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The pattern of land use / land cover is attributed to a complex interaction of various socio

economic factors. An understanding of causes of land use/ land cover change requires an

understanding of how people make land use decisions and how various factors interact in

specific contexts to influence decision making on land use. Decision making could be

influenced by factors at local, regional or global scale. In this chapter an attempt has been

made to assess the socio economic status of the people in the catchment. Data regarding

demographic characteristics, educational status, sources of energy consumption,

possession of vehicles, workforce, occupational structure, landholding size, cropping

pattern, use of inputs in agriculture, livestock population, Dependence of livestock on

forests, construction on agricultural land, migration and income of the sampled

households were assessed in the Ashrafabad Anchidora Anantnag. In this view some

baseline socioeconomic household data was collected from ten house holds using a well

structured questionnaire.

1. Demographic characteristics

Data regarding the various demographic characteristics of the sampled households like

sex-wise distribution, age-wise distribution, marital status, family size has been collected

through field survey and discussed.

1.1 Sex-wise distribution

Table 1.1 is showing sex-wise distribution of the sampled household members. A perusal

of this table shows that of the total population of the sampled households (persons),52 per

cent were males and 47 per cent were females. The table further shows that there were

more males than females.

Table 1.1Sex-wise distribution of the sampled households in Ashrafabad Anchidora


Category Total
(n) = 10
Total male (Number) 36
Total female 32
(Number) (47%)

Total population 68
Source: Based on household Survey (2023). n= Sampled households.
Note: Figure in the brackets shows the percentage to the total.

1.2 Age-wise distribution

Age is an important factor which affects the potential employment and mobility status of

the respondents. Table 1.2 and figure 1 shows the age-wise distribution of the sampled


Table 1.2Age-wise distribution of the sampled households in Ashrafabad Anchidora


Age group in years. Total

(n) = 10
below 5 years 6
6-10 years 4
11–15 years 8
16–60 years 43
above 60 years 7
Total population 68

Source: Based on household Survey (2023).n= Sampled households.

Note: Figure in the brackets shows the percentage to the total.
The data shows that the total population (68 persons), most of them 63%per cent

belonged to 16-60 year age group. Nearly 11 per cent of the sampled household members

belonged to 11-15 years age group, 5.9% per cent belonged to 6-10 years age group, 8

per cent belonged to below 5 years age group while only 10 per cent belonged to old age

group of above 60 years.


6-10 YEARS
11-15 YEARS
16-60 YEARS

Figure 1.2

1.3 Marital status and family size

The marital status of the sampled households is seen from the Table 1.3. The marital

status of the sampled households shows that nearly 45% of the members were unmarried.

About 48 per cent were married while only 5.8 per cent was widower. The table also

shows that the average family size of the sampled households. were 5.5. It has been
observed from the table that there are sampled families that have large size have 8

members and the small families less than 3 members.

Table 1.3Distribution of marital status and family size of sampled households in

Ashrafabad Anchidora Anantnag.

Marital Status Total

(n) = 10
Married 33

Un married 31

Widower 4

Ave. Family 5.5

Maximum 8
Minimum 3

Source: Based on household Survey (2023).n= Sampled households.

Note: Figure in the brackets shows the percentage to the total.

1.4 Educational Status:

Education plays an important role in the overall growth and development of any country.

Level of education affects the planning and managerial abilities of the persons in decision

making. The level of education is an important parameter to determine the socio

economic status of the region. So far as the educational status of the sampled households

is concerned, their condition is very good. The male literacy is 70% and female literacy is


Table 1.4 Educational status of sampled households in Ashrafabad Anchidora Anantnag.

Educational Total
Status Sampled
(n) = 10
Primary 4

Middle 7

Secondary 14

Graduates 15

Post Graduates 5

Male literacy 25

Female literacy 20

Total literates 45
Total illiterates
Total 68
Source: Household survey 2023. n= Sampled households.
Note: Figure in the brackets shows the percentage to the total.




Figure 1.4

1.5 Energy consumption:

In the catchment most of the people are mainly dependent on LPG and electricity. The

most commonly used source of energy is LPG followed by ELECTRICITY.

