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of Printed Pages: 2
Roll No.. .
Total No. of Questions: [09]

Branch: B.Tech Electrical Engg. (Semester- 7th

Subject Name: Power System Analysis
Subject Code: BELEs1-701

Paper ID: [18111540]

Maximum Marks: 60
Time: 03 Hours
Instruction for candidates:
of two marks each.
. Section A is compulsory. It consists of 10 parts to attempt any 4
Section B consist of 5 questions of
5 marks each. The student has
questions out of it. 2
marks each. The student has to attempt any
3. Section C consist of 3 questions of 10
(2 marks each)
Q1. Attempt the following:
E=1.1 pu is feeding an infinite bus
with voltage of l pu.
a) A synchronous machine having
If the transfer reactance is 0.5 pu, find the steady state power

b) What is a swing bus?

c) Define symmetrical fault.
d) What is equal area criterion?
e) What is meant by line flow?
faults is most serious? Why?
) Which of the unsymmetrical
g)What is significance of power angle? are chosen as base quantities?
which quantities
h) In per unit system for a 3 phase systems,
i) What is meant by sparsity?
) Why is load flow study done?
(5 marks each)
Section B
are connected
13.2kV and 15MVA, 13.2kV respectively
Q2. Two generators rated at 10MVA,
two motors rated at
8MVA and 12MVA respectively.
in parallel to a bus. The bus feeds
is 15% and that of
12.5kV. The reactance of each generator
The rated voltage of motors is
draw the reactance
Assume 50MVA, 13.8kV base and
each motor is 20% on its own rating.

diagram. Method
Draw and explain Flow chart for
Newton Raphson
Q3. fault
and Z=j0.05pu. (a) A Line to ground
Q4. A 30MVA, 11kV generator has Z=Z2=j0.2pu
terminals. Find the fault current and
line to line voltages during
occurs on the generator is
and the generator
the generator is solidly grounded
fault conditions. Assume that
o c c u r r e n c e of fault. (b)
Find the line current for
at load and at rated voltage at
operating no

3 phase fault.
construct sequence
network for a given system.
Q5. Describe procedure to
Q6. What is the effect on power system stability for each of following events:
a) sudden change in mechanical input
b) Sudden short circuit on one of parallel lines.

Section C (10 marks each)

Q7. Explain the method for formation of Bus admittance matrix for a given network.
Q8. A 33kV bus bar has a three phase fault level of 1000MVA. The negative and zero
sequence source reactance's are 2/3 and 1/3 of positive sequence reactance. The zero
sequence source resistance is 60 2. A 30MVA, 33/132kV solidly grounded A/Y
transformer having a reactance of 0.1pu is fed from 33kV bus. Find the fault current and
fault MVA at 132kV bus for following faults: (a) 3-phase (b) Single line to ground (C)
line to line (d) double line to ground
09. Differentiate between steady state and transient stability. What are the factors that affect
transient stability? How is solution of swing equation helpful in gauging the stability of
power system?

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