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Research Project on

Semester V (Batch 2021 – 2026)

July December 2023
Internal Continuous Evaluation
Subject – Legislative Drafting and Interpretation of Statutes
Research Project

Student Name: Pratyush Mailapur

Registration Number: 21BBL026
E mail:
August` 2023

Submitted to:
Sanjeev Kumar Choudhary
Assistant Professor of Law
Gujarat National Law University,
Gandhinagar-382426, Gujarat, INDIA




History And Importance Of Literal Rule Of Interpretation In India...............................5

Prominent Indian Cases With Regards To Literal Rule Of Interpretation.....................6

Benefits Of Literal Rule Of Interpretation...........................................................................8

Drawbacks Of Literal Rule Of Interpretation...................................................................10

Striking A Harmonious Blend Between Legal Definiteness And Legislative Purpose


Progressive Legal Precedence: Contemporary Patterns And Judicial Conversation..13

Recent Rulings In Indian Courts Deviating From The Literal Rule..............................14

Factors Driving The Change And Its Consequences.......................................................14

Possible Consequences Arising From Adopting A More Adaptable Stance In

Interpreting Statutes.............................................................................................................15

Integration Of Contextual And Purposive Aspects Into The Literal Rule....................16




The interpretation backing literal rule stands as one of the most ancient
techniques employed by the judiciary for deciphering legal texts. Within the context
of India, the literal rule assumes the role of a foundational doctrine that judges wield
during the process of interpreting statutes. As per the literal rule, judges are
mandated to accord primary significance to the precise or grammatical
interpretation of the statute, irrespective of its potential consequences or perceived
legislative intentions. Broadly speaking, the Indian judicial system adheres to the
principle that courts must construe legislation based on the clear and direct meaning
of the words employed, without incorporating any supplementary connotations or

This approach is consistently adhered to even when it leads to illogical or severe

outcomes, given that the remedy rests with the parliament enacting an amending
statute to rectify any unintended aftermaths. In essence, the literal rule places
emphasis on the literal definition of the terms present in the statute in order to
deduce the legislative intent. However, the judiciary has recognized the necessity of
harmonizing this approach with other methods of interpretation to ensure an
equitable and just application of the law.

The current research endeavor undertakes an investigation into the utilization of the
literal rule in the construction of statutes within the framework of the Indian legal
system. The study places specific focus on the intricate equilibrium that needs to be
maintained between legal definiteness and legislative purpose. The literal rule,
which underscores the plain and customary interpretation of statutory language,
emerges as a fundamental doctrine of statutory interpretation. This inquiry delves
into the pivotal factors and consequences associated with employing the literal rule
in the construction of statutes in India, with the aim of offering insights into the
delicate equilibrium required to uphold both legal precision and fidelity to
legislative intent.

Key Words: Literal Rule, Ancient Techniques, deciphering legal texts, legislative
intentions, parliament enacting, legal precision, legislative intent.


The primary approach employed by courts when interpreting statutes

is known as the literal rule of interpretation. This rule stipulates that courts must
construe statutory provisions according to their natural, ordinary or popular
meanings. The words utilized in the statute are given an interpretation that aligns
with their common understanding and usage within the general public. The courts
give precedence to the grammatical sense of the words while employing the literal
rule. The objective is to closely adhere to the language of the statute as it is
commonly comprehended.1

Statutory construction represents a crucial facet of legal interpretation, as it steers the

process of discerning legislative intent and applying laws to specific scenarios and
cases. Amid various methods of interpretation, the literal rule occupies a significant
position by ensuring legal definiteness through strict adherence to the language
utilized by the legislature. This principle mandates that words within a statute ought
to be assigned their clear and customary meanings, focusing on the literal
interpretation of the text rather than considering external factors. However, applying
the literal rule may sometimes yield outcomes that seem absurd, contradictory, or
inconsistent with the broader purpose of the law. The underlying rationale behind
the Literal Rule lies in its promotion of legal certainty and predictability, simplifying
compliance with the law for individuals and businesses alike. Additionally, it
safeguards the separation of powers by limiting the judiciary's authority to interpret
laws and compelling judges to accord precedence to the straightforward meanings
of words.2

