فيزياء الصف الثالث- كامل العام الدراسي

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‫الصف الثالث‬

‫التخصصات الصناعية (لغة انجليزية)‬

‫‪Third Grade‬‬
‫)‪For industrial (English‬‬

‫‪2023 - 2024‬‬
‫الصف الثاني – تكنولوجيا الخدع والمؤثرات الفنية‬ ‫‪4‬‬

Student guide
Third secondary

Prepared by
Saeed Mohamed Ali
Revised by
Dr. Aziza Ragab Khalifa
‫وحدة إدارة وتشغيل مدارس التكنولوجيا التطبيقية‬


Chapter one : Waves

Chapter two :Heat
Chapter three : Dynamic electricity
Chapter four :Magnetic effect of electric current
Chapter five :Electromagnetic induction

1 ‫الصفحة‬ ‫ الثالث الثانوي‬/‫الصف‬ ‫ الفيزياء‬/ ‫المقرر‬

‫وحدة إدارة وتشغيل مدارس التكنولوجيا التطبيقية‬

Chapter one
Lesson number Subject page
Lesson 1 Vibration motion

Lesson 2 Wave motion

Lesson 3 Light

Lesson 4 Total internal reflection

Dear student, by the end of this chapter you should have the following skills and
Differentiate between the wave motion and vibration motion.
Identify the types of waves
Deffernciate between the types of waves
Explain some physical quantities such as Amplitude, frequency, periodic time and
Explain the light reflection and refraction
State the relation between wave velocity, frequency, and wavelength
Calculate the refractive index of a material
Determine the critical angle for internal reflection

2 ‫الصفحة‬ ‫ الثالث الثانوي‬/‫الصف‬ ‫ الفيزياء‬/ ‫المقرر‬

‫وحدة إدارة وتشغيل مدارس التكنولوجيا التطبيقية‬

Lesson 1
Vibrational motion
Periodic motion is motion of an object that regularly returns to a given position
after a fixed time interval, such as vibrational (oscillatory) motion and wave
The vibrational motion
Examples of vibration sources:
There are many forms of vibrating sources
1) Simple pendulum
2) Tuning fork.
3) Vibrating stretched string.
4) Weight attached to a vibrating spring

To study vibrations we need to define some physical quantities such as displacement,

amplitude, complete vibration, periodic time and frequency
1) The displacement
It is the distance between the position of a vibrating body at any instant and its position
of rest.
2) Amplitude (A) (measured in m)
It is the maximum displacement away from the o riginal position.
3) The complete vibration
It is the motion of vibrating body through an interval between the instant of passing by
one point on the path two successive times at the same phase.
4) Periodic time ( T ) (measured in sec)
It is the time taken by a vibrating body to make one complete vibration.
5) The frequency (ν) (measured in Hz)
It is the number of complete vibrations (oscillations) per unit time (in one second)

3 ‫الصفحة‬ ‫ الثالث الثانوي‬/‫الصف‬ ‫ الفيزياء‬/ ‫المقرر‬

‫وحدة إدارة وتشغيل مدارس التكنولوجيا التطبيقية‬

Solved example
A simple pendulum makes 1200 complete vibrations in a minute. In each complete
vibration it cuts a distance of 20 cm. Calculate:
a) The amplitude of the vibration of the pendulum
b) The frequency
c) Periodic time
The solution
Amplitude = 20/4 = 5 cm= 0.05m
Frequency = 1200/60 = 20 Hz
Periodic time = 60/1200 = 1/20 = 0.05 sec

4 ‫الصفحة‬ ‫ الثالث الثانوي‬/‫الصف‬ ‫ الفيزياء‬/ ‫المقرر‬

‫وحدة إدارة وتشغيل مدارس التكنولوجيا التطبيقية‬

Lesson 2
Wave motion
Many of us enjoy watching waves on the surface of water
pushing a fishing float or a boat up and down, or even
making waves by throwing a pebble in a pond or still
water.Each pebble becomes a source of disturbance in the
water, spreading waves as concentric circles.
You encounter waves all the time in your daily life. For
example, you can see because of visible light waves and
hear because of sound waves.
Waves on the surface of liquid, sound waves, waves on stretched strings
Electromagnetic radiations, such as light, x-rays, radio waves, infrared and
ultraviolet radiation
Wave is a disturbance that propagates and transports energy in the direction of its
propagation through medium or space
Types of waves:
1- Mechanical waves
It is the disturbance that propagates through a medium, such as sound waves, water
2- Electromagnetic waves:
It is the disturbance that propagates through a medium or space, such as light waves,
x- rays, radio waves and γ - rays.
Mechanical waves need a medium for their propagation
Electromagnetic waves do need a medium for their propagation
The important conditions for producing mechanical waves:
(1) A source of disturbance (vibrator) (oscillator).
(2) A medium that carries the disturbance.
(3) A disturbance transmitted from the source to the medium.

5 ‫الصفحة‬ ‫ الثالث الثانوي‬/‫الصف‬ ‫ الفيزياء‬/ ‫المقرر‬

‫وحدة إدارة وتشغيل مدارس التكنولوجيا التطبيقية‬

Types of the mechanical waves:

a) Longitudinal waves:
1- The longitudinal wave is the wave motion in
which the particles of the medium vibrate in the
same direction of propagation of the wave.
2- The wave is propagated in the form of compressions and rarefactions
Examples: sound waves - the wave on a stretched string.
b) Transverse waves
1- The transverse wave is the wave in which the
particles of the medium vibrate perpendicular to
the direction of propagation of the wave.
2- The wave is propagated in the form of crests
and troughs
Examples: water waves - the wave in a stretched wire.
Wave characteristics:
the wave can be described by its wavelength, frequency, amplitude, periodic time,

Wave length (λ)

It is the distance between any two successive points having the same phase
It is the distance taken by a vibrating body to make one complete wave
𝐭𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞
𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬
Frequency (ν)
Number of waves passing by a certain point (source) along the wave path in one
𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬
𝐭𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞
Periodic time (T)
It is the time taken by a wave to make one complete wave.
𝐭𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞
𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬

6 ‫الصفحة‬ ‫ الثالث الثانوي‬/‫الصف‬ ‫ الفيزياء‬/ ‫المقرر‬

‫وحدة إدارة وتشغيل مدارس التكنولوجيا التطبيقية‬

Relation between the frequency, the wave length and Velocity of Propagation:
v= λν
v: wave velocity (measured in meter/second )(m/s)
λ: wavelength of the wave (measured in meter)(m)
ν: frequency of the wave (measured in Hertz)(Hz)

Solved example
If the wavelength of a sound wave produced by audio source is 0.5m the frequency is
666 Hz, calculate the velocity of propagation of sound in air
The solution
v = λ ν = 0.5 × 666 = 333m/s
Solved example
From the opposite diagram ,find
a) The amplitude.
b) The frequency.
c) The wave length
d) The velocity.
The solution
Amplitude = 6 cm
Frequency = 1.5/0.06 = 25 Hz
Wavelength = 15/1.5 = 10 cm
v = λ ν = 0.1 × 25 = 2.5 m/s

7 ‫الصفحة‬ ‫ الثالث الثانوي‬/‫الصف‬ ‫ الفيزياء‬/ ‫المقرر‬

‫وحدة إدارة وتشغيل مدارس التكنولوجيا التطبيقية‬

Lesson 3
Light is an electromagnetic wave that occupies a small range in the electromagnetic
spectrum that consists of radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet,
X-rays and γ-rays.

