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• Micro teaching…………………………………………………………….

D W Allen

• It is a training procedure for teacher preparation.

• It is a scaled down teaching.

• This method involves three phases:

❖ Knowledge acquisition phase

❖ Skill acquisition phase
❖ Transfer phase

• Microteaching cycle:
Models Exponent

To develop
reasoning, mental
1-Concept inductive process,
Attainment Model 1. Bruner and understanding
The Information of concepts and
Processing Source 2-Inductive Model 2. Hilda Taba principles.

To develop
competencies to
Inquiry Training Richard achieve the social
Model Suchman objective.

To develop
understanding of
methodology, to
Biological Science think logically on
Inquiry Model Joseph J. Schwab social problems.

To understand
concepts and facts
Advance and to make the
Organizational content purposeful
Model David Asubel and interesting.

To develop general
intelligence and
Cognitive Growth logic,social and
Developmental moral
Model Jean Piaget development.
Inductive approach:

❖ from specific to general

❖ this approach is mainly developmental in nature

Deductive approach:

❖ from general to specific

❖ from abstract to concrete

Lecture method:

❖ oldest method
❖ teacher centred method

Demonstration method:
❖ it means showing how something is to be done or not to be
❖ student’s role here is that of the observer and recorder of

Heuristic method:
❖ Developed by Armstrong.
❖ Here, pupils are led to discover the facts for themselves with
the help of experiments, apparatus or books.

Project method:
❖ Based on John Dewey’s philosophy.
❖ ‘Learning by doing’ and ‘ Learning by living’ are the two
cardinal principles of this method.
❖ It takes vhildren out of the class to the realities of actual life.

Problem solving method:

❖ It is the scientific process of solving problems.

• concept map:
❖ A diagram that depicts relationships between concepts.

❖ It represents ideas and information as boxes or circles.

❖ Any event where multiple speeches are made.
❖ It is a meeting or conference for the discussion of some

❖ A diagram used to visually organize information.

❖ A type of spider diagram.
❖ It is often created around a single concept, where major
ideas are connected directly to the central concept.


❖ It is a cognitive process of transferring information or

meaning from a particular subject to another.
❖ It is a similarity between concepts.

• Knowledge
• Comprehension
• Application
• Analysis
• Synthesis
• Evaluation

• Receiving
• Responding
• Valuing
• Organisation
• Characterisation

• Imitation
• Manipulation
• Precision
• Articulation

❖ Conceptual domain

Knowing and Understanding


Exploring and Discovering


Using and Applying


Feeling and Valuing

❖ creativity domain

Imaging and Creating

❖ Objective type:

▪ supply type……………………i) simple recall ii) completion

▪ selection type
I) True or false

ii) Multiple choice

iii) Matching

❖ Short Answer Type

❖ Essay type
1. A scoring guide use to evaluate the quality of students is known as:

(A) rubrics
(B) checklists
(C) inventories
(D) rating scales
Ans: a

2. The use of technology to enhance learning process is called _______ in

(A) IT
(C) Information technology
(D) Communication technology
Ans: b

3. Pedagogy is the study of

(A) education
(B) learning process
(C) teaching methods
(D) guiding students
Ans: c

4. Conferences are face to face_____________?

A. Discussions
B. Negotiations
C. Meetings
D. None of these
Ans: a

5. When a learner is learning to satisfy his needs and wants, he is actually

A. Cognitive learning
B. Sensory learning
C. Experiential learning
D. Behavioral learning
Ans: c

6. Which of the following is not considered a tool for formative assessment

(a) Oral questions

(b) MCQ
(c) Assignments
(d) Projects
Ans: b

7. The stage in which a child begins to think logically about objects and
events is known as

(a) sensory-motor stage

(b) formal operational stage
(c) preoperational stage
(d) concrete operational stage
Ans: c

8. Four distinct stages of children’s intellectual development were identified


(a) Kohlberg
(b) Erikson
(c) Piaget
(d) Skinner
Ans: c

9. …….. is considered as a sign of motivated teaching.

(a) Maximum attendance in class
(b) Remedial work given by the teacher
(c) Questioning by students
(d) Pin drop silence in the class
Ans: b

10. At lower classes the play-way method of teaching is based on

(a) theory of physical education programmes

(b) principles of methods of teaching
(c) psychological principles of development and growth
(d) sociological principles of teaching

Ans: c

11. Dyslexia is associated with

(a) mental disorder

(b) mathematical disorder
(c) reading disorder
(d) behavioural disorder

Ans: c

12. _____________ is a method where the students ask questions each other
during presentations.

A. Peer Classification
B. Oral Questioning
C. Peer Questioning
D. Peer Tutoring

Ans: c

13. An assessment is __________ if it consistently achieves the same results

with the same (or similar) students.

