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Determination of water-soluble vitamins in vitamin premixes, bioacitve dietary

supplements, and pharmaceutical preparations using high-efficiency liquid
chromatography with gradien...

Article in Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin · August 2010

DOI: 10.3103/S0027131410040103


12 2,887

4 authors, including:

A. A. Bendryshev Andrey Pirogov

Lomonosov Moscow State University Lomonosov Moscow State University


Oleg Shpigun
Lomonosov Moscow State University


All content following this page was uploaded by Andrey Pirogov on 21 August 2018.

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ISSN 00271314, Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin, 2010, Vol. 65, No. 4, pp. 260–268. © Allerton Press, Inc., 2010.
Original Russian Text © A.A. Bendryshev, E.B. Pashkova, A.V. Pirogov, O.A. Shpigun, 2010, published in Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Khimiya, 2010, No. 4, pp. 315–324.

Determination of WaterSoluble Vitamins in Vitamin Premixes,

Bioacitve Dietary Supplements, and Pharmaceutical Preparations
Using HighEfficiency Liquid Chromatography
with Gradient Elution
A. A. Bendryshev, E. B. Pashkova, A. V. Pirogov, and O. A. Shpigun
Division of Analytical Chemistry
Received September 7, 2009

Abstract—The influence of the pH and temperature of the mobile phase on the retention and separation of
14 vitamins and vitameric forms has been studied for four different stationary phases. The chromatographic
conditions allowing the separation of 12 watersoluble vitamins and vitameric forms have been proposed. It
has been established that the best separation of watersoluble vitamins can be achieved by employing gradient
elution. The mobile phase A, (0.6% phosphoric acid) pH 1.5–1.8; mobile phase B, acetonitrile. For the sep
aration of nicotinic and ascorbic acid it is preferable to use stationary phases Luna C18(2) and Gemini C18,
while for the separation of riboflavin and riboflavin5phosphate the Synergy Hydro RP and Zorbaz SBC18
stationary phases should be used. The selected conditions have been used for the determination of vitamins
in commercial samples of vitamin preparations. The results are in good accordance with the producer data.

Key words: watersoluble vitamins, HPLC, chromatography, pharmaceutical preparations, bioactive addi
tives, premixes.
DOI: 10.3103/S0027131410040103

INTRODUCTION simultaneously. In the majority of cases, reversephase

Water soluble vitamins include compounds with HPLC is used [4–22]. It is difficult to perform the
very different structure and properties. Usually, this simultaneous determination of all the watersoluble
group includes ascorbic acid (C), thiamine (B1), nic vitamins in isocratic mode. Such a problem can be
otinamide (in different sources it is referred to as PP, solved using either ionpair reagents or gradient elu
B3, or B5), pyridoxine (B6), pantothenic acid (called tion. The conventional method used for the simulta
B5 or B3 in different sources), folic acid (B9 or BC), neous determination of several vitamins is ionpar
cyanocobalamin (B12), riboflavin (B2), biotin (H), chromatography [5–9]. However, frequently complete
and, in some cases, rutin (P) [1, 2]. In addition to the resolution of the peaks of different vitamins with each
listed compounds, some of the vitamins can exist in other or with the matrix components is not achieved.
the form of some other substances (vitameric forms). In this case, the ionpair variant provides few possibil
For example, PP is introduced into vitaminenriched ities for the improvement of the resolution of the
mixtures either as nicotinamide or as nicotinic acid. neighboring peaks.
Vitaminenriched mixtures are composed of sev In our opinion, a more promising approach is gra
eral vitamins and there is a necessity for the determi dient elution. Studies devoted to the determination of
nation of the concentration of each of them both in watersoluble vitamins in different samples using gra
the initial mixture and in the food products, enriched dient elution can be found [10–14]; however, there are
with such mixtures. Nowadays, according to the pro still many unclear points in this problem. In particular,
cedures provided by the twelfth addition of the State in different studies, the order of vitamin elution differs
Pharmacopoeia of Russia, each vitamin is determined even when similar mobile phases are used. When the
separately, with the employed analytical methods usu optimal conditions are selected, significantly differing
ally being old and timeconsuming (titration, thin mobile and stationary phases are used and no universal
layer chromatography [3]). Highperformance liquid approach to the sample treatment is developed. Little
chromatography (HPLC) is one of the most popular attention is paid to the separation of vitameric forms
methods for the determination of watersoluble vita and the stability of the vitamins and their forms in the
mins due to its ability to determine several compounds sample treatment and separation processes. In addi


