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a a ty REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES ———— ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT BUREAU 4 Regional Office No. 4 —_ DENR Bidg., Government Center, Sevilla, City of San Femando, tation ‘pee 95 2017 HON, ARTHUR F. CELESTE City Mayor Alaminos City, Pangasinan Dear Mayor Celeste: We are pleased to inform you the approval of the 1" Amendment of your Environmental Compliance Certificate bearing number BCC-RO1-1504-0107 issued by the DENR-EMB, Region 1 last May 5, 2015 for your ‘Tourism/ Recreational Project located at the above stated address. Please institute necessary mitigating measures to address all negative environmental impacts that may occur during the implementation and operation of your project. Please be advised to inform this Office of any plan for expansion or modification for further assessment or evaluation of the same. Non-compliance with any ECC condition shall be @ sufficient cause for the imposition of a fine in an amount not to exceed Fifty Thousand Pesos {P80,000.00) pursuant to the provision of PD 1586 otherwise known as the Philippine Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) System and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR). You or your designated PCO may now claim said ECC from this Office and attend simultaneously a Briefing on its different Conditions. For your guidance and compliance. Very truly yours, MA. VICTORIA V. ABRERA Regional Director eect sirionth UANRAI ec6-401-1504-0107 vom on Protect the environment... Protect Life. . Tl Now, (072.242.9057 1700-2440; Fax No, (72, 700-2440: ems doré — ENVIRONMENTAL MANAG! =— Regional Ofice No. 4 — DENR Bldg,, Governmont Center, Sevilla, City of San Femando, ENVIRONMENTAL comPlfAnce CERTIFICATE ECC-RO1-1504-0107 1* AMENDMENT Pursuant to Presidential Decree Na, 1586 and in accordance with Department Administrative Order No. 2003-30, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENA) through the Environmental ‘Management Sureau, Region I, hereby grants this Amendment of Enviconmental Compliance Certificate (ECC-RO1-1504.0107) to the HUNDRED ISLANDS NATIONAL PARK for TOURISM/RECREATIONAL PROJECT located at Alaminos City, Pangasinan, subject tothe following conditions: PROJECT DESCRIPTION This Certificate covers the development/consiruction and operation of Hundred Islands National Park consisting of facilities as described in Annex A hereto, all confined within nineteen (19) islands having a total footprint area of 1.33095 hectares ina total land area of 33.7059 hectares. 1. CONDITIONS pe ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT The proponent shall strictly implement the following mitigating, enhancement, and rehabilitating measures: 1. All necessary permits and/or clearances from concerned offices that have administrative jurisdiction over such projects/operations, |e. DENR, EM, LGU, DOT, HLURB, etc, shall be secured prior to implementation of each phase ofthe project; 2. Any construction activities and/or changes In topography/surface landform as a result of the project implementation shall consider the recommendation of available Geological/Geo-hazard Site Assessment