Achmann Et Al. 2004 - Microsatellite Diversity, Population Subdivision and Gene Flow in The Lipizzan Horse

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Microsatellite diversity, population subdivision and gene flow

in the Lipizzan horse
R. Achmann*, I. Curik†, P. Dovc‡, T. Kavar‡, I. Bodo§, F. Habe‡, E. Marti¶, J. Sölkner** and G. Brem*
*Ludwig Boltzmann-Institut für immuno-, zyto- and molekulargenetische Forschung, Veterinärplatz 1, A-1210 Wien, Austria. †Animal
Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Svetosimunska 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia. ‡Department of Animal
Science, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Groblje 3, SI-1230 Domzale, Slovenia. §Department of Animal Husbandry, University
of Veterinary Science Budapest, H-1078 Budapest, Istvan u.2, Hungary. ¶Division of Immunogenetics, Institute of Animal Breeding,
Bremgartenstrasse 109A, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland. **Department of Livestock Sciences, University of Agricultural Sciences Vienna,
Gregor Mendel Strasse 33, A-1180 Wien, Austria

Summary Blood samples of 561 Lipizzan horses from subpopulations (studs) of seven European
countries representing a large fraction of the breed’s population were used to examine the
genetic diversity, population subdivision and gene flow in the breed. DNA analysis based on
18 microsatellite loci revealed that genetic diversity (observed heterozygosity ¼ 0.663,
gene diversity ¼ 0.675 and the mean number of alleles ¼ 7.056) in the Lipizzan horse is
similar to other horse breeds as well as to other domestic animal species. The genetic
differentiation between Lipizzan horses from different studs, although moderate, was
apparent (pairwise FST coefficients ranged from 0.021 to 0.080). Complementary findings
explaining the genetic relationship among studs were revealed by genetic distance and
principal component analysis. One genetic cluster consisted of the subpopulations of Aus-
tria, Italy and Slovenia, which represent the classical pool of Lipizzan horse breeding.
A second cluster was formed by the Croatian, Hungarian and Slovakian subpopulations.
The Romanian subpopulation formed a separate unit. The largest genetic differentiation
was found between the Romanian and Italian subpopulation. Genetic results are consistent
with the known breeding history of the Lipizzan horse. Correct stud assignment was
obtained for 80.9% and 92.1% of Lipizzan horses depending on the inclusion or exclusion of
migrant horses, respectively. The results of the present study will be useful for the devel-
opment of breeding strategies, which consider classical horse breeding as well as recent
achievements of population and conservation genetics.
Keywords conservation genetics, gene flow, genetic structure, Lipizzan horse, microsat-
ellite diversity.

World War the breed has survived. The main breeding pur-
pose of the Ôold Lipica studÕ was to breed exclusive noble
The Lipizzan horse, established in 1580 in Lipica by the horses for show and parade at the Imperial Court in Vienna.
Habsburg Archduke Charles II, is one of the most famous Therefore, breeding of Lipizzan horses was restricted for
horse breeds in the world. The breed arose by crossing local nearly four centuries to a few studs preventing a strong
horses from the Slovenian Karst region with Andalusian and expansion of the breed. Since the middle of the 20th century
Neapolitanian horses. Later, Arab, Frederiksborg and Kla- Lipizzan horses have also been owned and bred privately.
drub horses were also used. Although it was threatened by Today the worldwide number of purebred horses ranges
the Wars of Napoleon as well as by the First and Second between 2000 and 3000 animals. The breeding goals for the
Lipizzan horse are mainly defined by a few state-owned stud
farms in Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Slovakia
Address for correspondence
and Slovenia that were once part of the Austro-Hungarian
GmbH, Falkenried 88, 20251 Hamburg, Germany Empire. The breeding objectives are not identical in all
E-mail: countries and are sometimes changing. For example,
Accepted for publication 1 May 2004 the main breeding goal for the Austrian Lipizzan horse is

Ó 2004 International Society for Animal Genetics, Animal Genetics, 35, 285–292 285
286 Achmann et al.

