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SAP SD. by Mohit Amitabh What is Condition Technique’? Condition Technique is a configuration techniquethat s used to configure complex business males. Consider it as a niles engine, For exumple, in SD it is used aesoss natiple funetionsities ~ Pricing, Outputs and Tests ete, In MM the same technique is uusedtaconfigure Schems (Same as Pricing). Condition techniqueis used when a complex, ever-changing setof business rules need tabe configured as generically as possible in thesystem For cxmple, in pricing. each organization has their own setof business mules inching hascrice, ‘mureins. discounts. anes, surchanass.dsals/omomoiions. rss ists ste Fora single systemto begcneri enough tosatcrtoall ofthese complex needs is a challenge iself and that exictly what condition lechniquetries to solve, Condition Technique at ‘Very High Level ‘There are 7 key eomponents of Condition Technique. LL Fickl catalog Condition Table ‘Access Sequence Condition type Fricing procedure Pricing procedure determin: ae ees Field Catalog Field Catalog consists ofalLthe possible set of folds that ply a role in determining the business miles. Ths transsctio ‘Cross-Chent, Ifthe business requires that new fekls be availible inthe fel catalog, then they need tobe added the sinuctunsin either ofthe INCLUDE of APPEND components, (Onler Typs- AUART Material Group- MATKL ‘Customer: KUNNR Billto pany-KUNRE Materiak MATNR Display View "Field Catalog (Pricing Sates/Dietrh Access Sequence ‘Aseess sequence comprises ofa sequenceof condition tables prioritized Ina urticular order, An Access Sequenceis ‘itlually a sequence in which the condition tables are accessed 10 determine which parameter to consider, Foresinple, ih pricing, if yowwant the discount per miteral to aver-rule the discount per customer, then you wouk! position thedsscount per ‘material condition table above the discount per customer table, —----S SAP SD. by Mohit Amitabh What is Exclusive in Access Sequence? ANS; Euclusive indicator restriets the system to rad condition record for particular Condition table if it finds condition records for one condition table. That means # Stope search pracedure with one condition tablet finds condition records. Select Access Sequenceand click on Fields Contwol button and press enter, Condition Table created fiom thelist of fells selected fiom thefield catalog, Condition type Each condition type represents # gical component of the condition technique, For sample, excise tax could be one of the Logical components of pricing and it could be represented using one condition typeora combination of mubiple condition types. conte ond cs cana end emery Rondeg nie Snetons Pricing procedure [A procedure isa combination of smutiple condition types.For eximple, in output determination procedure, all the sequence of condition types might exist ~ Like EDI, Print, Fax ete. Procedure Determination Transaction cose: OVKK Document | Customer Saks | Distrfbattow | Division | pricing | pricing Lorganization | — channel procedure | procedure Finally the procedurs is assigned to the final document type that i affected by the business nile, XXXXNAAAAKK NX KXAN NXAREREN EN KARN AX NK KKK NX AXEAK NX KARUN EN ARN K Propwed condition type for fast entry ‘The-condition type thatthe systemautomatically proposes inthe double-line enity sereenduring sales onder processing. Procedure Enter a condition typi Ifyou leave the field bank, the systemdisplays theactive price condition during sales onder processing. ‘The condition type you give in OVKK getsreflected in Sales onter (Line item level}, When you scroll awards right in Sales Onder you'l find the same Condition Type there, underCtyp column, i SAP SD by Mohit Amitabh Well, itcan be any condition type right from P00 til VPRS. it's just foreasy reference. Ifyou leave the field blank, the system. displaystheactive pricecondition during sales order processing. Con jon Type Access sequence: JEX: PROO[: Access scquence PRO? has been defined and assigned o condition ypePROD. As every ‘onion typets associated with one access sequence that access sequence should beussign here. Conelition class: [B] ~ Pri tts cssification of condition types as prices, taxes, discounts, ete. as PRO & baseprie. So it has been elusitied as B. Calculation type: [C] = Quantity Calculation type for condition that és, how the calculation shoubbe done forthis condition typebasedon quantity or percentage or fix! amount, Ke: If itis KOO! and KOOS [Bj = Fixed amount Witis KOO7 [A] = Pereentage Ii itis KFO0 [D] = Gross weight Plus/Minus: | Positive a ‘The value of this field determines. the value of the condition type shouldbe added or deducted, Bx: PROO OU Positive KOO, KOO, ete. all discounts CONepative Conehtion cutegory: A classiication of conditions according to predefined categories. For eximple all conditions that is related to freight cost Bx: KFOO = Freight HOO = Freight Group condition: It indicates whether thesystemcalculues the basis for the seals value for more than ane item in a document Ex: Ia sales onder contains two iter and both items belongs tothe material group 01, The group condition indication typeset in thedefinition of condition type tor material group discount, [Ex KO20}. Then theeendition record formuterial group 0 includes the following pricing seals like [From 1 PC 201% From 200 PC 202% J. ‘Then theonler has been placed for 190 and 100 quantities for each material. Then 3ystemtakes the total quantity as 250 and applies discount 2 as Both materials belongs to same mater. If those muterials notbslong to one group, then group ‘condition cannot be applied and systemcannot apply the discount valu. —--S--- SAP SD by Mohit Amitabh Manual entnes [| Manual entry has pnocty (leader conde Bamount/percent Clery retin Biltem eondeion deere vate (catcutr.eype Manual entries {C] = Manual entry has psiorty ‘The valicof this eld detemnines wheiherthe condition type detennined manually or not at sakes order level Bx: AMIW haga value D not possibleto process manually. The value ofthis tieké controls mndatary option indirectly. Hender condition: The value ofthe header condition applics to whole tens in the sales onder, Heuder conditions do nat have any aecess sequence. The values should be entered munually in the sales ender level. Ex: HAO0, BHOO, HID00, ete. Delete: This indicator cnables to delete the condition typeat sales onder level Amount/Pereentage: It specifies whether the amount or percentage for the condition typcean be changed during: document processing, These changes will not afleet the condition master data. Value: Scope for changing the value. K specifies whether the value of the condition type can be changed during document processing, Caleulation type: If youswant to changecalculation type this indicator shouklbe set Bx Norm calculation type is fixed_ amount and! sales order level calculation type is percentage. NNRNKNNUANN NN NX NAN NNN KNUAKN NX LANN NEN UANN NN NAUANN AN NALANANNRAUAN Pricing. procedure as Pera. Namie of Actity Maintain pricing procedures customer pricing procedure document pricing procedure Gocunent pricing procedures to order types document pricing procedures to billing types Pricing Procedure Determination Cheek Settings for Dricing Procedures Alternative calculation type Nonrally if you want to ealvulate a value you types are addition, subtract condition type, There you have the options of i ‘Tovcaleubste the PROFIT MARGIN we usethe Calculsiion type as H1 which mean the dilfernes of Buss price and Cosiprice, Condition type formula- the condition value is calculated by a formula in sup thraugha routine given by an ABA PER. Say ‘example selling Prive (PROD) = eostprice + profit. > We 10 use a caleuation type for determination ofthe value. This calculation n, Similarly SAP also has zot a detaul calcolation type inthe contro data of the SAP SD by Mohit Amitabh To-calculate price same program which is called a routine shouldhave a logic say thecost price will he tak muster andthe profit should get calculated with all thodlicounts tames etc from thematerial 4 Net value + tax 1-Profirargin wirebate 2+ Net Value Profit Margin 3+ Cash dive minus tox 1g—rounding the total Nwill determing the BASIS for calculiting the vahie of condition type aematively tothe Standant ‘Altcrnatie formula for condition base value is uscdLas a formule for determining the condition which can be used liccnative to the standard. I is agamn @ Routine thats written by ABAP Consultant Its used asa basiste eakulate value of the condition type instead of using it from th Bx: Freight ~ KFOD ROM" colar, Freight i calculated basedan weight, volume ete. and noton the baseprice. In pricing there is no entry of weight fram which the value cam be referred like we do for discounts using base price. We have to get the value ffom the Material master, In th is ‘cohinm we can mention the value as 12 ~ Gross Weight or 13 - Net Weight, During prising, thesystem will consider the valve that is mentioned in this coho and deterinine the freight bases on this valu. ‘The Header discount will be distributed to all ths ime items based ap the value ofitem, but atematively iFyou want to distribute the value based onthe Quantity youeun define the routine and assign this wo the CONDITION TYPE 1 Volume uw Cash Discount fase 2 Netvalue a Gross weight 3 Net price B Net weight 4 Net value + tax Ss KAWwil 6 KAW istic key is just forealculation/information purposconly. Any information posted tothe statistical value