tion, the detection conditions are significantly varied shaking, the solution was subjected to ultrasound until
[1, 2]. complete dissolution; the temperature in the ultra
The aim of the present study is to create a method sound bath did not exceed 25°C. The resultant solu
for the determination of watersoluble vitamins using tion was brought to the mark of the deionized water
the HPLC method in the gradient elution mode and to and thoroughly mixed. Due to the low solubility of
optimize the condition for their separation. riboflavin, a weighted portion of this vitamin (approx
imately 0.03 g) was placed into a 1000 ml flask, where
200 ml of deionized water and 15 ml of phosphoric
EXPERIMENTAL acid were added, mixed, and then diluted with 700 ml
Chromatographic system. Liquid chromatograph of deionized water; it was then periodically shaken vig
Agilent 1100 was used for the study (Agilent, U.S.) orously and subjected to ultrasound until complete
consisting of a gradient pump, degassing agent of the dissolution, with the temperature in the ultrasound
mobile phase autosampler, column thermostat, and bath not exceeding 25°C. The resultant solution was
diode matrix detector. For the separation, the follow brought to the mark of the deionized water and thor
ing chromatographic columns were used: Synergy 4u oughly mixed. All the solutions were kept at 4°C in a
hydroRP (250 × 4.6 mm) (Phenomenex, U.S.), dark place. The solution of ascorbic acid was stable for
Gemini 5u C18 (250 × 4.6 mm) (Phenomenex, U.S.), a day, while the solutions of the other vitamins were
Zorbax SBC18 (250 × 4.6 mm) (Agilent, U.S.). For stable for two weeks. The calibration curves of the vita
the study, all the columns were equipped with precol mins were prepared daily. The concentration of the
umns Security Guard C18 (Phenomenex, U.S.). The calibration solutions was chosen so that the concen
samples were injected with an autosampler. The vol trations of different vitamins and their ratios were
ume of the injected sample was 20 µl. The Chemsta close to the concentrations and the ratios of the vita
tion software (Agilent, U.S.) was used for the registra mins in the tested samples. The required amount of
tion of the chromatograms. the stock solution and 0.1 ml of phosphoric acid was
Reagents and solvents. The following reagents were added to a 25 ml volumetric flask, the solution was
used for the study: thiamine hydrochloride (analytical brought to the mark of the deionized water and thor
grade), thiamine phosphate chloride (analytical oughly mixed. The calibration solutions were kept at
grade), nicotinamide (analytical grade), ascorbic acid 4°C.
(analytical grade), pyridoxine (analytical grade), pyri
doxal (analytical grade), pyridoxamine (analytical RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
grade), pantothenic acid (analytical grade), folic acid
(98%), riboflavin5phosphate (analytical grade), To chose the optimal conditions for the determina
nicotinic acid (analytical grade), biotin (analytical tion of vitamins, the influence of the chromatographic
grade), phosphoric acid (85%) (SigmaAldrich, parameters on their retention needs to be studied. The
U.S.), acetonitrile (HPLCgradient grade, Pancreac, factors which have the greatest influence on the reten
Spain), sodium hydrocarbonate (analytical grade, tion of the compounds are the nature of the stationary
Labtekh, Russia), sodium dihydrophosphate (analyti phase, the pH of the mobile phase, the content of ace
cal grade, Labtekh, Russia), and sodium hydroxide tonitrile in the eluent, and the profile of the gradient
(analytical grade, Labtekh, Russia). elution.
The preparation of vitamin solutions. For all the The influence of pH of the mobile phase. Since
vitamins except riboflavin, biotin and folic acid, the many vitamins have an acidic or basic nature, the pH
standard solutions were prepared as follows: a of the eluent has a great influence on their retention.
weighted portion of the vitamin (approximately 0.1 g) In reversephase HPLC, the compound in nondisso
was placed in a 100 ml volumetric flask, then 20 ml of ciated form is retained stronger than in the dissociated
deionized water and 1 ml of phosphoric acid were form. The values of the pKa and pKb of the vitamins
added, mixed, 59 ml of deionized water was added are significantly different from each other and, there
and, with periodical vigorous shaking, the solution was fore, the retention time and the selectivity can be sig
subjected to ultrasound until complete dissolution; the nificantly altered by changing the pH of the mobile
water temperature in the ultrasound bath was con phase. For this experiment, the pH of the mobile
trolled and did not exceed 25°C. The resultant solu phase was varied in the range from 1.5 to 7.5. When
tion was brought to the mark of the deionized water studying the influence of pH, the range of the stability
and thoroughly mixed. The addition of phosphoric of the employed columns and the instability of some
acid was necessary in order to improve the stability of vitamins in a basic medium was taken into account. In
the vitamins. To prepare standard solutions of biotin the pH range from 2.5 to 7.5, eluent A was a 50 mM
and folic acid, a weighted portion of the vitamin was NaH2PO4 buffer solution. The required pH value was
placed in a 100 ml flask; then, 10 ml of deionized water provided by the addition of NaOH or phosphoric acid.
and 2 ml of 200 mM sodium hydrocarbonate solution Eluent B was acetonitrile.
were added; the solution was mixed and diluted with For the study of the influence of the pH of the
60 ml of deionized water; with periodical vigorous mobile phase on the vitamin retention time, gradient


