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1. Put the verbs in brackets: present simple, past simple or future simple.

1. She (go) school every day. 6. Joey (go) work by bus tomorrow because
2. There (be)............... big problems in many parts of his motorbike has broken down.
the world, 7. (they/ plant) ...............many trees last month?
3. He plays volleyball but he (not/ enjoy) 8. (he/ write) his friend next week?
4. He (meet) ............the dentist next week. 9. (you/ always/ meet)...............him at the comer of
5. Thanh and Mai (go) catch a movie Maple Street?
yesterday. 10. My friend (pick) up at the station two
days ago
2. Chọn thì Hiện tại đơn hoặc Hiện tại tiếp diễn.
1. Today she is spending /spends time with her grandmother.
2. They usually are going /go to the gym on Sundays.
3. We are having/ have a barbecue later in. Do you want to come?
4. No, she can't answer the phone now. She is having/has a shower.
5. I always have/ am having a coffee before I am leaving/ leave for work in the morning
6. They sometimes fly/ are flying to Sweden, but usually they are going/ go by boat.
7. Where are you? I am sitting/ sit outside in the sunshine.
8. He always brings/ is bringing a monolingual dictionary to use in English class.
9. You won't find Jerry at home right now because he is studying /studies in the library
10. It is snowing /snows quite hard. Perhaps we shouldn't go out tonight.
3. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets (Past simple or past continuous).
1. I (call) _______ Mr Wilson at 9 last night, but he (not be) _______ at home. He (study) _______ at the library.
2. I (not hear) _______ the thunder during the storm last night because I (sleep) _______ .
3. It was beautiful yesterday when we went for a walk in the park. The sun (shine) _______ . The birds (sing)
_______ .
4. My brother and sister (talk) _______ about something when I (walk) _______ into the room.
5. Tom went to his friends 'house, but the boys (not be) _______ there. They (play) _______ soccer in the vacant lot
down the street.
6. The little boy (fall) _______ asleep while his mother (read) _______ him a story.
7. I really enjoyed my holiday last January. While it (snow) _______ in Iowa, the sun (shine) _______ in Florida.
8. While Ted (shovel) _______ snow from his driveway yesterday, his wife (bring) _______ him a cup of hot
9. John (have) _______ a car accident last week. He (drive) _______ down the street when suddenly a lorry (hit)
_______ his car from behind.
10. Ten years ago, the government (decide) _______ to begin a food programme. At that time, many people in the
rural areas (starve) _______ due to several years of drought.
4. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets (Past simple or Past perfect).
1. I (watch) _______ a good film on TV before I (go) _______ to bed last night.
2. Mary (not/ go) _______ to Paris with us last week because she (already/ go) _______ there.
3. By 2002, she (leave) _______ the university.
4. By the time he (arrive) _______ his school, all his classmates (go) _______ out for lunch.
5. Mrs My Linh (have) _______ very much money before she (be) _________ 18.
6. Mrs Browns (visit) _______ Cua Lo beach in Vietnam last year after they (retire) ______.
7. I helped my sister do English exercises after we (play) _______ chesses on the computer.
8. She (walk) _______ for two kms before she (have) _______ dinner.
9. After Mary (speak) _______ in public on many occasions, she (get) _______ the TV job offer.
10. My father (not/ watch) _______ that film because he (already/ see) _______ it before.
5. Put the verbs in brackets: past simple or present perfect.
1. I (receive) a letter just a few minutes ago.
2. They (live) in London since 1980.
3. Linda is working in this department. She (work) here for two years.
4. Up to present, John (do) good work in the class.
5. (they/ put) their book on my desk last night?
6. He (study) English at this school for six weeks up to now.
7. Nobody lives in those houses. They (be) empty for many years.
8. Cindy is in her office. She (be) there since 7 o’clock.
9. My sister (come) to see me last night.
10. My friend George is learning Japanese. He (learn) it for six months.
6. Put the verbs in brackets: present simple, present continuous, past simple, future simple or near future.
1. The teacher always (point) the blackboard when he (want) explain something
2. Where you go) ..............? To the supermarket. I (have) .............. a picnic this Saturday
3. Listen! Someone (knock) the door. I (go) ..............and (see) who it is
4. (you).............any plans for tonight? Yes. I (catch)...............a movie with my new friend Linda. (you/
want) ............... to join us?
5. Miranda usually (go).............. to work by motorbike. But today she (go) work by bus as her motorbike has
broken down.
6. I (pack) ................for my business trip tomorrow. And I (come) .................. back in a week.
7. (you/usually/ climb)............... the tree when you (be)..............little?
8. The sun (rise) ............... in the East and set) ............... in the West . Look, it ………!
9. Mrs. Lien (be)..............gardener. Look! She (paint) ............... some more flowers in her garden
10. Where (be/ Jim) ...............? In the bedroom. Last night her (drink) wine and (go) ...............home quite
late, so now he (still sleep)..............