will not effect ‘on GRUIR In single: statistical it will appearin the serve but zero effect in pricing Statistical; It indicates the purpose of condition typeis only for information puspo se. The value of condition type will not be taken into consideration in the nct value calculation Be Condition type VPRS (cost) ‘As this VPRS copies cost of the material from the material (master) and deducts the value for items to calculate profit ‘murgin. So the purpose of having VPRS is only to copy the cost ofthe muterialand iti not at all participating in calculation of nist value, So that itshoukd bea statistical VPRS the subtotal is B (cost) Question ‘A particular conditiontype shouk/notadd to net value in sale onder / billing butshould posttoFl. | haveeome aewss people whe immediaicly sayit noi possiblseven with uscrest. But, (TIS POSSIBLE via standard configuration itself. Solution Go to Vi06, scleetthat condition typeand exseute, There, select thebelow tub and cheek the box for“Acemuaks” In your Pricing Procedure, don't check thebox for “Statistical” against this condition type BUT. have different Account Keys assigned.atthe last (wo cohirms viz Account Key and Accruals, Finally, in VKOA, assign the required GL Accountin the lst ‘ova columns for both the Agcount Keys, Now try to ereate a sale order and billing and check the FI posting. SUBTOTAL ‘These determine that the condition value or the condition rate of the condition or subtotal line is copied into a certain fe kl of the KOMP structure or into cemtain intemal auniliary variables (XWORKD + XWORKM} whose contents are saved in the document, which therefore makes the statistics update also available, Subtotal field is used to store the intemmediatc calculation values. For example after price we provide a diseoumito the custome so theprice after dis mt gets stored in this fie. Again if we >> SAP SD by Mohit Amitabh jo our customer then the value stored in the subiotal wll be further consider for nest calculation thevalue of thateondition type is to be copied in KOMP-KZW1), These condition amounts oF subtota are used as a starting polit for hither calevtations, You nay, FOF eximple, want subtotl (ofall the discounts included inthe pricing of a sales onr. 1 Value transfert KOMP-K2ZWIL 7 Value transfert KOMP-BONBA. (Rebate basis) 2Value tmnsferio KOMP-KZWI2 8 alus transferio KOMP-PREVA (Preference value) 3 Value transfer to KOMP-KZWI. 9 Value transferto KOMP-BRTWR (Gross vale) 4 Vahie transfer to KOMP-KZWL A Prie transferto KOMP-CMPRE (Credit prise) $ Value trnsfer to KOMP-RZWIS —B Price trans ferta KOMP-WAVWR (Cast) VPRS G Value transfert KOMP-KAWIG —C Value transfer to KOMP.GRWRT (Statistical value) IE Value transfer to WOR D Value transfer to XWORKD Rebates ary stored in the Value 7 which stored in KOMP_BONBA, So while Seitling the Rebates, the valucs of the Customer Rebates will be settled from this Tableand we can get nfo. on what amount was paid and what rermining is pending, The conesponding logic contained in the SAPLVOTA. progeam in the FORM XKOMY_BEWERTEN (include LV6IAASS) Im Standard SAP there are only 6 subtotals are available whieh gets stored inthe Datahase ‘Tables. ‘The remaining subiotals are just for temporary use withia the document. For emnple «5 SUBTOTAL are given below: ~ SUBTOTAL |= for Basic Price / prive of materat SUBTOTAL 2 for Brcise Base Amount SUBTOTAL 3= Not Realization (itis Basic price all discounts and Surcharges) © SUBTOTAL 4~ Fright SUBTOTAL $= Profit (ifs Net realimtion =cost(VPRS)) Allthe SUBTOTAL VALUES are updated the ters tables o-VBRP- Billing Document © VAP. Sales Document: Note: Flowing foursubtotatsure permanently axsigned in the SAP standard versionpricing procedure RVAAOL In the Same way the CASH DISCOUNT amount is stored in D which will Be carry forward (0 the Biling document basedon the PAYMENT TERMS and we ean pay baseden theaccurmlated vale If we want the HEADER DISCOUNT to be divided betasen the ling items, we have to storethose values in the SUBTOTAL. So SUBTOTAL will accumulate the Values ofthe CONDITION. TYPE. and can be carrying over for the further ealculation. Requirement ‘A routing that has been writen by abapers acconting 10 the requirement ofthe client. cam be used for condition type that des particular condition type while determining the met value. EX. routing do: 23, 24 only in billing document ean be used with the condition type ex BIO1, B02, BIOS (condition for rebates) as this condition types shoukl be activated only in the billing document level. To inelude the condition type i our PP and systemde-activate at sales onder level and activate in billing document level. Systems take these requirements into consideration and activate and de-activate accondingly PROO, Asi is quite possiblesome items are not relovant for pricing, it & advisable to assign a requirement indicating this condition typeis not necessary for items not relevant for pricing, Assigning the requirement O02 ta the requirement column can datthis KD, OOS, KOOT- Thesecondition types.are only valid’ shouklthe tem in thessles ander be relevant for pricing; thus assign requirement O42 to the ine new discounts, ‘TiCode: YOFM. - Maintain Requirements & Fommias The Rautine $ will cheek f any Euhusion indicator is set for the particular condition type, Whenthe Total price of thedocument is low thenby using S requirements you can exude the Condition ewhision if any set > SAP SD by Mohit Amitabh and discounts canbe taken into eonsideration. The Routine 6 will cheek the net price af the docurment and voi all the Discounts conditions henct price of the document is not set X which és T [Different payer 13 Rounding as perTOOTR 2 [tem with pricing 21 invoice list control 3.| Foreign currency doe 22 _inier compan 4] Cost 23 only in billing doeumERt S| No condi owhasion: 24 onfy in illing document 6 | Condechision =X 23 Only in RebatBillD9e 7 | Domestic Business 33 Face goods Export Busin 661 Cost WPRS — sublomllt Stati | Qualiffeash diseat TO | Plant s set condison type ZCES IST ICST sive Condition Exclusion for Groupn of Conditions If sever condition reconts are valid for pricing in a document item, you can clefine rules thatspecify which condition rconts are insluded or exsbaded, You control condition record cxctusion using exclusion groups. Anceclusion groups alist of condition types which are compared with each other during pricing andresult in the exclusion of an entie group or individual conditiontypes within a ‘equp. Thus. the resuk of pricing can be influenced with reganl to a required criterion (or example, best price) by excluding €ertain condition types wiike others are taken ito account during pricing, ‘There are four possible methods of using condition exclusion groups — ‘A= Best condition between theeondition types Best condition within the condition types ‘C— Best condition between thetwn ewhiston groups D-Exhusive E~Least favorsbke within the condition type F Least favorable within the two exciasion groups First stepis to define a ‘condition exclusion group’ by usinga four character alpha numeric key. Now steps to “assign therelsvant condition types” tothe exclasion groups such as discount condition types fivight condition types. After complsting theassignment ofthe condition types totheerctusion group, procesd with groupto the relevant pricing procedure. going the condition exelusion Whenusing the condition exclusion group to find the bestcondition record in a condition type ~ only use anc condition type perewhision group. The rst important thing to remenber here is ta"eactivate” the Ewhsive Indicator onthe access Sequenceassizned to thatcondition type. Otherwise, the systemwill merely find the fist condition record and stop searching for other records. Display View “Access SAP SD by Mohit Amitabh Define and assign account keys Account keys. you group tagether similar ascounts in financial accounting, Using the accountkey, the SAP System finds the desired GIL accounts, Sears account i assigned in ssh sondonype within a prising posedure whi lps to implement dead revenue account determination. For cxumple, you ean alloeste freight condition toa fight revenue uecount,or a surcharge for packaging coststos, ‘comesponding account for packaging revenues. ‘The following accountkeys are predefined im thestandard SAP RI Systeme ERL revenues ERS alec deductions EWV cashsetilement MWS sales tax ERF fivight revenues Accrual key ‘The accrual key in prising pracedurs is used for accumulating the values. For exumple fisight charges paid to the vendor for every invoice is generally paid later, Thenthe fevight charges for that vendor for aperiod of et’s say 3 months will get accumalated in a key (Accrual) forall the mvoives in that period. Further this key is linked toa GL aecount, Sot the end ofa period they will settle theatioun! to the vendor, Main difference is accounts Accrual entry is passed when costorrevenus are accrued but not pail or billed, ERB is theaccount hey used for rebate processingandit fsa sales deduction. ERU is the accrual hey usedin pricing for rebate processing itis used far difference in sales revenues. ERB is sales deduction and ERU fs theacerual amount, Both ams are same but posted to diff GL. Print indicators in the pricing procedure New prin indicators in ihe pricing procedure have been provided for issuing conditions lines when printing dovuments suchas ‘ander confinrations. and invoices. ‘The following print indicators are available in releases prior 104.0; + '1) Condition lite fot printed #8 : Condition