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• Search ads vs. Display ads


Search Engine Marketing

• Search Engine Marketing, or SEM, is one of the most effective ways
to grow your business and reach new customers.
• While it's critical you employ organic strategies to attract traffic
over the long-term, sometimes, you can't properly compete on the
SERPs without putting money behind it -- and that's where SEM
comes into play.

What is SEM?
SEM (Search Engine Marketing) is the process of
gaining website traffic by purchasing ads on search

• SEM involves earning search visibility through paid advertising on

search engines such as Google.
• “Search Engine Marketing” was once was used as an umbrella term
to encompass both SEO (search engine optimization) and paid
search activities.
• Over time, the industry has adopted the SEM acronym to refer
solely to paid search.


Why SEM?
• Zappos clearly has an effective SEO
strategy, since its "Summer shoes"
page ranks first organically.
• However, their paid "Summer
Shoes" ad, circled above, ranks as
the first search result overall.

Why SEM is important?

• With 23% of digital ad spend going to paid search ads, accounting
for roughly $35 billion in 2021, it’s something your business needs
to do to stay competitive.


Why SEM is important?

Why SEM is important?


Why SEM is important?

Why SEM is important?

• Search engine marketing’s greatest strength is that it offers
advertisers the opportunity to put their ads in front of motivated
customers who are ready to buy at the precise moment they’re
ready to make a purchase.
• No other advertising medium can do this, which is why search
engine marketing is so effective and such an amazingly powerful
way to grow your business.


Why SEM is important?

• Customers have different levels of worth
• Different expected value

• Online auction allow businesses to bid on the opportunity to put

their ads in front certain type of customers

How SEM works?

• SEM works primarily by bidding or auctioning on the keywords
you are targeting against your competitors
• Practice of marketing a business using paid advertisements that
appear on search engine results pages
• These ads, often known by the term pay-per-click ads, come in a
variety of formats.
• Some are small, text-based ads, whereas others, such as product listing
ads (PLAs, also known as Shopping ads) are more visual, product-based
advertisements that allow consumers to see important information at-a-
glance, such as price and reviews.


SEM – Strategic Objective


Keyword Value

What does SEM include?

SEM covers all paid search advertising, which includes:
• Retargeting
• Geotargeting
• Mobile search advertising
• Enhanced campaigns
• AdWords
• Bing Ads
• Product Listing Ads (PLAs) for ecommerce/ Google Shopping
• Youtube (Video search ads)
• Amazon Ads


What is the difference between


• Social media advertising displays ads to the users based on data
they have accumulated over time.
• For example, in Facebook ads, you can target ads on people based on
several factors beyond basic information like locations, age, and genders,
which SEM ads can also do.
• This includes things like their interests, preferences, online time, buying
behaviors, etc.

• SEM, on the other hand, relies on keyword phrases to target

people when they’re performing searches in places like Google.

Together they can be more effective.


Keywords: The Foundation of

Search Engine Marketing
How To Do Keyword Research With Keyword Planner

What is Keyword Research?

• Keyword research is a practice search engine optimization (SEO)
professionals use to find and research actual search terms that people
enter into search engines.

• Search engine optimization professionals research keywords, which

they use to achieve better rankings in search engines.

• Once they find a niche keyword, they expanded on it to find similar

keywords. The process is usually aided by keyword suggestion tools,
like the Google Adwords Keyword Planner.

Confidential 18


Find Your Keywords to Target

• Here’s where you settle on the
long-tail keyword that you firmly
believe your customers are
searching for on the web.
• If they’re looking for this keyword,
you want your site to be at the top
of the list in the SERPs!
• Use a tool like Google Keyword
Planner to find the keyword that
suits your business model best. Or
research a set of related keywords
to target.
Confidential 19

How To Research Keywords For SEO Strategy

Confidential 20


How To Research Keywords For SEO Strategy

Step 1: First of all make a list of topics (important relevant topics)
based on your website or business.
• To kick off this process, think about the topics you want to rank for
in terms of generic buckets.
• You'll come up with about 5-10 topic buckets you think are
important to your business, and then you'll use those topic buckets
to help come up with some specific keywords later in the process.