classical dressage, the Hungarian breeding goal is coach

DNA isolation and characterization of microsatellites
driving while the Italian Lipizzan horse is kept as a genetic
reserve (Zechner et al. 2002). The breeding books are closed Genotyping was performed for 561 Lipizzan and 47 Kladrub
and migration of horses between studs was impeded until horses and included 22 dinucleotide repeat microsatellite
recently by geographical and socio-political barriers. In a loci (AHT4, AHT5, AHT21, ASB2, HMS1, HMS2, HMS3,
population with such characteristics (closed population, HMS6, HMS7, HMS8, HTG4, HTG6, HTG7, HTG10,
small census number, presence of selection and limited LEX053, LEX054, MPZ002, NVHEQ18, UCDEQ405,
gene flow) the loss of genetic variation through inbreeding UCDEQ437, UCDEQ505 and VHL20) dispersed over 16
might lead to the extinction of the population (Amos & different chromosomes (Table 1). Blood samples were taken
Balmford 2001). Being among the oldest horse breeds in from the jugular vein with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
Europe and because of its historical connection to the Austro- (EDTA)-containing vacutainers (VacuetteÒ Greiner, Huber
Hungarian Empire, the Lipizzan horse is a living part of the u. Co., Reinach, Switzerland). The DNA was isolated from
European cultural heritage. Thus, in addition to biological whole blood using a Nucleon BACC3 DNA Extraction Kit
reasons (see Kavar et al. 1999), there are historical and (Amersham Biosciences, Vienna, Austria) following the
cultural needs for monitoring the conservation status of the manufacturer’s instruction. The DNA microsatellites were
Lipizzan horse. Within the past decade microsatellites have amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and fluores-
been proven to be a reliable and frequently used tool for cently labelled PCR products were separated on a capillary
the estimation of population parameters useful for conser- electrophoresis instrument (ABI PRISM 310 Genetic Ana-
vation management of wild and domestic animal populations lyzer; Applied Biosystems, Vienna, Austria) applying
(Beaumont & Bruford 1999; Canon et al. 2000; Maudet et al. standard loading and electrophoresis conditions (Wenz et al.
2002). 1998). Allele sizes were determined after processing of raw
The main objective of this study was to determine levels of data with software packages GENESCAN 2.0 and GENOTYPER 2.1
genetic variability within and between Lipizzan horse sub- (Applied Biosystems). Allele designations refer to the centre
populations (studs). Secondly, we estimated the degree of value (calculated as the weighted average) of similar sized
population subdivision and gene flow among Lipizzan alleles (within the range of 1 bp) rounded to the next
horses from different studs. Thirdly, we analysed and integer as suggested by the Ôadd categoryÕ submenu of
graphically illustrated molecular genetic relationships GENOTYPER software. Therefore, alleles did not necessarily
among subpopulations as well as among individual horses. differ in size by multiples of 2 bp, which would be expected if
Finally, we tested the potential of microsatellite genotypes the number of dinucleotide repeats is the variable factor.
for the assignment of individual horses with respect to their Supplementary information on primers and PCR conditions
stud of origin. are available on request.

Materials and methods Statistical analysis

Allele frequency, the number of alleles, observed hetero-
Population sampling
zygosity and gene diversity [heterozygosity expected from
A large fraction of the world Lipizzan breed population Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) assumptions] were
(20–28% of the living purebred horses) was sampled calculated across different loci and/or subpopulations using
from state owned studs from seven countries: Austria – the SAS package (SAS Institute 1999–2001). Tests for
Piber (153 horses including stallions from the Spanish deviations from HWE were performed across all loci and
Riding School in Vienna); Croatia – Ðakovo (50 horses); subpopulations by GENEPOP v.3.3 (March 2001) software
Hungary – Szilvesvarad (76 horses); Italy – Monterotondo package (Raymond & Rousset 1995; available at ftp://
(63 horses); Romania – Fagaras (118 horses including applying the exact test with
horses from the sister stud Beclean), Slovakia – TopolÔcianky default settings of the Markov Chain Monte Carlo meth-
(42 horses) and Slovenia – Lipica (59 horses). Horses from odology (Guo & Thompson 1992). Where appropriate,
each country were considered as subpopulations. Being a P-values were adjusted according to Hochberg’s step-up
part of the Lipizzan breeding history, a sample of 47 Kladrub Bonferroni method (Hochberg 1988) using the SAS package
horses (here considered as a single population) was taken as (SAS Institute 1999–2001). Genetic structuring of the
a reference population. We reassessed Lipizzan stud samples Lipizzan horse breed was analysed by Wright’s F statistics
with the help of pedigree records to account for recent gene (Wright 1951). Fixation coefficients (FST, FIS and FIT) were
flow due to the exchange of horses and due to crossbreeding calculated according to Weir & Cockerham (1984) using
between studs. Horses with one or both parents originating the GENETIX 4.04 (January 2003) software package (Belkhir
from a foreign stud were termed ÔmigrantÕ horses and were et al. 2002; available at
removed from the data set for some analyses. This adjusted genetix/genetix/intro.htm). The number of effective
data set consisted of 407 Lipizzan horses. migrants per generation (Nm) was based on FST estimates

