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Globalization refers to a set of processes that increase and make the parts of the world
interdependently integrated. It is a historical process, the result of human innovation and
technological progress. It refers to increasing integration of economies around the world,
particularly through trade and financial flows. Many people view globalization in different
ways. Some view it as a process that is beneficial a key to future world economic
development and also inevitable and irreversible.

Some view it with hostility, even fear, believing that it increases inequality within and
between nations, threatens employment and living standards. Globalization offers extensive
opportunities for truly worldwide development but it is not progressing evenly. Some
countries are becoming integrated into the global economy more quickly than others.
Globalization can be looked at from five different aspects; economically, technologically,
politically, culturally and environmentally.

Economically, globalization has been greatly encouraged since the Second World
War, with the introduction of free trade agreements additionally; regional trade agreements
have also been developed. On the other hand, technologically, the Information technology
revolution has resulted in massive improvements in communication, through faxes, email, and
the internet. These improvements have resulted in the world becoming a smaller place as
world-wide interaction is both quick and easy.

Some view globalization as being inevitable and key to our economic future. It has the
potential of making societies richer through trade, and creates knowledge and understanding
to people around the world. On the other side, people believe it increases inequality within
and between nations. I believe that globalization will only advance our world and make us
more unified.

To sum up, globalization effects just about everything and everyone. Nowadays,
globalization has impacted technology and helped our community become more modern with
internet practice and communications. An increase in foreign residents has become the norm
in our local area, and local businesses have begin to outsource jobs to remain competitive.



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