Confidential 21

How To Research Keywords For SEO Strategy

Step 2 - Fill those selected business topics with keywords
• Now that you have a few topic buckets you want to focus on, it's time to
identify some keywords that fall into those buckets.
• These are keyword phrases you think are important to rank for in the
SERPs (search engine results pages) because your target customer is
probably conducting searches for those specific terms.
• Few keywords example :
• marketing automation tools
• how to use marketing automation software
• what is marketing automation?
• how to tell if I need marketing automation software
• lead nurturing
• email marketing automation
• top automation tools
Confidential 22


How To Research Keywords For SEO Strategy

Step 3 - Research related search terms
• This is a creative step you may have already thought of when doing keyword
research. If not, it's a great way to fill out those lists.
• If you're struggling to think of more keywords people might be searching
about a specific topic, go to and take a look at the related search
terms that appear when you plug in a keyword.
• When you type in your phrase and scroll to the bottom of Google's results,
you'll notice some suggestions for searches related to your original input.
• These keywords can spark ideas for other keywords you may want to take into

Confidential 23

How To Research Keywords For SEO Strategy

Step 4 - See how competitors are ranking for these keywords
• Just because your competitor is doing something doesn’t mean you need
to. The same goes for keywords. Just because a keyword is important to
your competitor, doesn’t mean it's important to you.
• However, understanding what keywords your competitors are trying to
rank for is a great way to help you give your list of keywords another
• If your competitor is ranking for certain keywords that are on your list,
too, it definitely makes sense to work on improving your ranking for
• Remember, the goal is to end up with a list of keywords that provide
some quick wins but also helps you make progress toward bigger, more
challenging SEO goals.
Confidential 24


How To Research Keywords For SEO Strategy

Step 4 - See how competitors are ranking for these keywords

Try this for a competitor website

Confidential 25

How To Research Keywords For SEO Strategy

Step 5 - Use the Google AdWords Keyword Planner to cut down
your keyword list.
• Now that you've got the right mix of keywords, it's time to narrow
down your lists with some more quantitative data.

• You have a lot of tools at your disposal to do this, but let me share
my favorite methodology.

Confidential 26


Keyword Research

Keyword Research
• Tools to check popularity of keyword searches


How Does Google AdWords Auction Work?

How does AdWords auction system work?
• Google uses an auction system to rank ads in the search results.
The auction system determines the cost for each ad placement.

How does the AdWords bid system work?

• Generalized second-price auction system
• Based on the extension of Nobile Price winning research of
William Vickery
• Highest bidder gets the first ad position but pays the bid amount of the
second-highest bidder

How this PPC works?

How does the AdWords bid system work?
• In AdWords PPC system advertisers will only pay when they
actually receive a click on their ad.
• It does not matter how much you are willing to pay for your ad to
come at first position – what matters is the ad click-through-rate
• If more users are clicking an ad Google’s algorithm thinks that this
particular ad is more relevant and brings that ad to the first
position even if the bidding price was lower than other ads with
lower CTR.


Quality Score
• Quality score is a metric used by Google to determine ad rank.
Google collects user’s feedback in the form of click-through-rate
(CTR), ad relevance and post-click landing page experience.
• Higher quality scores help advertisers gain a higher position in
• Quality score depends on
• Expected CTR
• Ad relevance
• Post click landing page experience


Quality Score - Example

Advertiser Maximum Bid Price Paid Quality Score

W $4.00 $3.00 1
X $3.00 $2.00 3
Y $2.00 $1.00 6
Z $1.0 - 8


Quality Score - Example

Advertiser Max Bid Price Quality Bid*Quality Ad Rank Actual
Paid Score CPC
W $4.00 $3.00 1 4 4 -
X $3.00 $2.00 3 9 2 = 1*8/3 =
Y $2.00 $1.00 6 12 1 = 3*3/6 =
Z $1.0 - 8 8 3 = 4*1/8 =