Light is an indispensible form of energy. The Sun is the main natural source of energy
to us. The energy from the Sun is almost divided between heat and light. Thanks to the
light from the Sun, the plants perform photosynthesis, hence make their own food.
Man depends on plants and animals, which in turn feed on plants. We have seen before
that sound has a wave nature. It propagates from a source causing mechanical waves in
the medium. Light also has a wave nature. It is subject to the laws of reflection,
refraction, interference and diffraction. But light is different from sound in that it does
not require a medium to propagate in. Light is part of an extensive range of waves
called electromagnetic waves, which all travel at a constant speed in space equal to
3 × 108 m/s, while varying in frequency.

8 ‫الصفحة‬ ‫ الثالث الثانوي‬/‫الصف‬ ‫ الفيزياء‬/ ‫المقرر‬

‫وحدة إدارة وتشغيل مدارس التكنولوجيا التطبيقية‬

Reflection and refraction of light

Light propagates in straight lines in all directions, unless met by an obstructing
medium. If so, it undergoes reflection, refraction and partial absorption depending on
the nature of the medium.
First: Reflection of light:
Reflection is defined as the bouncing back (return) of a
ray of light into the same medium, when it strikes a
reflecting surface (such as mirrors).
Laws of reflection:
1- Angle of incidence = angle of reflection.
2-The incident ray , the reflected ray & the normal to
the surface of reflection at the point of incidence , all
lie in one plane perpendicular to the plane of the
reflecting surface.
If the light falls normally (perpendicularly) on a reflecting surface, it will reflect on
The angle of incidence = The angle of reflection = zero

Two mirrors make an angle of 120° with each other,
as in Figure. A ray is incident on mirror M1 at an
angle of 60° to the normal. Find the angle the ray
makes with the normal to M2 after it is reflected
from both mirrors

Secondly: Refraction of light

(It is the bending of a light wave when it passes
from one medium to another at the surface
separating the two media due to the change of
speed of light in different media of different

9 ‫الصفحة‬ ‫ الثالث الثانوي‬/‫الصف‬ ‫ الفيزياء‬/ ‫المقرر‬

‫وحدة إدارة وتشغيل مدارس التكنولوجيا التطبيقية‬

The two laws of refraction:

1) The ratio between the sin the angle of incidence to sin the angle of refraction is
constant and is known as the refractive index between the two media (n12)

v1 sin θ1
n12 = =
v2 sin θ2
2) The incident ray, refracted ray and the normal to the separating surface at the point
of incidence lie in the same plane
The absolute refractive index (n):
It is the ratio between the light speed in free space (air) (c = 3 × 108 m / s) to the light
speed in medium

c sin θair
n= =
v sin θmedium
The relative refractive index:
It is the ratio between the absolute refraction index of the second medium to the
absolute refraction index of the first medium.
n2 v1 sin θ1
𝒏𝟏𝟐 = = =
n1 v2 sin θ2
Snell’s law
n1 × sin θ1 = n2 × sin θ2

n1: absolute refraction index of the first medium

n2: absolute refraction index of the second medium
v1: speed of light in the first medium
v2: speed of light in the second medium
θ1: angle of incidence in the first medium (The angle of incidence is measured with
respect to the normal at the refractive boundary)
θ2: angle of refraction in the second medium (The angle of refraction is measured with
respect to the normal at the refractive boundary)

1) The definition of abspolute refractive index shows that the index of refraction is a
dimensionless number greater than unity because v is always less than c.
2) The relative refractive index may be more or less than one.
3) When light travels from denser medium (optically) to less dense medium, the
relative refractive index is smaller than one and vice versa.
4) By increasing the angle of incidence in first medium, the angle of refraction in the
second medium will increase.

10 ‫الصفحة‬ ‫ الثالث الثانوي‬/‫الصف‬ ‫ الفيزياء‬/ ‫المقرر‬

‫وحدة إدارة وتشغيل مدارس التكنولوجيا التطبيقية‬

From the table Medium Refractive index
1- When light travels from air to glass, what will Air 1
happen to speed of light? Water 1.3333
2- When light travels from water to glass, what will Glass 1.5
happen to speed of light?
3- When light travels from glass to water, what will happen to speed of light?
4- Calculate the relative refractive index when light travels from glass to water

11 ‫الصفحة‬ ‫ الثالث الثانوي‬/‫الصف‬ ‫ الفيزياء‬/ ‫المقرر‬

‫وحدة إدارة وتشغيل مدارس التكنولوجيا التطبيقية‬

Lesson 4
Total internal reflection
The critical angle
(It is the angle of incidence in the denser medium (1st
medium) that corresponds to an angle of refraction in
the less dense medium (2nd medium) equal to 90°)

Calculating the value of critical angle

n1 × sin θ1 = n2 × sin θ2
θ1 = θc (the critical angle) if θ2 = 90o
n1 × sin θc = n2 × sin 90o

Solved problem
If the absolute refractive index of glass and water are 1.6 and 1.33, respectively,
calculate the critical angle for light falling from glass into water
The solution

n1 × sin θc = n2 × sin 90o

1.6 × sin θc = 1.33 × sin 90o
θc = 56.23o
Total internal reflection
If the light ray falls on the denser medium by an angle (θ)
(the angle of incidence) more than the critical angle (θc),
total internal reflection takes place (all the light become
reflected internally without loss of energy)

12 ‫الصفحة‬ ‫ الثالث الثانوي‬/‫الصف‬ ‫ الفيزياء‬/ ‫المقرر‬

‫وحدة إدارة وتشغيل مدارس التكنولوجيا التطبيقية‬

Application of total internal reflection:

1- The optical fibers:
a) The optical fibers is a fine hollow tube
of a transparent material (glass or
plastic) of high refractive index
(small critical angle)
b) When a ray of light enters the tube, it
suffers successive reflections. (Since
the angle of incidence is greater than
the critical angle).Till it emerges from the other end of the tube without loss of
a) A thousands of these fibers may be used in the transport of light without much
b) Optical fibers and laser beams are used in medical examination (endoscopes) and
treatment and in communications in computer.
Note that:
Each fiber coated with a thin layer of a material of lower refractive index
a) To keep the light rays inside the core without escaping
b) To reflect any rays escaping from the core to keep the intensity of light without

13 ‫الصفحة‬ ‫ الثالث الثانوي‬/‫الصف‬ ‫ الفيزياء‬/ ‫المقرر‬

‫وحدة إدارة وتشغيل مدارس التكنولوجيا التطبيقية‬

2- Totally reflecting prism:

a) 90o isosceles glass prism is used (90°, 45°, 45°) (45° right angled prism)
b) Total internal reflection in glass depends on the fact that its critical angle is
approximately 42o (θc = 42°)
a) Used to change the path of light rays either by 90° or 180° .
b) Used in optical equipment (periscope in submarine and binoculars).

