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How does the case above demonstrate how the farmers have become trappedin a vicious cycle of

Poverty is a state of being poor.

Poverty can be relative poverty or absolute poverty. Whereby with absolutepoverty this where some
one cannot afford the basic needs of life such asfood, shelter, clothes and water. While relative poverty
one is poorbecause of some disadvantage situation both economically and socially.According to Robert
Chambers poverty is the lack of assets ,natural,financial, social, physical and human capital).

Robert Chambers asserts that , the poor are trapped in a cycle of povertyknown as the Deprivation Trap.
Deprivation trap illuminates a condition inwhich the poor person is caught up in five clusters of
disadvantage thatare also closely related to each other and result into an interwoven natureof problems
or vicious circle of poverty “chains connecting one cluster to another, affecting this poor household or
individual . And these fiveclusters are poverty, powerlessness, isolation, physical weakness
andvulnerability. By investigating the causes and effects of each dimension on the others, one can see
how each form of deprivation creates new forms that entrap the poor the vicious cycle of poverty.

According to the case study the farmers of Tanzania have been trapped invicious cycle of poverty
through the following ways explained below:

Since farmers in Tanzania crop harvests are low, and that they have little or no surplus to sell, and
therefore no money to buy fertilizers to restore or increase soil fertility that means they are leaving in
poverty because they lack assets and resources such as money to buy fertilizers.

Poverty then led to vulnerability whereby poverty is as the lack ofassets natural, financial, social,
physical and human capital,while vulnerability here Individuals have limited choice and engagement,
which makes them prey and this exposes them to intimidation and manipulation due to high
populattion, there is scarcity of land and people without land are at a disadvantage.

Vulnerability has led physical weakness, physical weakness is when someone is physically weak
because they he/she lacks physical strength to improve his life, this could be due to illness, disability or
famine(hunger ) when one becomes vulnerable sometime he over works,sometimess sexually harassed
or works under poor conditions leading to sickness and also due to the soil being infertile that means
there no adequate and balanced which has led to malnutrition resulting into diseases and body
weakness this body weakness limits one from working leading to poverty.

Physical weakness led to isolation,here with isolation people live in remote, inaccessible, secluded, and
quarantined areas, where access to health care facilities, job opportunities is hard ,when someone get
sphysically weakness he/she is quarantined or separated forinstance the disabled which limits them
from working thus resulting into poverty.

Isolation then leds to powerlessness,with powerlessness an individual lack both social and economic
influence; they are afraid to express their needs. Here when one isolated he/she has no way to share his
ideas to other people and also the community does not give chance or listento deals of people with
weakness or people who are isolated yet some people may be with ideals to help the community fight
poverty and since they are ignored it lives the community in poverty.

Poverty ed to physical weakness whereby it’s the lack of the physical strength to improve their lives for
example the people in Tanzania due tolow yield from the crop production and the increasing population
in theareas , this will result into the inability to purchase or obtain foodand adequate health care since
there is no surplus for sell in which theywould get money to access health concerns , therefore
malnutrition ,lack of enough food to sustain the farmers and this population will weaken immunity of
people and other associated disease that comes as a result of lack of balanced diet ,so this will cripple
people’s ability to work to improve their standards of living.

More so the poverty bring aboutthe inability to pay for education, afford social association of farmers
and other production associations in the areas since there is no surplus tosell so that they earn
income ,to purchase fertilizers to boast their production , nor have the money to purchase any means of
communication,cannot afford to travel to look for work, or to live near the villagecenter this will create
isolation from all the social and economicopportunities that these people wound exploit to i lmprove
their standardsof living ,to the worst even that cannot access information ,knowledge about farming,
credit facilitates and being in a drought prone area it isolates them since these people lack assets like
land ,money and human capital and thiscreates unaccessibility , this will put them in aposition where
they are vulnerable to the powerful and influential people in the areas since they are crippled
economically, socially and since they are in a state of total deprivation cannot resist the force put on
them ,this makes the farmers ,household vulnerable therefore people will end up being exploited ,work
for long hours and are paid less just for survival ,some will end up committing suicide therefore you will
find people becoming slaves to other people and given less pay that cannot support their families thus
they are entrapped in the vicious cycle of poverty .

Vulnerability also happens when there unequal distribution of resources that creates gaps between
the haves and have-nots further more lack of wealth since the crop production which is the only source
of livelihood gains less ,then this results into lowstatus, which makes farmers powerless in that they
cannot influence things influence or participate in decision-making, even though it involves matters that
directly impact them as farmers therefore they will suffer silently since they cannot do anything
economically ,socially they don’t have power.

More so ,since there is low crop production and the little is produced is consumed by the people this
implies there is no surplus to sell and get money ,this will make the people vulnerable in that since they
are in a state where they need something but cannot it get therefore this exposes them to
manipulation, exploitations since they cannot resist the shock that comes there since they don’t have
money ,enough land for agriculture .

QN; What does the Government of Tanzania need to do to weaken the feedbackloop that lock the
system in a vicious circle of disadvantage

The government of Tanzania can also create projects such as buildingof water tanks in the areas so as
to collect and store water during therainy seasons and keep to be used in the dry season especially
forirrigation The government can also design programmes such the NAAADS and otherbasically centered
to improve agriculture ,aim at educating the framers newmethods of farming ,giving them seedlings to
plant and engage in moreagricultural projects so that they can earn a living and improve theirstandards
of living ..

The government of Tanzania can also create local markets for the agricultural produce whereby
people can easily sell and get money from the surplus thus improving their standards of living since they
have money and can affordthe standards of living .

It can also create diversity in income generating opportunities such as farming ,poultry production ,so
that people have a number of income generating activities in which they can engage in to earn a living
and improve their standards of living thus ensuring there is equal distribution of resource for example
land , therefore the government should allocate the people to other places or give them free land so as
they can also participate in production thus reducing the competition for the means of production thus
improving the peoples (farmers) standards of living. Introducing of family planning programmes and
make them free ofcharge and sensitizing the people on the effects of increased population growth thus
by reducing population this will create enough resource for the avaible people and can satisfy them .

The government of Tanzania can also create projects such as buildingof water tanks in the areas so as to
collect and store water during therainy seasons and keep to be used in the dry season especially
forirrigation The government can also design programmes such the NAAADS and otherbasically centered
to improve agriculture ,aim at educating the framers newmethods of farming ,giving them seedlings to
plant and engage in moreagricultural projects so that they can earn a living and improve theirstandards
of living

In conclusion, the above are ways in which the governmentcacn break the vicious cycle of poverty as
analyzed above

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