Price of Ad Rank P1 (Actual CPC) = Bid2*Quality2/Quality1

• Determine Rank and Actual CPC of the four advertisers
• Y increases its quality score from 6 to 10

• X increases quality score from 3 to 7 (and Y remains at 6)


Google AdWords

Grow your business with AdWords


Your boss is thinking of advertising online, so

she asks you where AdWords ads can show.
What would you tell her? NewYorkTimes


What is Adwords?
• AdWords is an online advertising tool that helps businesses connect
with their customers.
• You create your online ad, tell AdWords who you want to reach, and
AdWords brings your ads to them.


Benefits of Google Ads

Connect with Customers when it matters

Google Ads has a sophisticated targeting system that helps you show
your ads to the right people, in the right place, at the right time. Use
keywords, location, demographics, and more to target your campaigns.

Benefits of Google Ads

Control your costs

Google Ads gives you complete control over your budget. You choose
how much you spend per month, per day, and per ad. There’s no


Benefits of Google Ads

Improve performance

Google Ads shows you how many people see your ads, what percentage
of them click to visit your website, and even how many click to call you.
With these tracking tools, you can even see the actual sales your
website is generating as a direct result of your ads.

Grow your business with AdWords

Target your ads with keywords
• When you advertise alongside search results on the Google Search Network, you
select keywords to help target your ads to people searching for related terms. You
can also choose to show your ads at certain times of day, and specify a location
and language.

Get specific about your target audience

• When you advertise on websites and mobile apps that show Google ads (called
the Google Display Network) and YouTube, you can get even more specific by
choosing the age of the people you want to reach, the types of sites they visit,
and their areas of interest.


Grow your business with AdWords

Only pay for results
• You decide how much you want to spend, and pay only when someone
interacts with your ad, like clicking your text ad or watching your video ad.
You base your bids on whatever is best for your business.

Measure your ad’s performance

• Quickly track your ad's effectiveness and easily make changes to improve

Advertise across platforms

• Connect with customers no matter where they are—on their computers,
tablets, mobile phones, even in apps.

Where your ads can appear


Do you know the different channels available

for displaying your Google Ads?

Where your ads can appear

When you advertise with AdWords, your ads can appear on different
places across the web depending on how you target your ads, to whom
you choose to show them, and the types of ads you create.


On Google Search and other search sites

• Your ad can appear on Google when people look for the product or
service you offer. When you create your ad, you'll choose a set of
keywords—the words or phrases that will trigger your ad to show.

• Then, when people search using the words or phrases you picked,
your text ads can appear alongside or above search results.

On Google Search and other search sites

Google search sites
• Ads can appear above or below search results on Google Search. They
can appear beside, above, or below search results on Google Play,
Google Shopping, and Google Maps, including the Maps app.

Google search partners

• Ads might appear with search results on websites of Google search
partners. For text ads, search partners include hundreds of non-
Google websites, as well as Google Video, and other Google sites.


On websites that your customers visit

You can also choose to show your ads to people as they browse the
web. Your text, image, and video ads can appear on the Google Display

The Display Network is a collection of websites—including specific

Google websites like Google Finance, Gmail, Blogger, and YouTube—
that show AdWords ads. This network also includes mobile sites and

On websites that your customers visit

• If you've ever seen an AdWords ad on your favorite news site or in
your Gmail account, and wondered how it got there, now you know:
websites like these are part of the Google Display Network.
• Your ads can appear on websites based on the targeting methods you
choose. On the Display Network, there are several ways to target your
• Choose keywords and topics related to what your offer
• Choose specific websites or pages
• Choose specific audiences based on their interests, demographics, or whether
they've visited your website before.


On different devices
You can show your ads to people as they search or visit websites on the
• Your text ads can appear when people search on Google from their
mobile devices and tablets.
• Your text, image and video ads can appear on Google Display Network
websites when people visit these sites from high-end mobile devices,
such as iPhones, Android devices, or tablets.
• Your ads can also appear on mobile apps, which are considered part
of our Display Network.

