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Erik Caballero

ENGL 1301

Dr. Sharity Nelson

25 October 19, 2023

Oppenheimer Poster

The movie Oppenheimer that came out on July 21, 2023, is about World War 2. And its

about Robert Oppenheimer a physicist was to work on the Manhattan Project and him and a team

of scientist all come together and create the world’s first atomic bomb on July 16,1945. And the

poster from the movie has to do with all these things coming together in one image for the

audience to see and enjoy this historical masterpiece that came out to be way more popular than

anyone expected.

The poster for Oppenheimer had a man in an older designed looking suit with a grey

blackish coat and a white shirt with a long tie going all the way down to his plant line and it

looks like the tie is going off a little bit to his right side which could possibly mean that there was

some type of wind or force blowing it that way and that style means this was about history since

the suit doesn’t look modern at all. Along with the suit he had on he also had on a mid-size top

hate and had a shocked looked on his face which could mean his amazed or scared. He also looks

like he’s an older man considering the wrinkles on his face and bags under his eyeballs could

represent that he stayed up long nights working on something. He also seems to have a belt

buckle that looks like a skull with bones which normally represents some type of death or maybe

a group or gang of people that like to wear that as their symbol for that certain group. He also

seems to have greyish pants to match his coat and his hat, so they’ll all be the same color. He has
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in his pockets which shows that he’s a more serious kind of guy or maybe that he’s thinking of

something or is hiding something in his pockets, or he’s nervous and that’s how he deals with his


While the man is in the foreground of the poster right behind the title and the date this

movie was released and the producer of it as well along with other information. There seems to

be a big metal looking ball considering the reflection from the light. The big metal balls also had

a lot of bumps on it and that might be where the bomb connects and or maybe were they welded

it to contain everything that’s on the inside from coming out without causing any problems with

moving it or having any accidents with everything inside coming out and spilling all over the

floor or something. Theres also like hinge on top of the big metal ball where you can see that

were the bombs closes and open and there’s also a large hole in the hinge maybe showing that

they can hook it on there to transport it and move it from place to place without having to pick it

up from the bottom and risk an accident. More obviously when looking at the metal ball you can

also see many different shapes and lengths of wires coming in and out and all around the big

metal bar, the wires seem to be connected to each other going all around the ball and connected

with some type of metal opening where the wire goes in. And there seems to be different types of

things connected to the metal bomb like a pyramid type of shape on the bottom right side of the

metal ball maybe containing extra substances of some type to fuel the ball so it can do its job.

The man in the foreground doesn’t seem that interested in the gigantic metal ball behind him, and

he seems to care more about what’s right in front of him that he’s staring so deeply into.

All around the metal ball and the man in the foreground and around everything else there

seems to be some type of flames or sparks that came from a fire engulfing all the man and the big

ball and the title and director which can more than likely mean that the big metal ball is some
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type of bomb that is about to go off or that it is going off and its surrounding everything in

flames. And there seems to be a brighter than average spark on top of the bomb where there is a

bigger and thicker than average wire connecting too which mean that is where the bomb could be

detonated from or that’s where the fire for the detonated starts before it engulfs everything

around it and leaving nothing or no one behind. And there also seems to be pieces of the bomb

on the bottom right corner of the poster and all around the bottom of the poster that can either

mean that’s the rest of the bomb or that’s pieces that didn’t go into the final bomb prototype or its

left-over pieces from the bomb after the finished making it and just didn’t need those parts.

This poster was meant for an older type of audience that’s interested in history or anyone

that may like a action movies so they can enjoy how a very old bomb was made and learn more

history about it. Or anyone that may really like Chrsitopher Nolans work or anyone who may

love the actors that plays the main role in it. Other then that it seems like everybody liked the

movie and really enjoyed it considering how big it got and also they liked the way it was filmed

since it different than average directors and filmers.

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Oppenheimer July 21 2023

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