A Special Birthday For Rosa

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Student Name _________________________

A Special Birthday for Rosa - Level Three - Date ________________________________

Narrative Prompt: This passage is called A Special Birthday
for Rosa. It is about Rosa's birthday.
Today was the day Rosa had eagerly been
waiting for, her birthday! She was very happy but
happy birthday. One by one, each person on the
she also felt sad. This would be the first birthday
tape asked Rosa to open the present they had sent.
that she would celebrate without all her family
Her father put the tape on pause while Rosa did
around her. The company that Rosa's father
this. Then they explained why they had chosen
worked for had given him a wonderful promotion.
that gift especially for Rosa. After all the presents
But this meant that Rosa, her parents, and her little
were unwrapped, her family sang some favorite
brother, José, had to move to another state. Rosa
songs and Rosa, her mother, father and José joined
liked her new home and friends. But, she really
in. Then, Rosa's grandfather spoke to her. "Rosa,
wanted to celebrate her birthday with her
this is a new story, one you have never heard
grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins all around
before. I am going to tell it to you as a special
her. They had sent presents but it wouldn't be the
birthday gift. It is about my first birthday in this
same if she couldn't thank them in person. They
country when I was very lonely for my friends and
wouldn't be there to watch her blow out all the
family. It is about how I met your grandmother."
candles. And what kind of a birthday would it be
When Grandfather was finished, he and
without listening to her grandparents' stories about
Grandmother blew Rosa a kiss and the tape was
growing up in Italy and Cuba? Also, four people
finished. Rosa felt wonderful. It was almost like
could never sing as loudly or joyfully as her whole
having her family in the room with her. Rosa
family could sing together! That night, Mama
hugged her parents and her little brother. "I didn't
made Rosa's favorite meal. Afterwards, there was
think I would get my wish but I did," she said.
a beautiful cake. Mother, Father, and José sang
That night, when Mama and Papa came to say
"Happy Birthday" while the eight candles glowed.
goodnight to Rosa, they found her in bed, already
Rosa made a wish, took a deep breath and blew out
asleep, with the videotape next to her. It had been
all the candles. "I know I won't get what I wished
the best birthday ever.
for," she said to herself, "but I'm going to wish for
(487 words)
it anyway." Then it was time for the presents.
Number of Total Miscues
Rosa's father gave her the first present. It was a (Total Accuracy): ____________________
videotape. "I think we should play it right now
before you open any more presents," her father Accuracy
said. He put the tape into the player. Suddenly, 0-9 miscue ____Independent
there on the television screen was the rest of Rosa's 10-48 miscues ____Instructional
family smiling and waving and wishing her a 49+ miscues ____Frustration

Division of Learning Services Fall 2007

Rate: 487 X 60/_____ seconds = ______ WPM

A Special Birthday for Rosa - Level Three - Narrative

1. The story took place on what day?

Explicit: Rosa's birthday.

2. At the beginning of the story what was Rosa's problem?

Implicit: she would not be celebrating her birthday with her whole family.

3. How old was Rosa on this birthday?

Implicit: eight.

4. What did Rosa wish for before she blew out the candles?
Implicit: that she would be able to spend her birthday with her whole family.

5. What was on the videotape?

Explicit: the rest of Rosa's family wishing her a happy birthday.

6. What special birthday gift did her grandfather give her?

Explicit: he told her a story about when he came to the United States and how he met her

7. How did the videotape help to solve Rosa's problem?

Implicit: it brought her family to her, it helped her miss her family less.

8. At the end of the story where was the videotape?

Explicit: in bed beside Rosa.

Number Correct Explicit: ______

Total Reading Number Correct Implicit: ______

Word Accuracy Comprehension Reading Level
Independent + Independent = Independent Total ______
Independent + Instructional = Instructional
Independent + Frustration = Frustration
____________ Independent: 8 correct
Instructional + Independent = Instructional
Instructional + Instructional = Instructional
Instructional + Frustration = Frustration ____________ Instructional: 6-7 correct
Frustration + Independent = Frustration
Frustration + Instructional = Frustration ____________ Frustration: 0-5 correct

Division of Learning Services Fall 2007

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