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GROUP NAME: ________________________________________

Digital Scrap Book Presentation Rubric

Criteria BEST (5) BETTER (4) GOOD (2)

Make all correct generalization Make some correct Make not correct
about the eating habits of generalization about the generalization about the eating
herbivore, carnivore and eating habits of herbivore, habits of herbivore, carnivore
Content omnivore. carnivore and omnivore. and omnivore.
Knowledge Not more than 2 wrong on
eating habits of herbivore,
carnivore and omnivore.
Highly fluent in explaining with Quite fluent in explaining with Less fluent in explaining with
all examples of animals with its some examples of animals one examples of animals with
Oral eating habits. with its eating habits its eating habits
Slid presentation with all colorful Slid presentation with some Slid presentation with all
animals’ pictures, videos of colorful animals’ pictures. . animals’ pictures, videos of
animal eating its food for each animal eating its food for each
animal eating habit. animal eating habit.
(Model) Excellent impact on the use of
color combination, interesting
Moderately impact on the use
of color combination, less
Less impact on the use of
color combination, less
visual effect, not boring to interesting visual effect, interesting visual effect, very
watch. boring to watch. boring to watch.

Teacher’s name: …………………………………………

Signature : ……………………………………………
Grade: _________________/20 points =

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