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The National Center for Teacher Education

The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela



A Research Proposal

Presented to

The Faculty of Philippine Normal University – North Luzon

Aurora, Alicia, Isabela

In partial fulfillment

of the requirement for

Research 1

Agas, Cristel Jane P.

Beltran, Princes Diana C.
Bumaon, Ana Marie T.
Calangan, Ace C.
Collado, Daisy Lyn B.
Lucena, Jocelyn N.
Mansibang, Kathleen Lou D.
Resurreccion, Lovely M.

III Bachelor in Social Science Education

April 2023

The National Center for Teacher Education
The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela


The Problem and its Background

1.1 Introduction

A good that is received conveniently at zero price is not a free good. These goods

impact the lives of people who received them in many aspects in return. From a world

lens, foreign aid, whether material or financial, is helpful in the development and

survival of countries during crises. As to people living in the country, they most

benefited from the implementation of these programs. Social assistance has been one

of the programs that channel through the citizens whether it is provided by the

government or non-governmental institutions.

According to Shahidi et al. (2019), one of the most important ways that

societies intervene to buffer the adverse consequences of socioeconomic disadvantage

is through the provision of social assistance. Social assistance refers to government

programs that provide a minimum level of income support to individuals and

households living in poverty. These programs lend support either through direct cash

transfers or through various in-kind benefits (e.g. food stamps and rent subsidies).

Social assistance has been shown to strengthen the purchasing power of the poor and

raise their material standards of living.

Aids or assistance can also be referred to as ayuda in the Philippines. Ayuda,

as defined by (Flores, 2022) is a Filipino word that means ‘aid’ or ‘assistance’. The

word has been used to pertain to forms of assistance, such as cash, food, and/or

materials that are distributed. It can be during the aftermath of a disaster or on

The National Center for Teacher Education
The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela

programs that are being conducted. To understand how aid works, studying the

politics behind the aid should be considered.

Socio-political implications are the effects that social and political issues have

on individuals and society as a whole. These implications can either be positive or

negative, and can shape and affect the way people live their lives, make decisions, and

interact with each other. In the case of aid, the socio-political implications refer to

how the distribution of aid affects the social and political systems of the recipient

nation as well as the relationship between the donor and recipient nations. For aid to

be used efficiently and to reduce any potential negative effects, it is crucial to

understand the socio-political implications of aid.

According to stroke (2012), government and non-government programs

provide residents with cash, jobs, loans, and a variety of other resources; elected

officials distribute benefits to preferred constituencies; and political parties distribute

anything from pamphlets to whiskey in order to get votes. Few people would disagree

with total political distribution, but almost everyone would disagree with some

aspects of it. However, other forms of political redistribution, such as giving contracts

to businesses with political ties or offering money in exchange for votes, are generally

despised. In actuality, although specific methods of political distribution are

unquestionably acceptable, others are criminally charged. Political decision-makers

decide how to distribute resources. When the continuation of these authorities

depends on their winning elections, their decisions are tied to political stances. The

methods of strategic distribution also differ greatly.

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The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela

Ayuda is often used to alleviate poverty, promote development, and help

humanitarian efforts. Nonetheless, ayuda can have both positive and negative social

implications. In the Philippines, ayuda can be in several forms, including social

assistance and initiatives aimed at assisting individuals, particularly the impoverished.

According to the Department of Social Welfare and Development, social safety

programs run by the Philippine government provide direct assistance to low-income

households. Low-income households may receive financial aid through a program for

conditional cash transfers. All families must enroll their children in school as a

condition of participation in the program. The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program

(4Ps), one of the social protection programs in the Philippines, provides qualified low-

income families with conditional cash handouts. Section 4 of this act states that "The

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is the national poverty reduction strategy

and a human capital investment program that provides conditional cash transfer to

poor households for a maximum period of seven (7) years, improving the health,

nutrition, and educational aspects of their lives."

This study will look into the potential political implications of ayuda, as well

as its implications on people's social aspects. Thus, setbacks and other impacts will

also be explored in this study.

1.2 Conceptual Framework

This section shows the concepts regarding the study. The following concepts

will help the researchers to develop their research study and will serve as a basis in

conducting the study.

