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Summary: The aim of this paper is to compare the status of artisans of Šibenik with these of
eastern Italian communes, in particular the ones whose population at the time was equal to
that of Šibenik (around 10.000 residents). The period chosen for comparison is the 15th
century, since Šibenik at that time became part of the Venetian Republic and therefore was
included in its overseas territory called Stato da Mar. After inclusion, the Venetian Republic
took entire control of Šibenik’s political and economic system except for artisanry, meaning
that the artisans were able to continue to develop their production solely under the supervision
of Šibenik’s authorities, without any interference from its Venetian counterparts.

The artisans of Šibenik can be divided in two categories: artisans whose professions low
incomes, meaning that they were forced to engage in agriculture to earn extra money
(artisans-peasants) and artisans whose professions were reputable and profitable, therefore
giving them the opportunity to shift the export of their products from local areas to other
communes, as well as to invest their money in other areas except artisanry, such as trade,
shipbuilding and salterns (artisans-entrepreneurs). Both categories confirm the fact that
artisanry was not artisans’ primary profession and their money was usually invested in other
areas, predominantly trade and agriculture, which was characteristic for communes on the
eastern side of the Adriatic.

Aspects which will be analyzed in this paper will be based on production, as well as their
economic and social status. Topics regarding production will include age at which artisans
started their apprenticeship, duration of apprenticeship, average salary depending on the type
of profession, working methods and organization of work. Topics regarding their economic
and social status will include artisans' places of birth, relationships with their clients, amounts
of dowries given depending on the type of profession, family relations, political activity,
marriage, children, as well as places where they lived, clothes which they wore and their usual
nutrition. Other topics in this area which will be covered will be artisans' participation in trade
and agriculture. Finally, this paper will compare the status of slaves and servants in Šibenik as
well as eastern Italian communes.
Key words: artisans, Šibenik, Dalmatia, Italian cities, Adriatic, 15th century

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