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Bài 1: Chọn cấu trúc câu

1. When I started to work here I needed a lot of help, but now I (am used to doing/used to do/get used
to doing) all the work on my own.

2. He (was used to reading/used to read/got used to reading) several books a

month, but he doesn’t have time any more.

3. We were surprised to see her driving – she (got used to driving/was used to

driving/didn’t use to drive) when we first met her.

4. Don’t worry, it’s a simple program to use. You (are used to/will get used to/used to use) it in no
time, I’m sure.

5. When I had to commute to work every day I (used to get up/used to getting up) very early.

6. I’m afraid I’ll never (get used to living/used to live/got used to living) in this

place. I simply don’t like it and never will.

7. Whenever we came to Coventry we always (used to stay/got used to staying) in the Central Hotel.
We loved it.

8. When Pete Smith was the head of our office everything (got used to be/used to be/was used to
being) well organized. Now it’s total chaos here.

9. Mr Lazy was shocked when he joined our busy company because he (wasn’t used to/didn’t use to)
doing much work everyday.

10. At first the employees didn’t like the new open-space office, but in the end they (got used to/get
used to/are used to) it.

Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng nhất

1.I used to __________ in Germany when I was 7.

A. to live B. live C. living D. lived

2. She’s used to ____________ late at night.

A. working B. work C. to work D. worked

3. Mr. Bean has lived in Vietnam for 4 years. He _____________ the hot climate here.

A. are used to B. gets used to C. used to D. A and B are correct

4. Mai is used to ___________ her house by herself.

A. clean B. cleaning C. cleaned D. to clean

5. Lam didn’t ____________ do morning exercise, so now he is getting fat.

A. be used to B. used to C. use to D. get used to

6. Hung is used to ___________ many hours in front of the computer.

A. to spend B. spend C. spent D. spending

7. My father used to _________ much coffee. Now, he doesn’t.

A. drink B. to drink C. drank D. drinking

8. Tung isn’t used to __________ in those bad conditions.

A. work B. to work C. working D. worked

9. Has she __________ driving on the right left?

A. use to B. used to C. been used to D. got used to

10. My mother should be pretty used to _______ without electricity by now.

A. live B. living C. lived D. to live

Bài 3: Chia dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc

1.When my brother first moved to Korea he wasn’t used to (eat) _________ so much meat.

2. My mother doesn’t think she will ever get used to (walk) _________ up early

3. Long used to (tobe) _____be______ a long distance driver when he was


4. That knife is used (cut) __to_cutting_______ bread.

5. Don’t worry! Someday I’ll get used to (speak) __________ France.

6. They used to (sing) _________ everyday, but now they learn English.

7. We were used to (eat) __________ at noon when we started school.

8. We used to (travel) __________ to Nha Trang on foot.

9. Fron got used to (go) _________ to bed late to complete everything.

10. Windy used to (drink) __________ much carbonated water.

2. BÀI TẬP MẠO TỪ A/AN/ THE/ X (no articles)

1.Would you like to hear . . . story about . . . Englishman, . . . Irishman and . . . Scotsman? ~

No. I've heard . . . stories about . . . Englishmen, . . . Irishmen and . . . Scotsmen before

and they are all . . . same.

2. But mine is not . . . typical story. In my story . . . Scotsman is generous, . . . Irishman is logical
and . . . Englishman is romantic. ~

Oh, if it's . . . fantastic story I'll listen with . . . pleasure.

3. My aunt lived on . . . ground floor of . . . old house on . . . River Thames. She was very much afraid
of . . . burglars and always locked up . . . house very carefully before she went to . . . bed. She also
took . . . precaution of looking under . . . bed to see if . . .burglar was hiding there.

4. '. . . modern burglars don't hide under . . . beds,' said her daughter.

I'll go on looking just . . . same,' said my aunt.

5. One morning she rang her daughter in . . . triumph. 1 found . . . burglar under . . . bed . . . last
night,' she said, 'and he was quite . . . young man.'

6. . . . apples are sold by . . . pound. These are forty pence . . . pound.

7. It was . . . windy morning but they hired . . . boat and went for . . . sail along . . . coast. In . . -
afternoon . . . wind increased and they soon found themselves in . . . difficulties.

8. I don't know what . . . price . . . owners are asking. But Dry and Rot are . . . agents. You could give
them . . . ring and make them . . . offer.

9. . . . postman's little boy says that he'd rather be . . . dentist than . . . doctor, because . . . dentists
don't get called out at . . . night.