The National Center for Teacher Education
The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela

Aid and assistance given to people can be associated with how they live and

survive in their lives, according to the social implications of Ayuda. The socio-

demographic profile of the participants also influences the provision of assistance.

According to Gozum et al. (2021), governments must respond to those who are

financially incapable. Additionally, he mentioned John Rawl’s difference principle

which argues that the least advantaged are the ones who are deprived of the basic

primary goods of society, thus they should be the priority.

On the political implication of Ayuda, people associate assistance and programs

with politics. Programs and policies including material assistance provide a

significant impact on the voting behavior of people during elections. In the study

regarding voter behavior in Indonesia, voters who are elderly and less educated prefer

candidates who provide material assistance (Satriadi et al., 2021). Another conclusion

drawn from the same paper, candidates who prioritize public interest in the programs

and policies created are preferred by the voters. The basis of people includes the

benefits of assistance given. Other factors such as whether the needs of the

community represent the platform of the candidates. Hence, ayuda has a significant

implication in politics when it comes to the voting behavior of people.

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The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela

Figure 1. The Research Paradigm

Above is a venn diagram showing the diagrammatic representation of the

conceptual framework of the study. There are three variables involved in this research

study, both the social and political implications are dependent variables, and ayuda is

independent. It illustrates the side of knowing the social implications of ayuda as it

may have a significant influence in addressing one or several components of social

challenges. On the other hand, the study also wants to know the political implications

of ayuda relating to some actions that directly impact and influence people’s decision-

making, policy-making, programs, and actions taken by political systems existing.

Hence the center of this study is to determine the socio-political implications of


The National Center for Teacher Education
The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela

1.3 Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the Profile of the electorates?

a. Age

b. Sex

c. Gender

d. Civil Status

e. Educational Attainment

f. Occupation

g. Monthly Income

h. Forms Ayuda received/agency or institution where it comes from: (in-kind,

financial, food, scholarships, others)

i. Ethnicity (Mother/Father)

2. What are the Social implications of Ayuda?

a) Daily life;

b) Employment; and

c) Social cleavage

The National Center for Teacher Education
The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela

3. What are the Political implications of Ayuda?

a) Voting preference; and

b) Political atmosphere

4. What are the benefits and setbacks of Ayuda in society?

1.4 Significance of the Study

This study centered on explaining the socio-political implications of Ayuda to

Alicianos. Additionally, the results of this study will be advantageous to the


Electorate. Provide them with awareness of the socio-political implication of


Public Officials. The result of the study will serve as an instrument for political

leaders to assess themselves and raise awareness about the implications of ayuda for

every voter. For making policies for better programs related to ayuda.

NGOs and Civic Societies. This will serve as a guide for the improvement of

services regarding the distribution of ayuda.

Citizenry. The study can raise awareness of the socio-political situation of the


Future researchers. The basis for future researchers regarding but not limited to

socio-political aspects of ayuda.

The National Center for Teacher Education
The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela

1.5 Scope and Delimitation

The intent of this study is to determine the socio-political implications of

Ayuda to Alicianos specifically in Barangay Salvacion, Alicia, Isabela. Out of the

1,924 total population of Barangay Salvacion, Alicia, Isabela, 12 voters will be used

as a sample in conducting the survey. This study limits its coverage to the registered

voters in the barangay and beneficiaries of social assistance. Its main purpose is to

identify the implication of Ayuda on the voting preferences of the participants.

This study will consider some aspects of the voter’s personal information that

has an impact on their voting preferences, such as their educational background,

income, age, and gender. Moreover, this study focuses on the currently registered

voters in Barangay Salvacion in the year 2022. The sociological aspect includes only

its impact on social cleavages, employment, and to their daily lives, while the political

aspects include their voting preference and their political atmosphere.

1.6. Definition of Terms

4P’s. The national government's human development measure, which improves 0–18-

year-old children's health, nutrition, and education, gives conditional cash payments

to the poorest of the poor.

Alicianos. The people residing at Alicia, Isabela.