line printed at item level + 'S':Condition line printed in totals block Counter: Counter is used to show a second mini ~step within an actual step. For cumple, yourmy haveall your freight sureharges assigned to step 100, however, there my be three condition types, each representing different ficight surcharge. Thus, you can assige a freight condition type (o step 100, counter I; anotherto step 100, counter; anotherto step 100, counter 3; and son. Condition supplement ‘A condition supplement isa supplement for a particular condition type. For cumple, youcan includs a supplement every time you apply a material prise. The supplement can contain various discounts. During prising, thesystemautonmtically applies thediscounts defined in the supplement every tie it accesses & materia! price. You define the condition types forwhich you wamt tousceondition supplements in Customizing far Sales. To include a condition supplement choose: 3S SAP SD. by Mohit Amitabh Goto -Condition supplement on the overview screen af the condition record. You canthen enter the daia for each discount in the condition supplement, You can only entera condition supplement ifthe condition type you are working with has ald been defined in Customizing for Sas to inckide condition supplements, Defiult Condition Supplements You can select. defiuk condition supplensnt by choosing Detiwlt condition supp enient the sy stemaitomalically proposes all the discounts thatare defined for the condition type you are working with. You ean then enter the appropriate amounts Or percentage discounts that apply to thediscounts inthe condition supplement. NNNNNNANNNNNN NNNANN NN NNXNAN KN SUNN NN NN NUNN NNNANN NNNNXARNANENY, Revenue Account determination Revenue account determination is cared out using the condition technique, Its maintained at teode~ VKOA 1. Chant of accounts 2. Sales Organization 3. Accountaxsignment group for customer ffom customer musterebilting tab, 44, Account assignment group for masa sales-ong 2 vi, 5. Accountskey pricing procedure 6 Appropriais GL ascounts. KOFI « Account determination with FE (No Cost assignment, posting accounts 0 Ft) KOFK = Account determination with CO (Cost Assiznment ic, WBS; Posting Accounts to FI & CO) ‘Teode-OVKS account assignment group KOFIIO0 is a procedure which will have condition types KOFI and KOFK. We assignthe KGFII00 in billing type. XwOWUA.UAAOVAANANAANA RUN NA KINGAALANUNNANANAANAANANS NAA ALANANMSNNANAANANANANAANA KONI ARNARAN What isthe purpose of shipping point determination mot men path So that Shipping Point is determined automatically once the settings for the same are done, What and where types of copy controls we change Copy Control: is basically meant sothat Data is copied from preceding Document to subsequent one, What subsequent wg SAP SD by Mohit Amitabh Document is required isto some exent detemnined by Customer Requirements aswell as Document Types. c.g. In general case ‘of Standard Onder, it wil be Copy Contr Onder to Delivery) from OR 10 LF. NNNNXMANNNN NN NANNXN XN MNUNNN RN ENNN NN RN ENON KN KN ERIEN NX NANRN EN EN, Movement type in SAP Movement typein SAP contol vital parameter on each and every goods movement. Without movement typeno goods moverent possibleand every movernent of goods is followed by 8 movement typeortty and Which makes possible goods movement, The concept is mavement type i there as standard movement typeor created (teodes: OMI) asnecded. GL account assignmentand G/L. account assigned to transaction event key (QBYC) Furthermore movement type is used For with account modifier t@ break down account determination for esumple: GBB-VBR, GBE-INY, GHERVO, and GRE-BSA, 1. Upudating the quantity fekls 2. Updating the stockand consumption accounts 3. Selection ofthe elds used for entering documents 4. Printing goods receipvissue sips XXNAXA NAA NA NAAN NN NNN EN AN NIN NN ARKIN NN KOC MINI IER Sales document type Every sles dasuent is sade up with thres ter: Header level category MBAR) Item level eategory (BAP) Schedule line extegory (VBEP) Header level category: [VBAK]: In cach and every sales dacument datathat belongs 10 whale dacumsnt captured inv header level. Fi Sold —10~ pity, Ship — to party Bill to ~ party, Payer (Partner functions) an, sak ansa onder val, st, Ths data that going to be stored at header evel eaptored into VBAK table. Fleeder level eategory controlled by dacument type Bx: IN. QT, OR CS, ete nem level category: [VBAP|: At item vel eateyory data that is going to be stored belongs toa particular item in the sales onder. Fx: Net value, plant, stomge location, shipping point, route, ct. Item level category is controlled by'item category itself. Be TAN (Standard item), TANN (Free af charge item), TATX (Text item), The data thatis going to bestored at item level ‘captured into VBAP table, Schedule tine category: |VBEP] Schedule lines are nothing but customer intended delivery date plus (*) quantity to he ‘Sonfirmied for Fine iern ithe sales onder).Every fine item in the sales onder must have one oF more than above schedule lines, The sehedulctine category ofline tem forms basis fora delivery document. Schedule linc eategory is controlled by schedule line eategory itself. Bx: Detemninistic MRP CP. No MRP CN ‘Question: Whatare the sales document control parameters? Answer: Every Sales document controlled by: Header level category (Fac OR) them level category (Ex TAN) Schedule line category (Ex CP) Sales document type: OR [AVART] Standanl order 1, Sales dacument eategory: [C] = Onder ‘A classification ofdiffereat types of documents Ex: IN, QT, OR. $3 SAP SD. by Mohit Amitabh A [agai M_[aavoice 8 | Quotation N_[Havoies cancelltion C [omer | Credit mem 1D [tiem proposal PF _[bebit meme, Use: The document category determines how the systemstores and keeps track of dacument data, it enables the system to provide statusinformaition about delivery processing, billing processing andabout the documents that were used as a reference documents for this sales document type. Ex: IN, OT. 2, Sales dacwment Block: [] = No blosk If we want to block this sales document for processing atelient level, ‘Section number systems Number range Hoternal assigament: [01] ‘Number range external aysigament; [02] We ean define nurriser ringes in IMG and we ean assign those number range keys in numer rnge systemsection, System ‘sve the priority for intemal assignment if we assign the value otherwise end userhas to assign a vahic extemally form the specificd number range. As soon as,the end usersaves the document sy stemassigns the number 4.ltem number increment: [LO}: We can assigna numer in this eld, So that systemgencrates numbers for all tems in the sales onier by incrementing specified nusrber. Sub —item increment; (Js We can assigna number for sub—item Se that systemgencrates accordingly. General control Section Reference mandatory: I] = No refersies required, We can specify thereference document as.a mandatory for this dacument processing. The document does not have anundatory reference before an onder ean be created, such as reference to a quotation is mandatory. No reference required A_[ Wath rterenes to an ian [wah renee a quotation With reference toa sales onder ty ‘Scheduling agreement reference [| With reference toa quantity contract [at [With retto biling document 6, Probability: [L00f: The probability of thecustomcr confirming the inquiry or quotations a pan of sakes onder, Use: The systemuses theprobabilty andnet-vahie of cach tem to calculate total expected onder valus for the sakes document, <= SAP SD by Mohit Amitabh Fx: A quotation contains two items. Item | hasa value of 100/~ Rs and the probability i 100%, Item? havea vale af 200/~ and theprobability & 25%, Then the systemeakulates that probability as follows: (Rs 100 X 100% + Rs 200 X 259%)/30H = SM, ‘That means the probability of this quotation resuling in sales onder is SOY, 7. Cheek credit limit; [D] = Cred monogersents Automatic credit contol In SAP we have an optionto configure credit management features for particular customer. As in every business, ewedit sales ane more or less:mandatory. When the ewedit sales exct itis essentialto monitor eredit risk of particular customer, We ean ‘configure two kinds of red shocks, Those are: (A) Simple credit check ened chook can be configured at onder delivery, PG level not at billing levet [No ere amit choxk TA | Run simple cretit tint check ond waning MESS | Ran saps Cre Gat cecal ero Rea C [Run simple erat lint check and delivery Plock ‘Gali i Aulomatieereit carol 8.Credit groupe {01} = Credit group for sales order specifies the document credit group for a particular sales document, Use: The document c credit exposure. Outpt application: [VI] = Sales, Output determination: In SAP by using condition technique we can configure output fora particular document for which SAP follows outputdetermination procedure. We can generateand send output af document by.e — mull, fix, andtelex or by local printer. group enables usto combine different sales document types for the purpose of eredit management for 9 Hem division: This indicator enables thesystemte go to mterial muster of ling item and it copiesits division and proposed into sales onder. Ifyou donot check then systemreatsall items in the sales order as a header div sion item, 10. Read Enfo record: (Customer Material Info record: We can ercate customermmaterial info record master data tor rminiain the customers own description for the particutar material. The custorner can place the onder by specifying his