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ASSIGNMENT 7 (Summary): Thoroughly summarize and reflect upon your entire 10 hour Field

Observation Placement.


When I entered the school, I had to sign in on a computer for a guest pass that I had to stick onto my
shirt. Garcia teaches his students in an efficient and effective way. He addresses learning criteria and
expectations on the board. Garcia lets students read any material that's being presented. When
teaching, Garcia tests students' knowledge by asking questions. When students seem stuck on a
problem, he demonstrates another approach to the problem. During lunch students sit in assigned
seats with their classmates that they chose at the beginning of the year. The students are required to
not be too loud in the classroom. After lunch, students go outside for recess. The school has a
Literature Lab that has books for different grade levels. The school also has a theme every year, this
year's theme is video games. After recess students come back inside for class. Garcia has jobs for
certain students, “Paper passer, garbage, line leader, line patrol, door holder, seating, caboose” Garcia
lets students move from their seats and sit around the classroom to work on assignments with each
other or independently. There are different pods for different grades. The pods have tables that
students can sit at and read and or do other work. I’ve seen teachers have groups of students sitting at
a table while reading with them.

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