1- The reflecting prism is preferred to metallic mirrors
a) Because in the reflecting prism, the reflection is 100%.
b) Also the metallic mirror may lose its luster and hence its ability to reflect decreases.
2- The reflecting face of the reflecting prism is covered with a thin layer of
Aluminum Fluoride (cryolite) or Magnesium
To minimize the loss of light in the reflecting prism, this material has refractive
index less than that of a glass

14 ‫الصفحة‬ ‫ الثالث الثانوي‬/‫الصف‬ ‫ الفيزياء‬/ ‫المقرر‬

‫وحدة إدارة وتشغيل مدارس التكنولوجيا التطبيقية‬

Chapte two
Lesson number Subject page
Lesson 1 Measuring heat

Lesson 2 Heat Transfer

Dear student, by the end of this chapter you should have the following skills and
Differentiate between temperatre and heat
Measure temperature in different scales
Describe how energy changes as a result of enrgy transfer
Understanding the relation between the length of liquid column with temperature in
Liquid thermometer
Differentiate between the heat capacity and the specific heat
Identify the the relation between thermal internal energy and temperature

Lesson 1
15 ‫الصفحة‬ ‫ الثالث الثانوي‬/‫الصف‬ ‫ الفيزياء‬/ ‫المقرر‬
‫وحدة إدارة وتشغيل مدارس التكنولوجيا التطبيقية‬

Measuring Heat
The terms (temperature) and (heat) are often used interchangeably in everyday
language. In physics, however, these two terms have very different meanings.
We’ll define temperature in terms of how it’s measured and see how temperature
changes affect the dimensions of objects. We’ll see that heat refers to energy transfer
caused by temperature differences.
The concept of temperature is rooted in qualitative ideas of “hot” and “cold” based on
our sense of touch. A body that feels hot usually has a higher temperature than a
similar body that feels cold.
Temperature vs. Heat
Temperature depends on the physical state of a material and is a quantitative
description of its hotness or coldness.
Heat always refers to energy in transit from one body or system to another because of
a temperature difference,
Changing temperature:
Many properties of matter that we can measure depend on changing temperature such
as the length of a metal rod, steam pressure in a boiler, the ability of a wire to conduct
an electric current, and the color of a very hot glowing object.

Effect of temperature
1) Changing the state of matter
When the temperature increases, the material changes from solid state to liquid
state for example, change piece of ice into water.also change water from liquid
state into vapor state.
2) Most materials expand when their temperatures increase.
When matter gets hot (gain temperature), its molecules go faster and take up more
spaces and the solid, liquid or gas expands and vice versa.Rising temperatures make
the liquid expand in a liquid-in-tube thermometer ,the decks of bridges need special
joints and supports to allow for expansion.
Thermometers and the Temperature Scales
Thermometers are devices used to measure the temperature of a system. All
thermometers are based on the principle that some physical property of a system
changes as the system’s temperature changes.

Thermal equilibrium

16 ‫الصفحة‬ ‫ الثالث الثانوي‬/‫الصف‬ ‫ الفيزياء‬/ ‫المقرر‬

‫وحدة إدارة وتشغيل مدارس التكنولوجيا التطبيقية‬

“The state in which two bodies in physical contact with each other have identical
Thermal equilibrium is the basis for measuring temperature with thermometers. By
placing a thermometer in contact with an object and waiting until the column of liquid
in the thermometer stops rising or falling, you can find the temperature of the object.
This is because the thermometer is in thermal equilibrium.

1) If two systems (or several systems) A and B are in thermal equilibrium, we say
they have the same temperature
2) If two systems (or several systems) A and B are not in thermal equilibrium, we say
they have different temperature
3) If two systems A, B each in thermal equilibrium, separately with a third system C,
then A, B are in thermal equilibrium, the third system may be a thermometer

Temperature scales and The relationships between the different temperature scales
There are three scales
1) the Celsius temperature scale (TC)
2) the Fahrenheit temperature scale (TF)
3) the Kelvin temperature scale (absolute temperature )(TK)
Converting Temperatures
To change from Celsius to Kelvin we use the relation
𝑻𝑲 = 𝑻𝒄 + 𝟐𝟕𝟑
To convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius, we use the relation
𝑻𝑭 = ( × 𝑻𝒄 ) + 𝟑𝟐

Temperature scales TC TF TK
The freezing temperature of pure water (ice point) 0 C 32 oF 273 K
The boiling temperature of pure water (steam point) 100 oC 212 oF 373 K

1) On a day when the temperature reaches 50oF, what is the temperature in degrees
Celsius and in kelvins?

2) Rank (arrange) the following temperatures from highest to lowest:

(a) 0 oC (b) 0 oF; (c) 260 K; (d) 77K ;(e) -180 °C.

17 ‫الصفحة‬ ‫ الثالث الثانوي‬/‫الصف‬ ‫ الفيزياء‬/ ‫المقرر‬

‫وحدة إدارة وتشغيل مدارس التكنولوجيا التطبيقية‬

To use temperature as a measure of hotness or coldness, we
need to construct a temperature scale. To do this, we can use
any measurable property of a system that varies with its
“hotness” or “coldness.the opposite Figure shows a familiar
system that is used to measure temperature.
Liquid thermometer
It is the common thermometer in everyday that consists of a
liquid (mercury or alcohol) inside a glass capillary tube. It is
based on the principle that is the regular change of the length
of liquid (volume of a liquid) column with temperature
i.e. Any temperature change in the range of the thermometer can be defined as being
proportional to the change in length of the liquid column.
Calculating the temperature that correspods the length of liquid column in the
𝐋𝐭 − 𝐋𝟎 𝐕𝐭 − 𝐕𝟎
𝐭 = 𝟏𝟎𝟎 × = 𝟏𝟎𝟎 ×
𝐋𝟏𝟎𝟎 − 𝐋𝟎 𝐕𝟏𝟎𝟎 − 𝐕𝟎
Lt (Vt): the length (volume) of liquid column at temperature (t)
L0 (V0): the length (volume) of liquid column at 0 oC
L100 (V100): the length (volume) of liquid column at 100 oC
1) Mercury thermometer cannot be used below the freezing point of mercury, which is
(-39oC), and an alcohol thermometer is not useful for measuring temperatures above
85oC, the boiling point of alcohol.
2) It is useful to distinguish between an actual temperature (t) and a difference or
change in temperature (Δ t). For Example, an actual temperature (t) of is stated as
20 oC, and a difference or change in temperature (Δ t) of is 20 oC. A beaker of water
heated from 30 oC to 50 oC undergoes a temperature change of 20 oC.
Actual temperatures are t1 = 30 oC, t2 = 50 oC. But difference or change in
temperature (Δ t) = 50 - 30 = 20 oC

18 ‫الصفحة‬ ‫ الثالث الثانوي‬/‫الصف‬ ‫ الفيزياء‬/ ‫المقرر‬

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Solved problem
If the length of mercury in a thermometer = 15 cm at the melting point of ice and the
length of mercury in a thermometer = 40 cm at the boiling point of water. Find the
temperature at which the length of mercury in a thermometer = 25 cm.
The solution
𝐋 −𝐋 𝟐𝟓− 𝟏𝟓
𝐭 = 𝟏𝟎𝟎 × 𝐭 𝟎 = 𝟏𝟎𝟎 × = 𝟒𝟎 oC
𝐋𝟏𝟎𝟎 − 𝐋𝟎 𝟒𝟎− 𝟏𝟓

Choose the correct answer
If the temperature of a person increases by 2 on the Celsius scale, the temperature
increases on Kelvin scale by………. K
a) 2 b) 275 c) 271 d) 371 e) 375

