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Name & ID:___Sumaira Khan_______ Date: ___22/08/23____

EE-424L Data Communication and Networking Lab

Fall 2023
Habib University
Dhanani School of Science & Engineering

LAB 1 Understanding of basic networking commands

After the lab student should be able to trouble shoot the basic networking
Objectives connectivity issue using Command

Lab #1 Marks distribution:

LR4=35 LR5=40 LR9=5 AR4=20

20 10
Task 1
Task 2 15 20 5 20
In-Lab Tasks
Task 3 10

Total Marks 100

Lab #1 Marks Obtained:

LR4=35 LR5=40 LR9=5 AR4=20
Task 1
Task 2
In-Lab Tasks
Task 3

Total Marks

In Lab Tasks
Task 1

Checking your computer network connections settings.

When you set up or troubleshoot a network connection in a Windows PC, you have to access
Network Connection screen to view and manage all your wired / wireless adapters. This exercise
focuses on quickest way to open Network Connections in Windows PC, and discuss some of the
feature of network connection setting

1. In the search box on the taskbar, type ncpa.cpl, and then hit Enter and it will instantly open
Network Connection screen.

2. Observe how many connections are available. What are their different type, and why some
have cross on them? Write down connections available and status in box below:

There are five connections available. Bluetooth (not connected) , WiFi (not connected), Ethernet
(connected), VMware Network Adapter VMnet1 and VMnet8

3. Double click on one of the enabled Connection. Note that the connection has two type of
connectivity. IPV4 and IPV6. What are there status and what does they stand for?
IPv4 (version 4) has internet
access while IPv6 (version 6)
has no internet access.

4. Click on details button and fill the following parameters in table for wired &
wireless connection.
Description Wired Wireless
Physical Address 74-E6-E2-DA-44-A7 10-4A-7D-73-D6-E2

DHCP Enabled Yes Yes

IPV4 Address

IPV4 Subnet Mask

IPV4 Default

IPV4 DHCP Server

IPV4 DNS Server,,

Table 1

5. Click on properties of network connection window and double click, internet

protocol 4. Observe and note down, how does your PC is allocated IP (Automatic
or manually). What are pros and cons of of allocating IP manually & automatically?
Mention at least 2 Pros & 2 Cons.
Our PCs are allocated IP addresses automatically (DHCP: enabled)

When IP address are allocated automatically, they change periodically

and are thus harder to trace and attack by hackers or spies. W also
don’t need to worry about configuring our devices or updating our
settings as the server does it automatically. However, they can be
unpredictable and unreliable. We may experience interruptions or
delays in our network connection. It also limits our ability to access
devices remotely.

When IP addresses are allocated manually, they are easier to manage

and troubleshoot. We can also access devices remotely and do not have
to worry about conflicts or errors caused by changing IP addresses.
However, they are less secure and more vulnerable to hacking and
spoofing. They are easier to track and target by hackers. We also need
to protect our devices with firewall and encryption to prevent
unauthorized access.

Command Prompt Network configuration information.

1. Use the Start menu to open the Command Prompt or write cmd in start menu.

2. Type ipconfig in command prompt window. Observe if the command is case sensitive or not?
_Its not__

3. How many local connection cans you observe. How many of these connection are
disconnected and connected . Attach a screen short.

I can observe 4 local connections and two are disconnected (Wireless LAN
adapter Local Area Connection* 1 and Wireless LAN adapter Local Area
Connection* 2). While two are connected (Ethernet adapter Ethernet and
Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi. (There is also Bluetooth but that is
disconnected at the moment.
4. For your connected media, Record the following internet connectivity information:

1. Connection Type: ___Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi____

IP address: ______10.20.7.10 (IPv4)____________

Subnet Mask: _______255.255.248.0__________

Default Gateway: _______10.20.0.20________

5. Are the values same, as the values obtained in task 1. _Yes (when we compare it to the
wireless network)___

Task 2

Basic Networking Commands:

1. Ping

The ping is a network command used to test the ability of the source computer to reach
a specified destination computer. It is a simple way to verify that a computer can
communicate with another computer or network device.
The ping command operates by sending Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
Echo Request messages to the destination computer and waiting for a response. The
receipt of corresponding Echo Reply messages are displayed, along with round-trip

The syntax of ping command is as follow

1. Ping ip address (you can mention domain name for e.g. instead of
IP address)
Ping and note down how many packets are sent & received?

4 packets are sent and received

*Attach screenshot

2. Type the IP address of Google in your browser. What is the response

It takes us to .

3. ping -n count to (where count is the number of packets you want to
send). This option sets the number of ICMP Echo Requests to send, from 1 to
4294967295. Attach screenshot ping

Ping the class fellow sitting next to you & send 2 ICMP packets. Attach screen shot

4. Ping –l (Use this option to set the size, in bytes, of the echo request packet from 32
to 65,527) * Attach screen shot
 Ping the IP address of default gateway by sending 128 byte echo packets.
Check this to RA.

1. Write down the response of the following:

 Ping the IP address of the local host (your system or PC) and record your
observation (how many packets are sent/received and what other parameters
telling us?

