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 La belle de sans merci written by John Keats is a romantic

and theoretical poet who mainly focused about romance and
beauty after he got diagnosed with Tuberculosis.
 This poem is about a young lady who is an imaginary
character in the knight’s world.
She lures the knight into love with her.
 She is a symbol of death.
 The keatsian poem La Belle De Sans Merci is a romantic
poem composed by John Keats in which he creates a
surrealistic fantasy world in which he compares himself to a
knight who is fascinated by the beautiful ‘Faery’ called death
who is merciless in consuming the rights of human beings
when the right time comes.
 In this way, the poem vividly illustrates the lyrical voices and
spiritual yearning to escape his physical and physiological
discomfort in his mundane life caused by Tuberculosis
travelling to eternity with death, his only true companion.
 Pale - physically exhausted (Keats) sees him as a knight who
is pale and lonely, and death is his only companion that can
be referred as the Faery in his true self at this moment.
 Through the poem the poet refers to the vocab through the
sage- the grass has almost dried (Negative)
 Lake and grass symbols that his life is dried as TB dries it.
 The only force that can recover him is death.
 He uses alliteration to create a sinisterly world to create a
fantastical world for the reader.
 Haggard- differ.
 Woe- begone- become incredibly sad.
 He becomes woe begone because his agony, misery and
 Green meads are referred to freshness.
 The poet feels that death was positive and fresh for him.
 Ordinary people’s attitude towards death is sad and negative.
 While as the poet was going to mark a fresh beginning in his
life by the positive and encountered death as it is not negative
and destructive thing for the poet.
 Death is a blessing for him which helps to create a new
chapter in his life.
 The beauty of death is beyond describing the beauty where
the poet romanticizes the poem.
 “full”- shows that how much fantastical and romantic is the
 ‘a faery child’ conveys that they are the most innocence-in
common perspective of death which is seen as an evil thing
that Keats see as an angelic force that helps him to reach
death easily but in a fantastic way.
 Caesura is used in this poem to show the writer’s perspective
and amazement which he sees that he is gradually inspired
which he creates a positive appeal to the reader.
 ‘Her hair was long’- hair represents the beauty by stating that
death’s ‘hair’ is long he further emphasizes the undying
beauty of death.
 ‘Her foot was light’- where reader didn’t see death coming.
 John Keats had a vast experience about Death because he
was fighting with Tuberculosis where he wore a flower
garland around his head which welcomes him to death with
the blessings of nature.
 ‘makes a sweet moan’

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