Term 1 English Revision Pack

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Year 5 Revision Pack

Prefixes: Finishing Sentences
Independent, subordinate and embedded clauses.
Direct and Reported Speech
Punctuation Thief! Someone has removed all the punctuation from ‘James and the Giant
Peach’. Read it aloud twice to help you insert the correct punctuation.

Hint: Look at the boxes below to choose the appropriate punctuation.

theres more magic and power in that brown bag than in all the rest of the world put
together the old man said softly but what are they james murmured finding his voice
at last. where do they come from. ah-ha the old man whispered youd never guess
that. he was crouching a little now and pushing his face closer to james until the tip of
his long nose was actually touching the skin on james’s forehead.

Commas (,) Full stops (.)

Exclamation marks (!) Apostrophes (’)
Speech marks (“ ”) Ellipsis (…)
Question marks (?) CAPITAL LETTERS
Use the following picture to write your own setting description. Imagine that you are standing in this place, and describe it to a reader. You
should write in the 1st person perspective. Remember to use the 5 senses when writing your setting description.
You can use the page that is attached. Make sure you include correct punctuation, grammar, spelling, and lots of descriptive language!

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