Ó 2004 International Society for Animal Genetics, Animal Genetics, 35, 285–292
Lipizzan horse population subdivision 287

Table 1 Characteristics and summary statistics for the microsatellite loci analysed in the Lipizzan population (561 horses); number of successfully
typed horses (N), size range (bp), observed heterozygosity, gene diversity and chromosome location.

Number Observed Gene Chromosome

Locus N of alleles Size range heterozygosity diversity location

AHT4 559 7 144–159 0.716 0.732 24

AHT5 545 6 127–138 0.758 0.746 8
AHT21 559 7 195–211 0.481 0.511 1
ASB21 501 7 235–251 0.725 0.773 15
HMS1 561 5 174–184 0.538 0.527 15
HMS2 560 8 217–236 0.720 0.736 10
HMS31 557 7 149–169 0.591 0.778 9
HMS6 556 6 157–168 0.665 0.637 4
HMS7 557 7 171–186 0.732 0.753 1
HMS8 561 5 205–221 0.635 0.673 19
HTG4 502 6 127–137 0.647 0.660 9
HTG6 555 6 78–97 0.544 0.568 15
HTG7 558 3 118–126 0.643 0.645 4
HTG10 557 10 86–108 0.682 0.685 21
LEX053 537 5 122–132 0.730 0.715 23
LEX0541 554 7 164–182 0.509 0.576 18
MPZ0021 513 5 72–89 0.374 0.590 16
NVHEQ18 557 11 112–150 0.785 0.821 10
UCDEQ405 532 7 247–274 0.579 0.607 25
UCDEQ437 554 9 165–191 0.590 0.646 3
UCDEQ505 561 10 175–195 0.724 0.729 16
VHL20 558 9 86–105 0.765 0.764 30

Microsatellite loci that were excluded from analysis (see Materials and Methods).

(Weir & Cockerham 1984) and was calculated by the for- rod.html). DAS distances between subpopulations as well as
mula described in Wright (1969). The relationship between allele sharing between individuals were used for principal
inter-stud Nm estimates (Table 3) obtained from genetic component analyses (PCA). The PCA and related graphics
analysis (561 horses) and the proportion of migrating (bubble plot) were prepared with the SAS software (SAS
horses between pairs of studs (sum of emigrating and Institute 1999–2001). The contour plot was created using
immigrating horses divided by the total sample size for pairs algorithms written for the SAS/IML module (Friendly
of studs, Table 4) was analysed by linear regression analy- 1991).
sis. Assignment of individual horses to their most likely
Molecular genetic relationships among subpopulations subpopulation was performed by GENECLASS v.1.0.02
were derived using the allele sharing distance DAS (February 1999) software package (Cornuet et al.
(Chakraborty & Jin 1993). DAS is not based on an evolu- 1999; available at
tionary model and it has been shown to be appropriate for geneclass/geneclass.html). Among several methods (ÔDASÕ,
phylogenetic studies of closely related populations where ÔNei standardÕ, ÔNei minimumÕ, ÔNei DAÕ, ÔCavalli-SforzaÕ,
drift is the main force of differentiation (Goldstein & Pollock ÔGoldsteinÕ and ÔBayesianÕ) applied, the best assignment was
1997). Distance matrices were calculated using POPULATION obtained by the Bayesian method. Self-classification of indi-
v.1.2.28 software package (Olivier Langella; available at viduals in reference populations was applied using the Ôleave Phyloge- one outÕ procedure.
netic dendrograms were constructed from the DAS matrix
applying the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic
mean algorithm (UPGMA, Sneath & Sokal 1973). The
UPGMA algorithm was chosen because it is considered to be
Genetic diversity
superior to the Neighbor-Joining algorithm when sub-
sequent migrations between populations are present. After Hochberg’s step-up Bonferroni correction for multiple
Robustness of the dendrogram was tested by 1000 boot- comparisons (Hochberg 1988), a significant deviation from
strap samplings. The dendrogram was drawn with the HWE was observed for loci HMS3, LEX054 and MPZ002
TREEVIEW v.1.6.6. (2001) software package (Page 1996; (see Table 1). At locus HMS3 as well as at ASB2 a point
available at mutation in the primer-binding site is responsible for allele

