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Recipe Recommendation System

Aditya Jadhav Ashwini Gaikwad Sakshi Bhor

Department of Computer Technology Department of Computer Technology Department of Computer Technology
Rajashri Shahu Maharaj Polytechinic: Rajashri Shahu Maharaj Polytechnic Rajashri Shahu Maharaj Polytechnic
Nashik,India Nashik,India Nashik,India

Hitesh Tolani
Department of Computer Technology
Rajashri Shahu Maharaj Polytechnic

Abstract— - Completing recipes is a challenging task, as the contribution of this paper is to propose a method for
success of ingredient combinations depends on a multitude of synthesizing new recipes based on existing ones, and
factors such as taste, smell and texture. We can pair various recommending proper recipes based on machine learning. The
available ingredients with each other and generate a dish. In this new recipes are combinations of several existing ones. They
paper, we have proposed a recipe recommendation system that are recommended to the user only if the recipe is contained of
makes use of name of ingredients or images of ingredients to proper nutrition. Outlier analysis is used to judge if a recipe is
recommend a recipe to a person who doesn’t know anything good or not. Some primary experiments are conducted to show
about the contents and its proportion in a particular recipe. the usefulness of the proposed method. Food related web
services, such as recipe websites and food journaling apps, are
Keywords—ingredients ,recommend .
rapidly becoming popular day by day. Data from service
I. INTRODUCTION providers and that generated by users often coexist in these
services .This work addresses this problem by investigating
Now a days, so many people are changing their life style. the effectiveness of multiple text embedding methods in
They are being very much aware regarding their health issues generating distributed representations of dish titles that
and the food that causes multiple diseases like BP, Heart accurately capture the concepts of the dishes which these titles
problems, Diabetes etc. These type of diseases can be limited are referring to. Many people often cook a dish with a cooking
in somewhat manner by having daily diet in proper manner recipe on Websites and magazines. Sometimes it may happen
according to a particular schedule along with recipes that all the ingredients mentioned in the recipe are not
containing suitable amount of ingredients. Everyday food is available at home. This paper proposes a recommendation
an important part of our daily lives and, currently, there are system for alternative ingredients. The recommendation
many internet sites that help us plan these meals. Allied to the ingredients based on co-occurrence frequency of ingredients
growth in the amount of food data such as recipes available on on recipe database and ingredient category stored in a cooking
the internet there is an increase in the number of studies on ontology. The result of the subjective evaluation experiments
these data, such as recipe analysis and recipe search. showed 88% appropriateness for alternative-ingredients
Recommendation systems applies CNN technique to analyse recommendation.
the data and retrieve the correct ingredients along with the IV. METHODOLOGIES
recommendations of recipes. This helps a user in reducing the
searching time to get the recipe and its procedure to cook. Also The system is divided into three parts according to
a user having some disease will eat their meal which is best functions performed by individuals. we propose the idea
for their disease. which needs to collect the data from different resources like
recipes, ingredients, nutrition values for different recipes so
II. AIM AND OBJECTIVES that we are divide the system in two subsections:-
The aim is to develop a tool that would help in pairing 1. Admin:- In admin side all data is related to recipe like add
various ingredients from different cuisines and to suggest an recipe, delete recipe, manage ingredients this operations
alternate ingredient. The objective is to help in innovation of Admin need to perform the verification of recipes posted by
new dishes and to help people allergic to certain ingredients the user with some basic user management functions. 2. User:-
by recommending alternate ingredients. Initially the user is authenticated by the application. Now user
III. LITERATURE SURVEY can upload the images of ingredients using the facility
provided by the application. The uploaded image will be
Research results on medicine and health show that people displayed on webpage and system identifies the ingredients
nowadays tend to have some common diseases because of from the Image and suggest recipe according to ingredients
abnormal eating habits, irregular lifestyles, fast-food culture, with nutritional contents along with their values.
etc. Diabetes and high blood pressure are just two examples.
This study is based on an ontology-based dietary management V. OBJECTIVES OF PROJECT
system established by our group earlier. The main

Third National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology 2023 Page 1 of 2
Help in innovation of new dishes and to help people to for health conscious people. The proposed system features a
certain ingredients by recommending alternate ingredients. low computation cost and confidentiality of the training set.
To building a proficient system to determine & recommend a
recipe based on the preferred ingredients & location. To FUTURE SCOPE
develop a system that recommends recipe similar to favourite Additionally, time constraint for a recipe to cook like 15
recipes of user. To develop a web-based system. minutes, 30 minutes and custom. Moreover, calories can be
VI. END USER DASHBOARD added as a input for a recipe which will add to functionality.
Lastly, we can also add a category of dish as input like
whether the recipe should be a desert, etc. We also aim to
explore beyond boolean retrieval methods to make our
information retrieval system more robust and industry-grade
that would provide the most significant recipes.




Applications, 77(22), pp.29457-29473.

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2015, June. Recipe recognition ith large multimodal food
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INGREDIENT RECOGNITION. International Journal of
Advance Engineering and Research Development, 04(5).

Kuo, F., Li, C., Shan, M., & Lee, S. (2012). Intelligent menu
planning. Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia 2012
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Carvalho, M., Cad`ene, R., Picard, D., Soulier, L., Thome, N.

and Cord, M., 2018, June. Cross-modal retrieval in the
cooking context:
Learning semantic text image embedding. In The 41st
International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research &
Development in Information Retrieval (pp. 35-44).
The recommendation system aims at providing recipe
recommendation based on the ingredients. If a user gives input
of a particular ingredients, recipe containing similar
ingredients will be recommended to him. Recommendation
systems are widely used for user-based personalization. It We suggest that you use a text box to insert a graphic
helps in searching for reliable and relevant information. (which is ideally a 300 dpi TIFF or EPS file, with all fonts
Recommendation system is the mechanism of embedded) because, in an MSW document, this method is
recommendation of recipe. The paper shows the detailed somewhat more stable than directly inserting a picture.
description of the system. Generally speaking, the consensus
result could be achieved by iteratively refining the local To have non-visible rules on your frame, use the
training result. The system is helpful for food lover and also MSWord “Format” pull-down menu, select Text Box >
Colors and Lines to choose No Fill and No Line.

Third National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology 2023 Page 2 of 2

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