262 BENDRYSHEV et al.

Table 1. Gradient modes (the flow rate was 0.8 ml/min)

Gradient 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Time, min Acetontrile (eluent B) concentration, %

0 0 0 0 0 5 5 3 0 0 0 0
2 – – – 5 – – – – – – –
5 – – – – – – 3 – – – –
6 0 – – – – – – 0 – – –
7 – – 20 20 20 5 – – – – –
8 – – – – – 20 – – – – –
10 – 20 25 – – – 20 – – – –
15 18 – – – – – – – – – –
28 18 20 25 20 20 20 20 18 – – –
29 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 – – –
30 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 – – –
31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 – – –
40 – – – – – – – – 30 20 10
41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

profile no. 1, indicated in Table 1, was used (the flow dence of the retention time of watersoluble vitamins
rate was 0.8 ml/min). At the first step of the gradient on the pH of the column for the column Luna C18(2)
elution, no acetonitrile was present in the mobile is provided in Fig. 1. Let us consider the influence of
phase, providing the best retention and separation of the pH on the retention time of the vitamins for the
poorly retained compounds. column Luna C18(2) in more detail.
The general principles of the influence of the pH of For nicotinic acid, the growth of the retention time
the mobile phase on the vitamin retention times were from 5.7 to ~10 min is observed along with an increase
the same for all the considered stationary phases. of the pH from 1.5 to 7.5. This phenomenon can be
However, the stationary phase can significantly influ explained in the following way: this is an amphoteric
ence the order of the elution of the vitamins and the compound due to the presence of a carboxyl group and
selectivity of the separation of some of the vitamin the basic nitrogen atom in the pyridine ring in its
pairs. A more detailed discussion of the influence of structure (pKa = 2.07, pKb = 4.9). As a result, at high
the stationary phase will be given below. The depen pH values, the carboxyl group is completely dissoci

Retention time, min

(a) (b)
16 1
2 24 1
3 2
12 4
5 20 4
8 5
4 7
0 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 2 4 6 8

Fig. 1. Dependence of the retention time of the vitamins on the pH of the mobile phase: (a) ((1) nicotinamide, (2) thiamine,
(3) pyridoxine, (4) pyridoxal, (5) nicotinic acid, (6) pyridoxamine, (7) ascorbic acid); (b) ((1) biotin, (2) riboflavin, (3) ribofla
vine5phosphate, (4) cyanocobalamin, (5) folic acid, (6) pantothenic acid (column Luna C18(2), 250'4.6 mm).



