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Sub-Saharan Africa

Extensive or intensive fish farming?
The debate continues on whether to recommend intensive
or extensive fish farming to farmers in sub-Saharan Africa

xtensive fish farming usually refers growing food crops, and then by
to fish farming conducted in diversifying the farmer’s activities over a
medium- to large-sized ponds or range of agriculture and non-agriculture
water bodies; the fish production relies ventures in pursuit of his income
merely on the natural productivity of the generating strategies. The rationale
water which is only slightly or moderately behind this is to manage risk (ex ante) and
enhanced. Externally supplied inputs are to cope with loss (ex post).
limited; costs are kept low; capital
investment is restricted; the quantity of The strategies devised will have to take
fish produced per unit area is low. In brief, into account his assets (resources, human
the control over the production factors is capital, know-how) and his investment
kept low. The return on labour is high. capacities. To carry out his strategies and
best achieve his objectives, enabling
Intensive fish farming, on the other hand, market conditions need to be present.
implies that the quantity of fish produced These are essentially a market system for
per unit of rearing area is great. To agricultural and non-agricultural factors
intensify the culture, production factors, and products. For instance, food or labour
such as feed, quality of water and quality scarcities can alter performance of the
of stocked fingerlings, are controlled to markets and prevent the farmer from
improve the production conditions. There achieving his objectives.
is steady monitoring during the
production cycle. In support of his strategies, the farmer
aims at optimizing the use of resources in
It goes without saying that all these his reach, putting to use unused or
controls entail high-tech practices and underused resources. The objective
capital-intensive investments, which add reason for going into fish farming is,
to the production costs. The returns must therefore, the expected return to be made
justify increased production costs. The from fish farming. The choice of
contribution of natural productivity into income-generating activities, amongst
fish production is low or negligible. several options available, is made on the
Besides this, intensive fish farming carries grounds of their expected returns and
with it high costs or threats to the risks involved.
Farmers can be largely divided into three
Apart from these two forms of fish categories:
farming, some speak about semi-intensive
fish farming, referring to intermediate • those with little resources and
practices, taking elements of both forms. land, no cash, short of labour, who
This is, however, ill-defined. are risk-prone and try to diversify
their production in spreading
Before suggesting which of these forms is risks, but who have little
to he recommended, one should look at manoeuvring range;
the context under which fish farming is
practised. What are the farmer’s • those with more resources,
objectives? The first objective is to ensure on-farm and off-farm; and
food security/livelihood for his
household. This can be secured, firstly, by • the rich ones.

he first group of farmers will basket weaving, herbalist activities, wine
practise fish farming as a or beer production, and so on). These
complementary or supplementary incomes are often quite important, as they
activity, while the two other groups can are part of the risk-spreading strategy to
envisage fish farming as an secure a living.
income-generating activity on its own.
In cases of failure of agricultural
This means that, for the first group, fish production due to climatic or other
farming needs to be integrated into a reasons, farmers will increasingly rely on
whole farm system, while, in the other off-farm income to tide over the critical
two cases, it could stand on its own and period, though, in some cases, as in rural
develop into a primary economic activity. Mozambique, off-farm income has no
discernible effect on calorie availability.
The greater the role fish production plays
in the generation of income, the larger the A possible explanation might be that
market needs to be to absorb the off-farm activities are primarily accessible
produced supply. The less fish is to men, while women are mostly
produced, the greater will be the home responsible for the supply of food.
consumption of the fish produced.
Non-farm income-generating activities
Many smallholder farmers, except for the are also important to provide means to
poorest ones, have off-farm incomes pay for hired labour in agriculture;
(trading activities, handicraft production, women will have to depend more on


mobilizing inter- and intra-household • fish production has proved to

linkages to provide for extra labour. provide excellent returns to land
and labour and is, therefore, a
Cash incomes are also important for the profitable production; and
purchase of planting material or fish seed
and farm inputs, as formal credit facilities • fish is a high-value commodity.
from banking institutions are not
available. Incomes generated through On the negative side, several constraints
off-farm work, sales of cash and food restraining the adoption of fish farming
crops contribute to the emergence of food must be considered. These, mainly, are:
and non-food markets with effective
demands. With the monetisation of the • the ability to master the know-how
economy, reliance on non-market of the new technology;
relations, such as informal or exchange
labour, is regressing; hired labour to be • the security of land tenure, which
paid for in cash and kind is increasing. For justifies the setting up of a costly
instance, in Nigeria, traditional patterns of investment (the construction of the
gender role in agriculture are changing, pond); and
resulting in increased participation of
Igbo women in agricultural production • the access to fish seed, to stock the
due to greater male participation in pond, and to a market, to sell the
non-farm activities and in wage fish.
In certain countries, access to wetland
Alternative productive activities with areas can be more difficult, as they are a
little requirements for capital will be common property resource, as in Malawi.
favoured. These offer a rapid return on Secure land tenure should not be
investment, which can incorporate understood in its formal sense since, as
marginal labour force (children or the such, it is not a necessary condition for
elderly). investments on land.

