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1. Gender: Male Female

2. Age (year): <30 30-39 40-49 ≥50
3. Academic qualification: BDS MSC PhD
4. Working specialty:
General dentist
Pediatric dentist
Other dental specialist
5. Work experience (years):
≤5 6-10 11-20 >20
6. Nature of working units:
Private dental clinic/hospital
Dental department in a public or general hospital
Public specialized dental hospital
7. How many children do you treat per week?
<5 5-10 > 10
8. Do you use SSCs in your daily practice? Yes NO
9. How many SSCs do you use per week?
<2 2-5 >5
10. The age range of your patients receiving SSCs restorations:
<3 3-6 >6
11. How long have you been applying SSCs to your daily practice?
< half an hour half to one hour > one hour
12. How did you acquire this technique?
I learned it by myself
I learned it at college
I learned it at a continuing educational program
13. which indications would oblige you to use SSCs in primary teeth?
After pulp therapy
Deep multi-surface caries
Dental developmental defects
High carious risk
14. which indications would oblige you to use SSCs in permanent
Deep multi-surface caries
Dental developmental defects
Endodontically treated molars
115.When would restoration of a primary tooth with a crown be
3 months before its expected exfoliation time
6 months before its expected exfoliation time
1 year before its expected exfoliation time
More than1year before its expected exfoliation time
16. Have you faced challenges related to the use of SSCs? By selecting
from one or more of the following options:
Difficulties in crown adjustment
Detachment of the crown
Aesthetic issues
Difficult procedure and allergies
17. What are the main barriers to your use of SSC? By selecting one or
more of the following options:
Lack of knowledge about SSCs
Lack of practical training on the use of SSCs
Lack of materials/equipment
Aesthetic concerns
Non-compliance of children
Low charges / low input-output ratio
Unawareness of SSCs
18.Have your patients (parents) ever rejected the use of SSCs?
Yes NO
19.Why would the parents of your patients reject the use of SSCs?
Aesthetic concerns
Incomprehension of merits
Non-compliance of children
20. What are the most important advantages of the use SSCs in your
Maintains function and occlusion
Keeps tooth symptomless
Scientifically documented treatment
Long durability and good prognosis
21. Do you know the hall technique which uses SSCs?
Yes No
22. Do you use the hall technique?
Yes No
23. Where did you learn this technique?
I learned it by myself
I learned it in college
learned it in continuing education program
24. What is a common reason that would prevent the use of the hall
technique? And what are its common challenges of this technique?
Increase vertical dimension after crown cementations.
Lack of caries removal
Parent aesthetic concern
Treatment compliance of pediatric patient very low
Pain because there is no anesthesia
Difficulty in insertion because there is no preparation
25. would you like more information and practice in regards to the use
of SSCs? Yes No
If your answer is yes, answer the following question:
26. What is your preferred mean of education if in need for more
information and practice in the use of SSCs?
Illustrated guidelines
Hands-on course
Video demonstration
Demonstration at your workplace or webinar

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