. 1.7v
5. A. Higher
6. D. 4k4
7. B. 22R
8. C. Not enough information
9. B. Load Resistor
10. A. 47k

11. B. 2k2 5%
12. C. The Emitter
13. B. 5k
14. B. PNP Transistor
15. B. 0v
16. C. 3R3 4R7 22R 5k6
17. B. 2k3
18. D. None
19. A. Capacitor, Microphone, Potentiometer, Electrolytic
20. A.10k

21. B. B
22. B. Timing Circuit/Time Delay Circuit
23. B. 35,200 ohms
24. D. Photo Darlington transistor, switch, piezo, inductor
25. D. Series
26. B. B
27. B. Light Dependent Resistor
28. D. 1n
29. A. 0.045Amp
30. A. 0.1u

31. A. 0.001A
32. B. 1.2v
33. B. 100mA to 300mA
34. B. 4k7
35. B
36. B. The cathode lead is shorter. It goes to the negative rail
37. C. Between 3 and 35mA
38. B. Current
39. A. To pass AC from the input to the output
40. A

41. C. remains constant

42. A. R, k, M
43. B. False
44. A. 5%, 10%
45. B. 22n
46. C. p, n, u
47. C. 1M
48. A. 0.1u
49. C. Resistance
50. C. 1.7v, 3.6v

51. B. Because closing the switch completes the circuit

52. B. Because opening the switch breaks the circuit
53. A. the bulb gets brighter
54. C. The bulbs in both circuits are of similar brightness levels
55. Too much electricity flows through the bulb's filament and the bulb blows
56. A. The bulbs become dimmer
57. A. The bulbs become dimmer
58. A. A light bulb
59. C. Wires
60. A long line and a short line

61. B. A supply current and a complete circuit.

62. The flow of current to be stopped in a controlled manner.
63. A. A battery, switch and light bulb.
64. Three bulbs in series.
65. They both go out.
66. C. Three bulbs in parallel.
67. They both remain on.
68. The bulbs become dimmer.
69. The bulbs remain the same.
70. B. All other components keep working even when one fails.

71. C. Positive & Negative

72. B. There are an equal number of positive and negative charges.
73. Static electricity
74. A. Electrons transferring from one material to the other.
75. C. The overall charge remains the same but the charge has been redistributed.
76. A. Repel each other.
77. B. Attract each other.
78. B. The greater the repulsive force between the charges.
79. A. Concentrated more to the surface of the point.
80. C. Coulombs

81. A. Electric current

82. B. Electrons
83. A. Copper
84. B. Insulator
85. C. The traditional flow of current is positive to negative and the flow of electrons is the
86. B. Be larger.
87. A. Dimmer.
88. C. Brighter
89. B. Get hot and potentially melt
90. A. Amperes

91. A. Connected to the live wire.

92. B. Insulating them from the electric current in the metal core of the wire.
93. C. Protect the wiring and equipment from overloading & potentially catching fire.
94. A. The more current needed to melt it and break the circuit.
95. B. Prevent the metal casings of equipment become live if something goes wrong.
96. B. It cuts off the current much more quickly and is easier and safer to reset.
97. C. Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker
98. A. Protect people from electric shock.
99. B. A hair dryer.
100. B. 1mm

101. C. 2m
102. B. The brightness of the bulb gets less.
103. A. Electrons flowing through the metal collide with each other and with the atoms of the
104. C. Resistance = Voltage / Current
105. B. 4 ohms
106. 1.2 A
107. 2 V
108. A metal wire at a constant temperature obeying Ohm's law.
109. A metal wire being heated.
110. Power cables.

111. As heat because of the resistance of the cables.

112. C. Is equal to the square of the current times the resistance of the cable.
113. 10 Watt
114. B. Increasing the thickness of the cable.
115. C. The cables would be too heavy.
116. Reducing the current.
117. A. Reducing current through increasing voltage.
118. B. National Grid system. / B. National Transmission Corporation (TransCo)
119. 400kV.
120. a.c. only

121. C. One where the output voltage is smaller than the input voltage.
122. X ray tube supply.
123. B. 24 v a.c.
124. C. 6 v a.c.
125. A. 250
126. B. The secondary coil.
127. A. 0.1A
128. B. 0.05A
129. A. To reduce eddy currents in the coils which would heat it up and so make the
transformer inefficient.
130. A. electrical energy

131. C. Battery
132. A. Resistance
133. C. Porcelain tubes
134. A. wire stripper
135. A. Light Dependent Resistor

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