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It is clearly Understood and so agreed by and between the parties hereto that
all the provisions contained herein and the obligations arising hereundcr in
respect of Apartment and the project shall equally be applicable to and
enforccablc against and by eny subsequent allotteeg the Apa.rtxnent in case
of a transfer, as the said obligations go along with thc Apartment for all
intents and purposes.
Transfer of the unit will bc allowed only aftcr thc paymcnL of 35% of thc Total
Salc Consideration the unit by the applicant(s) to the Promoter, Transfer of unit
before the payment of 354%? of Total Sale Consideration to the Promoter will
be treated as cancellÄtion or unit on which ceneellation charges will be charged
as applicable, After thc payment or 35% of the Total Salc ConSideration by thc
applicant(s) to the Promotcr, the first transfer will be free from administrative
charges only. On and after 2EVi Transfer, administrative charges @I%+GST
(as applicable) of Total Sale Consideration will be charged. Claims if any,
between Transferor and transferee as a result of subsequent reduction/ increase
in the pricing will be settled bctwcen Chemse.lves i.e-, Transferor and
transferee- The will not be parts Lo the same- The applicant Shall be
solely responsible to bear, upon any transfer, for any charges incurre.d by him
on part of registration charges and all/ any taxcs as mcntioned hereinabove.
The Allottee shall not be entitled to get the of
antilgncc(s) substitutcd his placc without the
prior approval of the Promoter, who rnnv, in its
sole discretion. the on such aq it
Cll . The allot lee assures that the promoter shall
not be liable 011 any acc.ount, Whutoocvcr, in of
any transaction between the and his aqQlgncc(q). Thc
trrrnq and conditions of this Agreentenl, shall bc
binding upon the asqignee(s) With foll force and
effect he shall bt- liablc tn make all paynjents aq
specified iti thig Agreement. It is distinctly
understood by the allottee that upon trnnq.fcr, the
allotte.e shall no more be entitled to any and
facilitlcs, If any, available in the said unit
nt•tstng the ullotmrnt the unil In caw the wants
to ttans!er the rights under the Agrccmcrjt to Sell
utter obtaining prior written consent o! the
Promoter to his parent g and HUF, the
Pit»motet' shall nol charge any Trangfer Fee for
such trunsrcr. Elowcvcr, In case of transfers to
others, the existing allotter of the unit shall bc
liable to pay Transfer Administrative of
"l otal Sale Considerat ion will be charged
(plus GST;" Service Tax/ VAT and other applicable
taxes) or the unit to thr Promoter for each
subsequent o! thc Unit will bc allowcd
only after the payment of 350/0 of the Total Salc
Considcrauon of the unit by the applicant(s) to the
Promoter, Transfcr of unit before the payment of
3.5%' of Total Salc Consideration to the Promoter
well be treated canccllation of unit on which
cancellation charges will be charged as applicablc,
Thc terms and conditions of this Agreement, shall be
binding upon the transferee With full force and
erect and he shall be liable to make payments, as
specified in the Agreement.
Further The Allottee bc solely responsible and
liable for all legal, monetary or any Other
consequcnccs that arise from such transfer/
assignment and the Pr0moter shall always be kept
indcmnified bv the ailottre against all
consequences arising out or such assignrnent,
Any change in the of thc registered allotter with thc
Promoter shall be dccm or assignment for this purpose.
Any purported assignment by in stiolation of of this
Agreement shall be a default of the if the allott&e
gntitling the Promoter to cancel this Agrcerncnt, e
persons to whom the unit is sold> transfcrred, assigned
or ven Pbsseséion o! Ehall from time to time, sign all
applications, papers and
documents and do all acts, deeds and things the Promoter and / or itg nominee may ask
il to do from time to tirnc which arc required under the Act.

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