Table 1.5 Perception about the source and magnitude of energy consumption of sampled
households in Ashrafabad Anchidora Anantnag. ( In percentage)
Source and Magnitude Total
of Energy Consumption Sampled
(n) = 10
Firewood NIL
Cow dung NIL
LPG 100%
Kerosene NIL
Electricity 100%




Figure 1.5


1.6 Possession of vehicles:

Possession of vehicles as assets is an important indicator of socio-economic status of a

region. Apart from livestock, watershed also possessed other assets (such as tractors,

bikes, autos, and cars). Table 1.6 shows the possession of vehicles in sampled household

in Ashrafabad Anchidora Anantnag.

Table 1.6 Possession of vehicles of sampled households in Ashrafabad Anchidora

Possession of Total Sampled
Household Assets Households
(n) = 10
Cars 14

Bikes 17

Total vehicles (2023) 31

1.7 Total workforce

The total workforce of the sampled households can be seen from the table 1.7. It is

observed that in Ashrafabad Anchidora Anantnag catchment the average weighted

workforce per sampled household was 5.06 persons. The dependency ratio, i.e., the

number of nonworking members per working family member was 7:5, indicating a

degree of dependency. On an average 7 persons are non workers per sampled household

which shows there is little gap between potential workers and actual workers.

Table 1.7 Distribution of work force of sampled households in Ashrafabad Anchidora


Total workforce Total Sampled

(n) = 10
Total workforce 25

Dependents (nonworking)2
Non workers/ household 45
Dependency ratio 7:5

Actual workers 25

Total population 68

Source: Based on household Survey (2023). n= Sampled households.

Note: Figure in the brackets shows the percentage to the total.
1. The total workforce was computed as 0.25 × (persons in the 11-15 age group) +
persons in the 16-60 age group + 0.25 × (persons in the age group above 60 years.
2. The dependency ratio was computed as the ratio of nonworking members to working
family members.

1.8 Occupational structure:

Occupational structure is the term which implies the number of persons in a society or in

an area who are taking active part in the income generation. The three types of

occupations are primary occupation, secondary occupation and tertiary occupation. Table

1.8 shows the occupational structure of sampled household In Ashrafabad Anchidora

Anantnag most of the people engaged in secondary and tertiary occupation. 7.3% are

engaged in secondary occupation , 29.4% are engaged in public and private sector and

25% are engaged with Govt. alliled sactor.

Table 1.8 Occupational structure sampled households of Ashrafabad Anchidora

Anantnag .

Occupational Total
Structure Sampled
(n) = 10
Primary 0

Secondary 5

Tertiary 20

Total workers 25

Source: Household survey 2023. n= Sampled households.

Note: Figure in the brackets shows the percentage to the total.

Series 1











Figure 1.8


1.9 Landholding size:

Land is a scarce resource hence its optimal use is very important. Farm size is one of the

major determinants of financial status of the farmers, which in turn affect farmer’s ability

to adopt modern farming practices. Table 1.9 shows the average land holding size in

sampled households of Ashrafabad Anchidora Anantnag. In 2000 the average

landholding size of sampled households of the catchment was 80 KANAL and it is

decreased to 60 Kanal in 2023.

Table 1.9 Landholding size of sampled households in Ashrafabad Anchidora Anantnag.

Average Land holding size/ Total
household (Kanal) Sampled
(n) = 10
Ave. Land holding size (2000) 80
Ave. Land holding size (2023) 60
Source: Household survey 2023. n= Sampled households.

2.1 Cropping pattern:

The total land holding is 60 kanal of sampled households in Ashrafabad Anchidora

Anantnag. Whole of which is under rice fields .

Table 2.1 Area under major crops of sampled households in Ashrafabad Anchidora

Area under major crops Total Sampled Anantnag catchment.

Households Source: Household survey 2023.n=
(n) = 10 Sampled households.
Apples Nil
Rice (2000) Kanal 80
Rice (2023) Kanal 60

2.2 Use of Inputs in agriculture:

The perusal of table 2.2 shows the use of inputs in agriculture of the sampled households

in Ashrafabad Anchidora Anantnag catchment. The use of inputs has an impact over the

land use of a region with the duration of time. In Ashrafabad Anchidora Anantnag people
have shifted from traditional farming to new modern techniques .Consumption of

fertilizers have also increased from 20 to 35 kgs per kanal of land.