Ayuda. These are financial, material, or food assistance to people coming from

governmental and non-governmental organizations.

Beneficiaries. A person who benefits or is helped by something.

The National Center for Teacher Education
The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela

Clientelism. A social order that depends upon relations of patronage; in particular, a

political approach that emphasizes or exploits such relations.

Electorate. Registered voters at Barangay Salvacion, Alicia, Isabela.

Incumbent. As an adjective, "incumbent" can refer to someone who currently holds a

particular position, especially in politics or in a job. For example, if there is an

election coming up, the "incumbent" would be the person who is currently serving as

the elected official and seeking re-election.

Political. Relating to public affairs in politics.

Social Amelioration Program (SAP). It is the response of the Filipino government

to the COVID-19 outbreak. 18 million low-income households receive cash grants

from the program as financial support. Basic needs including food, medicine, and

transportation can be paid for with money.

Sociological. Human behavior is directed toward social needs and problems.

The National Center for Teacher Education
The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela


Review Of Related Literature

Social Implication of Ayuda

Social assistance can be used to counter the insecurity and vulnerability

experienced by people in the poverty threshold. In different research studies, poverty

becomes a center in analyzing the impact of social assistance. In the study conducted

by Habibov and Fan (2006), social assistance does not provide a significant impact in

eradicating poverty, this is because the beneficiaries receive only a small amount of

social assistance and these programs and policies were not designated to cater to the

reduction of poverty. In contrast, the study of Shepherd, Wadugodapitiya, and Evans

(2011), reveals that social assistance positively impacts the lives of the people, that is

because the recipients also play a part in improving their lives through seeking jobs. It

also concludes that social assistance interrupts the transmission of poverty due to

aiming for higher goals of the recipients. This means that both the type of social

assistance and the beneficiaries play a role in the improvement of their lives.

The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is a national government

initiative for human development that offers conditional cash handouts to the most

impoverished in order to enhance their health, nutrition, and educational status as well

as their general well-being. The beneficiaries of the program, according to Lluz

(2022), firmly believe that the program made their lives a little bit easier because it

exposed them to diverse activities like communal gardening through bio-intensive

gardening. The majority of agricultural inputs provided by the government are farm

machinery, seeds, and fertilizer. Thus, beneficiaries are actively receiving support

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The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela

from government programs and agencies. In addition to that, the 4Ps program's

implementation is strengthened and promoted by these kinds of activities.

The rapid spread of covid 19 affects not only public health but also the

financial and socioeconomic status of every Filipino individual. One of the key

initiatives taken by the government has been to assist low-income individuals who are

financially challenged as a result of the global pandemic. The Department of Social

Welfare and Development (DSWD) launched the Social Amelioration Program (SAP)

as part of the Bayanihan to Heal as One Act of 2020. According to Dianito et. al.,

(2022), the program's goal is to provide temporary help to the most vulnerable people,

such as those who have lost their jobs or had their income reduced. This program

helps low-income families to afford basic needs. However, Go & Aposlol (2020)

pointed out that high-income people received food subsidies, which, while technically

not mistargeting, represents an inefficient use of resources. They also noted that

various report households received multiple subsidies from various programs of the

DSWD, the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), and the Social Security

System (SSS). We are aware that the government has numerous programs in place to

assist those in need, but the majority of them are not carried out correctly, and as a

result, families who actually need them do not benefit from them.

Social assistance has the capacity to represent common values and preferences

at a higher level of abstraction, which can deepen and develop them. These

institutions are able to solidify, create social contracts, and establish common ideas of

social fairness. On the other hand of political implication, we cannot deny the fact that

it has social implications as well. According to Barrientos (2013), Social assistance

The National Center for Teacher Education
The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela

has made a strong contribution to poverty reduction and equity. However, another

side of his study emphasized the fact that social assistance is likely to be most

effective when accompanied by and embedded in, inclusive growth and employment

policies. Social assistance is intended to help underprivileged groups and is predicted

to be vulnerable. At the same time, social assistance payments and public subsidies

are frequently less substantial than social insurance transfers. We might reasonably

anticipate that social assistance will therefore be more successful in reducing poverty

than overall inequality.