own description, Then systemcopies the material description fiom customer matcnal info record andplces therelevant material in the sales order. In addition ro cusiomerovwn description we ean mintain plant detivery priotty ete. System gives thetop Priority for customer materia! info record, Ifyou nuintained eustomer material info weord, thenthis indicator enables the systemto read that customer material info recon, while mising sales onder ofthis sakes document type. 11, Purchase order number: No check. System sbecks whether the purchase onder nurnber esisted or not for this sales document type. 12, Enter purchase order number: This indicator checks for thepurchaseonfer number andif the purchasconder number not ‘existed then system takes sales onder number as a purchase onder number, tis a key thatcontos how theeommitment quantities should be ealeulaed for sales document type. User The commitment date is caleulsied using the delivery tine forrelsases to coninicts with delivery times (OR) sales onder that refers to quotations containing delivery times. The committed quantity results from theagreed delivery time ar confinned ‘quantity aceonding to thecaleulation rule that we set here ‘Transaction flow Sestion SAP SD by Mohit Amitabh Transaction Screen sequence op. AU Sales Order Display Range UALL Incomp1 proced SRI SRINUING: FCode for overs scr. UERI Transaction group 0 Sales ordar ‘Quotation messages = B Doe. pric. procedure a ‘Outing agent mes 5 Status profile (Message: Mast.cont, ‘Alt sales doo, type ProdAttr messages ‘Ad. sales doc. type? ‘lincomplet messages Wariant 13, Screem sequence group: {AU = Sales Onter This sereen sequence group specifies the systemto display thesereehs For thissales document typeand specify the sequence in which they have tobe displayed 14 Incompletian procedure: [11] = Sales onder SAP has provided a feature that is caled incompltion procedure by which systemreminds the end userabout the fekls. in which the valies has not been mnintained, while suvingthe document as these fields will havea influence on proceeding documents that are deliveries and billing documents, [f the end user does not maintained the values in those important fiekls then it cannot process subsequent documents thataredependenton the values of these fields. So that systemreminds theend user about the missing ofthe data subsequently endusercan maintain the data in those fiekls before saving this document, SAP. follows incompletion procedure to which inconpletion log has been assigned. 15, Document pelcing procedure: [A] = Standort System takesthe value of this Feld into consideration to determine pricing procedure for this sales document type by ‘considering another two factors thatare gales area and customer pricing procedure (VDO1). AT Standard 1 | Prive Increase B | Broker Indirect M | CoMan/Mise | Sampies P| Promotion Payment D| Donations T | Transfers E| Portion Credit |v | Unsabbes FAQ: How systemdetervines pricy procedure? ANS: System determines prising procedure by taking three fictors into sonsideration; (A) Saks area (that thend userenters) plus (B) Document prising procedure (Ex: VOVR of OR) plus (©) Customer pricing procedure (VDO1) Shipping section LF Delivery Immediate delivery Delray biock ‘Shipping conditions ShipCostinfoProfie STANDARO ‘Standard teight information, Delivery type: [LF] ~ Delivery Delivery document type"LF” has been assiga to sales document type “OR”. So systemautonmtically proposes thesedelivery document type"LF” when we mise the sales onder document type"OR". Delivery Mack |] It indicates if an entite cales document blocked for diver. Process: System proposes delivery block at header kvel. Ths block upples to whole items inthe sales onder. We can propose header level delivery block for sales document type like fee of change deliveries where iti important that someone should shock before shipping. sp SAP SD. by Mohit Amitabh It we use credit limit check, the systemean automatically block the delivery. ‘Shipping conditions: [f We can maintain shipping conditions for thissales document type Ext Dl, 10, tc, Wemuintain the shipping conditions in the customer master as well as sales document type. If we maintain in thebothareas systemgives the ‘lofty for sakes document Iype.For sakes dasiinent type"CS" shipping condition 10 is vst Immediate delivery: |] = Create delivery separstely We ean specify the value in this fick! by which system automatically ereates delivery document for the sales do eument as soon as the end. User saves the document value “X" is most relevant fr sales document type “CS” as cashisales document should ‘ereate delivery document as sognastheend usersaves the document type"CS", Billing section Delivery related billing ‘ypez [F2] ~ Invoice ‘Order related billing type? [F2] = Invoice Billing document type F2 has becn assigned te this sakes document type,So that systemautomatically proposes the billing document for this sales document type. Iniercempany billing type: [V1 = Eniswompiny bilting, We assign the inter company billing type to the sales document type. So that when the inter company billing process takes place for this onder sothat thesystem autonstically proposes this nnereompany billing document type"IW" Billing tock: [] It indicates ifthe item is blocked for billing. System automatically proposes abiling block fur sales documents that must be checked before billing EX: RE, G2, and 2. System proposes the block forall items. Wfone item has two schedue lines then block appli to each item, Billing plan type: [| We can assign billing plan type for this sales document typeas an Ex: Standard billing, perisdic billing (for rented or maintenance contract}, The entire value to be billed is billed in cach billing phine date. SAP SD by Mohit Amitabh No.range intassat, No. range ext 2689 Reference mandatory. ‘Check division Probabitity ‘Check credit mit Cradit group ‘Output application ‘Screen sequence gmp, ‘Incomp1.proced Transaction group Doc. pric. procedure ‘Status profile ‘Alt sales doc. type! Alt sales doc. type2 Variant Dh rel billing type. ‘Order bill typo ‘ntercomp billtype Bling block Item category type <= ‘CndType line items. Biling plan type Paymt guarant. proc. or Payit cad plan type 02 Checking group Intercompany biting tern no,incremment Subitem increment Material entry type Mitte division Read info record Check purch order no OlEnter PO number Quotation messages Outline agent mess. Message; Mast: contr, Prodiéttr messages Mlncomplet messages Immediate delivery ‘Standard freight information SAP SD by Mohit Amitabh tem eategories are defined to provide aditional control functions for thesales documents, ‘Completion rule: Not relevant for eompiction (itis for quotationsand contrctiters). We can specify that 1 quotation is complete only after its quantity has been fully teferenced by subsequent document. Copy control Quotation to sale onder —VTAA Hic i completed withthe fist werence tiem is completed after fll quantity has been referenced tem is completed after thetanget qty flly referenced Item is referenced via contrat release Item is completed afer fall get value is eferenced nooo> Billing rctevance: [Al = Delivery related billing document, ‘The valuedetennines what kind of billing document it has to generate for this tem. That is onder related billing document or dslivery related hillng document Blank -Not mfevant for biling A Detiveryerelated billing document B Relevant for onterselated billing - status acc toonder qty © Relevant for ond-related billing - status acc.totargetaty Relevant for pro forma Billing plan type: | We can assign ling plan type for this particular item that is standard iting, periodic biting and milestone billing, Billing Woek: [J The billing block indivator is used to black each item ofthis category for billing. A ‘Calculation Missi [8] Cheek Credit Memo, ‘Compl Contin Missing |] Cheek Debit Memo, aioe Incomplete To issue Check:cr Mem | Check Terms of Paymem | 11 | Over S$ linit-Cr Mem [s[ check tems ofp | Pricing: IX} ~ Pricing standonl indicates whether thesystemautomutically carried out pricing for this tem. Ex: Fortext item itis grade out. [bisnk [No preme [x | Pricing standani [8 [Pricing for tree goods OMe deount SAP SD by Mohit Amitabh Statistical salue: |] = System will copy item to headertotals It indicates whether the system takes the value of an item into account when it detemines the total value of document, No-cumiation = Vahuss canbe usedstasticalhy Business item: It allows the business dataarheaderlevel differs with jiem level business data. IF ticked Indicates whether, during sales onter processing, the business data that you enter far an item is allowed! toifler from the business data inthe header. Business data: Business data is nothing but sales, shipping and billing datathat is called as a business data. Ex: We maintain payient terme: it customer master, When we rise the sales order for this customer the payment (emm are copied ints thesales document header from customer muster, if we donot amintain payment (snm in thecustomer and we maintain payment terms in thesales document headerminually then these payment tems applics whole item in the sales omer. If we have number of items in the siles onletand if we want tochange payment terms for particular line item, systemallows us to do so, if business item field has been checked. Otherwise systemwill not allow changing the payment tems at item level. Schedule line allowed: tt indicates whether we can ereate schedule ines for the item. Sales