A. Valid
B. Invalid
C. Reliable
D. Unreliable

Ans: c

14. According to the __________, the more you do something, the better you
are at it.

A. law of effect
B. law of exercise
C. law of readiness
D. law of connectionism

Ans: b

15. A popular teacher is one who?

A. Is favorite of children
B. Respects children’s parents
C. Loves children
D. Is favorite of parents

Ans: a

16. The models based on the philosophy that learning occurs when there are
changes in mental structure are called____________?

A. Knowledge Learning Models

B. Effective Learning Models
C. Cognitive Learning Models
D. Psychomotor learning models

Ans: c

17. Rather than “telling,” teacher leads students to concept through a series
of ordered questions in____________?
A. Socratic Method
B. Aristotelian Method
C. Heuristic Method
D. Platonic Method

Ans: a

18. In co-education you:_______________?

A. You deal according to need

B. You give preference to boys over girls
C. Make separate rows of boys and girls
D. You give preference to none

Ans: a

19. A common technique to help people begin the creative process


A. calculations
B. brain storming
C. thoroughness
D. mental shortcuts

Ans: b

20. A/An __________ assessment is one which measures what it is intended

to measure.
A. Valid
B. Invalid
C. Reliable
D. Unreliable

Ans: a

21. According to John Dewey, educational process has two sides:

A. economical and sociological
B. psychological and sociological
C. economical and philosophical
D. sociological and philosophical

Ans: b

22. The simplest skill in cognitive domain of Bloom’s taxonomy

A. remembering
B. understanding
C. evaluating
D. synthesizing

Ans: a

23. The __________ says, we are motivated to gain rewards and avoid
A. law of effect
B. law of exercise
C. law of readiness
D. law of connectionism

Ans: a

24. An assessment that is carried out through the course is


A. initial assessment
B. diagnostic assessment
C. formative assessment
D. summative assessment

Ans: c

25. In John Dewey’s student-centered approach of learning, the role of the

teacher is of a____________?

A. formal authority
B. delegator
C. instructor
D. facilitator

Ans: d

26. A __________ is any activity that occurs outside the classroom for the
purpose of providing hands on experience with objects or people that only
occur in certain places?

A. Field work
B. Field Observations
C. Field walk
D. Field Trips

Ans: d

27. While teaching in the classroom, any kind of work that involves two or
more students, is a form of___________?

A. Collaborative learning
B. Collaborative project
C. Collaborative work
D. Collaborative effort

Ans: a

28. Chunking is a _____________ technique?

A. Ordering
B. Memorization
C. Knowledge
D. None of these

Ans: b

29. A process of looking at what is being assessed is called__________?

A. Assessment
B. Evaluation
C. Measurement
D. Rubrics

Ans: b

30. Formative assessment is an assessment ___________ learning?

A. to
B. of
C. by
D. for

Ans: d

31. The three domains of Bloom’s taxonomy are____________?

A. Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor

B. Cognitive, Pedagogy and Psychomotor
C. Cognitive, Affective and Pedagogy
D. Pedagogy, Affective and Psychomotor

Ans: a

32. Which from the following is NOT an informal assessment?

A. Observation
B. Project
C. Rubrics
D. Participation

Ans: b

33. A student having scientific attitude___________?

A. Becomes courageous
B. Gets goods job
C. Studies systematically
D. Thinks rationally
Ans: d

34. Which of the following strategies is problem-centered?

A. Discovery
B. Heuristic
C. Project
D. All of the above

Ans: d

35. To raise the standard of education, it is necessary to ___________?

A. to evaluate students continuously

B. to give high salary to teachers
C. to revise curriculum
D. to make good school building

Ans: a

36. The process of reasoning from one or more given statements to reach a
logically certain conclusion is called___________?

A. Deductive Reasoning
B. Inductive Reasoning
C. Qualitative Reasoning
D. Quantitative Reasoning

Ans: a

37. National level curriculum is framed on the basis of:

(a) NCF
(b) KCF
(c) NCTE
Ans: a

38. For ensuring the validity of objective type question, which of the
following is important?
(a) Marking scheme
(b) Scoring key
(c) Question wise analysis
(d) Blue print
Ans: d

39. The plan of action for transacting one unit of a subject.

(a) Dalton plan

(b) Lesson plan
(c) Unit plan
(d) Daily plan
Ans: c

40. The statutory agency which monitors the quality of teacher education is :

(c) NCTE
(d) UGC
Ans: c

41. Year plan of high school syllabus in Kerala is prepared by :

(a) SIET
(d) NCTE
Ans: c

42. In Knowledge Acquisition Phase, the student teacher:

(a) Prepares micro lesson plans for the select skills

(b) Practice the skill
(c) Gives feedback by observers
(d) Gives outline for the preparation of micro lesson plan
Ans: d