ated, with the pyridine nitrogen atom remaining The retention time of riboflavin (pKa = 10.2)
deprotonated. At low pH values the situation is the hardly changes when the pH of the eluent is varied.
opposite: the nicotinic acid is in the form of a proto The riboflavin molecule does not contain groups that
nated pyridine base. At medium pH values, the nico are capable of dissociation in the considered pH range.
tinic acid exists as a mixture of the indicated forms. For riboflavin5phosphate, some decrease in the
The alteration of the retention time of nicotinic acid retention time is observed (for less than a minute). For
along with an increase of the pH from 1.5 to 3.5 is, cyanocobalamin, the retention time hardly depends
apparently, associated with an increase of the share of on the pH value.
the form with the dissociated carboxyl group. At pH > The thiamine molecule includes a positively
3.5, no additional dissociation on the carboxyl group charged thioanisole fragment and as a result is a highly
occurs (as it is completely dissociated), while the polar organic compound. At pH < 3.5, thiamine has a
extent of nitrogen protonation decreases along with an low retention time (about 3.8 min). When the pH
increase of the pH; i.e., the retention time in this pH increases (>3.5), the retention time of thiamine
range depends on the share of the forms with proto sharply increase to 14.3 min and hardly changes along
nated nitrogen in the pyridine ring. with the further growth of the pH. Such behavior
The retention time of nicotinamide (pKa = 3.3) seems to be associated with the fact that at pH > 3.5,
increases from 4.5 to about 16 min along with an thiamine becomes a free base, i.e., the deprotonation
increase of the pH from 1.5 to 3.5. For a further of the nitrogen atom in the pyrimidine ring occurs and
increase of the pH, the retention time grows somewhat this fragment of the molecules becomes uncharged,
more. At low pH values, nicotinamide is completely in creating the possibility for the interaction between
the protonated from and the endcaping groups of the C18groups of the adsorbent and the thiamine mole
adsorbent are nondissociated; and at high pH values, a cule.
dissociation of the groups of the stationary phase Thiamine monophospate behaves similarly to thia
occurs, while the fraction of the protonated nicotina mine and has a close retention time in the pH range
mide in the mixture is reduced. As the dependences from 1.5 to 5.5 (3.5 min at pH 1.7). We did not succeed
show, the deprotonation of the charged nitrogen atom in separating these compounds completely in this pH
of the pyridine ring of the vitamins combined with the range. When the pH is increased to 5.5, the retention
ionization of the chemically attached hydroxyl groups time of thiamine monophosphate increases to 14 min.
of the adsorbent leads to the improvement of the sorp Pyridoxine is a derivative of pyridine and its mole
tion and the retention time grows. The retention time cule contains a nitrogen atom of the pyridine ring,
of ascorbic acid decreases from 6.5 to 3.4 min along which has strong basic properties. For pyridoxine, a
with an increase of the pH. Ascorbic acid is a dihydric relatively small increase of the retention time was
one (pKa1 = 4.18, pKa2 = 11.6) and dissociates at rela observed with the increase of the pH from 12 to
tively low pH values. The ability of vitamin C towards 15 min. Pyridoxamine is poorly retained in the sta
such dissociation definitely influences its retention tionary phase at pH 1.5 (3.1 min). With the increase of
time on the stationary phases. Since the dissociation of the pH to 7, the retention time of pyridoxamine
vitamin C by the second stage is negligible, it may be increases to 6 min. If the pH is further increased, the
concluded that no ascorbic acid in the form of a dian sharp growth of the retention time to 13 min at pH 8 is
ion is present in the mixture and, consequently, it does observed. When the pH increases from 1.5 to 5, the
not influence the sorption of the vitamin on the whole. retention time for pyridoxal grows from 7 to 14 min,
The retention is apparently explained by the presence and then becomes almost constant.
of the noncharged and anionic form of vitamin C and
by the ionization of the adsorbent groups as well.
Pantothenic acid has pKa = 4.41 and, as a result, it The Influence of the Stationary Phase
becomes anionic along with an increase in the pH of a According to the data in the literature data [1, 2],
medium. Its retention time deceases from 1 to 13 min reverse C18 phases are most frequently used for the
as a result of an increase of the pH from 1.5 to 7.5, separation of watersoluble vitamins. However, C18
respectively. The retention time of folic acid (pKa = columns of different producers can have significantly
2.3; 8.3) is somewhat higher than that of pantothenic different properties due to the differences of the initial
acid, but the tendencies of the change of this parame silica and polymers, synthetic procedures, attach
ter are generally the same. The retention time is 19 and ment, and endcaping density. Such differences can
15 min at pH 1.5 and 7.5, respectively. significantly influence the retention of the com
The retention time of biotin is constant in the pH pounds. Therefore, in order to find the optimal sepa
range from 1.5 to 4 (23 min); however, as a result of the ration conditions, we have considered several types of
further increase of the pH of the mobile phase, its columns. The stationary phases used for the study
sharp reduction to 16 min is observed; pKa of the car included Synergi Hydro RP C18, Gemini C18, Luna
boxyl group of biotin is about 4.5 and at high pH values C18(2), and Zorbax SBC18. Unfortunately, com
biotin is present entirely in anionic form, which is plete information about the columns is not always pro
retained on the column less strongly. vided by the producers, but nevertheless their main