Table 2.2 Use of inputs in agricultural in samples households of Ashrafabad Anchidora

Anantnag catchment.

Use of inputs (in Kg/year) Total

(n) = 10
Ave. Fertilizers used in 2000 20 kg
Ave. Fertilizers used in 2023 35 kg
Source: Household survey 2023. n= Sampled households.

2.3 Livestock population:

There is zero live stock in Ashrafabad Anchidora Anantnag .

2.4 Construction on agriculture land:

Table 2.4 shows the construction on agricultural land by sampled households of the

catchment. In the sampled households of the catchment the percentage of construction of

residential houses on agriculture is 14 percent . It has been observed during field survey

that 100% cent of sampled households have constructed new houses on paddy fields in

the catchment thus creating land use/land cover change at individual level.
Table 2.4 Construction on agriculture land by sampled households in Ashrafabad
Anchidora Anantnag.
Construction on Total
agriculture land(No. of Sampled
houses) Households
(n) = 10
Residential Houses 9

Source: Household survey 2023. n= Sampled households.

Note: Figure in the brackets shows the percentage to the total.
2.5 Migration:

Migration refers to the permanent or semi-permanent change of residence from one place

to another. The reasons of migration can be unemployment, over size of the family, enjoy

civic amenities etc. migration leads an area or region to a number of problems like over

congestion, poor infrastructure, depleting natural resources and mass conversion of land

use/land cover. Table 2.5 shows the migration and reason of in migration of sampled

households in the Ashrafabad Anchidora Intotal sampled households of catchment the

percentage of migrant households are nearly 8 percent. The main pull factor of migration

in sampled households is employment opportunities, better services and the push factor is

large family size at the source region of migration. Most of these migrant settlements

have occupied the cultivated land which is highly responsible for the conversion of

agricultural land into dense settlements in the catchment.

Table 2.5 Migration of sampled households in Ashrafabad Anchidora Anantnag.

Status in Total
village/town/city Sampled
(n) = 10
Non migrant (households) 8
Migrant (households) 2
Source: Household survey 2023. n= Sampled households.
Note: Figure in the brackets shows the percentage to the total.

2.6 Income:

Income is the most basic of all the determinants of development. It has been considered

as the key indicator of economic development of a nation or group of people. The mode

of life, savings, investment and overall standard of people depend on it. Thus, both the

income pattern and the trend in the growth of income are important from the point of

view of analyzing the economic conditions of people. In the present study the income is

generated from various sources like agriculture business, trade, self employment, Govt.

services and daily wages. Table 2.6 and figure 2.6 shows the income of sampled

households generated from various source. The table shows that major source of income

was from employment in the Govt. services (54 per cent). About 12 per cent income was

generated from trade and self Business. The other important source of income was

generated from the agriculture and allied activities 18 per cent of total income. About 14

per cent of the total income was come from private and public sector services.

Table 2.6 Income of sampled households generated from various sources in Ashrafabad
Anchidora Anantnag.
Income generated from Total
various Sources Sampled
(n) = 10
Total Income from 120,000
agriculture. & allied
Total Income from Trade 80,000
and business
Total Income salaried 350,000
from Govt. services
From public private 90,000
Total Income from all 640,000
sources per month.
Ave. income 20215
Maximum 2,50,000
Minimum 5000
Source: Household survey 2023 n= Sampled households.

Income Of Households Per Month

Agriculture Business Govet. Services Public/private services

Figure 2.6

Community Profile AND Resource Inventory of Ashrafabad

Name : Hameem Rasheed
Registration no : 65400-ANG-2022
Class roll no : 1309

Under the Supervision of

(Assistant Professor in Geography and Programme Coordinator Disaster Management)
Department of Geography and Disaster
Government Degree College, Anantnag, Khanabal,

This is to certify that the work contained in the Dissertation entitled “community profile
and resource inventory ” of Hameem Rasheed and is a record of bonafide research
works carried out by him under my direct supervision and guidance. The contents
embodied in the work have not been submitted for the award of any other degree or
diploma in this or any other university.