Ó 2004 International Society for Animal Genetics, Animal Genetics, 35, 285–292
288 Achmann et al.

calling errors because of weak amplification of some alleles tions. The observed heterozygosity (0.635), gene diversity
(Achmann et al. 2001). As a consequence we found a sig- (0.607) and the mean number of alleles (4.722) were
nificant excess of homozygotes at HMS3. For ASB2 the lowest in Italy. The highest observed heterozygosity
deviation was not significant. Although we cannot prove (0.707) and gene diversity (0.675) was observed in
their existence it is likely that low- or non-amplifying alleles Hungary while the highest mean number of alleles
(null alleles) account for the observed homozygote excess at (6.222) was found in Austria. Significant negative FIS
LEX054 and MPZ002. To avoid potential bias on popula- coefficients were estimated for Austrian, Croatian, Hun-
tion genetic estimates, loci ASB2, HMS3, LEX054 and garian and Italian subpopulations suggesting an excess of
MPZ002 were not further considered. heterozygotes because of selective breeding that
The total number of alleles found for the 18 microsatellite avoids matings between closely related individuals
loci in the Lipizzan horse was 127. The mean number of (inbreeding).
alleles per locus was 7.06, with a range of 3–11. Observed
heterozygosity ranged from 0.481 for microsatellite AHT21
Genetic structure and gene flow
to 0.785 for microsatellite NVHEQ18. The same markers,
AHT21 and NVHEQ18, have the lowest (0.511) and the Population differentiation of Lipizzan subpopulations and
highest (0.821) gene diversity, respectively. More informa- the Kladrub population is presented by pairwise FST coeffi-
tion related to diversity and summary statistics across cients (see Table 3). For the current Lipizzan subpopulations
microsatellite loci is given in Table 1. the FST coefficients ranged from 0.021 (between Austria
Microsatellite diversity statistics across Lipizzan sub- and Slovenia) to 0.080 (between Italy and Romania).
populations are presented in Table 2. Diversity statistics Thus, from 2.1 to 8.0% of the microsatellite variability is
(observed heterozygosity, gene diversity and the mean explained by the subdivision of populations while the
number of alleles) were very similar for all subpopula- remaining variability is explained by the variation within

Table 2 Microsatellite diversity of the Lipizzan horse across subpopulations based on 18 loci; observed heterozygosity and gene diversity with SD in
parenthesis, the mean number of alleles (MNA), and heterozygote deficiency coefficient (FIS).

Sample N Observed heterozygosity Gene diversity MNA FIS (95% CI)1

Austria 153 0.656 (0.112) 0.636 (0.106) 6.222 )0.027 ()0.053 to )0.009)
Croatia 50 0.674 (0.120) 0.645 (0.094) 5.167 )0.035 ()0.083 to )0.003)
Hungary 76 0.707 (0.097) 0.675 (0.067) 5.778 )0.041 ()0.083 to )0.009)
Italy 63 0.635 (0.092) 0.607 (0.103) 4.722 )0.038 ()0.086 to )0.003)
Romania 118 0.671 (0.101) 0.665 (0.086) 5.611 )0.005 ()0.033 to 0.016)
Slovakia 42 0.657 (0.144) 0.632 (0.125) 5.278 )0.027 ()0.088 to 0.007)
Slovenia 59 0.645 (0.154) 0.631 (0.130) 5.222 )0.012 ()0.066 to 0.015)
Total 561 0.663 (0.088) 0.675 (0.084) 7.056

Wright’s heterozygote deficiency coefficient (FIS) is presented with empirical confidence interval (95%) obtained from 1000 bootstrap replicates.

Table 3 Population differentiation among Lipizzan subpopulations and Kladrub horse, based on 18 microsatellite loci, is presented by FST estimates1
as well as by the number of effective migrants per generation2 (Nm) that are in balance with genetic drift (in parenthesis). The estimates related to the
current origin of horses (561 Lipizzans, 47 Kladrub horses) are presented below diagonal, while estimates for the adjusted data set3 (407 Lipizzans, 47
Kladrub horses) are presented above diagonal.