In selected locations or languages

• If you have text ads, you can choose to show them to customers in an entire
country, a certain geographic location, and even to customers who use names of
locations in their searches.
• To better reach your potential customers, you can also target your campaigns to
the languages they speak. And if your customers speak multiple languages, you
can create separate campaigns to manage ads and keywords for each of those


Ad Formats in Google

Ad formats on the Google Network

• Ad formats let you choose how to communicate your business to your
• The Google Network can connect you with customers at the exact
moment they're engaged in an online activity connected to what you
offer — like searching for your product, reading a blog about your
industry, or watching a related video on YouTube.
• Choosing the correct ad format for your campaign can ensure your ad
is the most relevant and actionable for a particular customer at that


Text ads
The most common kind of Search ad includes a descriptive headline,
website URL, and descriptive text like a call to action.

Where they can show:

• Search Network
• Search Partners

Text ads with extension

Ad extensions provide additional information to your text ad, such as
your business’s address or phone number.

Where they can show:

• Search Network
• Display Network (depending on the extension)


Responsive Ads
• Responsive ads automatically adjust their size, appearance, and
format to fit available ad spaces. They can transform into text or
image ads.
• Viewers are more likely to see these ads because they blend in with
the content the viewers came for.
• Responsive ads can go a long way to help build awareness, influence
consideration, and drive action.

Where they can show:

• Display Network

Shopping Ads
• In addition to an image, Shopping ads contain product and pricing
information, so users get a strong sense of the product you're selling
before they click your ad.
• They’re ideal if you’re managing a large inventory of products.

Where they can show:

• Google Shopping (in select countries)
• Google Search
• Google Search Partner websites, including YouTube and Image Search
in some countries (if your campaign is set to include search partners)


Showcase Shopping Ads

• An image and description that expands when clicked to
show several related products and information about the
• Show a Shopping ad to people who are researching where
to buy rather than looking to buy a specific product.

Image Ads
Image ads capture people's attention as they
browse websites in the Google Display Network.

Where they can show:

• Search Network*
• Display Network

*Image ads show on search partner networks,

but not the Google Search Network.


Video Ads
Video ads are just what they sound like — a
standalone video ad or a video ad that runs
inside another streaming video.

Where they can show:

• Search Network*
• Display Network

*Video ads show on search partner

networks, but not the Google Search

App promotion ads

App promotion ads send your customers to an app store to download
your app, or include a deep link directly into your app.

Where they can show:

• Search Network
• Display Network


Call-only ads
• Call-only ads allow your customers to call your business directly by
clicking on your ad.
• They’re useful for driving phone calls to your business from devices
that can make calls.

Where they can show:

• Search Network

Rich media ads

Rich media ads are engaging ad formats that often include animation or
other types of motion.

Where they can show:

• Display Network


Here you can see

which ad formats
are available with
each campaign

Google ads account



• Campaigns are at the highest level of an AdWords account. Each campaign
consists of different ad groups which contain keywords.
• You can only have one ad type (Search vs Display, for example) per campaign,
but you can (and should) have multiple ad groups within a campaign, and you
can (and should) have multiple campaigns per account
• To structure campaigns appropriately focus on building your campaigns
properly from the start.
• One way to organize your campaigns is to look at the product or services
available in your website navigation menu. You can then create a unique
campaign for each menu item and create ad groups based on the drop down
section of the navigation.
• This will also help you manage your budget, as you can analyze which
campaign is bringing more revenue.

For example, Mr.Rooter can run three main campaigns based on
their website navigation:
• Residential services
• Commercial services
• Emergency services


Ad groups
• Each campaign consists of one or more ad groups
• These contain your ads and keywords and are grouped by theme.
• When a user performs a Google search with your added keywords
in the ad group, Google picks one of your ads to show up in the
search results.
• AdWords uses an algorithmic placement based on keywords,
placement and audience while deciding where to place ads within
its network.