43. Which are the Micro components in Micro Teaching?

(a) Time, students, method
(b) Time, students, approach
(c) Time, students, skill
(d) Time, skill, technique
Ans: c

44. A block of related subject matter with several subunits and topics.

(a) Rule
(b) Unit
(c) Concept
(d) Fact
Ans: b

45. The plan of action for one academic year.

(a) Unit plan

(b) Year plan
(c) Lesson plan
(d) Monthly plan
Ans: b

46. Repeating the learner’s answer by the teacher is a sub skill of

(a) Non-verbal reinforcement
(b) blackboard skill
(c) Introduction skill
(d) Verbal reinforcement
Ans: d

47. Scaled down teaching encounter in size and time for skill acquisition is

(a) Macro teaching

(b) Microteaching
(c) Pre teaching
(d) Post teaching
Ans: b
48. The National level funding and implementation of higher education is
executed through which of the following

(a) SSA
(b) UGC
(c) NCTE
(d) RUSA
Ans: d

49. The immediate goal of education through learning activities is realised by

(a) Objective
(b) Aim
(c) Specification
(d) Evaluation
Ans: a

50. The method in which a hypothesis is scientifically tested

(a) Biographical method

(b) Experimental method
(c) Heuristic method
(d) Project method
Ans: b

51. The term ‘Hitch hiking’ is related to which technique.

(a) Peer tutoring
(b) Debate
(c) Seminar
(d) Brain storming
Ans: d

52. The stage in problem solving that includes the preparation of suitable
hypothesis for investigation.

(a) Survey
(b) Planning for action
(c) Problem description
(d) Discussion
And: b

53. Who developed inductive approach in science teaching?

(a) Aristotle
(b) Bruner
(c) Gagne
(d) Francis Bacon
Ans: d

54. Which of the following is the most appropriate in the preparation of a

lesson plan?

(a) Techno Pedagogical Content Knowledge

(b) Content Knowledge
(c) Technological Content Knowledge
(d) Technological Knowledge
Ans: a

55. Which domain of Bloom’s taxonomy is related to objectives such as

receiving, responding, valuing, etc?

(a) Affective domain

(b) Psychomotor domain
(c) Cognitive domain
(d) Process domain
Ans: a

56. The five domain taxonomy of instructional objective was proposed by

(a) Anderson & Krathwohl

(b) Mc Cormack and Yager
(c) Jerome S. Bruner
(d) Benjamin S. Bloom
Ans: b

57. Which is the newly added objective in Revised Bloom’s taxonomy?

(a) Understanding
(b) Analyzing
(c) Creating
(d) Evaluating
Ans: c

58. Which domain of Bloom’s taxonomy is related to changes in interests and


(a) Cognitive domain

(b) Psychomotor domain
(c) Affective domain
(d) Process domain
Ans: c

59. The major theorist of Concept Attainment Model is

(a) Jerome S.Bruner

(b) Hilda Taba
(c) David Ausubel
(d) Richard Suchman
Ans: a

60. Gestures is a sub skill of:

(a) Introduction skill

(b) Questioning skill
(c) Skill of stimulus variation
(d) Set Induction
Ans: c

61. The method for the acquisition of teaching skill is

(a) Inquiry learning

(b) Team teaching
(c) Discovery learning
(d) Micro teaching
Ans: d
62. Which of the following is not associated with child centered approaches?

(a) Teacher acts as a facilitator

(b) Students are active participants
© Classroom environment is flexible
(d) Students are passive listeners
Ans: d

63. If a student is fee from bias and prejudices and is not superstitious, then
he has developed:

(a) Scientific literacy

(b) Scientific attitude
(c) Scienetific appreciation
(d) Scientifc knowledge
Ans: b

64. Which of the following does not come under cognitive domain?

(a) knowledge
(b) application
© understanding
(d) naturalisation
Ans: d

65. Which of the following is not a graphic aid?

(a) Epidiascope
(b) chart
(c) map
(d) graph
Ans: a

66. The approach which deals with specific to general is:

(a) inductive
(b) deductive
(c) discovery
(d) eclectic
Ans: a

67. Identify the curriculum in which a widening of subject matter in every

year as well as linkage is ensured for the continuity of the topic:

(a) Core curriculum

(b) Hidden curriculum
(c) Concentric curriculum
(d) Spiral curriculum
Ans: d

68.The approach which deals with general to specific is:

(a) inductive
(b) deductive
(c) discovery
(d) eclectic
Ans: b

69. A problematic act carried to completion in its natural setting is:

(a) Observation
(b) Controlled observation
(c) Project
(d) Case study
Ans: a

70. If you want more details regarding a particular topic it is better to refer:

(a) unit plan

(b) resource unit
(c) Year plan
(d) Lesson template
Ans: a
71. Pedagogue means:
(a) teacher
(b) taught
(c) method of teaching
(d) practice of teaching
Ans: a