onder items always will havea schedule lines. The tens like creditmemn requestand contracts do not haveany schedule fines. The itrms that havea schedu le lines will be-copicdl into thedelivery document, The omly oneitem cutegory that is tex ters has an cxsmption, For text hens with or without schedule ines we ean create delivery documents. Nem relevant for delivery: It indivalcs whether a text ot value item is relevant dusing delivery processing, Theiterniiself is not delivered, But it serves only for information purpose in delivery dacuments, Returns: It indicates the item is retwm item Ex: REN Weightvolume relevant: This indicatorenables the system to calculate weight and volume of materials, Credit active: This indicator enables togonfiguee ervdit natnagement functions for this item, Determine cost: This indicator enables the systemto calculate costofthe mteria! of this tem esteory (condition type VPRS. is usedto calculate the cost price), Revenue recognition ‘The f/3 standard method for revenue recognition consists ofrevenue reeognition at the time of billing Companies use standard revenue meogeition, if they want to post revenues in Financial Aecounting,as soonasan invoice i erated Wis determined differently for diferent Item categories the nceessary setings aredetemnined in CO-PA based on requirement Inrevenuerecon. You cancreate yourbilling documentsand they will be passed! to accountings, Hut in this case your customer account would be debited and defemed accounts woul be credited. ‘The purpose of reveniic recognition is thatyou can postal the revenues fom a deferred account to sakes revenue account for a panticulir period together forall the docs. though transaction VFA, Ityou can see your sakes doc's no, in VE-H, then yourrevenusrecognition is successful. Press oncollective processing inside \VP44 for posting the revenues fom differed ace tosabes revenue account, Sales and Distribution ~» Basic Settings —» Account Assignment/Costing ~» Revenue Recognition, Determining the revenue recognition method ‘The method of revenue recognition ix determined by settings in the Item eategory 3 SAP SD by Mohit Amitabh © For time-related revenue meogni you alsomke settings forthe Accrual Period Start and for Revenue Distribution. © For sersicesretated revenue recognition, youspeciy the Revenue Event Revenue recognition categories ‘Option Dexcripion, No value ‘Standunl mevenucreeogniion ‘The value of this item is recognized at the ime of inveci x Time-rshated revenue weognition ‘The value of this tem is recognized én equal proportions based on theaeerual period of the item (sales document-bassd) B ‘Service-related revenue recognition ‘The value of this item is recognized on the basis of business transactions, suchas goods receipt for deliveryrelevant items or posting of sales orders for iteny that are not relevant for delivery. D Dillng-based Wie-relted revenue WeOgRON ‘The valuc of this tem is recognised in equal proportions based on the accrual period of the item (sales dacument-basedl),Only amounts that have skeady been billed are recognied, Billng-based service-rebated revenue recognition (SM) ‘The value of this tem is recognized on the basis of business transactions, suchas goods receipt for delivery-relevant items or posting of sales orders for items that are not relevant for delivery. ‘This optionis designed specifically far the Media component (S-M)_ icbit memos with reference fo predecessor ‘The value of this tem is recognised trom acredit ordebit memo with reference to the SD dostiment, General control section Glautom.batch deter. ‘(Rounding permitted Automatic buich determination: This indicator enables the systema determine batch automatically ofthis tem category. Rounding permitted: If you check it systermmounds of the quantity ofthe material for this item category type. Order quantity = 1: If youcheck it systemenables one quantity for fine item. it does not accept more than one quantity. SAP SD. by Mohit Amitabh = st —— = core o erent a es eg Rereae a — Ss= — =< mos 5 “came Ca Saar ae oe = Delivery boek: We ean specify delivery block thatthe systemapplics automatically during processing. Ex: We can specify delivery block forall ise of charge deliveries as these docuinents lave to bs approved befine processing, Movement ‘ype: [601] =GD goods issue: deivey. Inventory management for goods movement into different purposes uses this movement, Goods movement is nothing but a piysicalorlogical movement of mterals eading to achangein stocklevel, is resulting inthe consumption of the material Mowment type 1 =stege It used for inter company billing movement type. ‘Order typet [] Iti purchase onder type. Ex: Document type NB canbeassigned. In individual purchase onder and third party sakes onder systemaulommtically. creates purchase requisition. So as to create i autontically purchase requisition decument lype should be assigned here, lem category: [] We can specify the item category for purchase requisition documents, Bx: °0" for individual purchase onders and 5" for thind party onders. Account assignment category: [| We ean assignaccountassignment category for thin! party and individual purchasconler transactions. So thatrespective accounts ct updated, —<--—— SAP SD by Mohit Amitabh Check liem relevant far delivery: document I indicates the document item is relevant for delivery andit causes to create delivery Purchase requisition delivery sebedute: tn third party and individual purchase oners the vendorsupplics mutcriabs to the end ‘customer through the company ordirectly. Wicnthe venlorhas to send thenterals the business requires certain time for goods recciving process. The tine can be specified as a delivery sehedulelines in purchasing documents. This indicator creates those schedule lines in purchase requisition documents ‘Tranvaction flow seetian 88 Deliv-Re?. Sched. Line Check transfer of requirements (Req, / Assembly): Requirements ofsales dacument whether individual or summuinyd should be transferte MRP by systemantomntically to create demand, Cheek svailalitity check: Ifthe sysiemhas ta canyout availabilty check for materials and quantities in the sakes onder it shoul be checked. Product allocation: Though product allocation we can allocate products for customers evenly, NNANXKXAANNNN NARANN NX NAANNAN KN MAIN NAN EEN RN NAKKIH RMA ANNAN NARKIN NAKA KAKN {In how many places we can block the Sales Document 1. In VOWR At the header level - thesales document ype can be blocked. 2. At scheduling agreement level — delivery block. If the tolerance limit was notmet or ewided. 3. ALShipping level ~ detivery block. Ente sales document is blocked for delivery. Ifyou usca credit check the system will automtically block delivery. Billing Block- The system can automatically propose billing block for sales documents that aust be checked before billing (for example, returns, credit anddlebit memo requests) S.Atitem category VOVT = Billing can be blacked 6 Atschedule line eatcgory WOV6> default delivery block ‘You can specify delivery block for the following : (1) Sales dacument Type (2) Scheduling tine category G) Delivery type The delivery blocks can be specified for fice of charge deliveries MNXNXMXNNNNMNNY NNNMN NNNANNNN NNN NNN NNNNNNMANNNRNARNAKNNNAN, Delivery Documents Boeam re [Outbounddsivery ‘Quthound deliveries trom prajcts ‘Quibound delivery for subcontrastor SAP SD. by Mohit Amitabh Tables Delivery Document Iter Category Delivery document type (+) Ham category group (#) Usage) Higher bevel item eategory LF + NORM + NIL +NIL = DLN LP + NORM + CHSP +NIL = TAN LE + NORM + CHSP + KLN = KIN LF + NORM + CHSP ~TANN = TANN LE + NORM # PACK # NIL = DLN. LE + VERP + PACK + NIL = DLN. LF + NORM + PSEL + TAX = TAPS Usage: PACK = For generating Packaging item GHSP = For Hlateh stom PSEL = For Product selection Define Delivery Document OVLK NR internal assignment & NR external assignment: Number thal determines how documents are to be munibered by the user indicates which number range is relevant for a document type. fem number increment: The increment by which you want the item numbers isa, or billing document, 16 increase when the systemauionmticaly generates item numbers, IX] = Sales onder required Indicates whether adelivery thathas noreference to an existing sales onder is allowed. For LO delivery onder this field i lef blank, B-purchase onder required Re Retum delivery to vendor Default order type [DL] ~ Default onder type for deliveries without reference to onder When you create delivery documents that da notrefer toewsting onders, you mist provie some of the-control criteria thatare honmully copied fiom a sales clocument header into the delivery document, Here we assign delivery oner type for deliveries ‘thatare creating without reference to onder. lis called as PSEUDO document, Wecan define PSEUDO documents types in lable TAK. —<--- SAP SD by Mohit Amitabh AA delivery document, for emmplc, needs information about which item types ncedto be defined, You ean define a pseudo ontertypein Table TVAK, When you ereate a delivery that does not refer to an existing onder, the systemautomntically uses the pseudo onder type, Mem requirement [202] = Requirensent for item that does not refer to a sales onder. Itidentfies a requirements routine fr a delivery item thatdoes not refer to a salesdocument. The delivery item mist meet the requirements ofthe routine before it ean be farther processed, ‘Devo Cont Dy Wrenn: Storage Location Rule [MARE]: It specifies how the systemdctemines the picking location