19 ‫الصفحة‬ ‫ الثالث الثانوي‬/‫الصف‬ ‫ الفيزياء‬/ ‫المقرر‬

‫وحدة إدارة وتشغيل مدارس التكنولوجيا التطبيقية‬

Lesson 2
Heat transfer
1- When you put a cold spoon into a cup of hot coffee, the spoon warms up and the
coffee cools down as they approach thermal equilibrium. The interaction that
causes these temperature changes is fundamentally a transfer of energy from one
substance to another. Energy transfer that takes place because of a temperature
difference is called heat transfer, and energy transferred in this way is called heat.
2- It is well known that any material in the form of a solid, liquid or gas is composed
of molecules.
Thermal internal energy:
The Thermal internal energy of a body is the sum of the kinetic energy and potential
energy of its molecules.
Heat transfer
1) external heat is the thermal energy that is transmitted from the surrounding medium
to the material or vice versa
2) heat transfer may cause an increase in the internal thermal energy
3) heat transfer takes place if there is a difference in temperature
4) heat transfer takes place from the side of higher temperature to the side of lower
Note that the temperature of a body is a measure of its internal energy
Quantity of Heat (Qth)
𝐐𝐭𝐡 = 𝐦 𝐜 ∆𝐭
m : mass of the object
c : specific heat (it is a physical property of a material different for different materials
i.e. does not depend on mass of the object )
Δt : difference (change ) in temperature
1) Q and Δt can be either positive or negative. When they are positive, heat enters
the body (gain energy) and its temperature increases; when they are negative,
heat leaves the body (lose energy) and its temperature decreases.
2) If the temperature of a body is constant but different from that of surrounding
medium.Therefore ,the rate of the heat gained by the material equals the rate of
the heat lost by the material

20 ‫الصفحة‬ ‫ الثالث الثانوي‬/‫الصف‬ ‫ الفيزياء‬/ ‫المقرر‬

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*The relation between thermal internal energy and temperature

When the body gains a quantity of heat energy (increase in the temperature)
1) the amplitude of vibration of the molecules increases
2) the velocity of the molecules increases
3) the kinetic energy of the molecules increases
4) the internal energy of the molecules increases
When the body loses a quantity of heat energy (decrease in the temperature)
1) the amplitude of vibration of the molecules decreases
2) the velocity of the molecules decreases
3) the kinetic energy of the molecules decreases
4) the internal energy of the molecules decreases
The heat capacity of a body
(It is the heat quantity required to the whole body to raise its temperature by one
𝐪𝐭𝐡 =
Where qth : the heat capacity of a body measured in (J/ K)
Qth : the quantity of heat measured in Joules (J)
 t : the change of temperature (K)
Note that
The heat capacity of a body is not a physical property of the material because the heat
capacity of a body depends on its mass
The specific heat of a material
(It is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of a unit of mass (1kg) of a
substance by one Kelvin)
𝐂𝐭𝐡 =
𝐦 ∆𝐭
Where Cth is the specific heat of a material measured in (J/ kg. K)
m is the mass of a material measured in kilogram (kg)
Solved examples:
Example (1)
Calculate the quantity of heat necessary to raise the temperature of 0.3kg copper from
20C to 70C given that the specific heat copper = 390 J/ kg. K.
The solution
𝐐𝐭𝐡 = 𝐦 𝐜 ∆𝐭 = 𝟎. 𝟑 × 𝟑𝟗𝟎 × (𝟕𝟎 – 𝟐𝟎) = 𝟓𝟖𝟓𝟎 𝐉

Example (2)

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A piece of iron of mass 137 gm at 80 oC is thrown in 55gm of water at 10 oC, The

temperature is raised up to 25 oC.If the specific heat of water is 4200 J/kg. K. Calculate
the specific heat and the heat capacity of iron
The solution
The rate of the heat gained by Water = The rate of the heat lost by Iron
mw Cw ∆ t w = mI CI ∆ t I
55 × 4200 × (25 − 10) = 137 × CI × (80 − 25)
Ciron = 460 J/kg. K
Q th mI CI ∆ t I
qth = = = 137 × 10−3 × 460 = 63 J/K
∆t ∆ tI

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Chapter three
Dynamic electricity
Lesson number Subject page
Lesson 1 Electric current

Lesson 2 Electric resistance

Lesson 3 Connection of resistors

Lesson 4 Ohm’s law for closed circuit

Dear student, by the end of this chapter you should have the following skills and
Differentiate between methods of connections.
Apply ohm’s law to calculate intensity of electric current, potential difference and
electric resistance
Apply ohm’s law for closed circuit
Identify the electric resistivity and conductivity
Understanding the concept of emf and internal resistance of a cell
Identify the concept of electric power

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Lesson 1
The electric current
Materials are classified into 3 types according to their electrical conductivity:
1) Conductors
* They are the materials which allow electricity to flow easily through it
* Metals are conductors, such as copper, silver and gold.
* They contain large number of free electrons (rich in free electrons).
2) Insulators
* They cannot allow electricity to flow easily through it.
* Examples: wood, paper, plastics, and ceramics.
* They contain very few numbers of free electrons (poor in free electrons).
3) Semiconductors
* They are materials with conductivities somewhere between conductors and
* Examples are silicon and germanium

Electric current
(It is the amount of charge flowing through a conductor)
(the flow of electric charges through any cross section of the conductor).
It's the quantity of electricity (charges) in coulombs passing through any cross section
of the conductor
the electric current is due to the movement of free electrons (charged particles) in a

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Direction of current Flow

1) Conventional (Traditional) Current 2)The electron current
It is the flow of positive charges from the It is in opposite direction to the
positive to the negative terminal of a cell conventional current
in a circuit

Important physical quantities in Electricity

1) the electric current intensity (I)
(It is the amount of electric charges flowing per second through a conductor)
(the rate of flow of electric charges through any cross section of the conductor)
(It's the quantity of electricity (charges) in coulombs passing through any cross section
of the conductor in one second).
Q Ne
I 
t t
I : the electric current intensity
t : time of flow
Q: the quantity of charges (the total number of electrons passing a given point)
N: the total number of electrons passing a given point
e: the electron charge (1.6 ×10-19C)

The electric current intensity measured in Ampere (A) = coloumb per second (C/s) and
measured by the ammeter
Ampere: (It is the current intensity if the quantity of electricity passing through any
cross section of the conductor in one second is 1 coulomb)
(It is the current flowing in a circuit if the rate of flow of charge 1C/s)

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2) Potential Difference between two points (V)

(It is the work done in joules to transfer a unit charge (1C) between the two points)
V : potential difference between two points
W : the work done (energy)
The potential difference measured in Volt (V) = Joule/coloumb ( J/C) and measured
by the voltmeter
Volt: (It is the potential difference between two points if the work done required to
transfer a unit charge (1C) between the two points is 1 Joule)
3) The electric resistance (R):
(It's the opposition of the conductor to the flow of electric current due to the friction)
(it's the ratio between the potential difference (voltage) across the conductor and
current intensity passing through it at certain temperature)
I (At constant temperature)
V : Potential difference between ends of conductor (volt) (V)
I : current intensity (amperes) (A)
R: electric resistance (Ohm) ()
The electric resistance measured in Ohm()=Volt/ampere (V/A) and measured by the
Ohm : (It's the electric resistance of conductor that carries current of 1 A when
potential difference between its two ends is 1 V)

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Lesson 2
The electric resistance
Ohm's Law deals with the relationship between the electric current intensity in a
conductor and potential difference across it
Ohm's Law
The current intensity flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the
potential difference across it at constant temperature
The graphical representation
Slope = = constant = R

1) There are some materials obey Ohm’s law (verifying the linear relation (straight
line) between the voltage and the current intensity) ( = constant)
2) many materials do not obey Ohm's Law (The relationship is not linear) ( ≠

