انجليزي ثامن الأندلس بنات

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English department

Grade 8
Module 1 Test
Academic year 2022-2023

However difficult life may seem, there is

always something you can do and
succeed at, so be RESPONSIBLE.
Language Function

Choose the correct answer:

1. Lucy: My sister always takes my clothes without asking.

Mona: ……………………, I have three sisters, so the same thing happens to me too.

a. I know the feeling.

b. What are you waiting for?

c. Got it?
d. Here we go again!

2. Sara: I love chocolate ice cream!


a. Hang in there!
b. Same here!

c. Here we go again!

d. Got it?

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow: -

Environment is the air, water, and land where people, animals and plants but it faces
harmful effects caused by the actions of humans. Pollution is main reason of the
problems that our environment suffers from. It causes damage to air, soil, and water.
This affects all life on Earth.

Pollution is caused by industries. For example, water pollution is caused by run-off

from factories. The main source of pollution at sea is the oil dumped from ships.
Another example is air pollution as automobiles release chemicals into the air that
make it difficult for humans, animals, and plants to breathe. Air pollution has long
been a source of trouble in towns. It leads to the loss of sunshine and the increase of
dirt on buildings. The worst thing is that it causes a hole in the ozone layer.

The celebration of Earth Day began in California, in the city of San Francisco. The
world celebrates Environment Day either on the first day of spring or on April 22nd.
The first Earth Day celebration was held on March, which was the first day of spring.
Environment Day is important because it reminds us to stop and look at the problems
of our environment, and to evaluate what we can do to prevent those problems.

Most experts agree that the most serious problems affecting Earth are pollution and
loss of resources. We lose our environment resources when we use them carelessly.
We need to reduce the amount of things we use that harm our environment. We
need to fix things and re-use them, rather than throwing them out. We need to
recycle materials that are recyclable, by separating out plastic, bottles, and recyclable
paper from other garbage.

1- What is the text mainly about?

A. air pollution
b. loss of resources
c. the first day of spring
d. environment problems
2- What does the underlined word” celebration” line 8 mean?
A. holiday
b. technology
c. knowledge
d. information

3- When is the Environment Day celebrated?

A. on April 22,1970
b. on March 22, 1970
c. at the end of spring
d. at the beginning of spring

4- According to the text, why is the Environment Day important?

Reason (1): ....................................................................................................................

Reason (2): ....................................................................................................................

5- What is the main source of pollution at the sea?


6- How can we recycle the materials?

Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
confident - stubborn - bossy - easy-going - quick-tempered - outgoing - selfish

1. My brother always gets angry easily. He’s very__________________.

2. Rashid is very _________________, and he never changes his mind about anything.
3. Latifa is very _________________ She makes new friends wherever she goes.
4. My cousin Sheikha is a bit ___________________ She always tells people what to do.
5. I like hanging out with ________________, friendly people. They make me feel relaxed.
6. I don’t think my dad ever gets nervous. He always seems so ______________________.
7. Mohammed can be ________________ sometimes. He only thinks about his own needs.

goal - headteacher - communicate - advantages - concentrate - digital - anxious - performance

1. My friends and I are going to start a(n)..................... magazine. We will post all
the articles online and upload pictures and videos.
2. I want to interview the................. for the school newspaper because he’s very popular.
3. I was very ..............................before my math test because I wanted to do well.
4. standing up while I do my homework helps me.......................
5. My ...........................for the summer is to read five books.
6. A big ...............................of using technology is that you save lots of time.
7. I .............................with my friends mostly by sending them text messages.
Use ( go, do, or play ) to complete the sentences:
1) .................................rock climbing 2) .................................. aerobics
3) .................................. water polo 4) .................................gymnastics
5) .................................surfing 6) .................................handball
7) .................................athletics 8) ................................... jogging
9) ................................... hiking 10) ............................... exercise
12) ............................... rock climbing 13) ............................. handball

14) ................................ jogging 15) ................................. karate

16) ...............................exercise 17) ....................... snowboarding

18) ................................... ice skating

Complete the following sentences by adding the verbs in the correct form.