when you ereate adelivery without entering a stongelocation forthe tens. In ouirgaseits MALA, MALA | Shipping point plant storage condition RETA Plant / situation (SITUA) / storage condition MARE | MALA.theaRETA (backup procedure) ‘Advanced Returns Inbound (Considers Follow Uj Document statistic graup [fli specifics a statistics group for this sakes slocusnent type and helps eetenmine which data the systemupdatesinthe logistics information system. We cai assignstalistics groups tos Itemeategory Sales document type Customer Material Route determination [A] = New routs detemination without cheek Itspecifes whether, during delivery processing.the systemuses the route thats detemined during sales onder processing or whotherit determines a new route ‘A-New route determination without check Brnew route dotentination with check No new route determination Specifies whether, during delivery processing, he systemuscs the route that ix determined during sales onder processing or whether it detemnines a new route Delivery split Warehouse Number: It enables delivery spilt according to warehouse number. Delivery split Parmer: This indicatorcontrols the systemis split behavior when delivering: preceding documents thatare assigned to diferent partner functions. Set the indicator f diferent partner functions i the preceding item to be delivered shoubl always cause the systemto perform a defivery. Output determination pracedure [V10000] ~ Header output defines the ourputcategories thatare allowed in a document and thesequence in which the ouput categaries appear in the documen Output type [L000] = Delivery nate It specifes the kind af ouput wo be produced > —— SAP SD by Mohit Amitabh Define liem category for deliveries: Transaction code: OVLP Material number (allowed: It contiok whether i mukes sensctoenter an item iv the SD dock without specifying ammteral. I allows 16 ereatea delivery document for a ine item with 0 quantity Use: It would mike senseto set this indicator for text items, i with this item gategory thom category statistics group 1] = Onder, dcbit memo inthe Logistics Check quantity 0 [A] = Note about the situation specifies when ‘we ercate an item that has a O quantity. In this situation haw systemshoukdgive message. It is useful for the item thatare creating without onder. (Cheek minimum quantity JAl: Note about the situation specifies whether systernluts to check minimim delivery quantity andsystem reactions when the minimim dlivery quantity 1s been to yet reach. This fick! works according to the customer material info record, and material master record, System gives Waring oF err message. Cheek over delivery: It specifies how thesystem reacts whether warning or error message during delivery processing when ‘original onfer quantity cwceds delivering order quantity. Itvvorks according to customer mterial info record, Availabilty. cheek off; Its the control teswiieh oniofTavailaility check for delivery items, Rounding: This itdicator specifics rounding milks for whole number unit of measure, Its useful for BOM terns, How ean you trigger automatic print after PGI? Go to - IMG - Logistics Exccution - Shipping - Basie Shipping Functions - Qutqut Control - Quiput Deternnation - Maintain ‘Output Determination for Outbound Deliveries - Maintain Access Sequences Here select the Access Sequence youare using & from eft site select « Accesses ‘There is a Requirements colurm. Curently it would be "0" or blank... Assign Requirement «2 « Delivery Gi posted her Go to 21 selcet the output type fordelivery LOO. Press key combination ~ select the appropriate option As per my system —<------S SAP SD by Mohit Amitabh | Ghenae Guten - Comatton Recorde Celery Hote Canede L000, Aner ont tet Somer nce, ‘soar ea tan orto za Nent sorven eater = — cortes s —- taptioe & E Now mnintain the conditions appropriately (\aeebimeceenton memes rte pteicinie pet cael cmmwens Peeegrort este het oer Te omer a ga mec ‘cree peut ‘Once the delivery is saved the Gods receipt is automatically printed. OCEAN NNN NNN DEN AIC NN A NOE ENN RIN NEN NDE NN HIE EN EEE EN EIEN EN ENE Billing Documents The header data of the billing document defines how the invoice is to behave, Billing docurment uses only internal number range assignment. Header VARK Kem VRRP ‘llling document ypes: Fi= Standard invoice forsaksenier | RE= Gredia for wtume F2 = Standard invoice for ‘51 = Cancellation inyouce FS= Profom invoise forsiles onfer | S2= Cancellation crea memm FE= Proform invoke fordeliveny TV = Interconpany billing @ = Credit_ memo 12 = Debit mem Po Define Billing types: Transaction codes VOFA Norroe neat. a3 Number range Internal assigament [19]: Number that detemines haw documents are ta be numbered by the user, Iindicates which number ringe is relevant fora document type. Here number range és only intemal 3 SAP SD. by Mohit Amitabh em number increment: The increment by hich you want the item numbers is increase when the systemautommtically generates item numbers. ales etivery, or billing document, to Tnvons Invoice cancellation Scheduling agivement ‘Scheduling agreement with extemal serie agent Osler wie change: Delivery Document type {]: The document type classifies accounting documents. As invoke generates FI document type RV (Billing data transfer) we have to assign in the document type field under weneral control section, RV Billing doctranster RX SD Docuinent Transfer Negative posting, [AE = Negative posting for same period ‘This indicator causes the transaction figures to bereset for a document item. If the indicator is set, then the transaction figure update is changed, A comespondingly setpostingom the debit side ratuces the eredits side of the account, A credit posting reduces the debit side ofthe account. Use: The indicator san be entered in bil ‘company cade pemits negative posting. if types forcredit memos andsancellations. It ony has the requires effeet in Fl, the Posting block: If youcheek it billing document is going te be blocks automatic transfer of the data from invoice to Fl Alocument, Manually the invoice has tobe roles. Statistics: the valuc ofthe biting documents going tobe updated in LIS. It indicates whether the systemstores informa from billng documents of this type forthe purposes of statistical analysis Relevant for rebate: ‘This indicator i one of the pre = requisite to process rebates. This mdicates whether biling documents of this typeare relevant during rebate processing, —--—- SAP SD by Mohit Amitabh a ‘crow Np Si invatce’canceMatton' ‘oy reaaements Pafeoncs rb “acter rent Cancellation tilling type [$1] = Invoice cancellation Itspecifies the default cancellation for this billing: type. For canceling the invoice the and [8] for BN. User Ifyou cnterthe number ofan existing billing document in the document field on the initial sercen for creating a biling document, the systemautomtically creates a cancettation document of this biting type. type [St] canbe proposed for F2 [eT OOS ‘cone OFTOO Agent tem oe ere rena a sa ee dat re sex onc st ee tc 00801 standare AscoNnt determination procedure [KOFIOG];_ It specifies the condition types thatthesystemuises fora particulir type of document (Ex: Invoice) todetermine the GL Accounts to which amounts should be posted, The valucs of the invoice are going to be posted in respectiveGL Accounts through this field assignment NOTE: Forproformm invoices Bx: FS and not contain any value, Duc to this assignment, systemean understand whether it has to transfer the biting data fom invoice to F1 module. Proform inveices only used for information purpose. They donot ‘samy theany information trom inyie to Fl. ‘Standand 5 Samples M — Co-Manaine T Transfers tion reconcitiation account ||: It determines the condition types that the systemuses fordetemnining the reconciliation account thatthesystemuses fora certain document type Fx: Invoice. Ifa GL Ascount is determined here, then the reconciliation account stored in the customer master record is ignored, ‘atadshierimee 10000 BY ng Output peckaton a en ae ‘osm tes oO amore tenor px Feat bearer re ailing Teen Tecteiererenire 3 ear Teccmnscces 03. BHT Tew Tor at Output determination procedure [V10000] ~ Billing outpat Indefines the ourputcategories that are allowed in a document and the sequence in which the output categories appear in the document em output procedure {f: tis the combination of output categories that youare allowed (o use-when you process output at the item level in a document Ex: Output for a sates onder item. Ourput ype [RDOD] = Invoice specifies the kind of output to be produced Header pariners [FA] = Billing document Inspeeifies which group of partner functions the systemautormatically proposes atthe header level in thistypeot billing document 3 SAP SD by Mohit Amitabh You define partner detennination procedures in table TPAER Wem partners (FP| = Billing item specifies which group of partncr functions the systemautormtically proposes atthe item level inthis type of billing acim, The uber range fo ‘The tilling ype that can be wedio cancel thebiing document ‘The transfer tas of hetlling docarnent: ‘Tranaferadta ficial aceon locked foe einer Mot vane ‘The proche for account asismnant in Financ Aesounting Teallowed ouspfra texinesiranatin andthe procedure for oxen Theparneefusctionsalo nedat header eve Theparinefuncticusallo wedat item level NNANXNNNANNNN NNXNNNNN NNNNAN NN NAEN NNN EEN NN RNNANNNANANEANN NAAN Billing document_& Accounting document number should _be same. This ba standard requirement from any clients which can be