K, I. The literal rule of interpretation of statute. Legal Service India - Law, Lawyers and Legal

Nevertheless, the Literal Rule has its drawbacks. It can lead to provisions that are
vague, nonsensical, and at odds with the intentions of the statute's framers. In such
scenarios, judges might resort to the Golden Rule of Interpretation, which permits
deviation from a literal interpretation of the text when it results in confusing,
ludicrous, or ambiguous conclusions. The Golden Rule comes into play when the
literal interpretation of the text generates an irrational outcome that likely does not
align with the legislature's intention. A definitive standard for interpretation cannot
be universally established, and a statute cannot be comprehended in isolation from
its context. Judges are required to act in alignment with the true intent of the



The origins of the literal rule trace back to the 16th century, a period
during which it emerged as a means to curtail the authority of the judiciary. This
rule came into being as a response to what was perceived as judicial activism during
that era, wherein judges interpreted statutes in manners that extended beyond their
intended scope. The literal rule was conceived as a mechanism to restrict the
judiciary's power while simultaneously preserving the unaltered intentions of the
legislature. As India inherited a legal system deeply rooted in British legal
principles, the literal rule was implemented during the initial stages of Indian
jurisprudence. The literal interpretation of statutes held great importance, ensuring
predictability, legal assurance, and faithfulness to legislative intent.4

Maheshwari, R. (2021, April 26). All about literal rule of interpretation. Law Corner.

Courts can declare, interpret law but cannot entrench upon legislation: SC judge. The Economic Times.

Given India's foundation upon a written constitution and a parliamentary system of
governance, the interpretation of statutes assumes a crucial role in defining rights,
obligations, and the extent of the law. Over the course of court practices, the criteria
and principles for interpretation have evolved. These guidelines establish a
consistent framework for interpreting the various components of a statute, including
divisions, sections, sub-sections, and other segments. These interpretation rules are
often referred to as "construction rules" or "canons of construction." The Indian
Constitution confers authority upon both the Parliament and state legislatures to
enact laws, resulting in a substantial body of legislation. Nonetheless, statutes cannot
predict every conceivable event or scenario, necessitating judicial interpretation to
clarify statutory requisites. This process of statutory interpretation empowers courts
to discern the actual intent of the legislator and guarantee the proper application of
the law across diverse factual scenarios. In India, statutory interpretation holds
immense significance as it guides the judiciary, maintains uniformity and
consistency in legal application, and strikes a balance between legislative intention
and individual justice. It serves as a means to bridge gaps and ambiguities, ensuring
equitable and fair outcomes.5



Amidst the spectrum of interpretive techniques utilized by Indian courts,

encompassing approaches such as purposive and contextual interpretations, the
literal rule assumes significance by acknowledging the supremacy of Parliament and
its authority to enact laws, even if they may appear counterintuitive. The subsequent
instances underscore the influence of the literal rule:

Pandya, P. (2020, May 23). Literal rule of interpretation. Law column.

The rules of statutory interpretation. The Lawyers & Jurists. (n.d.).

1. In the matter of Maqbool Hussain vs State of Bombay [AIR 1953 SC 325], the
petitioner arrived at an Indian airport without disclosing his possession of
gold. Following a subsequent search, the gold was discovered in his
possession, constituting a breach of a government notification. The gold was
confiscated under Section 167(8) of the Sea Customs Act of 1878, and the
petitioner faced charges under Section 8 of the Foreign Exchange Regulation
Act, 1947. The petitioner contended that his trial under the 1947 Act violated
Article 20(2) of the Constitution, which safeguards against double jeopardy,
citing that his gold had already been confiscated, tantamount to punishment.