Signature of Supervisor


Department of Geography & Disaster Management


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who supported me throughout the
research process. First and foremost, I would like to thank Allah and my advisor, Iqbal
sir, for his invaluable guidance, feedback, and encouragement throughout this project. I
am also grateful to my parents for helping me a lot.

I would like to extend my appreciation to the GDC Anantang, particularly the disaster
management, for providing me with access to the necessary resources, such as the library,
computer facilities, and statistical software. I would also like to acknowledge the valuable
contributions of the research assistants and collaborators who assisted me in data
collection and analysis.

I am indebted to the study participants who generously shared their time and insights,
without whom this research would not have been possible. Finally, I would like to thank
my friends and family for their unwavering support and encouragement throughout this
challenging process.

Once again, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to all those who have contributed to this
research in one way or another.
Name of the Student-

Hameem Rasheed


Fig .1.2. Age distribution status

Fig .1.4 .Education status
Fig .1.5 .Energy status
Fig .1.8 .Occupational structure
Fig .1.9 .Landholding size
Fig .2.1 .Area under major crop -Rice
Fig .2.2 .Use of input in agriculture [fertilizers]
Fig .2.6 .Income status


1.1 Sex wise distribution

1.2 Age wise distribution
1.3 Marital status
1.4 Educational status
1.5 Energy consumption
1.6 Vehicle possession
1.7 Workforce
1.8 Occupational structure
1.9 Landholding size
2.1 Area under major crop- Rice
2.2 Inputs in agriculture-fertilizers
2.4 Construction on agriculture land
2.5 Migration status
2.6 Income status


Content Details Page NO.










 Map

A community profile and resource inventory is a comprehensive assessment and documentation
of a specific community's characteristics, assets, and resources. This process involves gathering
information about the community's demographics, socioeconomic factors, cultural diversity,
geographic features, and infrastructure. Additionally, it aims to identify and evaluate the
community's resources, including human capital, institutions, organizations, services, and
natural or built environments.

The community profile and resource inventory serve as valuable tools for community
development, strategic planning, and resource allocation. It provides a holistic understanding of
the community's strengths, needs, and potential opportunities for growth and improvement. By
analyzing and synthesizing this information, community leaders, policymakers, and stakeholders
can make informed decisions, design effective interventions, and foster collaborative
partnerships to address challenges and enhance the overall well-being of the community.

This abstract highlights the significance of conducting a community profile and resource
inventory as a means to empower communities, promote sustainable development, and
facilitate evidence-based decision-making processes. It emphasizes the importance of
recognizing and leveraging the existing assets withins a community to maximize their potential
and promote positive change.


Welcome to the Community Profile and Resource Inventory! This comprehensive document
aims to provide an in-depth understanding of our community, its demographics, resources, and
the services available to its residents. By compiling this information, we hope to create a
valuable resource that can facilitate informed decision-making, foster community development,
and enhance the overall well-being of our residents.

A community profile serves as a snapshot of the unique characteristics, assets, and challenges
that define our community. It allows us to explore various aspects such as population, cultural
diversity, economic indicators, infrastructure, and social services. Understanding these factors is
crucial for effective planning, resource allocation, and addressing the needs of our community
The resource inventory section is a detailed compilation of the resources available within our
community. This includes but is not limited to educational institutions, healthcare facilities,
recreational centers, public services, non-profit organizations, and local businesses. The
inventory provides an overview of the services offered by each resource, their contact
information, and any additional relevant details.

The Community Profile and Resource Inventory is designed to be a living document that can be
regularly updated and expanded as our community evolves. It serves as a vital tool for
community leaders, policymakers, organizations, and residents alike, enabling them to
understand the existing strengths and areas for improvement within our community.

By harnessing the knowledge and resources contained within this document, we can identify
opportunities for growth, enhance community engagement, and work collaboratively towards
building a stronger and more vibrant community for everyone.