• In AdWords, keywords are the most critical targeting factor, they
describe what your products or services are
• These are the terms that you want to trigger your ads to show in
the search engine results page (SERP).


• Ads are the actual copy and content that users see while searching
for the target audience or displayed in their feed (social media
• You have several options for creating these ads and the
information they contain.
• Text ads have a description line and two headline sections.

Landing Page
• The page viewers land on once they click your ad.

• You will have only one landing page per ad group.


• The budget refers to the amount that you are willing to spend on
the campaign.
• You use this option to specify the average amount you are ready to
pay daily. You should learn how to select your budget and set bids
for your ads.

Write successful text ads


What is a text ad?

• Text ads are just that — ads made up of text.
• They are a simple yet powerful way to get your business in front of
customers right when they are searching for products or services like
yours on the Google Search Network.
• Here’s an example:

Parts of a text ad
• Only three parts are required for all text ads: headline, URL, and
description. Others are optional.
People are most likely to notice your
headline text. Consider including at least one
of your keywords in the headline to make the
ad even more relevant to the customer's

•our text ad consists of three headlines
where you can enter up to 30 characters
each to promote your product or service
• Look out for how your longer headline —
combined via a hyphen — might wrap on
mobile devices.


Parts of a text ad
The display URL, usually in green, shows your
website address. It gives people an idea of where
they'll go when they click your ad.

If your final URL is, your
ad’s display URL will show as

What about that path field — the

“/store/us/indoorplants” at the end of the
display URL?

Parts of a text ad
Path Fields - Optional

There are two optional “path” fields, which can

hold up to 15 characters. Part of your display
URL, they are placed after your website’s domain
to give readers an idea of the content they’ll see
upon clicking your ad.

For example, if your final URL is, you
might want your path text to be “Indoor-Plants”
so your ad’s display URL would be


Parts of a text ad

• Use the description field (two description

fields up to 90 characters each) to highlight
unique details about your product or service.

• Be sure to include keywords that match

probable search terms.

• On mobile, where space is tight, AdWords

optimizes your ad to show the highest-
performing text.

Are you ready to write a good text



Write successful text ads

Which is an ideal ad according to you?

Write successful text ads

• To effectively reach potential customers, your text ads should be
specific, relevant, attractive, and empowering.

Highlight what makes you unique

Free shipping? Dazzling variety? Tell people! Showcase the products,
services, or offers that make you competitive.

Include prices, promotions, and exclusives

People often use Google search to make a decision about something. Give them
what they need to decide. If you have a limited-time discount or stock an exclusive
product, say so.


Write successful text ads

Empower customers to take action
Are you selling something? Tell people what they can buy. Are you offering a
service? Tell people how to contact you. Calls to action like purchase, call
today, order, browse, sign up, or get a quote make clear what the next steps are.

Include at least one of your keywords

Keywords in your ad text show your ad’s relevance to what people want. For
example, if you've included digital cameras as a keyword, your ad headline could be
"Buy Digital Cameras."

Match your ad to your landing page

Have a look at the page that you're linking to from your ad (the landing page), and make
sure that the promotions or products in your ad are included there. People might leave
your website if they don’t find what they expect.

Write successful text ads

Appeal to customers on mobile
People seeing your ads on mobile are more likely to want to know where you are, or
to call you. Show your location and phone number with location extensions and call
extensions. Also, consider creating ads devoted to people on mobile devices, using
the mobile version of your website as a landing page, and offering specials suited to a
mobile audience. Keep in mind, your text ads can appear differently on mobile.

Create three to four ads for each ad group, and use different messages for each to
see which does the best. AdWords rotates ads automatically to show the best-
performing ads more often.

Check for common ad text mistakes

In order to make sure all AdWords ads are high quality, every ad must meet high
professional and editorial standards. That means no extra spaces, sTrAnGe
CAPITALIZATION, or unclear URLs, to name a few.


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