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Job Description Memorandum

To: Professor Schering

From: Jason Denz

Date: October 15th, 2023

Subject: Job Description Analysis


For this memorandum I will be analyzing the rhetorical skills and techniques used in the job posting for

my upcoming internship this summer, Business Solutions Intern Summer 2024 at Crowe LLP. More

specifically I will dive deep into the important information, formatting features, and organization of this

job description.


To begin, I believe it is important to highlight the key features that define this job description. I believe

the most important components of this and any job description are the position itself, the role expectations

and requirements, the location, the time frame, and the company mission statement. All of these

components are clearly stated throughout the posting. First and foremost, the job description is clearly

stated and labeled at the top of the job posting as well as “Summer 2024” which indicates the time frame

of the position. Moving on, all role expectations and requirements are stated in an easy to read way that

allows the reader to comprehend and know what to expect out of the role. In addition, the mission

statement of the company is shown in an engaging infographic that allows the reader to understand the

company’s core values. However, even though these five main components of a job description are clearly

stated there is some lacking information that may cause a reader to be lost. For example, an individual

going into the role of Business Solutions Intern has the opportunity to work in a variety of business

sectors such as Manufacturing and Distribution, Public, Salesforce, Financial Services, and Healthcare.

Even though all of these different paths are clearly shown, there is no explanation as to how an individual
applies to what sector they choose. In addition, at the end of the job description it labels all available U.S.

offices in which Crowe hosts this internship opportunity, however does not clarify how an applicant

decides on a certain location. Overall, I believe this job description does a stellar job of effectively

communicating the main components of the role. However, there are a few minor things that are unclear.


When discussing the effectiveness of the formatting of this job description, I believe it is formatted in a

way that allows a prospective applicant to easily understand. The job description as a whole is broken

down into five different components: Crowe/position background, possible sectors, education, location,

and company mission statement More specifically, each section has a noticeable label at the top to allow

the reader to understand what portion of the description they are reading. This is also an effective method

because it allows an application to quickly skim for information or quickly find a piece of information

they are looking for.


Lastly, this job description is organized in an effective yet simple manner that communicates all crucial

components of the role. The position is clearly labeled at the head of the page, it then transitions into a

brief overview of the position as well as some company background. Then, the different avenues of work

are clearly labeled as well as a description of each sector. The description then transitions to list all

possible locations that a prospective intern can work at as well as the key expectation/education

requirements that someone can expect from this role. Finally, the job description is concluded with an

effective infographic and description of Crowe’s core values and mission statement. Over all, this job

description is organized in an effective manner that allows the reader to easily flow between the different

aspects of the job.

Overall, the job description for the Summer 2024 Business Solutions Intern at Crowe accurately details all

crucial components of a job description. Even though there are a few minor pieces of information

missing, the job description is effectively formatted and organized.

Subject: Requesting Time Off Work for Procedure Manual

Hello Boss,

I hope this email finds you well! I am reaching out to request a short leave of absence from Wednesday,

October 11 to Friday, October 13 to reallocate my focus to working on developing and perfecting the

Procedure Manual for incoming Crowe employees. Regarding my current progress on the Procedure

Manual, I have completed a brief overview of the role requirements, expectations, as well as some

background on the company as a whole. I believe that if my request for time off is granted, I will be able

to create an effective system of transition for new hires to join the Crowe family.

Once this Procedure Manual is completed I see it serving as a crucial component of an individuals’s

transition into their area of work at Crowe. In addition, I envision this piece of work serving as a useful

reference for both employees and employers for years to come. More specifically, the Procedure Manual

will also contain components such as problem solving approach guides, information on professional

resources provided by the firm, as well as other perks that come along with serving as an associate at


In terms of my current work at Crowe, I believe I have set myself up for success through completing all

projects that needed to be completed before this requested leave of absence. Therefore, I do not believe

my absence will hold the team back from achieving success. However, my top priority is my position as

an associate at Crowe, so if you believe my absence will have negative repercussions I am more than

willing to spend personal time to designate to create the Procedure Manual. Thank you so much for taking

the time to consider my request and I look forward to hearing from you soon!


Crowe LLP Business Solutions Intern - Summer 2024 Procedure Manual
Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Overview of the Manual

3. Business Solutions Intern Responsibilities

4. “Day in the Life” of a Crowe Summer Intern

5. Resources

6. Conclusion


Welcome to the Crowe family! As a Business Solutions Intern in the Consulting Division at Crowe, you

will have the opportunity to work on an innovative team to compile and deliver data driven solutions to

today’s most complex business issues. The Consulting Division of Crowe LLP is continuously seeking to

improve itself and you should be very excited! This office procedure manual was created to serve as a

resource of guidance for all members of the Business Solutions Internship program. Throughout the

manual, you will be able to find information on protocols and regulations that will allow you to be

successful through the entirety of the program.