The Supreme Court ruled that the Sea Customs Authority did not function as
a judicial tribunal, and decisions pertaining to confiscation or augmented
duty penalties under the Sea Customs Act did not amount to prosecution.
Thus, the petitioner's trial under the 1947 Act was deemed valid.

2. In the case of Ranjit Udeshi vs State of Maharashtra [AIR 1965 SC 881], the
appellant faced conviction under Section 292 of the Indian Penal Code for
vending the book "Lady Chatterley's Lover," which was proscribed and
deemed obscene by the Government of India. The appellant argued before the
Supreme Court that, in criminal law, the prosecution must establish mens rea
(culpable intent) of the accused, and the lack of proof of mens rea rendered
the conviction unwarranted.

The Supreme Court held that in the offense delineated in Section 292 of the
Indian Penal Code, awareness of obscenity was not a pivotal element requisite
for conviction. The section's language was distinct and its meaning apparent.
The court emphasized that it must attribute the words in the section their
natural interpretation, thereby refuting the appellant's contention.

3. In the case of CIT v. T. V Sundaram Iyengar (1975) 101 I.T.R 764 SC, the court
expounded on the Literal Rule, stating, "When the language used in a statute

is clear and unambiguous, the court is obliged to adhere to its plain meaning,
even if it results in an unjust outcome."

4. In the instance of Insurance Co. Ltd. vs Shinder Kaur, AIR 1998 P&H, the
court emphasized that when statutory or legal provisions employ lucid and
unambiguous language, it is imperative to adhere to the plain meaning of the

5. In the case of Naresh Kumar Madan vs State of Madhya Pradesh, AIR 2008
SC, the Supreme Court observed that varied statutes might employ the same
terms for distinct purposes. This underscored the notion that the
interpretation of a term within a specific statute should be molded to align
with its designated purpose and intent, unlike another statute where the term
may harbor a different connotation. Consequently, interpreting a term in one
statute should not rest upon its definition in another statute, barring
exceptions under the General Clauses Act of 1897.


i. Clarity and Assurance: The literal approach guarantees lucidity and

confidence in legal interpretation through its emphasis on the straightforward
and typical understanding of legislative language. It establishes a secure and
foreseeable legal framework by enabling individuals to anticipate the legal
outcomes of their actions.
ii. Primacy of Legislation: The literal principle upholds the concept of legislative
supremacy by according significance to the terms employed by the
legislature. It curbs judicial activism and prevents judges from overriding the
lawmakers' intentions.

iii. Avoidance of Judicial Bias: The literal guideline reduces the influence of
judges' personal perspectives in interpreting statutes. By relying on the
common meaning of words, it curtails the room for individual prejudices or
interpretations, fostering an objective and uniform method of statutory
iv. Safeguarding the Separation of Powers: The literal approach maintains the
separation of powers by allowing the judiciary to interpret the law without
encroaching on the legislative role. It ensures that the judicial function
remains confined to giving effect to the legislature's intent as articulated in the
statute's text.
v. Minimization of Judicial Activism: The literal rule serves as a
countermeasure against judicial activism, ensuring that judges do not
overstep their boundaries by imposing their personal views or opinions on
the interpretation of statutes. This maintains a proper balance between the
roles of the legislature and the judiciary.
vi. Respect for Legislative Process: By adhering closely to the wording of
statutes, the literal rule demonstrates respect for the democratic process
through which legislation is formulated and enacted. It avoids a scenario
where judges reshape the law according to their own interpretations.

vii. Time-Efficiency: The literal rule can expedite legal proceedings since it
focuses on the immediate and apparent meaning of the statute's language.
This efficiency is particularly valuable in cases where prompt resolution is

viii. Clarity in Legal Drafting: The requirement to adhere to the literal meaning of
words encourages lawmakers to draft legislation with precision and clarity.
This minimizes the chances of ambiguity or confusion arising from vague or
poorly constructed statutory language.