(Sub)population Austria Croatia Hungary Italy Romania Slovakia Slovenia Kladrub

Austria 0.073 (3.16) 0.067 (3.37) 0.051 (4.65) 0.061 (3.83) 0.063 (3.69) 0.038 (6.24) 0.103 (2.17)
Croatia 0.049 (4.81) 0.058 (4.09) 0.091 (2.50) 0.068 (3.40) 0.066 (3.52) 0.069 (3.39) 0.110 (2.02)
Hungary 0.045 (5.27) 0.040 (6.04) 0.077 (3.00) 0.053 (4.46) 0.072 (3.21) 0.047 (5.03) 0.086 (2.64)
Italy 0.031 (7.71) 0.076 (3.05) 0.067 (3.46) 0.087 (2.63) 0.101 (2.22) 0.048 (4.95) 0.109 (2.03)
Romania 0.052 (4.59) 0.059 (3.94) 0.044 (5.40) 0.080 (2.89) 0.081 (2.84) 0.060 (3.94) 0.084 (2.72)
Slovakia 0.037 (6.50) 0.034 (7.05) 0.046 (5.16) 0.074 (3.11) 0.066 (3.55) 0.082 (2.79) 0.128 (1.70)
Slovenia 0.021 (11.69) 0.059 (3.98) 0.048 (5.01) 0.040 (6.03) 0.059 (4.01) 0.054 (4.38) 0.102 (2.20)
Kladrub 0.097 (2.34) 0.110 (2.03) 0.083 (2.77) 0.106 (2.11) 0.084 (2.74) 0.115 (1.91) 0.102 (2.20)

FST estimates were calculated as described by Weir & Cockerham (1984).
The number of effective migrants per generation (Nm) was estimated using the formula, Nm ¼ (1 ) FST)/4 FST, derived by Wright (1969).
See Materials and Methods.

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Lipizzan horse population subdivision 289

Table 4 Gene flow between Lipizzan subpopulations deduced from stud book records of 561 horses.

From/To Austria Croatia Hungary Italy Romania Slovakia Slovenia Emigrants (total)

Austria 0 4.0 4.0 6.0 4.5 12.0 30.5

Croatia 4.5 0.5 0 0 9.0 0.5 14.5
Hungary 7.0 3.0 0 1.0 0.5 0 11.5
Italy 8.0 0 0 0 0 0.5 8.5
Romania 0.5 0 1.0 0 0 0 1.5
Slovakia 3.0 0 3.0 0 0.5 0 6.5
Slovenia 11.0 3.0 0 0 0 0 14.0
Immigrants (total) 34.0 6.0 8.5 4.0 7.5 14.0 13.0 87.0

Gene flow is presented as number of migrant horses per generation from a subpopulation (rows) and to a subpopulation (columns). Horses for which
both parents originate from a foreign stud were counted as Ô1Õ. Horses for which only one parent originate from a foreign stud were counted as Ô0.5Õ.

subpopulations. As expected from the breeding history

pairwise FST values between Lipizzan subpopulations and
the Kladrub population were higher (ranging from 0.083 to

0.115). When migrant horses were excluded from the
analysis estimated pairwise FST values were to some extent
higher (ranging from 0.038 to 0.101 between Lipizzan –S
subpopulations and from 0.084 to 0.128 between Lipizzan
subpopulations and Kladrub horse). Gene flow between

subpopulations is shown by the estimates of the number of
migrants per generation (Nm, where N is the total effective
number of horses and m is the migration rate; see Table 3). –
The highest migration rate was estimated between Austria
and Slovenia (11.69) and the lowest migration rate between

Italy and Romania (2.86).
The regression analysis demonstrated that a large pro-
portion of the Nm variation is explained by the observed –
proportion of migrating horses between studs (R2 ¼ 0.713,
P < 0.0001; see Tables 3 and 4). –