The Factors affecting the Electric Resistance (at constant temperature)

𝐑 = 𝛒𝐞 𝐀
R: the resistance of conductor
l : the length of conductor
A: the cross sectional area of conductor
e : the resistivity of the conductor (specific resistance)

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Electric resistivity (Specific resistance) of a material (e

(It is the resistance of a conductor of length 1m and of cross sectional area 1m2 at
constant temperature)
It is a measure of how strongly a material opposes the flow of electric current. A low
resistivity indicates a material that readily allows the movement of electrical charge.
The SI unit of electrical resistivity is the ohm metre ( . m).
Note that
Every ohmic material has a characteristic resistivity that depends on the properties of
the material and on temperature.
Electric conductivity of a material (e
(It is the reciprocal of the resistivity)
 = 1/ 
The unit of electrical conductivity is ohm-1 metre-1(-1. m-1)
Solved example (1)
A copper wire 30 m long and 2×10-6 m2 cross sectional area has a potential difference
of 3V across. Calculate the current if the copper resistivity is 1.79 × 10-8 Ω.m
The solution
𝑙 1.79 × 10−8 × 30
R = ρe = R = 0.2564 ohm
A 2 × 10−6
V=IR 3 = I (0.2564) I = 11.17 Amp.

Solved example (1)

A metallic wire is 1 m long and 1mm2 in cross -sectional area. It carries a current of
intensity 4A when a 2V potential difference is applied between its ends. Calculate the
conductivity of the metallic wire
The solution
V=IR 2 = 4 (R) R = 0.5 ohm
𝑙 1
R = ρe 0.5 = 𝜌𝑒 ×
A (1 × 10−6 )
𝜌𝑒 = 5 × 10−7 ohm . m
1 1
𝜎𝑒 = = −7
= 2 × 106 Ω−1 m−1
𝜌𝑒 5 × 10

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Lesson 3
Connection of resistors
 There are two ways to connect multiple resistors to a voltage source one is called
series and the other is called parallel
 Resistors are connected in series to obtain a higher resistance out of a group of
large resistances
 Resistors connected in parallel to obtain a small resistance out of a group of large
Resistors in Series
1) The current through all the resistors is the
(I = I1 = I2 = I3)
2) The potential difference is split
(Vt = V1 + V2 +V3)
3) The equivalent resistance is greater than the
greatest resistance
𝐑 𝐞𝐪 = 𝐑 𝟏 + 𝐑 𝟐 + 𝐑 𝟑
Note that
1) The higher the resistance, the higher the potential difference
(V α R at constant the current)
2) If there are (N) equal resistances connected in series each equal to (R) (Req = NR)

Resistors in Parallel
1) The potential difference across each of them is the
V= V1= V2 = V3
ItReq = I1R1 = I2R2 = I3R3
2) The current is split.
It = I1+I2+ I3
3) The equivalent resistance is smaller than the
smallest resistance
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
𝐑 𝐞𝐪 = 𝟏 𝟏 𝟏 𝐎𝐑 = + +
+ + 𝐑 𝐞𝐪 𝐑𝟏 𝐑𝟐 𝐑𝟑
𝐑𝟏 𝐑𝟐 𝐑𝟑
Note that
1) The higher the resistance, the lower the current that is flowing through it
(I α 1/R at constant the potential difference)
2) If there are (N) equal resistances are connected in parallel each equal to (R)
Req =

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Solved examples
Example (1)
A 45V potential difference is placed across a 5  resistor and a 10 resistor connected
in series. Calculate
a) the equivalent resistance of the circuit b) the current through the circuit
c) the voltage drop across each resistor
The solution
R eq = R1 + R 2 Req = 5+10 = 15 
Vt = It Rt 45 = It (15) It = 3A
V1 = It R1 V1 = (3) (5) = 15V
V2 = It R2 V2 = (3) (10) = 30V
Example (2)
Three resistors of 60, 30, and 20  are connected in parallel across a 90V
difference in potential. Calculate
a) the equivalent resistance of the circuit b) the current in the circuit
(c) the current through each branch of the circuit.
The solution
1 1
Rt = 1 1 1 = 1 1 1 = 10 Ω
+ + + +
R1 R2 R3 60 30 20
Vt = It Rt 90 = It (10) It = 9A
V 90 V 90 V 90
I1    1.5 A I2   3A I3    4.5 A
R1 60 R 2 30 R 3 20
Example (3)
The opposite figure shows a simple electric
circuit, calculate:
a) The total resistance of the circuit
b) The total current flowing through the battery,
assuming the battery has no internal
c) The current flowing through 1  resistor
The solution
5 Ω and 1Ω are in series R = 5 + 1 = 6 Ω
R1  R 2 63
6 Ω and 3 Ω are in parallel R parallel  R parallel   2 ohm
R1  R 2 63
Vt = It Rt 4 = It (2) It = 2A

It Rparallel = I1R1 2×2 = I1 × 6 I1 = 4/6 = 2/3 = 0.667A

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Lesson 4
Ohm’s law for closed circuit
In an electric circuit there must be a device somewhere in the loop that acts like the
water pump in a water fountain.The influence that makes current flow in the circuit is
called electromotive force (abbreviated emf). This is a poor term because emf is not a
force but an energy-per-unit-charge quantity
Electromotive force of the cell (emf)
(The total work done inside and outside the cell to transfer an electric charge of 1C in
the whole electric circuit)
Internal resistance (r) of the cell
Ideal source
The potential difference across an ideal source in a circuit is equal to the emf because
there is no internal resistance
Real source
The potential difference across a real source in a circuit is not equal to the emf because
there is an internal resistance that consumes part of energy due to movement of
charges through material of the source; therefore it experiences an associated drop in
potential equal to Ir.
The electric circuit
A simple electric circuit consists of
1) A battery (source of electrical energy)
2) Connecting wires
3) Fixed resistors ORvariable resistor (rheostat)
4) Switch (to allow or avoid the passage of current)

VB = I Req + I r = I (Req + r)
I = VB / (Req + r)
The last equation known as Ohm’s law for a closed circuit, from which we find that
the current intensity in a closed circuit is the emf of the total source divided by the
total (external plus internal) resistance of the circuit.
I Req =V = the terminal voltage
I r = the potential drop across the internal resistance

For real source the terminal voltage is less than the emf of the source due the potential
drop across the internal resistance

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The electric power

(It is the rate of electrical energy consumed in the electrical circuit)
𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐖 𝐕𝐈𝐭
𝐏𝐰 = = = =𝐕𝐈
𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐭 𝐭
The measuring unit of electric power is Watt that equivalent to Joule/second
The power dissipated in a resistor can be obtained by the use of Ohm's Law.
P = IV = I2R =
Solved example

A battery has an emf of 12 V and an internal resistance of 0.05 Ω Its terminals are
connected to a load resistance of 3Ω
a) Calculate the current in the circuit and the terminal voltage of the battery.
b) Calculate the power dissipated by the load resistor.
The solution
𝐕𝐁 𝟏𝟐
𝐈= = = 𝟑. 𝟗𝟑𝐀
𝐑 𝐭 + 𝐫 𝟑 + 𝟎. 𝟎𝟓
V = VB – I r
V = 12 – (3.93) (0.05) = 11.8V
P = I2 R = (3.93)2×3 = 46.33 watt

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Chapter four
The magnetic effect of electric current
Lesson number Subject page
Lesson 1 Magnetic field due to a current in
a conductor straight wire
Lesson 2 Magnetic field due to a current in a coil