1. (You / come) …………………….…………….. tonight?

2. She …………………………... (want) a cake today.
3. (He / eat) …………………….……………..rice every day?
4. I………………………….. (work) at the moment.
5. I .................................. (not / think) that’s a good idea.
6. (He / come) …………………….…………….. to London often?
7. (You / play) …………………….…………….. tennis this Sunday?
8. They………………………….. (go) to a restaurant every Saturday.
9. He .................................. (have) a party next weekend.
10. We ………………………….. (think) football is fun.
13. Do as shown between the brackets.
a) She (watch) TV every night. (Correct the verb)

b) Why you (drive) your brother’s car today, Fatima? (Correct the verb)

c) Sama is careful when she irons her clothes. (Use “always”)


d) Basketball is (more) popular than any other sport at my school. (Use “most”)

e) The teacher (give) us a lot of homework yesterday. (Correct the verb)


f) It (rain) heavily last week. (Correct the verb)


g) Ahmed (swam) in the pool last Monday. (Change to negative)


h) She (travels) to London every summer. (Change to negative)

English department
Grade 8
Module 2 Test
Academic year 2022-2023
Language Function


……… 1. Where’s the film studio? a. Do you have anything particular in mind?

……… 2. Enjoy your stay. b I haven’t got a clue.

……… 3. Can you help me to fix my bike? c. That’s a piece of cake for me.

……… 4. I’d like to see some sights in the d. Thank you. I’m sure we will.

city centre.

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow: -

Neil Armstrong was born on August 5th, 1930 in Ohio. Armstrong developed an interest
in flying at an early age. His love of airplanes grew when he went for his first plane ride
in a Ford Tri-Motor, a "Tin Goose," at the age of 6. From then on, he was fascinated by

In 1947, Armstrong entered Purdue University. He began studies in aeronautical

engineering. But in 1949, the United States Navy called him to active duty. Armstrong
became a Navy pilot and was sent to Korea in 1950, near the start of the Korean War. In
Korea, he flew 78 combat missions in Navy Panther jets. In 1952, Armstrong returned to
Purdue. He earned a bachelor's degree in aeronautical engineering
there in 1955.

Armstrong was a civilian test pilot assigned to test the X-15 rocket airplane before
becoming an astronaut in 1962. He made his first space flight in 1966 on Gemini 8 with
David R. Scott. On July 20, 1969 Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the moon.
Along with Buzz Aldrin, he landed the Apollo 11 lunar module Eagle on the moon. Upon
taking his first steps he said, “That’s one small step for a man, one giant
leap for mankind.” Armstrong is most famous for being the first person to walk on the

Armstrong resigned from the United States astronaut program in 1970. After his career
as an astronaut, he became a professor of aerospace engineering at the University of
Cincinnati and served as chairman of the board of Computing Technologies for Aviation,
a company that develops software for flight scheduling. Armstrong died on August 25,

1- What is the text mainly about?

A. airplanes
b. Space flights
c. A famous astronaut
d. The mission Apollo 11
2- What does the underlined word” fascinated” line 3 mean?
A. bored
b. shocked
c. frightened
d. attracted to

3- In what year was Neil Armstrong born?

A. 1967
b. 1930
c. 1932
d. 1945

4- According to the text, What is Neil Armstrong most famous for?

5- Who helped Neil Armstrong land the Eagle?
6- What two things did Neil Armstrong do after he resigned from the United States
Astronaut program?

A) ..................................................................................................................................

B) ..................................................................................................................................

7- What is your opinion about Neil Armstrong?

Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

graduates - missing - circle - sign - height

1. Look at the ............................... You’re not allowed to enter.

2. First draw a(n) ............................... in the centre of the page and then draw a straight
line at the bottom.
3. Huda wants to find a job when she ............................... from university.
4. This tree can grow to a ............................... of twelve metres.