We invite you to explore the Community Profile and Resource Inventory, and encourage you to
actively participate in the development and enrichment of our community. Together, we can
leverage our collective strengths and create a brighter future for all.


1. Comprehensive Understanding: The primary objective of the Community Profile and Resource
Inventory is to provide a comprehensive understanding of our community. By collecting and
analyzing relevant data, we aim to capture a clear picture of our community's demographics,
social dynamics, and economic landscape. This understanding serves as a foundation for
informed decision-making and strategic planning.

2. Needs Assessment: The inventory helps identify the needs and challenges faced by our
community members. By assessing the available resources and services, we can pinpoint gaps
and areas where additional support is required. This information is invaluable for prioritizing
initiatives and allocating resources effectively to address community needs.
3. Resource Mapping: Another objective is to map out the resources available within our
community. This includes identifying educational institutions, healthcare facilities, recreational
centers, public services, non-profit organizations, and local businesses. By creating a
comprehensive resource inventory, we can facilitate easier access to services, encourage
collaboration among stakeholders, and promote community development.

4. Collaboration and Networking: The Community Profile and Resource Inventory aims to foster
collaboration and networking within the community. By highlighting the various organizations,
services, and businesses operating within our community, we can encourage partnerships and
collaborations that maximize the impact of available resources. This promotes a sense of
community ownership and encourages stakeholders to work together towards common goals.

5. Planning and Development: The inventory serves as a valuable tool for community planning
and development. By analyzing the data and information collected, community leaders,
policymakers, and organizations can make informed decisions regarding infrastructure
development, service improvements, and resource allocation. This enables us to create
sustainable and inclusive growth strategies that meet the evolving needs of our community.

6. Empowering Residents: Ultimately, the Community Profile and Resource Inventory aims to
empower residents by providing them with accessible and relevant information about their
community. By understanding the available resources and services, residents can make more
informed choices, access necessary support, and actively participate in community initiatives.
This empowerment strengthens community engagement and fosters a sense of belonging
among residents.

By achieving these objectives, the Community Profile and Resource Inventory plays a vital role in
supporting community development, enhancing the quality of life for residents, and creating a
cohesive and resilient community.

Study Area

The study area for the Community Profile and Resource Inventory encompasses our community
as a whole. It includes the geographical boundaries and the population residing within those
boundaries. The study area is typically defined by the jurisdictional boundaries of our
community, such as a city, town, neighborhood, or specific geographic region.

It is important to consider the unique characteristics, dynamics, and challenges specific to our
community within the study area. This includes aspects such as cultural diversity, socioeconomic
factors, geographic features, and community resources. By focusing on our specific study area,
we can gather relevant and accurate data that reflects the distinct nature of our community.

The study area may also take into account neighboring areas or regions that have a significant
impact on our community or with which we have close ties. This broader perspective can
provide additional context and help identify regional resources and collaborations that may
benefit our community.

Data Sets Used

1. Census Data: Census data is a crucial data set used in creating a community profile. It provides
information about the population, including demographics such as age, gender, ethnicity,
household composition, and income levels. Census data helps understand the size, diversity, and
social characteristics of the community.

2. Economic Indicators: Economic data sets are used to analyze the economic health and trends
within the community. This may include data on employment rates, industry sectors, average
income levels, poverty rates, and business establishments. Economic indicators provide insights
into the community's economic opportunities, challenges, and potential for growth.

3. Education Data: Education data sets include information about local schools, colleges, and
educational attainment levels within the community. This data helps assess the educational
resources available, student enrollment, graduation rates, and academic performance
indicators. It provides insights into the educational landscape and opportunities for lifelong
learning within the community.
4. Social Services Data: Social services data sets encompass information on government
programs, community organizations, and social support systems. This includes data on social
assistance programs, child and family services, elderly care, mental health services, and non-
profit organizations. Social services data helps identify resources available to support vulnerable
populations and address social issues within the community.