ix. Promotion of Legislative Review: If the literal rule leads to outcomes that are
deemed impractical or unintended, it prompts legislators to revisit and revise
the statute to align it more accurately with their original intentions.

x. Equal Treatment: The literal approach treats all individuals equally before the
law, as it avoids the inclusion of subjective interpretations that might result in
disparate treatment based on personal biases.

xi. Stability in Precedent: The literal rule contributes to the stability of legal
precedent, as decisions made based on the plain meaning of statutes are less
likely to shift over time, providing a reliable framework for future cases.

xii. Protection against Judicial Lawmaking: By focusing on the text's explicit

wording, the literal rule safeguards against judges inadvertently engaging in
judicial lawmaking, maintaining the distinction between the roles of the
judiciary and the legislature.


i. Potential Inflexibility: The literal rule can lead to overly rigid interpretations
that do not account for changing societal contexts or unforeseen
circumstances. This can result in outcomes that were clearly not intended by
the legislature.

ii. Absurd or Unjust Outcomes: Strict adherence to the literal wording of a

statute can lead to interpretations that produce absurd or unjust results. This
can undermine the overall purpose of the law and create inconsistencies in its

iii. Neglect of Legislative Intent: In cases where the literal meaning of words
conflicts with the obvious legislative intent, the literal rule may disregard the

underlying purpose of the law, leading to outcomes that go against the spirit
of the legislation.

iv. Inadequate Coverage of Evolving Language: The literal rule might fail to
accommodate shifts in language usage over time, potentially misinterpreting
statutes due to changes in linguistic norms.

v. Limitations in Complex Cases: In intricate or complex legal scenarios, a

purely literal interpretation might not provide a comprehensive
understanding of the statute, leaving gaps in interpretation that are necessary
for a just resolution.

vi. Ambiguity and Vagueness: Some statutes are inherently vague or

ambiguous, and a strict adherence to the literal rule may not provide clarity in
such cases, resulting in confusion and inconsistent judgments.

vii. Incompatibility with Modern Legislation: Modern statutes often include

technical terms or phrases that require specialized interpretation. The literal
rule may struggle to capture the intended meaning of such terms, leading to

viii. Disregard for Legislative Drafting Errors: The literal rule assumes that
legislative drafting is flawless, disregarding the possibility of errors,
omissions, or inconsistencies in the wording of statutes.

ix. Inequitable Outcomes: The literal rule's focus on word-for-word

interpretation may lead to outcomes that are overly formalistic, ignoring the
broader equity or fairness considerations of a case.

x. Inhibition of Judicial Discretion: Strict application of the literal rule can limit
judges' discretion to harmonize conflicting provisions or address unforeseen

gaps in legislation, potentially hindering the pursuit of justice in individual



The literal rule of interpreting statutes aims to establish legal assurance

by adhering to the everyday meanings of words in a statute, disregarding their
intentions or settings. However, this method could have limitations in fully grasping
legislative intent. For instance, words can hold diverse meanings in various contexts
or may be unclear, resulting in interpretational difficulties. There are situations
where the literal approach might generate unjust or unintended consequences that
deviate from what the legislature intended. Achieving equilibrium between legal
definiteness and legislative purpose within statutory construction poses a challenge
due to the requirement for clear and foreseeable laws. Legislative intent pertains to
the objective or purpose of the legislature.6 Literal rules contribute to legal clarity but
can also lead to ambiguity. Alternative methods encompass purposive or contextual
interpretation. Balancing legislative intent and legal certainty is intricate, given that
statutory construction necessitates navigating this terrain. Alternative techniques
like the purposive approach and contextual interpretation are more adept at
capturing legislative purpose, though they too possess limitations, even though the
literal rule does provide some measure of legal certainty. The pivotal task lies in
striking a harmony between legal definiteness and grasping legislative intent,
achieved through meticulous examination and interpretation of the statute in its

Olls. (2019, September 12). Statutory construction: Legislative intent and the presumptions used to
interpret statutes. Colorado LegiSource.

Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (n.d.). Alternative approaches and methods (part II) - approaches and
methods in language teaching. Cambridge Core.


The interpretation of statutes is crucial in Indian jurisprudence,

influencing legal certainty and legislative intent realization. The contextual approach
considers legislative intent, societal changes, and harmonious construction, while the
purposive approach emphasizes legislative purpose, teleological interpretation, and
dynamic application. The literal rule focuses on the plain meaning of words,
certainty, and upholding legislative supremacy.

Indian courts have a tendency towards a more flexible interpretive approach, often
striking a balance between the literal rule and contextual or purposive
interpretations. This includes judicial activism in cases involving constitutional
issues and public interest matters, as well as the recognition of the need for
contextual and purposive interpretation to align with evolving principles of justice
and equity. Recent trends in Indian statutory interpretation reflect a growing
emphasis on context, purpose, and fundamental rights. The courts’ increasing
adoption of a contextual and purposive approach in interpreting statutes considers
factors such as legislative intent, societal impact, and public policy concerns. The
dialogic approach employed by courts engages with different stakeholders to ensure
a comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand.

The literal rule has drawn criticism for being rigid and having the potential to
produce absurd outcomes. The purposive method, in contrast, has drawn criticism
for its subjectivity and ability to cause confusion among those who must abide by
the law, including individuals as well as businesses. Despite these criticisms, both
the literal rule and the purposive approach remain important principles of statutory
interpretation, and courts may use either approach depending on the circumstances
of the case.


In recent instances of Indian court verdicts, the literal rule of

interpretation has been set aside in favor of a more adaptable approach, such as the
purposive approach. The purposive approach involves taking into account the
contextual and intended purpose of the statute, along with the broader societal,
economic, and political backdrop in which the statute was enacted. The requirement
for a more intricate and contextual comprehension of laws, capable of better serving
justice, has driven the departure from the literal rule. This shift also sparks concerns
regarding judicial activism and inconsistency in decision-making. It becomes
imperative to establish well-defined guidelines and principles for deviating from the
literal rule to ensure a uniform and predictable course of action. When courts move
away from the explicit sense of the words employed in a statute, it might suggest
that the legislation is ambiguous or insufficient in addressing the issue in question.
This might prompt the legislature to react by formulating more precise laws to avert
judicial reinterpretation.8


The consequences stemming from this transition hold significance, as it

empowers judges to factor in the broader context and objectives of the statute,
potentially resulting in more equitable conclusions. Nonetheless, it introduces an
element of uncertainty due to the subjective nature of the purposive approach,
which can yield divergent interpretations of the same statute. The literal rule has
faced critique for its inflexibility and inability to address intricate legal matters. As
the legal panorama evolves and novel challenges emerge, judges might find it
necessary to deviate from the literal rule to attain a just and impartial resolution.

Mahawar, S. (2021, July 17). Understanding the rule of purposive interpretation of statutes. iPleaders.

This method entails considering the fundamental purpose or intention of the
legislation, recognizing that statutes aren't conceived in isolation but rather to tackle
societal concerns and advance particular aims. By taking into account legislative
intent, judges can ensure that the law's interpretation aligns with the overarching
objectives of the legislation. Steering away from the literal rule empowers judges to
harmonize conflicting provisions and bring the legislation's comprehensive
framework into effect.9



Embracing a more adaptable methodology for interpreting statutes in

India can carry various potential ramifications, which encompass:

1. Deeper and Contextual Interpretation of Statutes, potentially leading to more

equitable resolutions.
2. Heightened Ambiguity due to the subjective nature of the purposive
approach, which might yield divergent interpretations of the same statute.
3. Enhanced Judicial Discretion as judges gain greater leeway to construe laws
according to their perception of intent and purpose.
4. Amplified Potential for Judicial Activism, where judges might utilize the
purposive approach to invalidate laws they consider unjust or in violation of
the constitution.
5. Elevated Prospect of Inconsistency in Statutory Interpretation, given that
distinct judges may construe the same statute in different manners.

