CFD Introduction

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BITS Pilani
Dubai Campus

BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus


 Introduction
 History of CFD
 Basic concepts
 CFD Process
 Derivation of Navier-Stokes Duhem Equation
 Example Problem
 Applications

BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus

Fluid Mechanics

Fluid Statics Fluid Dynamics

Laminar Turbulent

Newtonian Fluid Non-Newtonian Fluid

Ideal Fluids Viscous Fluids Rheology

Compressible Incompressible CFD Solutions for

Flow Flow specific Regimes

Components of Fluid Mechanics

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Fluid (gas and liquid) flows are governed by partial differential equations
which represent conservation laws for the mass, momentum, and energy.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is the art of replacing such PDE
systems by a set of algebraic equations which can be solved using digital

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What is fluid flow?

Fluid flows encountered in everyday life include

• Meteorological phenomena (rain, wind, hurricanes, floods, fires)

• Environmental hazards (air pollution, transport of contaminants)
• Heating, ventilation and air conditioning of buildings, cars etc.
• Combustion in automobile engines and other propulsion systems
• Interaction of various objects with the surrounding air/water
• Complex flows in furnaces, heat exchangers, chemical reactors etc.
• Processes in human body (blood flow, breathing, drinking . . . )
• and so on and so forth

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What is CFD?

Prediction fluid flow with the complications

of simultaneous flow of heat, mass transfer,
phase change, chemical reaction, etc using

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What is CFD/FD ?
CFD is a branch of Fluid dynamics
So what really is Engineering Fluid Dynamics in the first place? Lets look at
some examples:
 We are interested in the forces (pressure , viscous stress etc.) acting on
surfaces (Example: In an airplane, we are interested in the lift, drag, power,
pressure distribution etc)
 We would like to determine the velocity field (Example: In a race car, we
are interested in the local flow streamlines, so that we can design for less
 We are interested in knowing the temperature distribution (Example: Heat
transfer in the vicinity of a computer chip)
BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus
What is CFD/FD ?

• Roughly put, in Engineering fluid dynamics,

• we would like to determine certain flow

properties in a certain region of interest, so that
the information can be used to predict the
behaviour of systems, to design more efficient
systems etc..
History of CFD
 Since 1940s analytical solution to most fluid dynamics problems was
available for idealized solutions. Methods for solution of PDEs
were conceived only on paper due to absence of personal computer.
 Daimler Chrysler was the first company to use CFD in Automotive
 Speedo was the first swimwear company to use CFD.
 There are number of companies and software's in CFD field in the
world. Some software's by American companies are FLUENT,
VGRID, etc.

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Compressible and Incompressible flow

A fluid flow is said to be compressible when

the pressure variation in the flow field is
large enough to cause substantial changes
in the density of fluid.
dqi 1 ~
 f i  p,i  qi , jj
dt  

Viscous and Inviscid Flow

In a viscous flow the fluid friction has
significant effects on the solution where
the viscous forces are more significant
than inertial forces
 
( u )  ( v)  0
x y
BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus
Steady and Unsteady Flow

Whether a problem is steady or unsteady depends on the frame of reference

Laminar and Turbulent Flow

Newtonian Fluids and Non-Newtonian Fluids

In Newtonian Fluids such as water, ethanol, benzene

and air, the plot of shear stress versus shear rate at a
given temperature is a straight line

BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus

Initial or Boundary Conditions

 Initial condition involves knowing the state of pressure

(p) and initial velocity (u) at all points in the flow.
 Boundary conditions such as walls, inlets and outlets
largely specify what the solution will be.

BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus

Discretization Methods
 Finite volume
• Where Q - vector of conserved variables
 • F - vector of fluxes

t  Qdv   FdA  0

• V - cell volume
• A –Cell surface area

 Finite Element
method Ri=Equation residual at an element vertex
Q- Conservation equation expressed on element
Ri   i
W Qdv Wi= Weight Factor

BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus

 Finite difference method

Q F G H
   0
Q – Vector of conserved variables
t x y z
F,G,H – Fluxes in the x ,y, z directions

Boundary element method

The boundary occupied by the fluid is divided into
surface mesh

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 Geometry of problem
is defined .
 Volume occupied by
fluid is divided into
discrete cells.