Circle the correct answer:

1) I (do / go / make / play) karate.
2) She (does / goes / makes / plays) rock climbing.
3) Don't (do / go / make / play) a sound.
4) We (do / go / make / play) an interview.
5) The scientists (do / go / make / play) discoveries.
6) Muhammed (does / goes / makes / plays) football every week.
complete the sentences with who, which, that, whose or where.
1. There’s the street performer………………………... I was telling you about.
2. The woman ………………………... daughter is an architect lives next door.
3. What’s the place ………………………... we went last Saturday called?
4. The autographs ………………………... my father collected were sold for £500.
5. There’s the player ………………………... scored five goals in the match yesterday.
6. This is the brochure ………………………... is full of photos and useful information.
7. I know a boy ………………………... favourite hobby is doing experiments.

Choose the correct answer.

1. There’s ………………………... hanging from the tree, but I can’t see what it is.
a. anything b. something
c. nothing d. somewhere

2. I can’t go ………………………... today because I’ve got a sore throat.

a. anywhere b. nowhere
c. somewhere d. anything

3. Was there ………………………... in the park when you went there this morning?
a. everybody b. any
c. anyone d. nobody
4. The tour bus took us ………………………..., so we saw all of the sights.
a. everywhere b. somewhere
c. everything d. anywhere

5. I’m afraid the library books you want are missing. There’s ………………………...I can do.
a. anything b. something
c. nothing d. everything

Circle the correct prepositions.

1. They waited for the cars to stop before they walked over / across the road.
2. The museum is between / next to a bank and a restaurant.
3. The plane is flying high up / above the clouds.
4. She looked out of / from the window and saw that it was snowing.
5. Go through / along Mayfield Road until you get to the bike shop.
6. The children sat round / behind the teacher and listened to the story.

Correct the words between brackets to form a correct sentence:

1) Tony ______________________ probably ______________________ (get) lost if he

______________________ (not buy ) a map.

2) What______________________ (you / do) if the bus ____________________(be) late?

3) If you ______________________ (train) for six months, you ______________________

(reach) the top of that mountain easily.
English department
Grade 8
Module 3 Test
Academic year 2022-2023
Language Function

Choose the correct answer:

1. A: Mum, I passed all my exams!
B: ……………………………………………..
a. Cheer up! b. You poor thing! c. Well done!

2. A: I’ve been fixing my robot for hours, and it finally works!

B: ………………………………………………..

a. You’re kidding! b. Look on the bright side. c. That's too bad

3. A: You won’t believe what happened to me. I broke my leg!

B: ………………………………………………..
a. You poor thing! b. Congratulations! c. Well done!

4. A: I’ve lost my favourite earrings.

B: ………………………………………………..

a. That’s too bad! b. How exciting! c. I'm so happy for you!

5. A: Guess what! My team won the tournament!

B: ………………………………………………..
a. What a pity! b. Unbelievable! c. What a shame!

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow: -

1 Before the discovery of oil, Qatar had only some schools in some parts of the
country. A few children learned to read and write. They were taught in the most
popular places such as mosques or private homes. Today, education is free of charge
for all the people in the country so that every child would have the chance to learn in
modern schools to gain the experiences needed in today's modern world.

2 The government has realized the importance of learning for the young people of
Qatar, so it has built many new schools for all ages. In these schools you can find
enough facilities like playground, libraries and theaters. In public schools there are six
years of primary school, three years for intermediate school and three years of
secondary school.

3 Students learn different subjects, like Arabic, Chemistry, Physics and Biology.
The school day begins at 7:00 a. m. and usually ends at 2:00 p.m. and the school week
is generally Sunday to Thursday. Teaching in public schools is in Arabic, but some
private schools teach in other languages like English. Students study English from the
first year of primary school. I think Qatar's schools has developed and impacted other
fields in Qatar.

1- What is the text mainly about?

A. The oil in Qatar
B. Schools in Qatar
C. The government in Qatar
D. The different facilities in Qatar
2- What does the underlined pronoun in line (2) 'They' refers to?
A. farmers
B. teachers
C. schools
D. children

3- What has the government done to the young people in Qatar?