264 BENDRYSHEV et al.

2 10
3 5 14
8 9 11
4 6 7 12

Luna C18 Synergi Hydro

4 5 7 8 14
3 10
2 6 9
1 11
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Fig. 2. The selectivity rows for the stationary phases Luna C18(2) and Synergi Hydro RP. The pH of the mobile phase was 1.7.
Notation: (1) pyridoxamine, (2) thiamine phosphate, (3) thiamine, (4) nicotinamide, (5) ascorbic acid, (6) nicotinic acid,
(7) pyridoxal, (8) pyridoxine, (9) pantothenic acid, (10) folic acid, (11) cyanocobalamin, (12) riboflavine5phosphate,
(13) riboflavin, (14) biotin.

features are known; for example, the column Synergi values of the retention times for the pairs riboflavin
Hydro RP has a hydrophilic endcaping, which pro riboflavin5phosphate and thiaminethiamine phos
vides better retention and separation of hydrophilic phate almost coincide and do not allow the separation
compounds. For the synthesis of the column Gemini of these compounds. In addition, the retention time of
C18, a hybrid silica gelpolymer matrix is used instead cyanocobalamin is also very close to that of riboflavin
of silica gel, which allows the column to operate both 5phosphate. It is to be noted that the retention time
in a strongly basic and strongly acid pH region, and of the compounds on the Gemini C18 column is
excludes the interaction between the compounds and somewhat lower than on the other columns. When the
silanol groups. The column Luna C18(2) is a column separation is made using the columns Synergi Hydro
with increased attachment density of the functional and Zorbax SB C18 at pH 1.5–1.8, ascorbic acid is
groups, which provides a stronger shielding of the eluted before nicotinic acid, with the peaks not being
adsorbent grain and an aggregate increase of the col resolved to the baseline. The peaks of nicotinamide
umn capacity and, consequently, the increase of the and thiamine are somewhat unsymmetrical and there
retention time and some improvement of the selectiv is no pH value that allows achieving simultaneous
ity. Due to a special endcaping, Zorbax SBC18 can complete separation of the peaks of thiamine, nicoti
operate at low pH values. The presence of the endcap namide, and ascorbic and nicotinic acids.
ing can lead to the alteration of the selectivity and the The differences in the selectivity and the elution
capacity. order of the vitamins in different phases is, obviously,
The results of the experiments allow us to divide the first of all, associated with the presence of hydrophilic
considered stationary phases into two groups. The first endcaping in the stationary phases of the second
group includes Luna C18(2) and Gemini C18, and the group, which provides additional interaction with the
second one includes Synergi Hydro RP and Zorbax polar compounds leading to somewhat better selectiv
SBC18. The difference between these groups is ity in the pairs riboflavinriboflavin5phosphate and
clearly observed at pH 1.5–1.8. The selectivity row for thiamine–thiamine phosphate, as well as to an
the stationary phases Luna C18(2) and Synergy Hydro increase in the retention time of nicotinic acid and
RP are given in Fig. 2. some asymmetry of the peaks of thiamine and nicoti
When the vitamins are separated using the station namide.
ary phases Luna C18(2) and Gemini C18 at pH 1.5– Unfortunately, complete separation of all the con
1.8, nicotinic acid is eluted before ascorbic acid. The sidered vitamins and vitameric forms cannot be
peaks of these compounds are clearly resolved with achieved at any pH or by using any of the stationary
each other and the nicotinamide peak. The peaks of phases. However, in real medical preparations, pre
thiamine, nicotinamide, and other polar compounds mixes, bioactive dietary supplements, and vitamin
are symmetric; the resolution is sufficient for the enriched products, only one form of the vitamins are
simultaneous qualitative determination of thiamine, present and, therefore, in the majority of cases, the
nicotinamide, and nicotinic and ascorbic acid. The appropriate conditions for the separation of the vita