Political Implication of Ayuda

Generally, any aid or assistance can have significant political implications.

The design, distribution, and delivery of it can affect the balance of power between

the government and the people, as well as the donor and recipient if it's non-

governmental. As with any form of assistance, there can be political implications to

the provision of ayuda. Certain programs, such as welfare, healthcare, and education

can be used as a tool to promote certain political agendas as well as to promote certain

values and ideas, or to gain support from certain groups. And these factors are

important to consider to identify and determine what are other political implications

of Ayuda.

In addition, another essential thing to look at is its connection to the election

of leaders who can make policies and programs that will provide assistance to the

people that may affect the voting patterns of the people. Satriadi, Yusuf & Ali (2021),

explains voting behavior by discussing theoretical methods to interpret voting

behavior and notes that voting behavior varies depending on the region. Some people

The National Center for Teacher Education
The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela

base their decisions on sociological considerations such as their social network,

family, ethnicity, and religion. They are also influenced by psychological

considerations including their knowledge of political parties, candidates, and

problems. As they explained, there is a predominant societal influence affecting

people's political decisions and also cognitive factors which shape an individual's

voting behavior. However, they must be viewed as a tool for the reviewer to obtain a

thorough understanding of voters' behavior by examining the many aspects or causes

that might have an impact on it.

Furthermore, the social assistance provided by the government is one of the

elements that influence voter preference. Politicians take into account the social status

of voters when allocating aid since these voters are more inclined to accept it. Social

aid programs motivate undecided voters and persuade the opposition at the same time,

but outcomes vary depending on political and programmatic variations. Beneficiaries

of public assistance are more likely to vote for the incumbent candidate when they go

to the polls. The electoral consequences of social assistance are amplified by laws

requiring voting and program politicization. The study conducted by Canare

(2018) shows that the poor are more likely to be the target of vote buying and selling

their votes. The majority of individuals who were offered goods or money accepted

them, but only around two-thirds voted for the candidate. This lends credence to the

notion that vote buying is part of a larger attempt by politicians to foster clientelism

and patronage among constituents. Brusco et al. (2004) implemented a vote-buying

survey in Argentina in 2002. They hypothesized that vote buying is best seen as a

form of probabilistic selective incentive. Good(s) that a voter receives in the future

only with his/her continued support for the political party. Given that the majority of

The National Center for Teacher Education
The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela

politicians' targets are poor people, which influences their voting choices, this issue

would be addressed by stating that people should accept help but make informed


The rise of social assistance has significance in politics. This expansion has

reached people that become a component in eradicating poverty. Digging into the

political aspect of social assistance, it was revealed in the study of Satriadi, Yusuf,

and Ali, (2021), that social assistance becomes a basis for voters to support a

candidate. The policies and programs that were offered by the candidate matter in

their decision-making of whom to vote for. It was mentioned that less educated and

elderly people tend to vote for candidates who offered material assistance. The study

was also supported by Barrientos and Pellissery (2012), wherein social assistance

becomes connected to politics due to the fact that these programs were mainly

integrated with the goal of addressing poverty and other social issues. These reasons

were backed up by their findings that social assistance is also utilized as a tool to

gather the support of the electorate for re-election. Thus, the politics behind this social

assistance resulted in attracting the support of the voters.

While all the articles used in this research discuss the majority of which social

assistance mainly on political implications, thus in some countries, social assistance is

a physical representation of political values of solidarity. In most cases, social

assistance beneficiaries are more likely to participate in all dimensions of politics

(Williams, 2012), as it can be reduced to a purely instrumental one (Hall, 2008). In

addition, social assistance can also be examined as a legitimate form of aligning party

coalitions and political support around pro-poor policies (Stokes, 2004). Layton &

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The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela

Smth (2015) also argued the same idea as they concluded that programs assist

beneficiaries in becoming more aware citizens, overcoming barriers to voting, and

providing a meaningful economic interest in political results. They also concluded

that aid programs also influence the expected benefits of voting - both expressive

gains and the utility associated with an incumbent’s success. With that given, as per

politics specifically in voting, social assistance is enough to guarantee incumbents a

slight electoral advantage over opposition parties.