Report, otherwise the Proponent is required to conduct its own geological assessment of the area, and submit a report to EMB-R1 within ninety (90) days from complet of the study of thirty (30) days prior to project implementation; 13, Implement a beneficial Social Development Program (50?) that covers Ivelihood and ‘employment benefits, assistance in social welfare programs for health and education that will Involve the employees/workers, host barangay and affected communities, and submit a repart to EMB ROZ on an annval basis; 44. In compliance to the DENR Memorandum dated February 10, 2004, the proponent shall provide an effective Sewage Treatment Faclity such that wastewater effluent throughout project implementation shall conform to the standards of water quality as per DENR Administrative Order No, 2026-08 (Water Quality Guidelines and General Effluent Standards of 2036) and RA 9275 (Philippine Water Act of 2008) and submit a Sewage Treatment Facility layout thirty(30) days upon issuance of ECC; 5. Ale emission generated by the project shall pass the emission standards in compliance to the emission standards as pet RA. $743: Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999. Permit to Operate for Air Pollution Source and Control Equipment (such as generator set) shall be secured from this Office prior to the operation ofthe project/equipment and renewed thereafter, Protect the environment... Protect Life. Tot Noa (oT) 23087700248 Fx (72-7024; ema: a Pollution Source and Control Equipment (such as generator set) shall be secured from this Office prior to the operation ofthe project/equipment and renewed thereafter, ‘6. Compliance Monitoring Report (Annex 3-1 of RPM) shall be prepared and submitted to this Office semiannually; the submission of which shall be done not later than every fifteenth day after each semester January 15 and/or July 15) starting from the issuance of this certificate; 7. Regular Sanitary Housekeeping practices, proper collection of solid and hazardous waste resulting from the implementation/operation of the project shall be strictly observed. The waste ‘management plan shal include adequate facilities for disposal of wastes which shall be done from the start ofthe constructor GENERAL CONDITIONS {8 kitchen wastes shall be provided with a pre-treatment facility such as grease traps and screens prior to its treatment in the primary or secondary treatment facilities. Wastes (grease and fats) {generated shall be properly managed/handled, stored and disposed to eliminate odor nuisance (putrefaction) and if possible utilized as organic fertilizer; 9. The project operations shall conform with the provisions of RA 6969 (Toxle Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control Act of 1980), RA 8749 (Philippine Clean Al Act of 1993), RA 9003 (Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000), and RA 9275 (Philippine Clean Water ‘Act of 2004) and other relevant policies, rules and regulations; 10. Conduct an effective Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Program to inform and educate all stakeholders, especially its contractors, workers, and local residents about the mitigating measures embodied in its EIA documents, the