Figure 1 Unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean algo-

Molecular genetic relationship among Lipizzan rithm (UPGMA) dendrogram of the molecular genetic relationship
subpopulations among Lipizzan subpopulations (561 horses) and a Kladrub population
(47 horses). The UPGMA dendrogram is based on allele sharing
The UPGMA dendrogram and the PCA-based bubble plot distance (DAS, Chakraborty & Jin 1993) derived from 18 microsatellite
further clarify the genetic relationships between subpop- loci. The number for each interior branch is the bootstrap value from
ulations (see Figs 1 and 2). The UPGMA dendrogram 1000 replications.
shows the relationship between subpopulations while
bootstrap values support the reliability of the dendrogram.
Low bootstrap values do not support well the clusters plot shows the genetic overlap between studs and illustrates
(interior branches) for Croatia, Hungary and Slovakia. In that, although genetic differences between Lipizzan horse
the bubble plot, the placements of populations corres- subpopulations are present, the degree of genetic similarity
ponds approximately with the geographic origin of studs. is high.
A total of 91.9% of the variance was accounted by first
three PCA variables.
Assignment of the Lipizzan and Kladrub horses
The results of the assignment tests are shown in Table 5.
Molecular genetic relationship among individual horses
Of 608 analysed Lipizzan and Kladrub horses 492 (80.9%)
The PCA performed on individual genotypes of Lipizzan and were assigned properly. The assignment precision for
Kladrub horses revealed additional information not dedu- Lipizzans ranged from 61.9 (Slovakia) to 95.8% (Romania)
cible from the phylogenetic dendrogram and the bubble properly assigned horses. The assignment precision was
plot. The molecular genetic relationship among individual influenced by migrant horses. Of 154 Lipizzan migrants,
horses is presented by the contour plot (Fig. 3). The contour having at least one parent originating from a foreign

Ó 2004 International Society for Animal Genetics, Animal Genetics, 35, 285–292
290 Achmann et al.

On a population level, the Lipizzan horse has maintained a
level of genetic (microsatellite) diversity comparable with
that of other horse breeds (see Wimmers et al. 1998; Canon
et al. 2000; Bjørnstad et al. 2000; Cunningham et al. 2001;
Vilà et al. 2001) as well as to that of other domestic animal
species (see Buchanan et al. 1994; MacHugh et al. 1998;
Saitbekova et al. 1999; Fan et al. 2002). The differences
among the subpopulations are only minor and subpopula-
tions show no obvious signs of genetic impoverishment. The
results from microsatellite analyses are concordant with
those obtained from mtDNA analysis (Kavar et al. 1999),
Figure 2 Bubble-plot of the molecular genetic relationship among
genetic analysis of the equine MHC gene region (Eder et al.
Lipizzan subpopulations (561 horses) and a Kladrub population (47
horses). The bubble-plot is based on the allele sharing distance (DAS,
2001; Curik et al. 2003a) and pedigree analysis (Zechner
Chakraborty & Jin 1993) derived from 18 microsatellite loci and is et al. 2002).
presented by the first three components from a principal component The genetic differentiation between Lipizzan subpopula-
analysis (PCA, the third component is proportional to the diameter of tions, although moderate, is apparent. A cluster is obvious,
the bubble). The first component explains 66.4%, the second 16.8%
which consists of the subpopulations of Austria, Italy and
and the third 8.7% of the total variation. Lipizzan horse: 1, Italy; 2,
Slovenia; 3, Austria; 4, Slovakia; 5, Croatia; 6, Hungary; 7, Romania;
Slovenia. These studs represent the classical pool of Lipiz-
8, Kladrub horse. zan horse breeding. Historically these studs arose by
splitting the Lipica population after the First and Second
World War. Moreover, all three subpopulations focus on
breeding the classical Lipizzan lines, whereas in other
subpopulations additional mare lines are much more fre-
quently used for breeding. Another cluster is formed by the
Croatian, Hungarian and Slovakian subpopulations. While
Croatian and Hungarian subpopulations are genetically
more similar and form a separate cluster, the Slovakian
subpopulation is positioned closer to the classical Lipizzan
subpopulations. The origin of the Croatian and Hungarian
subpopulations goes back to the Wars of Napoleon, they
have similar breeding goals and they are geographically
closely located. Therefore, their higher genetic relationship
is not surprising. The Slovakian subpopulation was formed
after the First World War from the horses from Lipica.
Later, because of the breeding goal, geographical and
Figure 3 Contour plot with 75% confidence region of the molecular socio-political barriers, the Slovakian subpopulation
genetic relationship among individual horses (561 Lipizzan and exchanged relatively more horses with Croatia, Hungary
47 Kladrub horses, respectively). The contour plot is based on the allele and Austria than with other subpopulations. The Roma-
sharing distance (DAS, Chakraborty & Jin 1993) derived from nian subpopulation forms a separate unit with the largest
18 microsatellite loci and is presented by the first two components from
differentiation from the Italian subpopulation. Among
a principal component analysis (PCA). The first component explains
25.9% and the second 6.9% of the total variation. Lipizzan horse: other subpopulations, the Romanian population is histor-
1, Italy; 2, Slovenia; 3, Austria; 4, Slovakia; 5, Croatia; 6, Hungary; ically and geographically closest to the Hungarian sub-
7, Romania; 8, Kladrub horse. population. Although there is a close historical
relationship, there was a clear genetic differentiation
between the Kladrub and the Lipizzan horse breed.
subpopulation, 74 (48.2%) horses were not assigned The data available allowed comparisons between gene
properly. When assignment testing was carried out with flow estimates obtained from microsatellites and pedigree
the adjusted data set of 454 horses (407 Lipizzans and records. In all analyses, conclusions drawn from microsat-
47 Kladrub horses) the assignment precision improved ellite data were substantiated by information from pedi-
substantially and 418 (92.1%) horses were assigned cor- grees. First, the comparison between FST values estimated
rectly (Table 5). Neither a Kladrub horse was misclassified from the complete data set vs. without migrant horses
(see Table 5) as Lipizzan or a Lipizzan horse misclassified (higher FST values for the complete data set; see Table 3)
as a Kladrub horse. indicates that exchange of horses between studs is an