Lesson 3 Magnetic force

Dear student, by the end of this chapter you should have the following skills and
Identify the shape of magnetic field due to current in a straight wire, circular coil and
Calculate the magnetic flux density at a point from a wire carrying current
Calculate the magnetic flux density at center of circular coil carrying current
Calculate the magnetic flux density at a point alond axis of the solenoid carrying
Identify the factors affecting the magnetic force acting on a straight wire carrying
current placed in a uniform magnetic field

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Lesson 1
Magnetic field due to a current in a straight wire
Every electric current produces a magnetic field. The magnetic field can be visualized
as a pattern of circular field lines surrounding the wire.
Early experiments:
In 1819, Oersted showed that an electric current was able
to cause a magnetic needle, placed close to a current-
carrying conductor, to be deflected.
When the electric current to flow in the conductor, a
magnetic needle placed above the conductor is deflected.
As soon as the current stops flowing, the needle returns to
its original position.
If the direction of the current is reversed, as in the diagram
on the right, the needle is deflected in the opposite
First: Magnetic field due to a current in a straight wire:-
We can examine the shape of magnetic field by using iron
fillings sprinkled on a paper surrounding the wire in a
vertical position,
The magnetic flux lines of around a straight wire carrying
current are concentric circles whose centers lie on the wire.
The circular magnetic flux lines are closer together near
the wire and farther apart from each other as the distance
from the wire increases. The current passing through the
wire increases, the concentric circles more crowded
The magnetic field density at a certain point can be
given by the following relation
B 
B: the magnetic field density (Tesla)
I: intensity of current passing through the wire (Ampere).
d: The distance of the point from the wire (meter).
µ: Permeability of medium (µair = 4π  10-7 Wb/m.A)

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Note that
1- (The magnetic permeability (µ) is the ability of medium to penetrate the magnetic
flux lines).The measuring unit of magnetic permeability is Wb/m.A = Tesla.m/A
2- The magnetic flux density (B) is inversely proportional to d and directly
proportional to the intensity of electric current (I). This is why it is advisable to live
away from high voltage towers.

Ampere Right Hand Rule

Ampere right hand rule used to determine the direction of the
magnetic field resulting from an electric current in a wire.
If you imagine that the conductor is held in the right hand, with
the thumb pointing in the direction of the current flow, then the
rest of fingers indicate the direction of the magnetic field.

Solved problem
A wire is placed vertically on a horizontal paper sheet. A current of 8A passes through
it from above. Find the magnetic flux density at 4cm from the wire
(µ air = 4π  10-7 Wb/m.A)
The solution

4 × π × 10−7 × 8
B= = 4 × 10−5 T
2 × π × 4 × 10 −2

Choose the correct answer
1- At double the distance from a long current-carrying wire, the strength of the
magnetic field produced by that wire will be……
a) doubled
b) increased four times.
c) decreased to 1/2 of its original value.
d) decreased to 1/4 of its original value.
2- The magnetic flux density at a distance d from the long straight current
carrying wire is 0.4T; the magnetic flux density at a distance 2d is…..
a) 0.1T b) 0.2T c) 0.8T d) 1.6T

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Lesson 2
Magnetic field due to a current in a coil
Second: Magnetic field due to a circular coil carrying current:
When a current is passed through a circular coil, a magnetic field is produced around it.
The magnetic field produced is very similar to that of a short bar magnet
1) The flux lines are circular surrounding the two sides
2) The flux lines are no longer circular near the center
3) The flux lines become straight and parallel lines perpendicular to the plane of the
coil at the center of the coil. This means that the magnetic field in this region is

The magnetic flux density at center of the circular coil can be given by the following
B: the magnetic field density (Tesla)
I: intensity of current passing through the wire (Ampere).
r: the radius of the circular coil (meter).
µ: Permeability of medium (µair = 4π  10-7 Wb/m.A)
The right Cork Screw rule (Maxwell's Screw Rule)
The right Cork Screw rule used to determine the direction of the
magnetic field resulting from an electric current in a circular coil.
If the direction of rotation (right-handed screw is turned) points
in the direction of the current (from + to -).The direction of
motion will give the direction of the magnetic field
Clockwise rule (polarity coil):
The side at which the current is
in a clock wise direction is the
South Pole while the side of
which the current is an antilock
wise direction is the North

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1- When direction of the current flow reversed, the direction of magnetic field will be
2- If a straight wire of length (L) is bent to form circular coil of radius (r) and of turn’s
number (N), then
L = circumference of the circular coil = 2 πr N

Solved examples
Example (1)
A current of intensity 0.1A passes through a circular coil of diameter 12.56cm and
number of turns 100 turns given that  = 3.14. Calculate the magnetic flux density at
the center of coil.
The Solution
μIN 4π × 10−7 × 0.1 × 100
B= = −2
= 10 × 10−5 Tesla
2r 12.56 × 10
Example (2)
A current passes in a wire of length 26.4cm curved in the form of an arc of a circle
of radius 5.6cm to form magnetic flux density of 8.25  10-6 T at its center. Find the
current intensity in the wire?
The Solution

L = 2 πr N (26.4) = 2π × 5.6 × N
N= = 0.75 turn
μ I N 4π × 10−7 × I × 0.75
B= = −2
= 8.25 × 10−6
2r 2 × 5.6 × 10
I = 0.98A

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Third: Magnetic field due to a solenoid carrying current:

When a current is passed through a solenoid, a magnetic field is produced around it.
The magnetic field produced by a current carrying solenoid is similar to the magnetic
field produced by a bar magnet
1) The lines of magnetic flux outside the solenoid are closed coils moving from the
North Pole to the South Pole
2) The lines of magnetic flux through the middle of the solenoid (In a solenoid) are
straight and parallel to the axis, so the magnetic field is uniform

magnetic field density at a point on its interior axis is given by the following relation
B  μ
Bμ nI
B: the magnetic field density at the center of the circular coil (Tesla)
I: intensity of current passing through the coil (Ampere).
L: the length of the solenoid (meter).
µ: Permeability of medium (µair = 4π  10-7 Wb/m.A)
N: the number of turns of wire in the solenoid
n: the number of turns per unit length (n = )
Note that:
1- The density of magnetic field produced by a solenoid carrying a current at a point
on its interior axis increases when a soft iron bar inserted in it because soft iron
has high permeability, so the magnetic flux lines will be concentrated.
2- When direction of the current flow reversed, the direction of magnetic field will be

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Amperes right hand rule:

Amperes right hand rule used to determine the direction of the magnetic field resulting
from an electric current in a solenoid.
If the wrapped fingers (along the coil) points to the direction of conventional current
(from + to -) while the thumb points to the North Pole (the direction of magnetic field
within the solenoid.
Clockwise rule (polarity coil):
The side at which the current is in a clock wise direction is the South Pole while the
side of which the current is an antilock wise direction is the North Pole.