When we ping our own system it shows that 4 packets were sent and received.
And the ping average is almost 0ms which makes sense because when we ping
ourselves it just goes through the network card.
2. Use ping command to find the IP address of Habib University website and note down
it in space below. Also, discuss the response why are you getting this response?

The request keeps getting timed out. Some websites do not accept pings as to not
overload their servers.

2. Tracert
The Tracert diagnostic utility determines the route taken to a destination by sending Internet
Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo packets with varying IP Time-to-Live (TTL) values to
the destination. Each router along the path is required to decrement the TTL on a packet by
at least 1 before forwarding it. When the TTL on a packet reaches 0, the router should send
an "ICMP Time Exceeded" message back to the source computer.

3. Trace the route to Yahoo and Habib Site and write down your observations in box
below: Attach the screen shot
What does it means “over a maximum of 30 hops ” in your result? . why it is important to set TTL. Can
you changed the number of hops
It means that there are more than 30 hops (30 devices) in between our device and our destination.
We can indeed change the number of hops by using “tracert /h number website”. It is important to
set TTL so that if there are a lot of hops our device doesn’t overload or crash.

Observe your above result of tracert. Can you explain what different columns and their numbers are
The first column shows what number of hop it is. The second, third, and fourth column correspond to
the first, second and third packet of information sent and their pings. The fifth column shows the IP
address or the website address of the hop.
What is the difference between ping and tracert.
Ping is an easy way to tell if a specified server is reachable or not and how much time it takes for the
data (or packets) to get there and back. On the other hand tracert finds the exact route taken to reach
the server and time taken by each hop to do so.

Task 3 – Network Troubleshooting

Habib University has purchased server storage space from a company in USA named Haltech INc, in
order to store student grades. However, for two days, the Habib University IT team has been emailing
Haltech INc that their server is responding very slowly, and the university is facing in storing and
retrieving data. On the other end, Haltech Inc refuses to accept that there is any issue with their server.
Being a network engineer and using the above commands, can you help tp find the bottle neck.

Ans: We can simply use the tracert command to find where the bottleneck is. When we use the tracert
command we can find the exact route taken to reach the server and time taken by each hop to do so.
When we get that data, we can observe which hop(s) takes a lot of time and focus on fixing the issue
from there on.

For example,

If we were an network engineer we would observe which hop(s) had the highest pings, in this case the
12th hop has the highest ping, and would say that this is where the bottleneck is happening.
Lab Evaluation Assessment Rubric
EE-424 Lab 1
# Assessment Elements Level 1: Level 2: Developing Level 3: Good Level 4: Exemplary
Unsatisfactory Points 2 Points 3 Points 4
Points 0-1

LR2 Program/Code/ Program/code/ Program/code/ Program/code/ Program/code/

Simulation Model/ simulation simulation simulation simulation /network
Network Model model/network model/network model/network model is efficiently
model does not model has some model gives correct implemented and
implement the errors and does not output but not gives correct output.
required functionality produce completely efficiently Student has full
and has several accurate results. implemented or command on the
errors. The student is Student has limited implemented by basic tools of the
not able to utilize command on the computationally software.
even the basic tools basic tools of the complex routine.
of the software. software.

LR4 Data Collection Measurements are Measurements are Measurements are Measurements are
incomplete, somewhat inaccurate mostly accurate. both accurate and
inaccurate and and imprecise. Observations are precise. Data
imprecise. Observations are generally complete. collection is
Observations are incomplete or vague. Minor errors are systematic.
incomplete or not Major errors are there present in using Observations are very
included. Symbols, in using symbols, units symbols, units and thorough and include
units and significant and significant digits. significant digits. appropriate symbols,
figures are not units and significant
included. digits and task
completed in due

LR5 Results & Plots Figures/ graphs / Figures, graphs and All figures, graphs, Figures / graphs /
tables are not tables are drawn but tables are correctly tables are correctly
developed or are contain errors. Titles, drawn but contain drawn and
poorly constructed captions, units are minor errors or some appropriate
with erroneous not accurate. Data of the details are titles/captions and
results. Titles, presentation is not missing. proper units are
captions, units are too clear. mentioned. Data
not mentioned. Data presentation is
is presented in an systematic.
obscure manner.

LR9 Report All the in-lab tasks are Most of the tasks are Good summary of Detailed summary of
not included in included in report but most of the in-lab the in-lab tasks is
report. are not well tasks is included in provided. All tasks are
explained. All the report. The work is included and
necessary figures / supported by figures explained well. Data
plots are not and plots with is presented clearly
included. explanations. including all the
necessary figures,
plots and tables.
Marked attendance Present but very late *Present but late (15- Present and entered
and did not attend (31-60 minutes) or 30 minutes), or left the lab on time and
AR2 *1Attendance the lab or left very left early (31-60 early (30 minutes) left on time.
early. minutes) without without completing
completing the tasks. the tasks.

Late submission after Late submission after Late submission after Timely submission of
1 week and in 2 days and within a the lab timing and the report and in the
AR4 *Report Submission
between 2 weeks. week. within 2 days of the lab time.
due date.

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