Overall, adopting a more flexible approach to statutory interpretation can

result in fairer outcomes, yet it concurrently introduces a measure of

Palsikar, A. (2020, December 30). Critical analysis of literal rule of interpretation. SSRN.

uncertainty and the chance of incongruity. It becomes imperative for courts to
receive guidance in the fundamental principles of statutory interpretation,
while the legislature must furnish additional clarity regarding the meaning
and intention of statutes to mitigate these risks.10



To begin with, an integral facet of legal interpretation involves amalgamating

contextual and purposive facets into the literal rule. This denotes that judges should
not exclusively concentrate on the literal verbiage of the statute but ought to
additionally factor in the context and underlying objectives to attain a more precise

Furthermore, these guidelines should encompass an array of considerations

including legal precedent, legislative chronology, and the intentions of legislators.
Moreover, comprehensive training can serve to preclude judicial predisposition and
confirm the consistency of judges' verdicts.


To strike a more adept equilibrium between legal assurance and

legislative intention, it is advisable to adopt several strategies. These include
formulating legislative drafts that are lucid and succinct, urging judges to employ a
diverse array of interpretative methodologies, offering comprehensive instruction
and learning concerning statutory interpretation, considering the statute's purpose
or objective, and embracing a purposive or contextual approach to interpretation.

Role and approach of the judge in the interpretation of statutes. Legal Service India - Law, Lawyers and
Legal Resources. (n.d.-a).

Plausible reforms encompass amending legislation to incorporate an elucidation of
purpose or objective, furnishing guidance on the application of the literal rule,
promoting the inclusion of explanatory notes, and pondering the implementation of
a statutory interpretation code. Courts should furnish elaborate rationale and
transparent verdicts. Enriched training and education for judges, legal professionals,
and lawyers on the subject of statutory interpretation can cultivate a nuanced
comprehension of interpretative techniques and principles, thereby fostering a more
uniform and efficacious statutory interpretation. These endeavors are designed to
enhance statutory interpretation and guarantee the encapsulation of legislative


A multifaceted approach encompassing legislative drafting, interpretive instruction,

the establishment of guidelines, and the cultivation of suitable interpretive
approaches could significantly contribute to bolstering the equilibrium between
legislative intent and legal definiteness in the realm of statutory interpretation.
Furthermore, the implementation of reforms such as revising the statutory language,
enacting an interpretive statute, and integrating explanatory notes can serve as
supplementary measures to advance this equilibrium. While the literal rule has long
served as a cornerstone of interpretation, recent shifts towards more flexible
approaches have highlighted the need for a nuanced perspective. Incorporating
contextual and purposive elements within the literal rule, along with embracing
alternative interpretive methods, can foster a more comprehensive understanding of
statutes. It is imperative to acknowledge that the evolving legal landscape demands
a dynamic approach that goes beyond rigid adherence to the literal text.

To achieve this equilibrium, a multi-pronged strategy is recommended. Enhancing

legislative drafting practices by articulating clear purpose and intent can provide a
solid foundation for interpretation. Concurrently, training and guidance for judges,
legal professionals, and practitioners are essential to ensure consistent and informed

decision-making. Reforms such as interpretive acts, explanatory notes, and even the
consideration of a statutory interpretation code can further bolster this balance.

In the ever-evolving legal arena, the synergy between legal certainty and legislative
intent is vital for ensuring justice and fairness. Striving for a harmonious coexistence
of these elements is not only a goal of statutory interpretation but also an essential
pillar of a just and equitable legal system. By embracing a pragmatic, adaptable, and
comprehensive approach, the legal community can navigate the intricacies of
interpretation and continue to uphold the spirit of the law while maintaining
predictability and clarity.


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