concitions stipulated inthis Certificate and the environmental and human safety features of the project for greater awareness, understanding and sustained acceptance of the project. The program shall be submitted to EMB RO1 on an annual basis; 11. Implement an Energy Conservation Program (ECP) (eg. use of alternative fuels, LED lighting fixtures, energy-efficient equipment, etc) that aims in reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, and provide Emergency Preparedness Response/Contingency Plan (EPR/CP) to provide resilience to climate change, in compliance to the Kyoto Protocol Agreement. The ECP and EPR/CP shall be submitted to the EMB ROL as part of the CMR on annual basis; 12. The proponent shal designate a Pollution Control Officer/Environmental Officer who shall handle the environmental aspects of the project, and shall be duly accredited by this Office in accordance with DAO No, 2014.02, series of 2014 (Revised Guidelines for Pollution Control Officer Accreditation}; 413, That an ECC Billboard (3° x 5") shall be installed at strategic location containing this message: “NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC, THIS [Project Nome] of [Project Proponent] has been issued an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC Ref. No.] by the DENR-Environmental Management Bureau Region 4 on (Date of Issuancel,” to inform the general public within ninety (90) days from receipt ofthe ECC (Memo Circular No. 02, Series of 1936); 114, In case of abandonment, the Proponent shall notify the EMB RO1 within three (3) months prior to the abandonment and shall submit its abandonment mitigating plan for approval, er RESTRICTIONS 15, No activities shall be undertaken other than what were stipulated in the EIA docs. Should there bbe any expansion of the project beyond the project description or any change in the activity oF transfer of location shall be subjected to @ new Environmental impact Assessment; 16, incase of transfer of ownership ofthis project, these same conditions and restrictions shall apply ‘and the transferee shall be required to notify the EMS ROL within fifteen (15) days from the transfer of ownership to allow the necessary changes brought about by such transfer. ‘Applicability. {Ail provisions in this Amendment shall now prevail over the previous congditionalities cited in ECCROL-1504-0107 issued by the DENR-EMB, Region 1 last May 5, 2015. Moreover, its number and unaffected provisions shall remain valid and existing, Effectvity. ‘This Amendment is issued in the interest of all concerned parties and shall take effect immediately Done inthe Cit of San Fernando, La Union Pritppines, tis DEC_ 05 2017 (IC Chief, Clearance and Permitting Division Approved by ph (MA. VICTORIA V. ABRERA Regional Director é —aaaruan eeu aieo {INTL ECC-RO1-1604.0107 venir, 2017-08081 AK ‘Non-somplinca with an of ha proviso of thi cece eal oven come Jr the cancion or wpension of hs rife and/or inposiion ofa fine nan amount wi eed Fify Thantand Pros (26000200) for ery walatio here “Amendment Fee 27,015.00 (ou: | 6937990 ‘Date: | 09-20-2017, ‘VALID ONLY IF MARKED WITH DRY SEAL Annex A ‘The Project Components of the Hundred Islands National Park of located at Alaminos City, Pangasinan shall only be limited to the following facilities/components as indicated in the submitted BIA document: ISLAND “AREA (SQ. M.)