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1. How did I show my understanding of the score through gestures?

a. I think I showed my understanding of the score through my

gestures of syncopation. I think that was something that I
focused on a lot when I was practicing. I think I did a good job
of making the rest of the beats small to emphasize the
syncopated beats. Also, I breathed very clearly on the
syncopated beats and when I was trying to bring a group or
part in.
2. What did I hear and how did I respond to what I heard?
a. Some things I heard was that the basses weren’t completely
locked in to the tempo when all of the parts came in so I just
walked over to them to help them and emphasized their beat
of syncopation. Also, the balance was pretty good but the
altos were a little quieter than everyone else so I walked
closer to them and gestured for them to get louder.
3. How was my gesture clear? How could my gesture be clearer?
a. I think that most of my gestures were pretty clear. My beat
pattern seemed pretty relaxed and clear. Also, like I said
before I think my cues and gestures of syncopation were
pretty clear. One thing I think I could work on is using both
hands together because once I tried to add dynamics in one
hand, my other hand lost the pattern a little.
4. How was my gesture expressive? How could my gesture be more
a. I actually think that I could work on making my gesture more
expressive. I think my pattern and gesture of syncopation are
clear but I didn’t show much phrasing or dynamics in my
conducting. I think maybe adding some rubato in my pattern
or adding different sized patterns can add some phrasing in
the melody.
5. What goal(s) do I have for my next experience conducting?
a. Some goals that I have for my next experience is to be able
to have some more independence between both of my
hands. For example, I want to get better at continuing a clear
beat pattern while incorporating dynamics in the other hand. I
would also like to work on showing the phrasing of the
melody in my pattern to encourage expression in the

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