Solved examples
Example (1)
Find the magnetic flux density at a point along the axis of the solenoid of length 40cm
if the number of coil is 400 and current passing through on it is 5 A
(µair = 4π  10-7 Wb/m.A)
The solution
μ I N 4π × 10−7 × 5 × 400
B= = −2
= 6.28 × 10−3 T
L 40 × 10
Example (2)
Calculate the number of turns per unit length of a solenoid that carries an electric
current of intensity 10A such that the magnetic flux density resulting at an interior
point along its axis equals 0.05 Tesla (π = 3.14)
The solution
𝐵 = 𝜇 𝐼𝑛

𝐵 0.5
𝑛= = = 3980 𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛 /𝑚
𝜇 𝐼 4π × 10−7 × 10

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Lesson 3
Magnetic force
Force due to magnetic field acting on a straight wire carrying current

a) If we place a straight wire carrying current between the poles of a

magnet, a magnetic force results which acts on the wire and is
perpendicular to both the wire and the field.
b) The direction of the force is reversed if we reverse the current or
the magnetic field. In all cases, the force is perpendicular to both
electric current and the magnetic field.
c) In case the wire is allowed to move due to this generated force, the
direction of motion is perpendicular to both the electric current and the magnetic
Fleming’s left hand rule
Used to determine the direction of the force (motion) of a
straight wire carrying current
Fleming’s left hand rule
The thumb, first finger and second finger of the left hand
are all perpendicular to each other.
The thumb points in the direction of motion of the wire.
The pointer (first finger) points in the direction of the field
The middle (second finger) points in the direction of the
current through the wire

The factors affecting the force acting on a current -

carrying wire suspended at right angles to a
magnetic field:
1) The length of the wire (L) FαL
2) The current in the wire (I) FαI
3) The magnetic flux density (B) F α B
So F = Constant ×I B L
The constant equals one when (B) is in Tesla (webers / m2), (I) is in ampere, (L) is in
metre and (F) is in Newton.
Thus F=IBL
In general, when a wire carrying current placed in a uniform magnetic field makes an
angle (θ) with the magnetic field, then
F = B I l sin θ
Where θ is the angle between the wire and the magnetic field

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Solved example
30cm long wire carries a current of 4A and placed in a uniform magnetic field of
density 0.5T. Calculate the force acting on the wire if it is
a) placed perpendicular to the magnetic field
b) placed inclined 30o to the magnetic field
c) placed parallel to the magnetic field
The solution
F = B I l sin θ
a) θ = 90 sin 90 = 1
F = (0.5) (4) (30×10-2) (1) = 0.6 N
b) θ = 30o sin30 = 0.5
F = (0.5) (4) (30×10-2) (0.5) = 0.3 N
c) θ = 0o sin0 = 0
F = zero
The force between two parallel wires each carrying
When a current I1 passes in a wire and a current I2 passes in
another parallel wire, there is a mutual force results
between the two wires. This force is attractive if the two
currents flow in the same direction. The force is repulsive
if the two currents flow opposite to each other. We can
calculate this force as follows:
μ I2 μI I L
F1  ( ) I1 L  1 2
2πd 2πd
μ I1 μI I L
F2  ( ) I2 L  1 2
2πd 2πd

F1 = F 2
Solved example
Two long, parallel conductors, separated by 10 cm, carry currents in the same direction
5A and 8A respectively.What is the mutual force per unit length between the two
wires? And mention its kind
The solution
F μ I1 I 2

L 2πd
F 4 × π × 10−7 × 5 × 8
= = 8 × 10−5 N/m
L 2 × π × 10 × 10−2
The mutual force is an attractive force

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Chapter five
Electromagnetic induction
Lesson number Subject page
Lesson 1 Faraday’s law

Lesson 2 Mutual and self induction

Lesson 3 The induced emf in a moving straight

Lesson 4 Electric generator and electric

ear student, by the end of this chapter you should have the following skills and
Explain faraday’s law
Explain lenz’law
Understanding the concept mutual and self induction
Identify the mutual and self inductance and the factors affecting each of them
Identify the structure and operation of electric generator
Identify the structure and operation of electric transformer
Calculate the induced emf in a moving straight wire

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Lesson 1
Faraday’s law
It has been noticed that the passage of an electric current in a conductor produces a
magnetic field. Soon after Oersted's discovery that magnetism could be produced by an
electric current, a question arose, namely, could magnetic field produce an electric
This problem was addressed by Faraday through a series of experiments which led to
one of the breakthroughs in the field of physics, namely, the discovery of
electromagnetic induction. On the basis of such a discovery, the principle of operation
and function of most of the electric equipment - such as the electrical generators
(dynamos) and transformers - depend.
Faraday’s Experiment:
Faraday made a cylindrical coil of insulated copper wire, such that the coil turns were
separated from each other. He connected the two
terminals of the coil to a sensitive galvanometer
having its zero reading at the mid point of its
graduated scale, as shown in Fig. When Faraday
plunged a magnet into the coil, he noticed that the
pointer of the galvanometer was deflected
momentarily in a certain direction. On removing the
magnet from the coil, a deflection of the pointer was noticed in the opposite direction.
This phenomenon is called electromagnetic induction".
Electromagnetic induction
(It is a phenomenon in which an induced electromotive force is generated in the
conductor by a changing magnetic field (magnetic flux))

Moreover, the action of the magnet is met by a reaction from the coil.If the magnet is
plunged into the coil, the induced magnetic field acts in a way to oppose the motion of
the magnet. If the magnet is pulled out, the induced magnetic field acts to retain (or
keep) the magnet in. Faraday concluded that the induced emf and current were
generated in the circuit as a result of the time variation of magnetic field lines as they
cut the windings of the coil while the magnet was in motion.

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Faraday’s laws:
From the above Faraday’s observations, one can conclude the following:
1) The relative motion between a conductor and a magnetic field in which there is time
variation of the magnetic flux linked with the conductor, induces an electromotive
force in the conductor. Its direction depends on the direction of motion of the
conductor relative to the field.
2) The magnitude of the induced electromotive force is proportional to the rate by
which the conductor cuts the lines of the magnetic flux linked with it.
3) The magnitude of the induced electromotive force is proportional to the number of
turns N of the coil which cut (or link with) the magnetic flux.
− 𝐍 ∆𝛗𝐦
𝐞𝐦𝐟 =
Where Δφm is the variation in the magnetic flux intercepted by the conductor through
the time interval Δ t
The negative sign in the above relation indicates that the direction of the induced
etectromotive force or the induced current tends to oppose the cause producing it. This
rule is known as Lenz's rule.
Lenz’s rule
The induced current must be in a direction such as to oppose the change producing it.

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Solved example
A coil has 5000 turns. Calculate the emf induced in the coil when the magnetic
flux cutting the coil changes by 8 × 10–4 Weber in 0.1 s
The solution
− N ∆φm −5000 × 8 × 10−4
emf = = = − 40 V
∆t 0.1

1- A magnet is dropped through a wire coil. As it goes
through a current is generated in the coil which produces
a magnetic field near the coil.
a) Which magnetic pole (N or S) is produced at X as the magnet
goes into the top of the coil?
b) Explain your answer to a)?
c) Which magnetic pole (N or S) is produced at Y as the magnet
leaves the bottom of the coil? Why?

2- Choose the correct answer

A conducting loop around a bar magnet begins to move away from the magnet.
Which of the following statements is true?
a) The magnet and the loop repel one another.
b) The magnet and the loop attract one another.
c) The magnet and loop neither attract nor repel one another

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Lesson 2
Mutual and self induction
Mutual induction between two coils:
(It’s the electromagnetic effect takes place between two coils when an induced
emf generated in one of them (secondary coil) due current variation in the other
coil (primary coil), which opposes the change causing it).