mins present in the sample can be selected. Satisfac symmetric shapes of the peaks of the analytes but also
tory separation of the majority of the vitamins can be a rather uniform selectivity of the vitamin determina
contained at different pH values. However, the best tion in the range between and 25 min.
separation is provided at pH 1.5–1.9. In addition, the
majority of vitamins are more stable in the acid
medium. If there is a necessity of the complete separa The Influence of Temperature
tion of nicotinic and ascorbic acids, it is reasonable to The choice and the provision of the column opti
use the phases of the first group, and if it is the neces mal temperature is very important for the successful
sary to separate the pair riboflavin–riboflavin5phos separation and determination of the analytes. The
phate, the stationary phases of the second group are to sorption process on the employed stationary phase is
be used. known to be exothermic and therefore the change of
the column temperature more or less influences the
equilibrium of this process. It results in the change of
The Influence of the Gradient Elution Profile the retention time of the analytes and the efficiency of
One of the main conditions for the achievement of their chromatographic peaks.
the most efficient separation of the substances is the To study the influence of temperature, we have
selection of the optimal gradient mode. Using differ conducted a series of experiments at values of the col
ent gradient profiles, fine resolution of the chromato umn thermostat temperature ranging from 20 to 60°C
graphic peaks of the substances with close retention inclusively, with a 10°C step. The upper limit was cho
times can be obtained and the total time required for sen after taking into consideration the stability of the
the analysis can be decreased as well. stationary phase. All the experiments were conducted
In order to vary the conditions of the gradient elu using gradient mode no. 1.
tion, the initial concentration of acetonitrile, the Just as expected, the reduction of the retention
duration of the isocratic region at the beginning, the time of the compounds was observed along with an
rate of growth of the acetonitrile concentration, the increase of the temperature. However, no significant
final concentration of acetonitrile, and the duration of reduction of the retention time was achieved and the
the elution were changed. At the end of the each chro maximal change with the transition from 20 to 60°C
matographic determination, the concentration of ace was 1.5–2 min for all the vitamins. The reduction of
tonitrile was increased up to 50% for a short time in the retention time for different vitamins happens
order to elute the strongly adsorbed admixtures from almost simultaneously and as a result the variation of
the column. After each gradient elution, the chro the temperature of the chromatographic column does
matographic system was equilibrated under the initial not allow improving the separation. In addition, it
conditions for 6 min. The considered gradient profiles appeared that the increase in temperature leads to the
are given in Table 1. growth of the baseline fluctuation. For these reasons,
For the selection of the optimal conditions for the all further experiments were conducted at 20°C.
gradient elution, a standard mixture of vitamins was Therefore, the optimal conditions for the separa
used as the test mixture. In all these experiments, the tion of the vitamins are as follows: gradient profile no.
components of the mobile phase were 0.6% phospho 1, eluent A is 0.6% phosphoric acid (pH 1.70); eluent
ric acid with pH 1.76 and acetonitrile. In some of the B is acetonitrile; and the temperature of the column is
studies and procedures [1, 2] dedicated to the determi 20°C. For the separation of nicotinic and ascorbic
nation of vitamins, the initial period of the gradient acid, the columns Luna C18(2) or Gemini C18 should
elution is implemented at a nonzero concentration of be used, and if there is a necessity for the separation of
acetonitrile. Obviously, this is associated with the loss the riboflavin–riboflavin5phosphate and thiamine–
of the properties of some columns in 100% aqueous thiaminephosphate pairs, the stationary phases Syn
media due to the socalled collapse of the C18 groups. ergi Hydro C18 or Zorbax SBC18 should be used.
For the selection of the optimal separation conditions, The chromatogram of the model vitamin mixture, reg
the initial concentration of acetonitrile in the mobile istered in the selected conditions, is presented in
phase was varied. It was established that the best sepa Fig. 3.
ration of the poorly adsorbed compounds can be
achieved at the zero concentration of acetonitrile. An
increase of the acetonitrile concentration leads to the The Selection of the Detection Conditions
reduction of the retention time and the resolution The absorption spectra of each of the vitamins were
between the peaks of the neighboring compounds registered using the diode matrix detector. The values
deteriorates. The phenomenon of the collapse of the of the maxima of vitamin absorption at pH 1.7 are pro
C18 groups was not observed for the employed col vided in Table 2. Qualitative determination of each of
umns. the vitamins should be performed using the wave
The best gradient mode for the separation of water lengths providing the best detection limits and suffi
soluble vitamins appeared to be gradient no. 1. Its cient resolution between the peaks of the determined
application provided not only good resolution and vitamin and the neighboring peaks. For a number of