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Physical modeling is defined.

Boundary conditions are defined

which involves specifying of fluid
behavior and properties at the

Equations are solved iteratively

as steady state or transient state.

Analysis and visualization of

resulting solution. post processing

BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus

 Fluid = Liquid + Gas
 Density const incompressible
ρ  
variable compressible

Viscosity μ:
resistance to flow of a fluid
 Ns 
   3   ( Poise)
m 
Substance Air(18ºC) Water(20ºC) Honey(20ºC)
Density(kg/m3) 1.275 1000 1446
Viscosity(P) 1.82e-4 1.002e-2 190

Physics of Fluid
m in m out
in M out

 m in  m out

m in  m out
dM Momentum
dt Energy

Conservation Law
 Mass ConservationContinuity Equation
D U i
 0 Compressible
Dt xi
  const, 0

U i
0 Incompressible

Navier-Stokes Equation I
 Momentum ConservationMomentum Equation
U j U j P  ij
  U i    g j
t xi x j xi 
   V

 U j U i  2
 ij        ij  U k
I : Local change with time
 xi x j  3 xk
II : Momentum convection
III: Surface force
IV: Molecular-dependent momentum exchange(diffusion)
V: Mass force

Navier-Stokes Equation II
Momentum Equation for Incompressible Fluid
 ij  U j U i  2
 
      ij   U k
xi xi  x x j  3 xi xk
 i 
U i
 ij  2U j  U i  2U j
    
xi xi2 x j xi xi2

U j P U j  2U j
  U i    g j
t xi x j xi

Navier-Stokes Equation III

 Energy ConservationEnergy Equation
T T U i  2T U j
c  cU i  P   2   ij
 t

xi xi
  
I : Local energy change with time
II: Convective term
III: Pressure work
IV: Heat flux(diffusion)
V: Irreversible transfer of mechanical energy into heat

Navier-Stokes Equation IV
Analytical Equations Discretized Equations

 Discretization Methods
 Finite Difference
Straightforward to apply, simple, sturctured grids
 Finite Element
Any geometries
 Finite Volume
Conservation, any geometries

General Form of Navier-Stokes Equation

     
  U i      q    1, U j , T 
t xi  xi 
Local change with time Flux Source

Integrate over the 

Control Volume(CV) V xi dV  S   ni dS

Integral Form of Navier-Stokes Equation

    
V t dV  S  U i    xi   ni dS  V q dV
Local change Flux Over Source in CV
with time in CV the CV Surface

Finite Volume I
Conservation of Finite Volume Method
    
V t dV  S  U i    xi   ni dS  V q dV



Finite Volume II
Approximation of Volume Integrals

m    dV   pV ; mu   i ui dV   P u PV
Vi Vi

Approximation of Surface Integrals ( Midpoint Rule)

 P dV   P dS   Pk S k k  n, s, e, w
Ue Vi Si

 

U P if (U  n ) e  0
Upwind Ue    

U E if (U  n )e  0

xe  xP
Central U e  U E e  U P (1  e ) e 
xE  xP

Finite Volume III


The Navier-Stokes equations are the fundamental partial

differentials equations that describe the flow of incompressible
Two of the alternative forms of equations of motion, using
the Eulerian description, were given as Equation (1) and
Equation (2) respectively:

( qi )
 qi q j , j  f i   ji, j (1)
dqi qi 1
  q j qi , j  f i   ji, j . (2)
dt t 

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If we assume that the fluid is isotropic ,

homogeneous , and Newtonian, then :
 ij  ( p   kk ) ij  2
~ .
ij (3)

Substituting Equ(3) into Equ(2), and utilizing the Eulerian

relationship for linear stress tensor we get :

dqi 1 ~   ~
 f i  p ,i  q j , ji  qi , jj , (4)
dt   
( for compressible fluids )
BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus

For incompressible fluid flow the Navier-Stokes-

Duhem equation is:

dqi 1 ~
 f i  p ,i  qi , jj
dt  

If the fluid medium is a monatomic ideal gas, then :

~ 2 ~
  
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Navier stokes equation for compressible flow of

monatomic ideal gas is :

dqi 1 1 ~ ~
 f i  p ,i  q j , ji  qi , jj ,
dt  3 

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Neglecting the gravity field, describe the steady two- dimensional

flow of an isotropic , homogeneous,

Newtonian fluid due to a constant pressure gradient between two

infinite, flat, parallel, plates. State the necessary assumptions.
Assume that the fluid has a uniform density.

BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus


The Navier – stokes equations for incompressible flow is:

dqi 1 ~
 q j qi , j  f i  p,i  qi , jj
dt  

Since the flow is steady and the body forces are

neglected, the Navier-stokes equation becomes:

1 ~
q j qi , j   p,i  qi , jj
 

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The no slip boundary conditions for viscous flow are:

qi  0 at y 2  a

Using the boundary conditions ( q2= 0 at y2=+/- a )

Thus, the first Navier-stokes equations becomes

d 2 q1 dp
 2

dy2 dy1

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Integrating twice, we obtain

q1 
1 dp 2
2  dy1

y2  a 2 
The results, assumptions and boundary conditions of this
problem in terms of, mathematical symbols are as follows:
  Constant    
fi  0  0 0
t y 3

q1 
1 dp 2
2  dy1

y2  a 2 

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• Using the Navier-Stokes equations investigate the flow (qi) between

two stationary, infinite, parallel plates a distance h apart. Assuming
that you have laminar flow of a constant-density, Newtonian fluid
and the pressure gradient is constant (partial derivative of P with
respect to 1).

BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus

Types of Errors and Problems

Types of Errors:
 Modeling Error.
 Discretization Error.
 Convergence Error.

Reasons due to which Errors occur:

 Stability.
 Consistency.
 Conservedness and Boundedness.

BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus

Applications of CFD
1. Industrial Applications:
CFD is used in wide variety of disciplines and industries,
including aerospace, automotive, power generation, chemical
manufacturing, polymer processing, petroleum exploration,
pulp and paper operation, medical research, meteorology, and

Example: Analysis of Airplane

CFD allows one to simulate the reactor
without making any assumptions about the
macroscopic flow pattern and thus to
design the vessel properly the first time.

BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus

Application (Contd..)

2. Two Dimensional Transfer Chute Analyses Using a

Continuum Method:
Fluent is used in chute designing tasks like predicting flow shape,
stream velocity, wear index and location of flow recirculation
3. Bio-Medical Engineering:
The following figure shows pressure
contours and a cutaway view that
reveals velocity vectors in a blood
pump that assumes the role of heart
in open-heart surgery.
Pressure Contours in Blood Pump

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Application (Contd..)
4. Blast Interaction with a Generic Ship Hull

The figure shows the

interaction of an explosion
with a generic ship hull.
The structure was modeled
with quadrilateral shell
elements and the fluid as a
mixture of high explosives
and air. The structural
elements were assumed to
fail once the average strain
Results in a cut plane for the interaction of an
in an element exceeded 60 explosion with a generic ship hull: (a) Surface
percent at 20msec (b) Pressure at 20msec (c)
Surface at 50msec and (d) Pressure at
BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus
Application (Contd..)
5. Automotive Applications:

Streamlines in a vehicle without (left) and with rear center and B-pillar ventilation (right)

In above figure, influence of the rear center and B-pillar ventilation on the
rear passenger comfort is assessed. The streamlines marking the rear
center and B-pillar ventilation jets are colored in red. With the rear center
and B-pillar ventilation, the rear passengers are passed by more cool air. In
the system without rear center and B-pillar ventilation, the upper part of the
body, in particular chest and belly is too warm.
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The following are the details of conducting practicals
Five experiments are to be conducted in the CAD lab using ANSYS fluent software
1. Laminar flow through a circular pipe with constant radius
2. Turbulent flow though a circular pipe with constant radius
3. Compressible flow through a CD Nozzle
4. Steady flow over a rotating cylinder
5. Unsteady flow over rotating cylinder.

Four experiential are to be conducted using

Vapor Refrigeration test rig,
Wind tunnel and
Smoke analyzer.

BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus

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