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Capitol University Graduate School

Master of Business Management

MGT207 Planning and Strategic Management

Reflection Paper
How to Formulate Successful Business


Read the article “How to Formulate Successful Business Strategy”. Provide your discussion based on the three
components of this reflection paper. Make sure to cite the document you referenced in your discussion, as
applicable. When completed, run the whole paper for a similarity or plagiarism check using this link: Keep the font, and format of this paper, which should be letter or short sized, with 1”
all-around margins, and double-spaced text. Submit this paper in Word format within deadline. Include a separate
submission for the plagiarism check.


A. Brief explanation, description, or summary of highlights of the article (min200words, 30pts)
One of the most important highlights of the event was the first part of the research festival. I truly appreciated the
fact that the graduate school focused more on the qualitative research because I have been exposed more only to
the quantitative side of the research. The speaker was also able to address the important questions that were
raised by the faculty and students which has enlightened me more about the quantitative research topic. To make
it more detailed, the newest learning that was very important to me were the topics about the proper methodology
on FGDs and also the procedures in ensuring the diversity of respondents. Furthermore, it was also clear what
were the other fields that are most appropriate to apply qualitative research such as quality of elderly life,
recognition of political identity, and understanding an individual's subjective experiences when it comes to
diseases. Moreover, another topic that I deemed was a highlight of the event was a discussion on the approach
towards qualitative research where it should be considered as linguistic in approach. The topics were very
insightful because these learnings can be applied to my field in the academe.

The second and third parts were about the research breakthrough where a set of researchers were tasked to
present and defend their research. Overall, it was fun and entertaining because of the new learnings that we
gained from papers with the potential to improve the current body of knowledge that we can access.

B. Learning and insights on the topic (min300words, 40pts)

The event was rich in insights and highlights. In my perspective, I truly appreciate that the graduate school has
designated its focus on the qualitative side of research because this area is mostly disregarded among many
academic institutions. The speaker was very good in addressing the questions especially in the concerns about
sampling, data collection, and about mixing qualitative and quantitative. As I go on my university work, I truly
believe that I lack understanding on the important aspects of qualitative research. The talk has given me a deeper
understanding of the unique strengths and significance related to this approach. First, I wasn’t really drawn to
qualitative research but as the questions were answered during the open forum, I became very interested in this
aspect of research due to its focus on exploring subjective experiences and gaining rich, in-depth insights into
human behavior and social phenomena. However, as I delved deeper into the subject, I realized that qualitative
research offers much more than just surface-level understanding.

The most important significance of qualitative research is its strong emphasis on language and context that delves
deeper in the complexity of social realities. This really differs from quantitative research, which is designed to
find every means possible to quantify phenomena. From this learning, I have discovered that qualitative research
allows for a more flexible exploration of the details of human experiences. It has given me a set of skills to
utilize the methods and techniques to delve into the subjective meanings, perceptions, and motivations of
individuals and groups, allowing me to capture a more comprehensive understanding ofI also became aware of
the importance of following the proper methodology in conducting fgds. They were able to discuss how to avoid
cognitive bias, especially that I had an experience before where the ones who conducted the fgd were very

Aside from the learnings and important insights about qualitative research, the breakthrough research outputs and
presentation were also very informative. I was most attentive to the research about swine flu and the electric
distribution utility. This is because they are the ones that I believe have the most impact in society. The
researchers have very much inspired me to conduct research which is related to the said topics. My reason in my
utmost appreciation for the said topics is because these are important or key sectors that will drastically elevate
our situation from where we were during the covid pandemic days.

C. Application of the topic in my work and organization (min300words, 40pts)

Being able to attend a workshop on qualitative research and various sample research topics has been a very
challenging but beneficial experience that directly relates to my work as university teacher. This workshop has
provided me with valuable insights and knowledge that can enhance both my teaching practices and my own
research endeavors.

Firstly, the workshop delved into the fundamentals of qualitative research, exposing me to a wide range of
qualitative methodologies, such as interviews, focus groups, and ethnographic observations. Understanding the
complexities and strengths of these methodologies has expanded my skills as a professor. I now have a deeper
understanding of the different ways students can approach their research projects, and I can guide them in
selecting appropriate qualitative methods based on their research questions and objectives.

Additionally, the workshop showcased various sample research studies, which allowed me to explore the diverse
applications of research across different fields where many topics can actually contribute to the country’s
recovery from covid 19. The topics that I truly appreciated were those that talk about the swine flu problem and
the energy industry. This exposure to real-life examples has empowered me to better illustrate the relevance and
practicality of qualitative research to my students. By sharing these sample research studies, I can inspire my
students and demonstrate how qualitative research can be used to investigate complex social phenomena,
enhance understanding, and drive meaningful change.

Furthermore, the workshop emphasized the importance of data analysis and interpretation in qualitative research.
Learning about different techniques and approaches for coding, categorizing, and analyzing qualitative data has
provided me with a solid foundation to teach my students. I can now guide them through the process of analyzing
qualitative data, helping them develop critical thinking skills and encouraging them to draw meaningful
conclusions from their research findings.

Moreover, the workshop highlighted ethical considerations in qualitative research, such as ensuring informed
consent, protecting participant confidentiality, and addressing power dynamics. These ethical discussions
resonate deeply with my role as a university teacher, as I am responsible for staying as a good example to create
an ethical research environment and instilling a sense of ethical responsibility in my students. I can incorporate
these discussions into my teaching to raise awareness about the importance of ethical conduct in research.

In conclusion, attending the research workshop and the break through research studies has significantly enriched
my teaching practices as a university teacher. It has equipped me with a broader knowledge base, expanded my
methodological expertise, and deepened my understanding of ethical research practices. By integrating these
insights into my teaching, I can empower my students to conduct persistent and meaningful ethical research and
instill in them a passion for inquiry and critical thinking. The workshop has reinforced my commitment to
nurturing research skills and fostering impactful research practices among my students, ultimately contributing to
their growth as aspiring researchers and scholars.

Prepared by
Chair, Graduate School Management Department and Professor,
MGT207 Planning and Strategic Management April 2023
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