These are just some examples of the data sets commonly used in creating a Community Profile
and Resource Inventory. The specific data sets utilized will depend on the characteristics and
priorities of our community, ensuring that the information collected accurately reflects our
community. Methods, Tools, and Techniques

1. Surveys and Questionnaires: Surveys and questionnaires are commonly used methods to
collect quantitative and qualitative data from community members. They can be administered in
person, via mail, or online to gather information about demographics, preferences, needs, and

2. Interviews: Conducting interviews with key community stakeholders, such as community

leaders, residents, and representatives from local organizations, provides valuable insights into
the community's resources, challenges, and aspirations. These interviews can be structured or
unstructured, depending on the research objectives.

3. Focus Groups: Focus groups involve bringing together a small group of community members
to engage in facilitated discussions. This technique allows for in-depth exploration of specific
topics, gathering diverse perspectives, and uncovering underlying issues within the community.

4. Asset Mapping: Asset mapping involves identifying and cataloging the community's tangible
and intangible resources. This technique helps to uncover strengths, such as local businesses,
educational institutions, cultural landmarks, natural resources, community organizations, and
social networks.

These methods, tools, and techniques can be combined and customized based on the specific
needs and context of the community being studied, allowing for a comprehensive and accurate
assessment of the community's profile and resource inventory.potential for development.

Results and Discussion:

The results of the community profile and resource inventory provide a detailed understanding of
the community's characteristics, strengths, challenges, and available resources. These findings
serve as the basis for informed discussions and strategic decision-making processes. Here are
some key aspects that may emerge from the results and their potential implications:

1. Demographics and Socioeconomic Factors: The demographic data obtained through surveys,
questionnaires, or census analysis offer insights into the community's population size, age
distribution, ethnic diversity, income levels, and educational attainment. These factors help
identify specific needs and disparities within the community. For example, a high poverty rate
may indicate a need for targeted social support programs, while a well-educated population
may suggest opportunities for knowledge-based economic development.

2. Community Assets and Resources: The community profile and resource inventory reveal the
community's tangible and intangible assets. These may include local businesses, educational
institutions, healthcare facilities, cultural centers, parks, natural resources, and social networks.
Recognizing and leveraging these assets can contribute to community development and
enhance residents' quality of life. For instance, identifying underutilized community spaces can
lead to their transformation into vibrant gathering places or economic hubs.

3. Infrastructure and Services: Assessing the community's infrastructure, such as transportation

systems, utilities, and public facilities, helps identify gaps or areas in need of improvement.
Understanding the availability and accessibility of essential services, such as healthcare,
education, and public safety, is crucial for identifying underserved areas and advocating for
equitable resource allocation.
5. Community Engagement and Participation: The community profile and resource inventory
process involve engaging community members through interviews, focus groups, or
participatory approaches. This fosters a sense of ownership, builds trust, and empowers
community members to actively participate in decision-making processes. It also helps to
identify community priorities, aspirations, and concerns, ensuring that the resulting strategies
and interventions are responsive to the community's needs.

Overall, the results and discussions derived from a community profile and resource inventory
serve as a roadmap for addressing community needs, capitalizing on strengths, and creating a
sustainable and vibrant community that reflects the aspirations and well


The community profile and resource inventory is a valuable tool for understanding and assessing
the characteristics, assets, and resources of a community. Through the use of various methods,
tools, and techniques, including surveys, interviews, data analysis, and participatory approaches,
a comprehensive understanding of the community can be obtained.

The results of the community profile and resource inventory provide insights into the
community's demographics, socioeconomic factors, infrastructure, services, and strengths. They
also identify challenges, opportunities, and potential threats that may impact the community's
development and well-being. By engaging community members and stakeholders throughout
the process, the inventory promotes inclusivity, collaboration, and ownership of the
community's future.

In conclusion, the community profile and resource inventory serves as a foundation for
empowering communities, promoting sustainable development, and fostering positive change.
It enables community leaders, policymakers, and stakeholders to make informed decisions,
identify opportunities, address challenges, and create a community that reflects the aspirations
and well-being of its residents. By recognizing and leveraging the community's assets, while
addressing its needs, the community can thrive and flourish in the long term.-being of its

I used various sources such as google , interacted with people and friend group.

We put our all efforts to make it look good.we also used google maps for map making.

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