achieved through config fsetf and not through ser exis Say your billing type is F2 and the accoumtingdoc types RV First define a number range say Z1 in teode NOL say ftom | 10 100 assign this 21 in YOFA for F2 (which you will do. normally) In tecode FBN1 define a number range same description 21 say fom 1 to 160 and mark it as etemal (rst important) ‘This 21 what you havedefined in FUN assign it to RV (RX) document typein t cade OBAT That's the entire configuration Wheneveryouereate an invoice say i theno is 50 thenthe accountingdoe of thatbilling doc will also be $0 ‘The intemal no of billing system tkes asan extemal no of accounting and generates the same number intemally during accounting doc creation Exermal here docs not mean that we have te give etemally for accounting docno NXOOANAR ANN NN NAAN NN NNINAN NN RAEN NN BN ANN RN NAAN NN ANNAN NANI Bute Management 1, Create emterial master by specifying checking group of availability check in Sales: Genera Plant data as {CH] 2, Check Batch Management in Sales: General / Pant Data 1. Specify hatch Level ancl uetivate st Burch ean be activated at 3 levels 1 Glint Level ss SAP SD by Mohit Amitabh b. Plant Level , Matera Level 2.Activale document management for hatches: Transaction code: OBOC S.Activate Internal bateh number wssignment: Transaction code: OMCZ. 4.Matntate 1 al butel number assignment range: Transsetion code: SNUM S.Define batch search procedure allocation and check activation Baich search procedure allacation and check activation Allocate SD search procedure/activate check Go to new entries Specify our sales arca, document type [OR), Assign search procedure [SDUIOH] SDOOD! = Standard $D seureh procedure Saveand G.Activate automatic bateh determina insp a, Automtic Batch Detemnination for Sales Onder tem Choose tem Caiegory “TAN” and cheek Automatic Batch Detemination, 1b. Aclivate Aulomntic Batch Determination for Delivery Item Category: Choose ttem Category “TAN™DLN" and check Autonutic Hatch Detemination, 7.Create Batch: Transaction codes MSC1 1. Specify Material 2 Batch (Intemal Assignment) AL Plant 4. Storage Location 8iDefine belch determination: Transaction code; V 1. Batch determination 2. Batch search strategy 3. For sales and distribution 4. NCHI — Create 3. Specify strategy type SD08 = CustomeriMaterial Click on key combination and: Select Custom Material 7. Specify customer muniber, validity periods and materials X. Save and Ext Go to MBIC and initiate thestock along with bateh Go to MMBE to check thestock overview Go 10 VAOI and raise the sales onder Specify bateh material quewher and cheek the status on the status bar XXANNANANAN NN NAAN KN KN NEANN AN NIEN NN AN KANN NN NAAR RANA NIN EEN MANY / PAN Intercompany sales are the sales transaction between 2 company codes2 plants and 2 sales omganizaions ‘Thowalering plant andthe delivering plant. In this case the detivering plant rages the sais andes, subsequently twill deliver the goodsdivelly totheend customer. and issue on INTER COMPANY BILLING to onlering plat. Thenthe ordering plant rises the stand invnice in favor ofend customer. Delivering Sales Area initiate Outbound Delivery (LE) in favor afend customers of ordering 220011000 subsequertly itmises Incr Company Invoise (IV) in favor of Inter Company Customer” who represents 2200/00 Create customer by using Transaction code XD! with the account groupO001 under Sales Area Ondering company code IND <3 SAP SD by Mohit Amitabh © BD ntercomeary Bing * B © detne cede Types For ntecaoy Bing B © Asap Orpsrizatond Units By Pht 1B © dine interna customer teerber 8 Sos Cromeaton Step 1. Define order type for the imlercompany billing In this step we assignthesaks onder type with the inter company billing type lW Step 2-Create intercompany customer ‘One customer should be created under delivering. sales aca 10) ~ 1200, andl should be assigned toOndering sales ava 2200 = 10-0, Step 3. Define the internal customer number by sales organization Define intemal customer number by sabes organization Specify Ordering sales onganization 2200 Assign intercompany customer Step. Assign organizational wnit by plant ‘The delivering plant 1200 ist be assigned to the ondering sales organization, Enterprise sinietune 2 Assignment kes and Distribution 2 Assign Saks organization ~ Distribution channel ~ Plant Chooscour sakes organization and distribution channel 200 ~ 10 5 Soleet the 1200 plint andassign it 1. Themmterial to be soMdemist exist in the original & dslivering plant IL ‘The copy control rules must be defined between the standant invoice, suchas F2, & the inter company invoice, such as LV, HI. ‘The standard systemhas the following condition types: + To rpresent the [ntercompany price as quantity-dependent, * To represent the Intercampany condition as percentage, ‘THES rig Nak oiganintion presented is Hakerial stoner OF SUppIyiny Cotnpy” COME. This Halcmial GustoreranBet has to be assigned to theonlering sales onganization, Henee, the system Automatically picks up this intemal customer number ‘whenever there is Intercompany billing ‘This PROO is for the customer who i actually ondering the Materia ‘Sales Organizations) and Plants are uniquely assigiied'o Company. codes lS not possible to assiga cihier plant ora’ Sales ‘onganization to more than anecompany code, Sales onganizations and plants assigned o cach othieriiced not belong ta the Same conpany code, In othertemn, ‘A plant belonging toCompany code A & assigned o Sales Organization A cun also be assigned to Sakes Organization 1 of Company Code B. Raise the sales onlerby using Transaction code VAO! under 2200 — 10 00 salesarea and maintain all the relevant dat in the sales order, and eheck which plant systemdtemined automatically for a line item, System determines 2200 plat as fo proses theintercompany sales, we haveto change the plant as 1200, (PRICING IN INTERCOMPANY:_ Hore goods ane delivered from a Plant which belongs to other corrpany code under the same client/group, In this process, wo Biling documents ure created, — — SAP SD by Mohit Amitabh |. Customer billing document F2 ~ Sales invoice 2 Imer-sompany Billing document (Supplying Company code mises an Invoice 1 Ondering Company ede) Both the Billing. documentsare ercated with reference to the Delivery ervated to theend eustome, We need to mint & any other dis wo pricing pmcedures RVAAO! & ICAO, Pricing procedure RVAAG! represents condition type PROO nts OFSueharyes that are meant for end customer We assign Pricing pabecdure RVAAO!” te Goibinalion Of Silky afea (OF Odevin company kode) + Document Pring Procedure of Sales document type+ Customer Pricing Procedure of END CUSTOMER Condition reeordh for PROD arc nuintained using organizational clements of Ontering company code, end customer the Material, Eg. Sales Org. of Ondering company code* End customer + Material \We assign pricing procedureICA AOI to combination of Sales Area (of supplying company coe) # Document pricing Procedure of Billing document type lV + Customer Pricing Procedure of the INTERNAL CUSTOMER [PIOL Condition iype represents costs io Ordering conpliny code in other Words revenwe to Gupplyingeompany Code) Nis ‘Statistical condition type & meant for information purpose only. Condition records for PIOL are created with the following key combination: CCofiéon records = Ordering sales Org Supplying Pant ¥ Material Pricing Procedure ICA AOHis determined ntercompany billing processing level PIO! represented underpricing procedure RVAAO! is reference condition type for VOL ane thesame is defined in the ‘condition type FVDI. Due to this these two condition types represent same Value. ‘Thesondition typeTV01 in intercompany billing docuient represents revenue to the Supplying Company. But its corresponding condition type PIO! in the billing, document ta the end customer is showna a statistical item meant for information purposes. Condition Type VPRS in theintervonipany-billng document indicates cost to the supplying company code, ‘The use of two different condition types in intercompany biling is necessary toensure that data is transmitted comectly to the finaneial statement (Component CO-PA), ILLUSTRATION: STEP 1: Create Sales Onder Manually Enter the Delivery Plant of the Supplying Company Code OBSERVE CONDITIONS SCREEN FOR ITEM: PROO represents Price to the end customer {in other words, revenue for the endering company), PO} represents costto ordering company (in other wonls, revenue for the supplying company). It i representedas statistical DELIVERY: Delivery & carried out from ihe supplying point & hence we ean observ that itis done from shipping point assigned te the supplying point. Subscquently, Picking & PGI are carrie out, BILLING TO END CUSTOMER: ‘T-Code: VEDI $s — SAP SD. by Mohit Amitabh Create Intercompany Billing: ‘T-eode: VFOL OBSERVE THE CONDITIONS SCREEN OF THE INTERNAL, INVOICE: IVOL_ Condition type represents revenue for thesupplying company code. PRS condition type represents cost to the supplyingeoipany code, PROO in intercompany billing documenidisplays amouai billed tothe end customer, H serves as justan information item. Invoive F2 outputtypeRDOQ, which is then seatto the Payer, Intercompany billing type TV outputdetcrmination procedure V40000 outputtype RDO Condition type Condition types Pi for conditionsates to be determined in percent and PIO! for condition rateswith fed amaucts havebeen rercampany billing prices. Pricing procedure - RVAAO1 Pricing procedure RVAAO! =has condition type PIO! in ViOR IOI notavailable in the RVAAO! = pricing