Ó 2004 International Society for Animal Genetics, Animal Genetics, 35, 285–292
Lipizzan horse population subdivision 291

Table 5 Population assignment1 (%) between seven Lipizzan subpopulations (561 horses) and a Kladrub population (47 horses) by means of 18
microsatellite loci.

Subpopulation Austria Croatia Hungary Italy Romania Slovakia Slovenia Kladrub Percentage of errors

Austria 69.3 (89.3) – 5.8 (1.9) 4.6 (1.0) 3.3 (1.9) 5.2 (1.0) 11.8 (4.9) – 30.7 (10.7)
Croatia 2.0 (–) 86.0 (95.2) 4.0 (–) – 2.0 (4.8) – 6.0 (–) – 14.0 (4.8)
Hungary 8.0 (–) 2.6 (3.7) 85.5 (92.6) – (1.9) – 1.3 (–) 2.6 (1.9) – 14.5 (7.4)
Italy 9.5 (2.0) – – 87.3 (94.1) – – 3.2 (3.9) – 12.7 (5.9)
Romania – (0.9) 1.7 (0.9) 1.7 (–) 0.9 (–) 95.8 (98.3) – – – 4.2 (1.7)
Slovakia 19.5 (6.4) 4.8 (–) 14.3 (6.4) – – 61.9 (83.9) – (3.2) – 38.1 (16.1)
Slovenia 20.3 (9.4) 1.7 (3.1) 3.4 (6.4) 6.8 (9.4) – 5.1 (3.1) 62.7 (68.8) – 37.3 (31.2)
Kladrub – – – – – – – 100.0 (100.0) 0.0 (0.0)

Values in parenthesis refer to the adjusted Lipizzan horse data set (407 horses, see Materials and Methods). Dashes (–) indicate none assignment.
The Bayesian method and the Ôleave one outÕ procedure was applied for self-classification.

important force counteracting the genetic differentiation of an earlier version of the manuscript. Data analysed in this
Lipizzan horse subpopulations. Secondly, a high percentage study are part of the joint research project ÔBiotechnical
(71.3%) of the variability among pairwise FST values is methods in the maintenance of the genetic diversity in the
explained by actual migrations (positive linear regression of Lipizzan horse breedÕ (EC-INCO-Copernicus project No.
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Authors are particularly grateful to the Austrian Federal 875–95.
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New methods employing multilocus genotypes to select or
and to the Spanish riding school in Vienna for their support.
exclude populations as origins of individuals. Genetics 153,
Authors greatly acknowledge the hospitality and the sup-
port of the stud directors and their staff. Finally, authors are Cunningham E.P., Dooley J.J., Splan R.K. & Bradley D.G. (2001)
grateful to Marion Deutschmann for help with DNA Microsatellite diversity, pedigree relatedness and the contribu-
extraction, to Dragan Tupajić for the graphical design of the tions of founder lineages to thoroughbred horses. Animal Genetics
figures and to three anonymous reviewers for comments on 32, 360–4.

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