7. Circle the correct answer:

1. The Smith (is having/ are having) a barbecue in the backyard right now.
2. The train (just leaves/ has just left) for 10 minutes.
3. The police (haven’t caught/ hasn’t caught) the burglars yet.
4. Jim (is still reading/ has still read) the book he borrowed from the local library last week.
5. (Have you ever tried/ Are you ever trying) Indian cuisine before? No, this is my first time.
6. At present, my father (is having/ has) a car and a motorbike.
7. You should arrive at the airport before 8:30 because the plane (takes off/ are taking off) at sharp 8.
8. Who (is/are) James talking to?
9. I (have read/read) five science books so far.
10. Coffee (has always been/ is always) my favorite drink since I was 20.
11. Why (are you always talking/ do you always talk) with your mouth full?
12. What (are you doing/ do you do) now? I am a linguist.
13. Look! It (is pouring/ pours) with rain.
14. Have you finished your homework yet? No, actually I (am working/ work) on it.
15. Mr. Brown (is sleeping/ has slept). I can hear his loud snoring.
16. Tom (cleaned/ was cleaning) the living room when Jane arrived
17. While my parents (were working/ was working), I was studying at home
18. I (walked/ was walking) home when I (tripped/ was tripping) and fell
19. At 8 o’clock last night, we (were having/ had) dinner at a Chinese restaurant
20. Frank (was fixing/ fixed) his car when his mobile rang
8. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb in brackets
1. Alex ……………… (prefer) tea to coffee.
2. Cats ……………… (drink) milk.
3. How long ……………… you ……………… (wait) before the taxi arrived?
4. I ……………… (not reply) to my teacher’s email yet.
5. My cat ……………… (catch) a mouse two days ago.
6. My grandfather ……………… (take) a nap at 5 o’clock yesterday.
7. The plane ……………… (fly) to Manchester every Tuesday
8. We ……………… (meet) our new teacher at 11.30 am tomorrow.
9. When I ……………… (get) home, my mother ……………… (watch TV)
10. You ……………… (always lose) your keys.
11. Peter ……………… (play) a video game when his brother, Jack, ……………… (enter) the room.
12. I ……………… (study) for my English test when my mother ……………… (come) home from work.
13. Emma ……………… (wash) the dishes when the telephone ……………… (ring).
14. I ……………… (eat) a sandwich while my parents ……………… (drink) coffee.
15. I ……………… (watch) a DVD when my cat ……………… (jump) on me.
16. They ( work ) ……………… in Ha Noi last year.
17. We ( not like ) ……………… eating apples after dinner.
18. You ( do ) ……………… Math exercises last night ?
19. He ( go ) ……………… to the party last week ?
20. The Earth ( move ) ……………… around the Sun.
6. Ho Chi Minh city ( be ) ……………….. the largest city in Vietnam.
7. My younger sister ( watch ) ……………….. TV so much recently.
8. They sometimes ( miss ) ……………………. the bus because of getting up late.
9. Mary ( open ) ………………. some gifts in the living room now.
10. They ( fly ) …………………. from London to Vietnam every day.
11. They ( start ) …………………. their journey on Sunday tomorrow.
12. She ( not call ) …………………. for me at 6 o’clock yesterday.
13. She ( get ) ……………….. married next week.
14. You ( do ) ………………….. nothing tonight ?
15. It ( rain ) ……………… heavily last night ?
16. I ( have ) ……………….. my photograph taken tomorrow.
17. Mrs. Beth ( go ) ……………… and ( get ) ……………….. some books next week.
18. They (send) …………………. you some grape soon.
19. I (learn) ……………….. to type now.
20. He just (go) …………………..back from school.
21. They (go) ………………… to work by bicycle every day.
22. I (meet) ……………………. him at Mr. Bell’s house last month.
23. He (look) ………………… at the picture at present.
24. They (live) ……………… ten years ago.
25. I (buy) ……………… this pencil case last Saturday.
26. We (learn) …………………….English at the moment.
27. My mother is in the kitchen, she (cook) …………………..
28. What are you doing? – I (plant) ………………… trees in the garden.
29. My grandfather (read) ………………newspaper when my uncle came.
30. They (play) ……………… at two o’clock yesterday afternoon.
31. She (eat) ………………. lunch with her family when I (come) ………………..
32. While I (look) ………………. out he (eat) ……………..something.
33. What you (do) ……………. at five yesterday morning?
34. I (not finish) ………………. my homework yet.
35. We (be) …………… this city for three months.
36. You (have) …………………. breakfast yet?
37. The play just (begin) ……………………..
38. They (not see) …………………… for seven months.
39. Mr. and Mrs. Greek (live) ………………… this city since 1998.
40. Tom never (watch) …………………. that film before.
41. Before I (came) ………………..she (leave) ……………………
42. He (do)………………… nothing before he saw me.
43. By the time we arrived, the party (finish) …………………………
44. After we (discuss) ………………… on the phone, I wrote a letter to my mother.
45. I watched TV after I (have) …………………… dinner.
46. The children (play) ………………… football in the field now.

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