However, unequal distribution of assistance to people is not a new concern and

issue in society as well as having political ties that increase the privilege of an

individual and this system is still prevalent today. In the article written by Jablonski

(2014), he stated that donor agencies do not have enough information about those

individuals who are deserving to receive aid thus, the incumbents take advantage of

this and allocate more aid to the voters that are most likely to be beneficial to them

when it comes in winning electoral contests. In distributing aids, bias is present since

individuals with a greater connection with the incumbent receive a higher proportion

of assistance that will affect their voting behavior.

Benefits and Setbacks of Ayuda

In times of distributing ayuda in different societies, there are many problems

or setbacks that arise, both from the government, donors, and beneficiaries. In the

study conducted by Dianito et al (2022), he mentioned the various challenges that

Ayuda beneficiaries faced; there were a complicated application and distribution

process, unfair allocation and biases, a shortage in the amount of ayuda given to the

beneficiaries, misjudgments from the community/ society, and the beneficiaries'

The National Center for Teacher Education
The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela

inability to control their spending habits. Moreover, based on the study of Gudmalin.

et al (2021), stated that different challenges emerged in the implementation of the

Social Amelioration Program (SAP); there is a huge scope of the program; lack of a

single database for identifying beneficiaries; .security and health risks; constrained

communication coordination and arduous monitoring, reporting, and audit of fund

disbursements. With these, it shows that in every distribution of ayuda many

problems or setbacks arise.

Ayuda is required to mitigate the effects of worsening poverty. Those who are

not completely enjoying the basic primary goods should be assisted. This is vital

because fundamental primary goods serve as the foundation for fostering equity.

However, the government, according to Gozum (2021), should identify individuals

who are the least fortunate. Prioritizing those who will benefit the most from help

distribution should be done for those who will suffer the most financial inequities as a

result of lockdowns; nonetheless, some Filipino residents are displeased with how

financial assistance, or ayuda, is delivered. They said that government representatives

corrupted the supposedly helpful assistance provided to locals. Furthermore,

according to Abad (2021), the DSWD provided forms to the LGUs that corresponded

to the numbers indicated in its recommendations, and it was up to the LGUs to

determine who was eligible for help. However, many reports appeared indicating that

the government's list did not correspond to the real number of families in need.

Gozum and Abad demonstrated that nearly all of the aid intended for impoverished

families is not frequently received by them.

The National Center for Teacher Education
The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela

Layton & Smith (2015), estimates that the shift from not receiving assistance

to receiving is connected with the decreasing percentage of abstention, opposition

votes, and blank votes while increasing the percentage of voting for the incumbent.

Considering these, social assistance significantly influences the behavior of the voters

in choosing their candidate and the results of an election.

Since 2008 the Country Assistance Program Evaluation of the Philippines at

the beginning of the CAPE period, the ADB–Philippines partnership was faced with

three key challenges: an excessively broad country strategy and program with weak

implementation performance; a large fiscal deficit resulting in low government

spending on essential public goods; and a weak investment climate, and wide regional

disparities resulting in persistent unemployment, inequality, and poverty, particularly

in the southern and eastern areas of the Philippines ( Bolt, 2008). And at the present,

the government still faced many challenges in giving assistance program in the surge

of the Covid-19 pandemic as Flores (2022) analyze the assistance response of the

government. Though ayuda has been a lifesaver for many people whose lives and

livelihoods have been disrupted, however, it also revealed shortcomings in the social

protection mechanisms that keep them from sinking further or returning to poverty.

governments were unsure of their ability to pay for financing to protect all of the

nation's vulnerable households. Hence, throughout the distribution, complaints of aid

being given to ineligible people, duplicate receivers, and priority groups being

rejected because they weren't registered to vote in the region became frequent.

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The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela


This chapter will describe how the data will be gathered. It includes the

methodologies that will be employed including the research design, research

instrument, participants and sampling technique, and data gathering procedure.