10. 25. Peter Piper, . . . student in . . . professor's college, asked him why he refused to talk to . . .

Bài tập ví dụ 4.1: Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không đổi
1. You’d better go to the doctor’s.

→ Were

2. Supposing he phoned you, what would you say to him?

→ If

3. I am not rich, so I can’t afford a holiday abroad.

→ Were

4. He had better not be late for this interview.

→ Were

1. Without his help, I wouldn’t have got that job.

→ Had

2. As I couldn’t answer any of the questions, I walked out of the Maths exam. (HAD)
→ If

3. I didn’t go out because I had a lot of work to do.

→ Had
1. If only Helena the last point in the presentation, it was a striking point. (TS10, HCM -

A. did not miss B. would not miss C. would not have missed
D. hadn’t missed

2. Mike’d rather his classmate games while he’s studying, it’s very distracting. (TS10,
HCM - 2022)

A. aren’t playing B. didn’t play C. wouldn’t play

D. hadn’t played

3. for her hard work and determination, she would not have been promoted to CEO.
(TS10, HCM - 2022)
A. If it was not B. Were it not for

C. Had it not been D. Should it not have been

4. Hoa: “Do you ever wish you to university?”

Mai: “Yes, but my parents couldn’t afford it.” (TS10, HCM - 2020)

A. went B. would go C. were going

D. had gone

5. “This 20-year policy would be a good investment,” said the insurance agent, “ you
wanted to cash it within the first ten years.” (TS10, HCM - 2019)
A. even though B. in case C. lest D. even if
6. If I you a free ticket, would you go to Florence with me? (TS10, HCM - 2018)

A. would offer B. were to offer C. had offered D.

were offered

7. Would you mind if I off the television? (TS10, HCM - 2016)

A. turn B. turned C. turning D. had turned

8. If Jane 3 years older, she after her own pet dog. (TS10, HCM - 2016)

A. were - could look B. was - can look C. had been - would look D. is - would look

9. He was a great athlete when he was younger. He now still if he hadn’t had that
accident. (TS10, HCM - 2015)
A. would have been B. had been C. will D. would be

12. Things would have been better to my advice. (TS10, HCM - 2015)
A. you not listened B. were you listened C. had you listened D. if
you listened

13. I know you didn’t want to upset me, but I’d sooner you me the whole truth yesterday.
A. could have told B. told C. have told D. had told

18. up, he wouldn’t have missed his flight to Bangkok. (HSG12, HCM - 2016)

A. Hadn’t he slipped B. Had he not slipped

C. If he didn’t slip D. Because he had slipped

20. Had it not been for her patient assistance, we the assignment. (HSG12, HCM - 2013)

A. couldn’t have finished B. didn’t finish

C. wouldn’t have been finished D. needn’t have finished





1. I had my nephew paint the gate last week.

2. She will have Peter wash her car tomorrow.

3. They have her tell the story again.

4. John gets his sister to clean his shirt.

5. Anne had had a friend type her composition.

6. Rick will have a barber cut his hair.

7. I will get the dressmaker to make a new dress.

8. He had a mechanic repair his car.

9. She often gets the technician to maintain the heater.

10. They had the police arrest the shoplifter.

11. Are you going to have the shoemaker repair your shoes?

12. I must have the dentist check my teeth.

13. She will have a veterinary surgeon examine her dog.

14. We had a man take this photograph when we were on holiday last summer.
15. The Greens had a carpet cleaner clean their carpet.

B2: Viết lại câu

1. Scientists believe that many dinosaurs had feathers.

2. Newspapers report that the CEO disappeared with over £2.5 million.

3. Police think that the kid ran out in front of the motorbike. It wasn't the driver's fault.

4. Scientists hope that the new vaccine could be used to prevent Covid-19.

5. Newspapers report that the actress's apartment is worth over £10 million.

6. Research has found that people falling in love are usually happier.

7. Some experts state that acupuncture can work on animals.

B3:Find the mistake in these sentences and fix the mistake.

