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Clerical Documents List for the Center

Here's a list of clerical documents we may need to maintain to run our English spoken coaching center
1. Admission Form:
Capture essential information about the student, including personal details, contact information, and any
relevant medical information.
2. Student Attendance Records:
Keep a record of students' attendance for each class. This helps in monitoring student engagement and
identifying any attendance patterns.
3. Financial Records:
Maintain financial documents such as income statements, expense reports, and receipts to track the
financial health of our coaching center.
4. Fee Structure and Payment Records:
Clearly outline our fee structure and keep a record of all payments made by students. This includes
receipts for tuition fees, materials, or any additional charges.
5. Class Schedules:
Create and maintain a schedule for each class, including the timing, duration, and location. This helps in
organizing classes and notifying students and parents.
6. Curriculum and Lesson Plans:
Outline the curriculum and lesson plans for each level or course. This ensures consistency in teaching and
helps teachers prepare for classes.
7. Teacher and Staff Contracts:
Keep signed contracts and relevant documents for our teaching and administrative staff. This includes
details about responsibilities, compensation, and terms of employment.
8. Emergency Contact Information:
Maintain a list of emergency contact information for each student. This is crucial for quick
communication in case of emergencies.
9. Progress Reports:
Provide regular progress reports to parents, detailing a student's performance, areas of improvement, and
any other relevant feedback.
10. Marketing Materials:
Keep copies of our marketing materials, including brochures, flyers, and promotional materials. This
helps in tracking our marketing efforts and making informed decisions for future campaigns.
11. Feedback and Complaints Log:
Create a system for recording feedback and complaints from students, parents, or staff. This helps in
addressing concerns and continuously improving the quality of our services.
12. Legal and Regulatory Documents:
Ensure that we have all the necessary legal documents in place, such as business licenses, permits, and
compliance with educational regulations.
13. Inventory Records:
If we provide any materials or resources to students, maintain an inventory record to track usage and
restocking needs.
14. Certificates and Awards:
Prepare and maintain certificates or awards for students who achieve milestones or demonstrate
exceptional performance.
15. Event Records:
Keep records of any events or activities organized by the coaching center, including details such as
attendance, expenses, and outcomes.
By maintaining these clerical documents, we can ensure the smooth operation of our coaching center, stay
organized, and meet both administrative and regulatory requirements.

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