Academic Honesty Policy

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Academic Honesty Policy

The college experience is founded on the concepts of honesty and integrity. ACIT holds academic
integrity essential to the fundamentals of training, learning and for the protection of the reputation of
ACIT for current and future students. ACIT is committed to upholding standards of academic integrity
and honesty. Dishonesty, cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the college
are regarded as particularly serious offences. Cases of dishonesty will be handled by levying certain
penalties. However, in flagrant cases, the penalty may be dismissal from the college after proper due
process proceedings.

Plagiarism comes from the Latin word "to kidnap." It means you are stealing someone else's words,
thoughts, and/or conclusions. To avoid plagiarism, be sure to reference the source of any words or
material you take from the published or otherwise disseminated work of another person or persons.

Plagiarism policy rules:

1. Plagiarism and any form of cheating is forbidden

2. Students must not submit an assessment that is not entirely their own, except where either:
- Other’s work for reports and written assessment is acknowledged, or
- the assessor has allowed team work to be submitted.
3. No student will help or assist other students with individual assessments
4. No student will submit the same assessment work as others unless it is approved by the teacher
5. No student will submit an assessment in order to deceive the teacher
6. Any form of cheating in exams is forbidden
7. All plagiarism is unacceptable

Types of Plagiarism that will Incur Penalties

 Presenting work in any format, without appropriate attribution to the original source.
 Paraphrasing sentences or whole paragraphs without due acknowledgement by reference to
the original work.
 Related forms of collusion and cheating that will be treated in the same way as direct plagiarism
• Submitting assessment work with the intention to deceive the assessor as to the
contribution made by the student submitting the work.
• Students separately submitting the same piece of work with the intention to deceive the
assessor as to the contribution they have made to the assessment task.


Each case of plagiarism is to be taken on its own merit and appropriate action will be approved by the
head of school or CEO.

Blatant copying of others work with the intention of claiming as one’s own work or cheating / copying
others work in an exam can incur the penalty of expulsion.

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