/ | FOOTPRINT OF ee CAPACITY. THE PROJECTS GoEET ROUSE ENGL Toniexseecm [6 sam m7 Tunitx36. m3 qm. Gaaeao WED Toniteas sm_—[ 15 am GAE00 Ie untexg gm] a4 sg STARS aN TRAITS 380mm, | 343 #6. PaLON anit 107.69. [1078 39: ComPOsiTE GR Tunis x 1:0050-m_] 2.00 99.1. couonen'sistawo [[_BOUAOS/ GARDEN UGHTS —[20-unte x08 a.m] 08 35 m SOUARPOWER OFF GID SYSTEM [2 unt x 6.00. m-| 1200-5. BRIDGE/DOCKNNG 1335Im, xi2m | 16020m BOWER HOUSE ie onion Gana STATON —| “Toateas eg 35 em COMFORT ROON WT ABR | Lunitx6sa1m—| 36 s0-m. TB. 9. TOTAL FooTPRINTS OF THE PRONECTS ‘otal land area 24053. GUEST HOUSE SINGLE Toners iq me | 116 sq.m CONFOSTECONFORTOMFORNAER | > unix 3.0080, m- | _200 s0:m. Aan Tonibeaéea.m. | 36 sam enaeag NED nites .m_—[ as sam SOLAR OFF GRID SYSTEM [Buns x609 sq.m [ 32.00 29. m STAI AND TRAILS DOI.KAam. [304 aa. SOLAR BEACH UGH Tonitx0a6 sa. [046 sa. cusve sano PAVILION Tonite 107899. [ 3078 sg Conposie units 4.0050, | —2.0039.7. GAZEBO Ta units x9 a.m—[ 108 «a.m POWER HOUSE ROOM Tunitxase.m —[ 4634.7. TOUAROS/ GARDEN LIGHTS | 4 unt x04 sq.m | 1.60 a.m COMMON GRLLNG STATION —[~1unitx255q.m.—_[ —25 sam T6559. TOTAL FOOTPRINTS OF THE PROLECTS Total land Area 227 39.m, TREO Tmaea | 7 am GaeB0 THE TonitxiS sq.m, [a5 sm aa tunitxaésa m. | 36 sam. RT TRRTEOTITITE 7 isn. [26050 LOPEZ ISLAND: ‘GUEST HOUSE (SINGLE) Lunit x 8 sq.m. 58 sq.m. STAINS AND TRAILS Boimxi2 m—| Aka «a.m BOUAROSY/ GARDEN UGHTS [SO units x0.04 sa. m| 1.20 a.m TOUARPOWEROFFGROSTETEM | unitx6.00sa.m. | 600%0-m. PAVILUON Tonite 107. 85a:m_ | 1078 98. m: ~ POWER HOUSE ROOM unit 36 sq.m: 16 sam, SOLAR BEACH LIGHT Bunitsx0I6 sq.m. | 0.48 sq.m. ‘COMMON GRILLING STATION, unit «25 59m. 25 39, 390.6859. m. TOTAL FOOTPRINTS OF THE PROJECTS ‘Total Land Are 7562.6q. m. GAIEBO T7unitexSsq mm _| _ 153 sq.m. “GUEST HOUSE (SINGLE) ‘unite | 58 sq.m. ‘ABR Zunits X36 sq.m. 72 39. m. ‘GAZEBO TWPE2 unit x 15 sq.m. 35 5q.m. TS" ST. JOSEPH THE CARPENTER STATUE 2.2539. 22559.m. SOLARPOWER OFFGRIDSYSTEM | 2unitx6 sq.m. 12sq.m, PAVILLION Tunit 107.8 sq.m. | 407-859. m. STAIRS AND TRAILS 60m X12m | 1,08259.m. ‘GOVERNOR'S ISLAND POWER HOUSE ROOM: Lunitx 16s9.m._| 16 sq.m. ‘VIEW DECK AND LANDSCAPE ATZIP oie Jes LINE LAUNCHING AREA, SOUAR BEACH LIGHT Funitx0.16 sq.m. | 0.64 sq.m. BOLUAROS/GARDEN LIGHTS | SOunitsx0.04sq.m. | _3.60sq.m. ‘COMMON GRILLING STATION unit 25 39. m. 25 $q.m. 31,506.29 sq.m. ‘TOTAL FOOTPRINTS OF THE PROJECTS Total Land Area "74408 sa. m GAZEBO Sunits x9 sa. 7259. m. ‘GAZEBO TYPE2 unit x 15 sq.m. 155q.m. COUPEE COMFERTHOOMTORWAE® | write xi sqm | 200 sam ‘GUEST HOUSE (SINGLE) unit 585q-m. 38 5g. ABR ‘unit 36 sq.m. 36 sq.m. ‘STAIRS AND TRAILS 2501.2 '300 sa. Naancoe ELA! BOLLARDS/ GARDEN LIGHTS | 30 unitsx0.04s9.m. | 1.60 sa.m SOLAR BEACH UGHT Bunits x0.16 sq.m. | 0.48 sq.m. PAVILLION ‘unit «107. 85q.m. | 107.8 sq.m. POWER HOUSE ROOM 3 unit x 16 54m. 16 59.m. SOLAR POWER OFF GRID SYSTEM | 1 unit x6.00 sq.m. | 6.0059. m. ‘COMMON GRILLING STATION. ‘Lunit x25 sm. 25 $9. (639.88 so.m. ‘TOTAL FOOTPRINTS OF THE PROJECTS. ‘Total Land Area 18916 sq.m ‘GAREBO Dunitsx sq.m. | 18 sa.m. (GAZEBO TYPED Tunitx 15sq.m. | 45 sa.m. ‘arene cowonTroou orsuiravoae | 2 unitx 1,00 sq. 239.1 (GUEST HOUSE { DUPLEX) ‘Lunit 11659. m._| 216 $4. BOLLARDS/ GARDEN LIGHTS | 20unitsx0.08sq.m. | 0.8sq.m WANG GARD ‘ABR unit x 36 5. 