procedure IVDL is available in the pricing procedure [CAAOL ~in v/08 But PION not availible, SAP SD. by Mohit Amitabh ‘ta.08Corctmen bat ate id Reference condition type ‘A condition type which can be used asa ference so that You only have teereate condition records oncs for condition types thatane very simi You miy needto use different condition types for the same condition, These ean differ in the aeeess sequence, thedeseription, the reference slageof the prising procedurcor the calculation type, for esurple. <3 SAP SD by Mohit Amitabh You can enter the conditian type under which the condition reeonds are ercated. Bxample Condition iype MWSI only differs with condition type MWST in the calculation type, For this reasonan entry is made in fckd ReferenceCondTypeMWST for condition type MWS , Now, condition reconds only need he ereated for condition type MWST andnot additionally for MWST. ‘Table $5 — Sales Org/arder/plantimaterlal~ conc tian type — Pl Change View "Accesses": Overview Prwemes ORO Bo eee eee NSOXNNAANNNH NO NANA NO RADEADEN READE RN RN NIN RN NAIR RIENIEN AN ERIEN RAN Third Party sales in the thin party onler processing the bus ness gets the orders fiom the eustomer andit passes to the tind party vendorwho delivers the goods to the customer, and bills the business. In the process of thd party order is controlled vin material types. Material types define whether a material is pmduced only intemally can be ordered only from thin’ party vendors or from both possibilities, x: Trading goods (HAWA)can only be onlered from thin party vendors. Thi! party tem can be ereated automatically by the systemor standard items can be changed manually by the end userby changing item category during sales ander processing, Ee MMOL em eategory group tom eategory BANS TAS NORM. TAS tn standard SAP, ten category TAS is used for this, THEEheduleIMEAEYOTYB'CS. Here youcan see a field ‘ondertype’ with value ‘NB ‘This triggers the automutic creation of the PR. = IF the Ship ~to— party address changed in the sakes onder that changes passed am to the purchase requisition and purchase ‘onder that are already created = We can seethe Ship ~ to party address in purchaseowleria the attrbutes of the item category When we savethe sales onler that contains thethint party item, then the systemautomatically creates purchaserequisition in purchasing (we can see the purchase requisition murder in VA02 of sak enterin sehedulelines) SAP SD by Mohit Amitabh Configuration steps: 1. Greate customer master with XDO by using account group 0001 under 2200 — 10 —40 sakes area, Greate a material master with MMOl ‘with the material type'“Trading goods” HAW, General item category group BANS 3. Create a vendorusing transaction code XKOL Specify vendornumber [ ] Here itis ewernal Account group [001} and press ENTER, Go to New sercen option Specify Reconeilstion accountnumber [ ] somkey [] Cash management group [A I] ‘Onder currency [FUR] (customer is from France) Suve and Exit 4G to VAOI and mise the sales onder Change theitem category as TAS (fivm TAN to TAS) Save the dacument and note down the sales onler number and Ext Go to (sales onfer) VAO3, Schedule lines and note down the purchase requisition number that has besn displayed. s Raise the purchase onder with reference to purchase requisition number by using Transaction code MEM Specify the vendor nunber {] Purchasing group (005] = Standant ‘Again purchasing group (000) and press ENTER 6 Click onswith reference to purchase requisition Select line item andclick on Adopts + Detalis push buttonon application bar Im this seetion we have to specify the net price (eostthat we maintained in the material master), {[] Un ~ check GR (Goods Receipt) Iryou uncheckGR, we ean de the invoiee verification based on the goods reecipts, Save the document andnote down the number and Exit Go to MIRO for invoice verification Here we have to specify invoice datcand purchasc order munber and spcciy purchascordernumber in purchase onder [Noibet field of PO reference tabsand specify reference fell and press ENTER ‘Then you can view balance ammount fiom right side ‘The same amount shouldbe specified in amount {]fekf and press ENTER Then systemmes balance amount 0 (zero) That means invoice verification hasbeen done (completed) Save the document and notedown the number and Ext ) Raise invoice tothe eustorner [VFOH] 9, Gp to VAG (sales document)and observethe document fhow Plus in the rmteri master also you need to do certain settings. 1) If youare alvays following a third party peocess fora muterial then you have to create the muserial using item category gmupBANS. The procurement type should be marked as extemal procurement (F} in MRI 2 view ofthe material muster record, 2) If youare not always allowing third party onder processingthen youcan ercate amuterial master record with item category _groupas NORM and the procurement type should bermutked as (X) meaning both typesof procurement (it house monubicturing and extemal procurement), After ceiving the delivery confimntion and invoice from vendor, company hasto verify the invoice and this process is knows as invoice verification andi dlonein SAP through Teode MIRO, Material using item category group BANS, $3. SAP SD by Mohit Amitabh Step 1s If the material item eategary is NORM The item category in the onder should be menually changed as TAS. For that you ned to sonfigure the item eatcgory determination ‘Order type * item cat group * usage * High level = Item cat + Manual item cat OR + NORM +4 = TAN TAS OR + BANS + += TAS Sisp 3) Make surethat during the tem category configuration far TAS you need to mark relevant for biling indicator as F F.Onlerreated biling doc. - status acconlingto invoice qty ene Step 4) ‘The seheduletine category for this type shoukdbe CS. Mabe surcthat youmirk subsequent lypeas NB - purchase requisition in this schedule ine calsgory as this will triggee the purchase requisition onder immediately” afterthe creation of the sales orderand the PO to vendor is created against this purchase requisition, Customize the thitd party sales in summary 1. Create Vendor XKOI 2 Create Matcrial Type as "Trading Goods". em category group as "BANS §. Assign lem Category TASto Onler type that you are going touse. 4, A sale-onder is eneated andl when saved! s PR is generated at the background 5. With reference to SO a PO in created (MEBIN). The company raiscs PO to the vendor. { Vendor delivers the goods and races hil to company. MMI receives the invoice MIRO 7, Goods receipt MIGO 8. Goods issue 9, The item cat TAS or Schedule line cat CS is noteclevant for detivery which is evident fom the config and, wherefore, there 's nodelivery processattached in the whole process of Third party sales, 10, Billing MNXNXKXNNNN XN NANNNN NN NNNNKN NX NANNNNEN NANNNKRXNANANNXANAKNNNAN ‘Stock quantity is updated, (2 Values are updated in inventory accounting. |X. Status in al sales documents fs updated. 4. Cost of goods soldis updated, 4. Requirements are updated, ‘6 _iling index s updated, XNXAXNXAANN NX NAXXAXNAND CIN TABLE Description THEXCHIOR_| Bwise invoice header deta THEXCDTL | Free tore line em deta LINGNREF_| Goods Receipt te Heise Invoice Cows Reference TCHPART! —[ Bene Part | details XXX, NN NN XXNNNNNNNANNAXKXNNNNERRNND TIIPART2 | Bese Pat Id SAP SD by Mohit Amitabh AMIRCSUM | RC23 Summary of weeipis andissues TC HIRGT Teme ROT detail THEXTRCT | Garact wale TSIRDATE_| Funct thie TSIREGHAL_| Balance bie TAIRGIAL | Balanes bie Why do we need ina company codes’? Company code ofan organization is the ‘ar the legal panpse so whenever an organ vation unt have ‘yaucan define a company code Organizational Structure broadly refers tothe way asompany follows a sei path of systenn hicrrchics. Dilfeeen companies do have diferent sinuctures andthe differences in structures eianates has eally from the states. You should createa company codencconding to-tix law, commercial law and other financial accounting criteria. Asa rule a company code in the SAP systemrepresents.a legally indepenstent company. for this operating unit, which can also be in the relevant local currency. Thesales organization represents the SCG URE WEIEBATSERE I is responsible fos example far product lability andether fights of rcoure; customer deliveries; business partner contacts; anddiet miling carpaigns. I also helps youto offeet business operations internally, Different components use the sales organization object: + GL accounting (for aecount determination) '* Controlling (where the sales organization is usedas a characteristic in profitability and market Segmeat analysis) + Quilty managenent in shipping. Fach sales onganization is assigned to cxsctly onc company code towhich sales must be posted, Ifa Sales organization anda plant are assigned to different compuny’ codes, the systemearies cutan intemal billing hetween ths two company codes For eneh business Iransaction entry, You candetine yourown master data within a sales organization. Each sales organization has its own customer and materials raster data, its ovm conditions and its own pricing policy. Since a sales organization cannot share master data with other sales organizations, you must ¢reate muster data separately for cach sales organization. However, youcan create data for one-distribution channel ar division andthen wseit in others. IF there is more than one sales organization for the company code NNXXANNNNNMN NANNNNNX AKNANANN NANN NNN NNNNNA NAUMANN NNANKNKNNNAANNNN ANNAN $$

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