266 BENDRYSHEV et al.

Absorbance, absorbance units × 10−3



150 4 11


3 6
50 2
10 12
1 8 9
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time, min

Fig. 3. Chromatogram of the standard solution of vitamins; the column was Luna C18 (2) 250 × 4.6 mm; and gradient no.1 (see
the text) was used. Spectrophotometric detection: 0–3.2 min 292 nm, 3.2–7 min 254 nm, 7–13 min 292 nm, 13–18 min 200 nm,
18–20 min 297 nm, 20–21 min 2360 nm, 21–22.5 min 2790 nm, 2324 min 200 nm. The vitamins were (1) pyridoxamine,
(2) thiamine, (3) nicotinamide, (4) nicotinic acid, (5) ascorbic acid, (6) pyridoxal, (7) pyridoxine, (8) pantothenic acid, (9) folic
acid, (10) cyanocobalamin, (11) riboflavin, (12) biotin.

real samples, the optimal wavelengths could not coin on the obtained chromatograms was made using the
cide with the absorption maxima. It is associated with preliminarily created spectrum library. The detection
the absorption of the components of the matrix of the limits, the linearity ranges, and the wavelengths
tested sample. When optimizing the conditions of the employed for the detection are provided in Table 2.
determination, the identification of the vitamin peaks
The Analysis of Real Samples
Table 2. The detection wavelengths and analytical parame Under the proposed conditions, we analyzed the
ters for determining the vitamin
vitamin preparations Undevit, bioactive dietary sup
Wave Detection Linear plement Alfavit, and vitamin premix GSvit 12. For
Vitamin length, limit, range, the extraction of the vitamins from the tested samples,
nm mg/l mg/l 1% solution of phosphoric acid was used (pH 1.5). The
extraction of the vitamins from the tested samples was
Thiamine 244 0.01 0.01–100 performed using an ultrasound bath. A precisely
Thiamine phosphate 244 0.02 0.02–100 weighted portion of the tested samples was placed in a
Nicotinamide 244 0.03 0.03–300 250 ml glass flask, washed with the extraction agent,
Nicotinic acid 244 0.2 0.2–200 and placed in an ultrasound bath. The weight of the
portion was calculated so that the resultant concentra
Ascorbic acid 254 0.03 0.03–200 tions of all the determined vitamins were within the
Pyridoxine 292 0.02 0.02–100 analytical range. In order to analyze the preparations
Pyridoxal 292 0.1 0.1–100 in the form of tablets, 10–20 tablets should be taken,
Pyridoxamine 292 0.3 0.3–100 weighed, and then carefully ground in a porcelain
mortar. For further calculations, the content of the
Pantothenic acid 200 0.2 0.2–200 vitamins is referred to as the mass equivalent to one
Folic acid 297 0.006 0.006–100 tablet. The concentrations of the vitamins measured
Cyanocobalamin 360 0.2 0.2–100 and the stated by the producer in the tested prepara
Riboflavin phosphate 270 0.2 0.2–50 tions are given in Table 3. It confirms that the obtained
results are in accordance with the producer data.
Riboflavin 270 0.005 0.005–10 Unfortunately, we did not manage to determine the
Biotin 200 0.2 0.2–100 concentration of cyanocobalamine and biotin in the



