Period Meaning

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Punctuation marks refers to the tools used in writing to separate sentences, phrases, and

clauses so that their intended meaning is clear.

A Period is the most common punctuation marks in English grammar. It is also known as a
“full stop. It looks like a tiny circle or dot. It expresses the end of a sentence and sometimes
abbreviations. It the most common punctuation mark used to conclude a sentence.
The usage of period may seems easy, but in few rules it may get confusing, such as how to put
periods in quotation marks or how to use them in abbreviations.

But what is the main purpose of period?

The main purpose of period is to end a certain sentences, it can also be used to show
shortened words or removed information. It also has unique uses in mathematics and
computing, as the “dot” in “dot com.”

What does a period do?

When it comes to English grammar, a period or full stop has two main purposes: ending a
sentence or indicating an omission.

Like all the punctuation marks, periods should only be used under the right circumstances.

Why is the period important?

1) If you do not use a period at the end of a sentence, each sentence will run into the
next and that may create confusion from the speaker and the reader. The period signals the
end of a thought.

2) Example without periods:

● I visited my friend in the city she lives with her mom they rent an apartment
on the south side of town we had a nice visit I hope I can return next year

(You can breath now! :-)

Example with periods:

● I visited my friend in the city. She lives with her mom. They rent an
apartment on the south side of the town. We had a nice visit. I hope I can return next
Periods come at the end of declarative and imperative sentences. These sentences are typically
simple statements used to convey information or to relay a command. If spoken out loud, the
speaker would use a neutral or calm voice, without excessive emotion.

We use periods at the end of a statement, and a statement is a sentence that states, or tells

for example

I like dogs.

It’s raining outside.

Today is monday.

We use a period at the end of sentences that are commands.

A command is a sentence that tells someone to do something.

for example

Pick up the rock.

Close the door.

Shut up.

Indirect questions are declarative sentences that talk about a question indirectly, such as
describing a person asking a question. Because these are technically declarative sentences and
not interrogative sentences (questions), they use a period instead of a question mark.

For example, instead of using:

Maya asked, ”Where is Jasper?”

We use:

Maya asked where Jasper was.

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