36.39. m. SOLAR POWER OFF GRID SYSTEM | unit x6.00sq.m. | 6sa.m STAIRS AND TRAILS ‘50 In.m.X1.2M 60.39. m. SOLAR BEACH LIGHT. Zunits x0.165q.m. | _3239.m 253.45q.m. TOTAL FOOTPRINTS OF THE PROJECTS ‘otal Land Area 4219 5q.m GaaEBo TS unitexO sq.m. [1389 m {GUEST HOUSE (SINGLE) “unit sq.m. | 85q.m. ‘ABR Tunitx36sq.m. | 36sq.m, PAVILION (816) Tunit x 186-60 sg. m-[ 284.8 sa. PAVILION (MIN unit 107.859. m. | 107.859. m. ‘BOARD WALK T7in.m,x4.2 39. | 92. 4 sq.m. ‘SHOWER AND REST ROOM | 2 unit 38.41 sq.m. | 39.48 sa.m. FOOTBRIDGE. 56 in.mtrxi2m | 67.2sq.m. SUSPENSION BRIOGE Bain. me. X1.2m | 28.859. m. {GUEST HOUSE (SINGLE) Zunits x58 sq.m] 12659. m, PURIOR Sea ‘GUEST HOUSE (DUPLEX) Tunibeti6sg.m__| 11660. ISLAND LOTNO. | PAVIION GROUND FLOOR EXPANSION | 2575a.m. 257 sq.m. 1253+ POWER HOUSE/ ROOM Tunit 16 s9.m. | 1650. ISLAND LOT NO. BOLARDS/ GARDEN LIGHTS | 30 units x0.04sq.m. | —128a.m. 12035 JUEZON MONUMENT, ROCK LE ronanonsanpweicoveanc | “5% | 48st ‘SOLAR POWER OFF GRID SYSTEM, Sqm. 63a. STAIRS AND TRAILS Foim. x12m | 32459. SOLAR BEACH UGHT Tonite x0.16 sq.m_| 0.3259. POWER HOUSE ROOM ‘unit x36 sq.m. | 1659. TBOLLARDS/ GARDEN LIGHTS | 300 unitsx0.08 a.m. | 4.009. m COMMON GRILING STATION | iunitx25 sq.m. | 25 sa-m. COMFORT ROOM WITH ABR Tunitx36sq.m. | 36 sa.m. T6843 sq.m ‘TOTAL FOOTPRINTS OF THE PROJECTS ee 9,565 sa. m ‘GALEBO TPE? Toniteissq.m | 15 sq.m. STAIRS AND TRANS 250 in. mn.1d.2 | 300 sa. SOLAR BEACH LIGHT 3 units x0.16 sq.m. | 0.4859. m {5 EET JESUS CHRIST STATUE (MEASUREMENTINCLUDES THE 20FEET | 49.00 sq.m. 49.005q.m. GASE OFTHE STATUE) TUFE SIZE STATIONS OF THE CROSS_| _183.75sqm. | ¥63758q.m ‘COMPOSITE CR Tunitact sq.m | 1.0059. POWER HOUSE/ ROOM unit 2659. 16 sq.m. BOLLARDS/ GARDEN LIGHTS | 100 unitsx0.08sg.m_ | 40059. m. GRCUMFERENTIAL ANDINTERIOR | Lunitx2 km TRAILS (1000 m.*1.2m) | _1202s%m MARTHAISLAND | MULT/-PORPOSE Hau wiTH View DEOK | Z nit 723.45|_72345 sq.m. ‘CARETAKER'S QUARTERS unit 64 sg.m. | 6459. BOARD WALK AND DOCKING AREA | 2unitx80.sq.m.__| _ 260sq.m. COMFORT ROOM WITH ABR | 1 unitx36 sq.m. | 3699. m, BENCH WITH LANDSCAPE | 15 unit x6.12 sq.m. | 81.859. PILLARS WITH LANDSCAPE unit 40.1 9m. 40.199. m. TRELLIS WITHSOLAROFF GRID | 1 unitxi8.72sa.m. | 18.72 sa.m. WIND AND SOLAR Pv HYeRIOSSTEM | Lunitx18.72.9.m,|_18.725a.m. WO ADSOAR PY WaRDSATON RENE) | 1 unit 18.72 9. m. | 18.72 59.m. TRELLIS 75 unite 18.72s0.m_| 280.850. 3:221.545q. ‘TOTAL FOOTPRINTS OF THE PROJECTS ‘otal and Ares| 29,731 99.m- GAZEBO 2units x9 59. m. i8sq.7 COMPETE CIRORT HOORAFORMANEE: | - 4 pal ix2.00'59. me 2sq.m. ROMULO ISLAND ‘COMFORT ROOM WITH ABR unit 36 6q.m. 363q.m. 565q.m ‘TOTAL FOOTPRINTS OF THE PROJECTS ‘otal Land Ares} 2964 sq.m ‘GUEST HOUSE (SINGLE) unit x58 sq.m. 58 59. ‘ABR unit x36 sq.m. 3659.m. ‘COMPOSITE COMFORT ROOM FOR ae pair 2.008q.m. | 2.00sq.m. VIRGIN ISLAND BOLLARDS/GARDENUGHTS | 20 unitsx0.04sq.m. | _O80sa.m. SOLAR POWER OFFGRID SYSTEM | iunitx6.005q.m. | _600sq.m. 102.8 sq.m. ‘TOTAL FOOTPRINTS OF THE PROJECTS ‘otal Land Area 11020 sq.m ‘STARSAND TRAIS WITH RAINGS | Tunitwa7olmeiam | 104¢sa.m. TMULT- PURPOSE HALL WITH VIEW DECK |_Tunitx 723.48 sq.m. | 72845 sq.m. STOREY QUARTERS Tonitx254.6659.m. | 2586659. BOARD WALK AND DOCKING AREA Zuni 80.9. 