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Name _______________________ Date_______________________ #___

Comprehension Test

Part 1: Multiple Choice

Circle the letter next to the answer choice that best answers each question.

1) What kind of story is this?

(a) realistic fiction

(b) fantasy
(c) nonfiction
(d) folktale

2. In the story, who took place in a barbecue cook-off?

(a) men
(b) dogs
(c) women
(d) mice

3. What is the first sign that something unusual is about to happen in Mousopolis?

(a) Dogzilla comes out of the crater

(b) The sky fills with smoke and lightning
(c) A strange and mysterious sound is heard
(d) The wind carries the barbecue smells across the city

4. Where did Dogzilla come from?

(a) a pet store

(b) the barbecue cook-off
(c) a volcano
(d) none of the above

5. Which of the following is NOT something Dogzilla did while in Mousopolis?

(a) chased cars off the freeway

(b) chewed his owner’s slippers
(c) dug up bones
(d) chewed furniture

6. Why did the mice choose to give Dogzilla a bath?

(a) he smelled bad

(b) he asked to be given a bath
(c) he was full of mud
(d) to scare him away

7. Why does the professor think that teaching Dogzilla how to do something positive for the
community will not solve the mice’s problem?

(a) she thinks Dogzilla is too old to learn something new

(b) she thinks Dogzilla will only brag about what she did
(c) she thinks Dogzilla is too dirty
(d) she thinks Dogzilla does not speak their language

8. Which word best describes the Big Cheese?

(a) frightened
(b) shy
(c) terrifying
(d) brave

9. Which word(s) best describes Dogzilla?

(a) monstrous
(b) terrifying
(c) friendly
(d) both a and b

10. What powerful weapon does Dogzilla use against the Big Cheese?

(a) big teeth

(b) volcanic lava
(c) doggy breath
(d) lightning bolts
11. What happens to Mousopolis because of Dogzilla’s arrival?

(a) All the mice leave the city

(b) The mice in the city hold a barbecue
(c) The city is almost destroyed
(d) The dog’s breath makes people sick

Part 2: True or False?

Read each statement. Write TRUE if the statement is true; write FALSE if the statement if false.
If the statement is false, rewrite it to make it true.

12. The people in Mousopolis took part in a Cook-Off. _____________


13. Dogzilla climed out of a cage. ____________


14. The mice decided the only way to defeat Dogzilla was to think like a dog. ____


15. The story takes place in the summer. _________


16. Professor O’Hairy suggested they teach Dogzilla to do something positive for the
community. ___________


Part 3: Read, Think and Explain

Use details from the story and complete sentences to answer each question.

17. What causes Dogzilla to go back into the volcano? Use details and information from the
story in your answer. (2 points) ______________________________





18. How are the Big Cheese and Professor Scarlett O’Hairy ALIKE? Use details from the story
to explain your answer. (4 points) ____________________________








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