Overview of the Manual

Throughout your time as an intern here at Crowe LLP you will be tasked with difficult and thought

provoking work. Here at Crowe, we emphasize employees asking questions. However, before asking a

manager a question, this manual should be used as a resource. You will be able to checkbase with this

manual whenever a question arises. Within this manual you will be able to find information on the

responsibilities of a Crowe Business Solutions intern, a “Day in the Life” of someone in this role, details
on the organizational structure here at Crowe, as well as additional resources you may need for any issue

that comes up.

Successfully using this manual will allow you to develop a strong brand for yourself here at the firm. In

addition, you will be able to more effectively delegate your time and allow yourself to more accurately

align with Crowe’s goals. Through the use of the procedure manual you will be able to minimize mistakes

and maximize growth. This procedure manual serves as a base of knowledge that any intern within the

Business Solutions Intern Program can use as a foundation to gain the skills necessary to excel in their


Business Solutions Intern Responsibilities

In your role as a Business Solutions Intern in the Consulting Division of Crowe LLP, your primary focus

is to assist clients develop solutions for their individual business needs. Your main field of responsibilities

include helping a company optimize operating performance, use of technology, delivery of customer

experiences , management decision making, and many other business related fields. Not only will you

have a large impact on the development of these solutions, you are also responsible for assisting in the

implementation, delivery, and execution of the proposed solutions. This process is completed only

through close and effective client communication. You will be assigned to a team of consultants to work

with a client throughout your time as an intern. As an intern, it is crucial for you to be able to adapt to

continuous change as well as have the ability to overcome adversity and maintain positive results.

While you serve as an intern here at Crowe, you will be working in one five sectors: Health Care,

Financial Services, Manufacturing and Distribution, Public Sector, and Salesforce. Here is a brief

description of each sector:

Health Care: You will have the opportunity to affect the performance of clients in the healthcare and

biotechnology industries through conducting in-depth data and evaluations, and creating client reports.

Clients will be made of hospitals, health systems, physician offices, and many more.

Financial Services: You will have the opportunity to assist clients in a variety of ways such as developing,

transitioning, and implementing financial technologies. Work may also include the selection and

conversion of new systems, the facilitation of strategic business and digital transformation plans, the

management of large bank projects, the completion of complex merger transactions, and/or the

development and support of Crowe technology applications.

Manufacturing and Distribution: You will have the opportunity to assist in software implementation

through requirements gathering, configuration, testing, rollout and training for a variety of clients. In

addition, you will be able to be a leader in the “Cloud-First” era to organize industry supply chains and

operations to adjust to digital transformation.

Public Sector: You will have the opportunity to work with a wide array of clients such as state

governments, local governments, and other government agencies. You will be responsible for helping

these organizations align their priorities in defining, designing, developing and implementing solutions

that provide critical value to their organization.

Salesforce: You will have the opportunity to identify and analyze key insights on the implementation of

Salesforce solutions. You will work with clients primarily but not limited to in the High-tech, SaaS,

Healthcare, Higher Ed, Public Sector, Financial Services, Manufacturing, Life Sciences, Not-for-Profit

The impact of your work here at Crowe will not be limited to the sector that you work in. You will be able

to act as a catalyst for change and have positive effects in the field of business and technology solutions.

Other role responsibilities/requirements include an aptitude to learn and use cutting edge technology,

ability to work both independently and in a team, ability to effectively use interpersonal and technical

skills to present client solutions, a strong work ethic, written and verbal communication skills, willingness

to travel, and an entrepreneurial spirit.

“Day in the Life” of a Crowe Summer Intern

There is no one typical day in the life of a consultant as consultant work is based around client service and

can be affected by meeting times as well as travel. However some consistencies include a morning set up,

team check ins, personal work time, lunch, as well as client communication periods. Morning setups serve

as a time for interns to educate themselves on their upcoming tasks, meetings, and projects for the day.

Interns are expected to arrive in the office by 8:00 AM. Following this time often comes a team meeting

for all members of a project to update each other on developments and expectations. Following this often

comes a designated lunch period allowing interns to take a break from their work and refuel. Then comes

a period for interns to take the time to complete all designated tasks and prepare for their client meetings.

Days are often wrapped up by a meeting with their client to present and communicate about the project.

Once again, as consulting is an ever changing profession, the sequence of these events may vary.


Resources provided during your time as an intern include a professional/personal development coach.

This individual serves to all interns as a resource regarding all questions revolving around both
professional and personal manners. To contact any employee at Crowe LLP you may email them using

the following format:


Once again, congratulations on being selected to serve as a Business Solutions - Summer 2024 Intern! I

hope you found this procedure manual and are confident to step in your role. Please feel free to reach out

to me at (XXX-XXX-XXXX) or at if you have further inquiries regarding Crowe

or the position. We look forward to seeing all of the success you achieve!

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