72. An example for teacher centered method is:

(a) Project method

(b) Heuristic method
(c) Problem solving method
(d) Lecture method
Ans: d

73. Marking scheme is associated with:

(a) Objective type

(b) Essay type
(c) Sentence completion type
(d) Supply type
Ans: b

74. While planning a lesson, the teacher raises the question “what to teach?”
The answer to this question is:

(a) Instructional objectives

(b) Learning activities
(c) Content
(d) Evaluation
Ans: a

75. Scoring key is associated with:

(a) Objective type

(b) Essay type
(c) Short answer type
(d) none of the above
Ans: a

76. Which of the following is applicable to the professional development of


(a) Pay protection

(b) Leave encashment
(c) Refresher course
(d) Remedial teaching
Ans: c

77. The test which asses how much the students have not achieved is :

(a) Unit test

(b) Diagnostic test
(c) Prognostic test
(d) Achievement test
Ans: b

78. According to Constructivism, effective learning takes place:

(a) when the teacher is very strict

(b) in an interactive classroom
(c) when the teaching is for preparation of examination
(d) in a rigid classroom
Ans: b

79. The domain which is not listed in the objectives by McCormack and

(a) Knowledge domain

(b) Creativity domain
(d) Affective domain
(d) Attitudinal domain
Ans: d
80. Which of the following is not intended for the professional development
of teachers?

(a) Science fairs

(b) Refresher courses
(c) In-service course
(d) Seminar
Ans: a

81. The whole hearted purposeful activity carried out in a social environment

(a) experiment
(b) Action research
(c) Project
(d) Case study
Ans: c

82. The test which is most appropriate to identify the learning difficulties
faced by students is:

(a) Unit test

(b) Pre-test
(c) Diagnostic test
(d) Achievement test
Ans: c

83. Discovery learning is the contribution of:

(a) Bruner
(b) Piaget
(c) Vygotsky
(d) Gagne
Ans: a

84. Which of the following is not a/an Audio-visual aid?

(a) TV
(b) Computer
(c) Taper recorder
(d) Video
Ans: c

85. Which among the following is a contribution of Piaget?

(a) Signal learning

(b) Cognitive learning
(c) Rote learning
(d) Chain learning
Ans: b

86. According to Bruner, the stage at which knowledge is represented

through images is called:

(a) Enactive stage

(b) Iconic stage
(c) Symbolic stage
(d) Visual Stage
Ans: b

87. Which among the following is not a Herbartian approach to lesson


(a) Association
(b) Generalization
(c) Application
(d) Induction
Ans: d

88. The term scaffolding is related to:

(a) Bruner
(b) Piaget
(c) Vygotsky
(d) Gagne
Ans: c

89. Evaluation at the end of the course is:

(a) Summative evaluation

(b) Formative evaluation
(c) Placement evaluation
(d) Diagnostic evaluation
Ans: a

90. OHP is an example of:

(a) Activity aid
(b) Projected aid
(c) Non-projected aid
(d) Chart
Ans: b

91. Which among the following is an activity aid?

(a) Working model
(b) Still model
(c) Video clips
(d) Field trip
Ans: d

92. Which among the following is not associated with Piaget?

(a) ZPD
(B) Schema
(C) Assimilation
(d) Accomodation
Ans: a

93. Which of the following does not come under cognitive domain?
(a) Knowledge
(b) Application
(c) Understanding
(d) Naturalisation
Ans: d

94. After a course, if the learners are able to assess what they know, what
they need to know and how to bridge the gap, they have developed:

(a) Logical thinking ability

(b) Decision making ability
(c) Problem solving ability
(d) Reflective thinking ability
Ans: d

95. An appropriate form of assessing student’s performance in practicals is:

(a) interview
(b) observation
(c) written test
(d) questionnaire
Ans: b

96. Which of the following is an objective question:

(a) true or false

(b) open ended question
(c) Essay type question
(d) Short answer type
Ans: a

97. Which of the following is not an approppiriate tool for Formative


(a) Assignment
(b) Term test
(C) Quiz and games
(d) Oral question
Ans: b
98. Standardized test are most often:
(a) Norm referenced
(b) Criterion referenced
(c) Stanine tests
(d) Judgmental in nature
Ans: a

99. The two most important characteristics of a standardized test are:

(a) Reliability and validity

(b) Reliability and accuracy
(c) Accuracy and equality
(d) Practicality and validity
(d) Validity and accuracy
Ans: b

100. The evaluation of personality is best made through:

(a) Inventory test

(b) Preference test
(c) Survey test
(d) Projective
Ans: a

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