Absorbance, absorbance units × 10−3


10 6

500 2

18 7
1 4

0 5 10 15 20 Time, min

Fig. 4. Chromatogram of the extract of the Undevit pill. The column was Synergi Hydro 250 × 4.6 mm; gradient no. 1 was used
(see the text). Spectrophotometric detection – see Fig. 3. Vitamins: (1) thiamine, (2) nicotinamide, (3) ascorbic acid, (4) pyri
doxine, (5) pantothenic acid, (6) folic acid, (7) riboflavin.

preparations, as the content of these vitamins retention time of the vitamins appeared to be negligi
appeared to be below the detection limit of the detec ble. The chromatographic conditions were proposed
tor used. The chromatogram of the extract of Undevit so that they would allow the separation of 12 water
pills is given in Fig. 4. soluble vitamins and vitameric forms: eluent A was
0.6% phosphoric acid, pH 1.7; eluent B was acetoni
trile; the gradient profile was the following: 0–6 min
CONCLUSIONS was 0% B, 6–15 min was from 0 to 18% B, 15–28 min
The influence of pH, temperature, and the station was 18%B, 28–29 min was from 18 to 50% B, 29–
ary phase on the retention of vitamins was studied. It 30 min was from 50 to 15%B, 30–31 min was from 15
was established that the differences in the retention of to 0% B; the eluent flow rate was 0.8 ml/min; and the
vitamins on different stationary phases are apparently column temperature was 20°C. For the separation of
associated with the presence of different endcaping nicotinic and ascorbic acid, the columns Luna C18(2)
groups and different attachment density of the or Gemini C18 should be used, and if there is a neces
C18groups. The best separation of the vitamins and sity for separating the riboflavin–riboflavine5phos
the vitameric forms was achieved at the mobile phase phate and thiamine–thiaminephosphate pairs, the
pH 1.5–1.8. The influence of the temperature on the stationary phases Synergi Hydro C18 or Zorbax SB

Table 3. The determination of the concentration of vitamins in some real samples (n = 3, p = 0.95)
Tested samples
Undevit Alfavit Premix GSvit 12
Producer’s Found, Producer’s Found, Producer’s Found,
data, mg/pill mg/pill data, mg/pill mg/tablet data, mg/pill mg/ 100 g
Thiamine 2 1.9 ± 0.1 1.5 1.4 ± 0.1 0.46–0.54 0.49 ± 0.02
Nicotinamide 20 19 ± 1 20 20 ± 1 3.7–4.3 4.0 ± 0.2
Ascorbic acid 75 73 ± 3 80 78 ± 3 56–64 62 ± 2
Pyridoxine 3 3.1 ± 0.1 1 1.0 ± 0.05 0.54–0.66 0.61 ± 0.03
Pantothenic acid 3 3.0 ± 0.1 5 5.0 ± 0.2 2.8–3.2 3.2 ± 0.2
Folic acid 0.07 0.071 ± 0.003 0.2 0.20 ± 0.01 0.045–0.055 0.045 ± 0.003
Riboflavin 2 2.0 ± 0.1 1.7 1.6 ± 0.1 0.74–0.86 0.81 ± 0.02


268 BENDRYSHEV et al.

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