Any move into fish farming will be Social and cultural institutions, which
supported by an assessment of the assure individuals that they are part of a
required conditions, i.e. suitable land stable, equitable, well-adapted set of
(water-logged soil or proximity to a water rights and duties, give the tenure
stream), availability of water and inputs arrangements meaning. Also, security of
(agricultural by-products and manure), land tenure is less important if the
the anticipated returns from the available investment pay-back period is short.
resources, and whether these are greater
than those (expected or real) generated by The various types of fish farming
other uses of the same resources accessible to farmers in rural or pen-urban
(production of rice in marsh areas, areas in developing countries are,
compared to that of fish), and expected essentially, fish farming in earthen ponds,
marketing facilities for the fish produced. irrigated rice fields, dams and reservoirs,
and in pen or cages.
The benefits generated by fish farming
are: Irrigation
The ponds are either drainable, i.e. fed
• a homestead pond has multiple from an irrigation canal or rainfed, or
purposes and contributes to non-drainable, dug in the water table.
increasing overall farm Existing irrigated rice fields can be used.
This is done by stocking them with fish
• fish is an important ingredient in and shrimps. Fisheries production in
human nutrition, as a source of dams, reservoirs and natural water bodies
animal protein, as a tasty relish can be enhanced by stocking fish in them.
and as a prestige food; Further, pens and cages can be set up in
dams, reservoirs and lakes to rear fish.


The bulk of fish produced in sub-Saharan labour force, and the use of hired labour
Analysis Africa by fish farming comes from ponds must be minimized.
and irrigated rice fields. What should be
the level of intensity of fish farming? Once these conditions are met and fish
Before recommending anything, it farming is adopted by the farmers, the fish
should be remembered that fish farming produced can be self-consumed and thus
can only be envisaged as an economic contribute to the household food security.
activity and, therefore, there is a need to However, sustainability of fish farming
investigate the prerequisites for the will be enhanced if there is an excess of
establishment of a healthy farmed-fish farmed-fish production, a fair outlet for
market. Amongst these, successful fish marketing the fish and the establishment
farming is one prerequisite. of a farmed fish market.

o be successful, the technology To this effect, there must be a demand for
should be feasible, productive and farmed-fish; the cumulative offer of
profitable. This means that fish farmed-fish produced by the fish farmers
farming should be within the capacity of must meet a certain number of criteria: the
the farmer—understood as the farmer’s supply must be regular, the quality of
household and not as the male or female supply must be adequate and the fish
heading the farming household, i.e. must fetch a fair price. The market
compatible within his/her indigenous requires that enough cash be in
knowledge system; be easily circulation, or at the disposal of the
accommodated within his/her time or customers, to enable transactions to take
labour availability, cash or capital place easily.
availabilities, resources or resource base.
Intensification of fish farming can only
Further, fish farming should be occur if there is a discrepancy between the
productive; though, if the homestead demand and supply. An increase in the
pond is considered for under its pivotal supply of farmed fish can be met with an
role of supporting numerous on-farm increase in the area under production, i.e.
activities, it can not be assessed from the an increase of the number of producers or,
mere perspective of the amount of fish alternatively, an increase in the average
produced, as the benefits include an area of the fish farmer.
improved overall farm performance.
These multipurpose ponds provide water Another way to raise production is to
for domestic use, for watering vegetables, resort to intensification. This can be
livestock, trapping wild fish, serving as realized by improved fish feed, by
bioreactors to dispose wastes, and so on. improving the size and quality of the fish,
and by increasing the water quality.
Also, the amounts of fish harvested from Compounding and pelleting feed to
a pond are differently assessed, according reduce wastage and to meet the
to expectations. For poor farmers, a few nutritional requirements of the fish is, for
small fish harvested from a pond instance, an improvement over the use of
erratically fed can be a definite domestic wastes as feed
improvement to a diet; the marginal
benefits of this production are Different strains
substantial. ‘Productive’ is, therefore, a Strains selected for faster growth, late
relative and not an absolute term. maturity, male monosex fish, diploid and
triploid fish, association with a predator,
Finally, the profitability of fish farming association of fish with various feeding
can be assessed in comparison to other regimes, artificial aeration of the water to
productions. To be profitable, costs improve the dissolved oxygen to enable
should be kept at bay, meaning that the higher stocking densities, and veterinary
inputs should be drawn, as much as control to prevent health and disease
possible, out of the farmer’s resources problems, are all technological
base, making best use of underused improvements to raise output.
by-products of farm activities. Labour
requirements must be, as far as possible, Intensification will call for specialization
accommodated within the available in the various stages (feed preparation,