Production of (emf) on secondary coil

The induced emf generated in the secondary coil by many ways
1) Plunge or take away the primary coil from inside the secondary coil.
2) Using rheostat, increase or decrease the intensity of the current in the primary coil.
3) Using switch, switch-on or switch-off the primary circuit
The induced emf generated in the secondary coil (emf)2 can be calculated
∆ I1 ∆ φ2
emf2 = −M × = −N2
∆t ∆t
(emf) 2: The induced emf in the secondary coil (volt)
∆ 𝐈𝟏
: The rate of change of current in the primary coil (ampere/sec)
M : Coefficient of mutual induction (mutual inductance) (Henery)
N2 : Number of turns of the secondary coil
∆ 𝛗𝟐
: The rate of change of magnetic flux linking with the secondary coil (Wb/sec)

The coefficient of mutual inductanc between two coils depends on the following
1. The presence of an iron core inside the coil.
2. The volume of the coil and the number of its turns.
3. The distance separating them.
The transformer is considered as a clear example of mutual induction

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Solved example
Two facing coils, when the current intensity in one of them is changed from 4A to
zero in 0.01 sec. An induced emf equal 40 volts is generated in the other coil.
Calculate the mutual induction coefficient
The solution
∆ I1
emf2 = −M ×
emf2 −𝟒𝟎
𝐌 = − ∆ I = 𝟎− 𝟒 = 𝟎. 𝟏 𝐇
∆t 𝟎.𝟎𝟏

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Self induction in a coil:

When a current is present in a circuit, it sets up a magnetic field that causes a magnetic
flux through the same circuit; this flux changes when the current changes. Thus any
circuit that carries a varying current has an emf induced in it by the variation in its own
magnetic field.
(The phenomenon of inducing emf in the self coil due to change in current in the same
coil and hence the change in magnetic flux in the coil)

The self induced emf generated in the coil (emf) can be calculated
∆I ∆φ
emf = −L × = −N
∆t ∆t
(emf) : The induced emf in the secondary coil (volt)
: The rate of change of current in the coil (ampere/sec)
L : coefficient of self induction (self inductance) (Henery)
The factors affecting the self inductance (coefficient of self induction) of a coil
1) The geometry of the coil (size, length and the number of turns)
2) The distance between the turns
3) The presence of an iron core inside the coil (magnetic permeability)

Solved example
Calculate the induced emf in a coil when the current intensity in it changes from
5A to 25A in a time of 0.05 s, if the self inductance of the coil is 0.1H?
The solution
∆I −0.1 × (25 − 5)
emf = −L × = = −40 V
∆t 0.05

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Lesson 3
The induced emf in a moving straight wire

The induced emf in a straight wire moving normal to a magnetic field:

If a wire cuts through a magnetic field, or vice -versa, a
voltage (potential difference) is produced between the ends of
the wire. This induced voltage causes a current to flow if the
wire is a part of closed circuit
When the wire of length (l) is moved in a direction
perpendicular to the magnetic field of density (B) at
velocity (v), so that it is displaced a distance (∆ x) in
time (∆t). (  v ).an induced emf generated between
two ends of the wire is given by

emf = B𝑙v

Wire moving with velocity making an angle (θ) with the magnetic field:
If the wires moves by an angle along the direction of the magnetic field
emf = B 𝑙 v sinθ
Fleming Right Hand Rule
It is used to determine the direction of induced current in the
Extend the thumb, pointer and the middle finger of the
right hand, mutually perpendicular to each other. Let the
pointer points to the direction of the field, and the
thumb in the direction of motion, and then the middle
finger (with the rest of the fingers) will point to the
direction of the induced current or voltage as shown in
Solved example
A rod of copper of length 30cm moves with velocity 0.5m/second in a
perpendicular direction to a magnetic field of density 0.8T. Calculate the emf
induced in such a rod.
The solution

emf = B𝑙v = 0.8 × 30 × 10−2 × 0.5 = 0.12V

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Lesson 4
Electric generator
First : AC generator (Dynamo)
The ac generator is a device used for converting mechanical energy into electrical
It is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction, according to which an emf is
induced in a coil when it is rotated in a uniform magnetic field.
Essential parts of an AC generator

A field magnet:
Strong field magnet (permanent magnet or an electromagnet) with concave poles
The concave poles produce a radial magnetic field (uniform magnetic field).
An armature:
It is a rectangular coil of large number of turns of wire wound on laminated soft-iron
core of high permeability
Two slip rings:
The two ends of the coil are connected to two slip rings which rotate with the coil.
Each slip ring is always in contact with the same carbon brush.
Two graphite brushes:
Two carbon brushes touched each of the rings which form the terminals of the external
The induced currents in the coil pass to the external circuit through them
Two brushes do not rotate with the coil.

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When the coil rotates, its sides cut across
the magnetic field lines, the magnetic
flux linked with the coil changes, and
induced current flows in the coil,
therefore the induced current has
variable intensity and changing .The
direction of the induced current is given
by Fleming’s right hand rule.

The induced current in the external circuit

keeps changing its direction for every half
a rotation of the coil. Hence the induced
current is alternating in nature. As the
armature completes number of rotations in
one second, alternating current of
frequency f is produced.
The induced emf at any instant is given by
emfinstantaneous = Eo sin ωt
The peak value of the emf, Eo = NBAω
N is the number of turns of the coil,
A is the area enclosed by the coil,
B is the magnetic field and
ω is the angular velocity of the coil (ω = 2π f)

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Second: the electric transformer

Transformer is an electrical device used
for converting low alternating voltage
into high alternating voltage and vice
versa. It transfers electric power from
one circuit to another. The transformer
is based on the principle of
electromagnetic induction (mutual
induction between two coils).
A transformer consists of primary and
secondary coils insulated from each
other, wound on a soft iron core. To minimise eddy currents a laminated iron core is
The a.c. input is applied across the primary coil. The continuously varying current in
the primary coil produces a varying magnetic flux in the primary coil, which in turn
produces a varying magnetic flux in the secondary. Hence, an induced emf is produced
across the secondary.
Let VP and VS be the induced emf in the primary and secondary coils and NP and NS be
the number of turns in the primary and secondary coils respectively.
Vs N s

Vp N p
For an ideal transformer, input power = output power
Vp Ip = Vs Is
Where Ip and Is are currents in the primary and secondary coils.
 , Thus 
𝐕𝐬 𝐍𝐬 𝐈𝐩
= = =𝐊
𝐕𝐩 𝐍𝐩 𝐈𝐬
Where K is called transformer ratio (For step up transformer K > 1 and for step down
transformer K < 1)
In a step up transformer Vs > VP implying that Is < Ip. Thus a step up transformer
increases the voltage by decreasing the current, which is in accordance with the law of
conservation of energy. Similarly a step down transformer decreases the voltage by
increasing the current.

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Efficiency of a transformer
Efficiency of a transformer is defined as the ratio of output power to the input power.
𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐩𝐮𝐭 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫
𝐢𝐧𝐩𝐮𝐭 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫
η  100
η VP I N
 S  P
100 VS I P N S
The efficiency η = 1 (i.e. 100%), only for an ideal transformer where there is no power
loss. But practically there are numerous factors leading to energy loss in a transformer
and hence the efficiency is always less than one.
Solved example
An ideal transformer of number of turns of primary and secondary coils 200 and
800 respectively. It's connected with 110 V AC source where current intensity is
2A. Calculate the output voltage and current intensity in the secondary coil.
The solution
Vs Ns Ip
= =
Vp Np Is
Vs 800 2
= =
110 200 Is
Vs = 440V Is = 0.5A

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