13a. ‘COMFORT ROOM WITH ABR Tunit 3659, 364. ‘BENCH WITH LANDSCAPE. TS units x612sq me] SLBsq.m prieneaned iaianio "ALTAR WITH LANDSCAPE Tunitx’9.20se.m._| 19.2059. (AMOS ISLAND) "TRELLIS WITH SOLAR OFF GRID Tunitx28725q-m._| 18-7259, ‘WIND AND SOLAR PV HYBRID SYSTEM | A unltxi8.72sq.m, | 48:725q.m, (TRELWS) DESTRIBUTION UNE Tone TRELLIS Bontexia 72m | 260.850 7 2,652.15 59. m. ‘TOTAL FOOTPRINTS OF THE PROJECTS ‘otal Land Area 14,779 sq.m. STARSAND TRAIS WITH AAUNGS | funitxa7@imxaam. | —453.6sq.m. "ALTAR AND LANDSCAPE Tunite19.205q.m__| _192089.m. ‘COMFORT ROOM WITH ABR nit x36 59.m. 3699. m “eANDAL ELA TRELUS TSunits<6.1259.m._| 918 sm. DOCKING AREA nits «85g: am 104 sq.m. ‘TOTAL FOOTPRINTS OF THE PROJECTS. Total Land Area 2,404 sq.m GAZEBO TWunkex9sa-m 90 54m. ‘GUEST HOUSE nits 5859. Hésam CUENCO ISLAND 206 59. TOTAL FOOTPRINTS OF THE PROJECTS Total Land Area 42057 54. Total Land ares) ‘SHELL ISLAND 14,936 sq. "Total tand Area BON SLANE [NO CONSTRUCTION OF FACILITIES YET. BAAN sie Total Land area BRAGANZA ISLAND a ‘oral tand area MACAPAGALISLAND 439089. ~ ‘OTHER FACILITIES FLOATING COTTAGES 30 units26.85 sa. m. SOLAR POWER OFF GRIDSYSTEM | 30 units solar panels NAME PLATES Engr. Nicanor C. Esteban OIC-Chief, Clearance & Permitting Division SE venta, 2007 onan AM Annex A ‘The Project Components of the Hundred Islands National Park of located at Alaminos City, Pangasinan shall only be limited to the following faciities/components as indicated in the submitted EIA document: SAND ‘AREAS. MJ7 | FOOTPRINT OF racunes cmc | Seaman GUEST HOUSE (SINGLE) 2 units x 58 sq.m 116 sq.m. aR “unit 59m. | 36 sq.m GAtEO WED ra GAZEBO Buntsxssq.m_| a4 s6-m STARS AND TAS 330mm. [3812 0, PAVILON Tun 107. 8q,m_ | 107. sa-m. Comrosire ck Buns x 1.005q.m.| 200 5a. m capren’s sano [BOULARDS/ GARDEN UATE —| 20 untsx0.04 sa. m| — 08 9. SOUR POWER OFF GHD SYSTEM | 2 untsx6.00~sq:m | “72.00 9, BRIDGE/OOCRING 1235im. x12m | 16026. POWER HOUSE 36 sm. ZBMMON GRIN STATON —| “wnt em | 25 sam ‘COMFORT ROON WITH ABR | —1 unt 36 sq.m] 36 sam 357259. TOTAL FOOTPRINTS OF THe PRONECTS Teal and area 24053 sq.m. GUESTHOUSE SINE DunitxsB sam |G sam. EPOSTECOnPORTRGOMFORNNEE 7 nas .00sq,m. | 2.00 8, ABR Tunitx36 sam, | 36 Sam GAEBO TIE ee ZOIAn OFF GHO-SYSTEM | Punts x00 sq.m] 1200 5q.m STARS AND TRANS 270m. Xa2m. | 326 sq.m. SOLAR BEACHTUGHT Tuniex045 sq.m | 046 sam cunve sano PAVILION unt x307-8sq.m. | 1078 .m, ComPosiTe ck units 3.00 s.r | 2.005. GAZEBO aZunts K9sq,m | 108 a.m. POWER HOUSE ROOM Lunitx6 sm. —| — 16 sam BOUAROS/ GARDEN UGHTS | 0 units 0.08 sa. 1.60 5m OMMON GRILLING STATON | 1 unit 25 sq.m. | — 25 a.m F556. TOTAL FOOTPRINTS OFTHE PRONECTS Teal and rca nO Tonks x 936 sa GAREBO TIE? units 5 5. o unit 5m ‘SRPOSTECDATORTRGTRFORNER 7 00m LOPEZ ISLAND “GUEST HOUSE (SINGLE) “Tunitx58 sq.m. STAI AND RAIS 250m. m. BOUAROS/ GARDEN UGHTS | 30 units x00 54. m SOUARPOWEROFF GRID svsTEM | uniex6O0sq,m. | ”6.005q,m PAVILION Tunitx107.85q,m. [1073 s,m

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