seed production) of production, which autonomy of fish farming activities, since,

entails [he transfer of technology, the soon, on-farm resources alone are not
establishment of production units of the enough to support the increased
specialized sub-products (feed, seed) for production requirements, and inputs
intensified fish farming. This requires have to be provided from outside the
capital and investment, but also the farm, with all the attendant consequences.
market to sustain these operations at a
large enough scale to be profitable. In many sub-Saharan African countries,
fish farming production is low and could

ide effects, in terms of potentially contribute much more to rural
environmental damages, for economies. The first priority is to promote
instance, polluted water emissions the adoption of fish farming on a wider
from farms, destruction of ecological scale, either for home consumption or for
buffer zones such as marshes and income generation.
mangroves, destruction of biodiversity in
these habitats, release of genetically The technological options so far extended
transformed fish species and the have not been sufficiently integrated
introduction of exotic species in natural within indigenous knowledge systems to
waters result from fish farming. These establish a solid and consistent
effects tend to increase as fish farming gets farmed-fish production base.
Further, preparation of commercial feed The reasons for this failure stem from too
relies heavily on fishmeal, made of small much dependence on inputs (fish seed,
pelagics fished at sea. This is not the most feed) provided from outside, which could
sensible way to make use of fish protein, not be provided reliably or which needed
nor is it the most economical way to cash to be procured, and a lack or
produce fish. inadequate integration of the activities
within the whole farm system.
In brief, intensification of fish farming
tends to be an increasingly Once locally adapted and sustainable
market-oriented production, often a forms of fish farming have developed and
monoculture, with poor waste begin expanding, then the supply and,
management. It is oriented towards concomitantly, the demand can be
short-term economic benefit and profit, expected to steadily increase. With the
mostly at the cost of the environment. adoption of fish farming production as an
Intensification of production leads to an economic activity, a factor and product


market will be established. An increase of species to produce uniform, large-size
Analysis the area under production will be specimens. Feeding and maintenance of
followed by a move towards an increase the ponds are done with bulky, cheap
in quantity and improvements in quality. agricultural by-products, available
The existing situation of many rural locally.
economies suffers from a vicious circle.
Fish farming development in rural areas

he production of smallholder must find its own, domestically adapted
farmers is low, just enough to production technology, integrated in the
survive but below the level where local context. There is no “blueprint”
it could generate some income-enabling technology that could be recommended;
investments; the production is poor the technology must be developed by
because inputs (fertilizers and improved farmers, possibly with the assistance of
seeds) are not used since there is no cash scientists. If fish farming as an economic
(or credit) to purchase them; due to production is expected to take off, it
shortage of agricultural and should be offered adequate markets.
non-agricultural Incomes, there is
shortage of agricultural labour during the Intensification of fish farming appears
peak demand (for clearing, weeding, where there is a greater demand for
ridging), leading to low yields. farmed fish, i.e. in the vicinity of towns
and cities. This intensification is not meant
Smallholder farmers produce essentially to please the promoters of fish farming nor
the same range of food crops, which are is it the result of development efforts. It is
all harvested at the same time, flood the the result of the existence of an effective
local market and fetch very low prices market.
when the seasonal demand is low. In
many cases, there are no facilities to Effective market
collect the goods and bring them to The intensification carried out is mainly
markets where there is a demand. labour-intensive, not capital-intensive.
Specialization in sub-products of the
If the surplus production is collected, the production process, such as the pegging
bulk of the profits goes to the middlemen. and construction of the pond, and the
There is no incentive to increase production of fingerlings for stocking
agricultural production. Goods are not have also occurred.
available in the local markets because of
insufficient effective demand; such
demand will not emerge unless
smallholders can generate increased cash
incomes through off-farm work or
greater sales of cash or food crops.

Within this environment, the production

of a highly perishable commodity, such
as fish, can not be advocated without due
consideration for its marketing. The
conditions for establishment of a market
with an effective demand for food crops,
including fish, are found in the vicinity of
urban areas.

It is in those areas that sustainable forms

of semi-artisanal fish fanning have
appeared in many sub-Saharan African
countries. The process of intensification This article is by Guy Delince, an
of fish farming has concentrated on independent fisheries planning
advisor from Belgium
labour-intensive, and not
capital-intensive, production factors. Fish
are selected and associated with predator


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