Research Design

The descriptive method and qualitative approach will be utilized in the study's

research design to acquire information. According to Bhandari (2022), in qualitative

research, non-numerical data are gathered and analyzed to better comprehend ideas,

viewpoints, or experiences. It can be utilized to uncover intricate details about a

situation. Data from qualitative descriptive research are produced that provide a

subjective account of the "who," "what," and "where" of events or experiences.

The qualitative technique is appropriate for this study because it allows for a

thorough discussion and a more in-depth understanding of the socio-political

implications of ayuda.

Participant and Sampling Technique

The participants of the study will be residents of Barangay Salvacion, Alicia,

Isabela. They are those who received or are currently a beneficiary of social assistance

and are registered voters. Thus, the participants will provide information in

determining the implications of ayuda. According to Arikunto (2010), purposive

sampling is the process of selecting a sample by taking a subject that is not based on

The National Center for Teacher Education
The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela

the level or area but is taken based on the specific purpose. Purposive sampling is

where a researcher selects a sample based on the needs of the study. This study will

use a purposive sampling technique which is a non-probability sampling method. It

will be utilized in selecting respondents who can provide adequate information for the

study. Therefore, the purposive sampling technique will be used in gathering data

from the participants regarding the socio-political implication of ayuda. The

participants are composed of 8 registered voters residing at Barangay Salvacion,

Alicia, Isabela who are beneficiaries of any form of ayuda.

Research Instrument

The researchers will conduct a face-to-face interview and will utilize a semi-

structured questionnaire to get the necessary data from the participants' experiences.

The semi-structured questionnaire consists of four (4) sections. Part I will ask for the

respondents' profiles, which will include their names, age, gender, civil status,

educational attainment, occupation, income, forms of assistance received, and

ethnicity. Part II is a tool for determining how the assistance obtained by the

participants benefited them in their schooling, job, and daily life. Part III is the tool

that will be utilized to determine how the aid obtained by the participants influences

their political views. Finally, Part IV will assess the benefits and setbacks of the

ayuda provided to them.

The researchers will use a validation tool to test the questionnaire's validity. It

will be evaluated by the adviser and other Social Science Department experts.

The National Center for Teacher Education
The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela

Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering the data, the researchers will seek the approval of the authorized

personnel of Philippine Normal University- North Luzon in conducting the research

outside of the school premises. Then, the approval of the Barangay Captain of

Barangay Salvacion, Alicia, Isabela will be pursued. After seeking approval to

conduct the study, ethical considerations will be taken. The researchers will obtain the

appropriate consent and approval from the prospective participants to carry out the

data collection method. A consent letter is provided to the participants, in which they

may state whether they agree or object to taking part. A convenient setting will be

picked for the interview. The goal of the interview will be clearly described, and the

interviewee will be given the assurance that the information they provide will remain

private. Additionally, the purpose and expectations of the interview, as well as its

format and personality, will be covered. The guide questions will serve as the

framework for the interview, which will be handled in an informal, conversational


Data Analysis

The researches will analyze the data that will be gathered through Thematic

Analysis. Thematic analysis is a method of analyzing qualitative data. It is usually

applied to a set of texts, such as an interview or transcripts. The researchers will

closely examine the data to identify common themes – topics, ideas and patterns of

meaning that come up repeatedly.

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The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela

The phases of thematic analysis as described by Braun and Clarke (2006) allow

for a systematic way of seeing, as well as processing qualitative information using


They argued that thematic analysis is a useful method for examining the

perspectives of different research participants, highlighting similarities and

differences, and generating unanticipated insights.

Before the interview, the researchers will identify the prospect participants and

will create a schedule for them. The researchers will ask the informants for permission

on making their statements a part of the study and making it available to public as

deemed necessary.

The researchers will make sure to follow ethical considerations to guide the

research designs and practices. These principles include voluntary participation,

informed consent, anonymity, confidentiality, potential for harm, and results


The National Center for Teacher Education
The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela


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The National Center for Teacher Education
The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela

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The National Center for Teacher Education
The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela

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The National Center for Teacher Education
The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela


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The National Center for Teacher Education
The Indigenous Peoples Education Hub
Alicia, Isabela

Yahoo is part of the Yahoo family of brands. (n.d.).



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