A. It has built many houses
B. It has built centers
C. It has built many schools
D. It has built many towers

4- Why is Education free in Qatar?


5- According to the text, What can you find in Qatar's school?


6- Based on the text, What are the subjects that students learn at school?


7- What's the writer's opinion about Qatar's schools?

Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

looking after - pick up - come along - take off - put on

1. Mum’s going to …………………………………. Mona from school today.

2. We’re going to the beach this afternoon. Do you want to …………………………………. ?
3. My neighbour’s gone on a trip, so I’m …………………………………. her parrots.
4. Please …………………………………. the toys after you’ve finished playing with them.
5. It’s dark now. Aren’t you going to …………………………………. your sunglasses?
6. It’s cold today. Don’t forget to …………………………………. your jacket when you go out

Circle the correct answer:

1. Can you ……………………….. living in a country where you can’t speak its language?
a. wonder b. imagine c. think d. experience

2. My uncle ……………………….. in Poland, that’s why he speaks the language so well.

a. grew b. existed c. grew up d. acted

3. I didn't ……………………….. the teacher was talking to me until everyone laughed.

a. grew b. existed c. come round d. realise

4. We ……………………….. what we are having for dinner tonight!

a. wonder b. imagine c. think d. experience

Choose the correct answer.
1. We (hasn’t - don't - didn't - haven’t) eaten fish since we were in Alex.
2. They (answered - have answered - haven’t answered - answer) the questions yet.
3. Have you ever (has - have - had - having) an accident?
4. I (have bought – bought – was buying – buy) a new car last year.
5. Have you (already-ever-yet-just) been to Paris?
6. He hasn't gone to school since he (has been - was - is - had been) ill.
7. We haven't (seen - saw - see - sees) our uncle for a week.
8. We (had been – were – are being – have been) at school since September.
9. My pen-friend sent me a letter two months (yet – ago – for – since).
10. How (time - long - old - much) has Sally been doing this hobby? - For two years.
11. Mom: Did you finish your homework?
Alyaa: I (finished – have finished – finish – finishing) it two hours ago.

Choose (since or for) to complete the following sentences correctly.

1. He has lived in this house (since \ for) last year.

2. We haven't seen him (since \ for) three years.

3. He has lived in this house (since \ for) 2019.

4. Samar has worked as a teacher (since \ for) 10 years.

Read and correct the underlined word(s):
1. He has write English home work.
2. Ahmed have already done the homework.
3. I've just finish. I didn't do well.
4. I've be to hospital but my foot still hurts.
5. What has happen?
6. What have they talk about?
7. I've done it for I was young.

Choose the correct answer.

1. Ali’s bike is broken and he’s fixing it by (him / himself).
2. My grandmother looked after (me / myself) when I was a baby.
3. Some people who live alone talk to (them / themselves), especially when they’re at home.
4. Lamar taught (herself / her) a lot of computer skills with the help of the Internet.
5. I look forward to meeting (you / yourself).
English department
Grade 8
Module 4 Test
Academic year 2022-2023
Language Function

Choose the correct answer:

1. A: What are you planning to do next week?
B: ……………………………………………..

a. If you insist

b. I'll go to the cinema

c. I didn’t mean to lose it

d. What on earth happened?

2. A: ……………………………………………..
B: I’m all ears.

a. If you insist.

b. Were you pulling my leg?

c. What on earth happened?

d. I’ve been meaning to tell you about our caravan holiday.


