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System play

Narrator Sun Mercury Venus Earth

Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Moon

Narrator: There are 8 planets.

Sun: I am a star and bring light to the planets.

Mercury: I am Mercury, the closest planet to the sun. I burn extremely hot!

Venus: I am Venus the second closest planet to the sun. I am sizzling hot!

Sun, Mercury, and Venus: We are part of the solar system

Earth: I am Earth, the third planet from the sun. I have living things on my
planet. Air, Land, Water make up my planet.

Moon: Earth has one moon. I travel around Earth.

Mars: I am Mars. I’m called the red planet. Earth is my closest neighbor.

Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon, and Mars: We are part of the solar

Narrator: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars make up the inner solar

Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars: We are the inner planets

Jupiter: I am Jupiter, the largest planet. It takes me 12 earth years to
orbit the sun.

Saturn: I am Saturn. I am known for my rings. I have seven known rings.

Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn: We are
part of the solar system

Uranus: I am Uranus. My day is 17 hours long not 24 hours like Earth.

Neptune: I am Neptune. I am the furthest from the sun. I am very cold.

Narrator: These are the outer planets of the solar system.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune: We are the outer planets.

Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and
We are part of the solar system

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