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Digital Systems Design Lab 1-2 Report

Name: Seymen Name: Ramazan Atakan

Surname: Alper Surname: TANIDIM

Student ID:042301170 Student ID:042101091

Date:10.11.2023 Date:10.11.2023
In this experiment, we planned to first design the circuit of the questions we did in the pre-lab
with logic gates and then turn the circuit into an abstract circuit on Bradboard and we achieved
these. We drew the circuits in Logisim in 4 circuits, but we could not make the circuit concrete
for 2 of them.

Experimental Result
By entering the correct values into the system, we obtained the correct output values and
applied them on the breadboard.

1. Question
1) Which gates are used to make multiplexers?
Ans: 2 ‘and’, 1 ‘inverter’ and 1 ‘or’ gates.
2) What should be done if the circuit makes a short circuit?
Ans: Firstly, we need to make all circuits from the beginning and if it continues, we need
to check all parts of the circuit separately by output cable.
3) What kind of number system and how many bits of inputs do we use for the 7-segment
LED display?
Ans: Binary system by 4-bit inputs.

Results of Experiment

We have got the idea about how multiplexers work, how we can use multiplexers to make our
functions and finally, the general concept of 7-segment display.

2. Question
● Breadboard
● Or gate
● And gate
● Inverter
● Multiplexer
● Cables

3. Question
Gate delay, also known as propagation delay, typically denotes the duration from the initiation of
transmission to its final destination. This duration is commonly measured using an oscilloscope.
For basic circuits, we can not talk about anything detrimental. But if it is so complicated, it can
cause some problems by working slowly.

Labor Authentication part

At the prelab, 21-2.2 and 2.3 are solved from Seymen. 2.4 is solved by Atakan. Also in the
experimental part, theoretical things such as making circuits in multisim and designing circuits
by K-map were done by Seymen. And practical things such as implementation of gates and
inputs and connecting them by cables according to circuits which we drew were done by

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