Read the passage and answer the questions that follow: -

Do you often use shampoo or put ketchup on your food? Have you ever visited a
sauna? If you think these words are originally English, you’d better think again. In fact,
each of these words comes from a different language! Shampoo, for example, is actually
a word from the Hindi language in India. This word originally meant “massage.” In hair
shops in India, barbers massage your head while washing your hair. Over time, British
people in India used this word to mean a liquid that cleans hair.
Almost everyone knows what ketchup is. People all over the world like to pour this
tomato sauce on French fries or sandwiches. This word is originally Chinese (from
ketsiap, a fish sauce). In the 1600s, British and Dutch sailors brought this fish sauce to
Europe. Over time, people changed the sauce by adding tomato flavor to it, but the
name basically stayed the same.
Sauna, a popular type of steam room and shower facility, comes from the Finnish
language. During one of the European Olympics, athletes from Britain and Germany saw
Finnish athletes use saunas after training. Later, the public all over Europe started using
this style of bathing, too. Now, we still use this word to describe all kinds of steam
I believe that English is full of many wonderful, borrowed words from many languages.
Perhaps English should change its name to Eng-hin-chi-fin-fre-ger-ital-span-ish

1- What is the text mainly about?

A. English words in 1600s
B. Hindi words in English
C. Borrowed words in English

D. English words in Chinese language

2- What does the underlined word in line (6) 'liquid' means?
A. Air
B. Gas
C. Fluid
D. Solid

3- Which of the following words is from Hindi?

A. Sauna
B. Ketchup
C. Shampoo
D. Sandwich

4- According to paragraph 2, how did European people change the fish sauce?

5- According to paragraph 3, how did the Europeans start using sauna?


6- According to paragraph 3, where did the word sauna come from?


7- What's the writer's opinion about the English language?

Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

attention – leg – injured – fortunately - confident

1. The teacher tries to get the ............................... of her students in an exciting way.
2. Alyaa is so ................................ that she makes her decision quickly.
3. The stuntman had an accident but ...............................he wasn’t seriously injured.
4. Mona slipped, fell and broke her...............................

5. Fatima had a terrible accident and she was badly ...............................

Circle the correct answer:

1. My mum was (surprised - surprising) when we got her flowers on Mother’s Day.
2. We were all (exhausted - exhausting) when we reached the top of the mountain.
3. Aisha was (frightened - frightening) when she got stuck in the lift.
4. Yesterday’s match was (disappointed – disappointing). Our team lost.
5. Last year, I had to read a poem in front of the whole school and I forgot the verses.
It was so (embarrassed - embarrassing).
6. Rima was (shocked – shocking) when she heard the news.
7. The city’s architecture is (amazed – amazing)!
8. Alaa rode her bike for four hours, and now she’s (exhausted – exhausting)
9. The bike ride was (exhausted – exhausting).
10. The news about the fire was (shocked – shocking).
11. We were all (shocked – shocking) because lots of people got injured.
Choose the correct answer.

1. Amna (swam – swim – was swimming) last Monday at 5 o’clock.

2. While they (walk – walked – were walking), they saw an accident.

3. What time (did – do – are) you get up yesterday?

4. (Was – Did – Does) you write the letter?

5. Were you (study – studied – studying) when I phoned you?

6. When Sally fell down, she (cleaned – was cleaning – cleans) the kitchen.

7. While I was reading, the light (go out – went out – was going out).

8. Moneera (sleep – slept – was sleeping) while she was watching the film.

9. He can sing (beautifully – beautiful).

10. She planned their trip to Greece very (careful – carefully).

11. Jomana painted the kitchen very (bad – badly).

12. Turn the stereo down. It's too (loud – loudly).

13. She skipped (happy – happily) down the road to school.

Correct the verbs in brackets:

1. While I (wait) ............................... for the bus, an accident (happen) ...............................
2. Reema (walk) ............................... in the park when she (meet) ............................... Afaf.
3. As I (watch) ............................... TV, the phone (ring) ...............................
4. The students (talk) ............................... down when the teacher (walk)
............................... into the classroom.
5. As I (try) ............................... to take a photo of some dolphins, I (fall) ...............................
into the pool.
6. While my friends and I (chase) ............................... each other in the park, we (find)
............................... a tortoise.

Rewrite the sentences correctly using the words between brackets:

1. He listens to the radio. (often)

2. They read books. (sometimes)


3. Sheikha gets angry. (never)


4. She says she’s coming to visit us. (soon)


5. I’m going to an art exhibition. (tonight)


6. We went to Jowaher’s house and we went to the cinema. (then)


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