1. Five suspects (A) have be (B) arrested (C) by the (D) police.
2. He was ordered (A) by the (B) doctor to (C) take an (D) long rest.
3. A (A) dancing class (B) was start (C) last week (D).
4. He were found (A) in the (B) forest by (C) the (D) police.
5. A (A) car is (B) going to been (C) bought (D) tomorrow.
6. These drugs are (A) be (B) destroyed (C) by police (D).
7. I’m from (A) Russia and (B) my family born (C) there (D).
Question 1 [94786]: She _______ the letter a few moments before my call came through.
A. has just opened B. had just opened C. just opened D. just opens
Question 2 [94787]: As soon as the boys _______ the hall they _______to speak about books
and writers.
A. entered/begun B. were entering/began
C. entered/began D. had entered/began
Question 3 [94788]: While we _______dinner at a restaurant someone came to the house and
_______this note.
A. had had/ left B. were having/left C. had/left D. were having/had left
Question 4 [94789]: By the end of this year we _______ a new house.
A. will buy B. will be buying C. will have bought D. had bought
Question 5 [94790]: “You always_____mistakes, you need_____the instructions more carefully.”
A. make/read B. are always making/read
C. make/to read D. are always making/to read
Question 6 [94791]: Those students who _______the exam are going to take another one held
in August.
A. have failed B. failed C. had failed D. were failing
Question 7 [94792]: I _______ your brother this afternoon at Green Street.
A. met B. had met C. was meeting D. have met
Question 8 [94793]: She said she met you once at the Hilton last year. _______ since then?
A. Have you met her B. Did you meet her C. Were you met her D. Had you met her
Question 9 [94794]: Mr. Edwards _______ history for 35 years, and is retiring soon.
A. teaches B. is teaching C. taught D. has been teaching
Question 10 [94795]: I’m tired. I _______ the house since 9 this morning.
A. am cleaning B. was cleaning C. had been cleaning D. have been cleaning
Question 11 [94796]: I can’t believe that you _______ all the three exercises. You just started
five minutes ago.
A. have finished B. have been finishing C. finished D. are finishing
Question 12 [94797]: “How’s Peter doing?” “I don’t know. I _______ from him for months.”
A. have to hear B. haven’t heard C. didn’t hear D. don’t hear
Question 13 [94798]: Their children ______ lots of new friends since they _______ to that town.
A. have made – moved B. were making – have moved
C. made - are moving D. made – have been moving
Question 14 [94799]: He _______ a cigarette and _______ to the window.
A. lighted/walked B. lit/was walking
C. was lighted/was walking D. lit/had walked
Question 15 [94800]: "You ______ here before?" "Yes, I ______ my holidays here last year."
A. Were/spent B. Have you been/spent
C. Were/had spent D. Have you been/have spent
Question 16 [94801]: "You have just missed the last train." "Never mind, I _______."
A. will walk B. was walking C. am walking D. am going to walk
Question 17 [94802]: I _______ my sister in April as planned.
A. have seen B. will see C. am going to see D. see
Question 18 [94803]: Then about a year ago, he _______and I _______from him since.
A. has disappeared/haven’t never heard B. has disappeared/never heard
C. disappeared/ have never heard D. was disappeared/had never heard
Question 19 [94804]: After the guests _______ she went back into the living-room and

_______ off the light.

A. left/switched B. had left/switched
C. had left/had switched D. had left/was switching
Question 20 [94805]: When Alice gets here, you _______ her to her room?
A. will you show B. did you show C. have you shown D. are you showing
Question 21 [94806]: As Hugh and I _______ down the steps we nearly _______ into my father.
A. came/ran B. were coming/ran C. had come/ran D. came/were running
Question 22 [94807]: If you want to see us, come to Tom's on Sunday. We _______for you

there at midday.
A. will wait B. will be waiting C. will have waited D. will have been waiting
Question 23 [94808]: Come in, please. I _______ for you long.
A. have waited B. had waited C. have been waiting D. waited
Question 24 [94809]: For a moment after their son _______ the room, Mr and Mrs Smith

merely _______ and _______ at each other.

A. had left/had stood/looked B. had left/stood/looked
C. left/stood/looked D. had left/had stood/had looked
Question 25 [94810]: When we _______ in London tonight, it _______.
A. arrived/was probably raining B. arrive/ will be probably raining
C. arrived/had been probably raining D. arrive/ will have probably rained
Question 26 [94811]: I'm afraid I must ask you both what _______ yesterday at 10:20 p.m.
A. did you do B. had you done C. you were doing D. were you doing
Question 27 [94812]: There _______great changes in our village in the past few years.
A. have been B. had been C. was D. has been
Question 28 [94813]: The noise from the trains _______ me terribly last night.
A. was annoyed B. annoyed C. has annoyed D. had annoyed
Question 29 [94814]: Listen to this! I think this news _______you.
A. surprises B. will surprise C. surprised D. would surprise
Question 30 [94815]: By the end of this month, I hope I _______200 pages of my new novel.
A. had written B. will have written
C. will have been writing D. have written

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