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Communicative Styles
Intimate Passionate Shepherd To His Love
- use informal language Persona - Shepherd
- emotional closeness - a persistent lover who would
- close friends, family members, do anything for his love
romantic partners Subject
Consultative - implied that this person is hard
- balance between formality and to please
- involves sharing info and Repetition: “Live with me and be
opinions in a respectful my love”
- business meetings, Nymph’s Reply To The Passionate
consultations, or when seeking Shepherd
advice Response poem
Casual - directly answers back to “The
- informal, relaxed, includes Passionate Shepherd To His
everyday language, humor Love”
- social gatherings, informal Persona - Nymph
team discussions - Associated with greek
Frozen mythology: protectors of
- fixed, unchanging language nature
- national anthems, religious Theme: nymph rejects the
texts, and legal oaths shepherd’s vision of an eternal,
Formal idyllic love in a pastoral setting
- professionalism
- emphasizes respect and Elements of a Play
seriousness Characters
- academic contexts, legal - The Individuals who drive the
documents plot forward through their
Soliloquy (SO-LI-LO-KWEE) actions, dialogues and
- speaks the inner thoughts of interactions
him/her aloud

Curtain Call
Dialogues - at the end of the performance,
- They include details on usually a play or a musical
movement gestures, blocking, House
and other elements that - refers to the seating area of
contribute to the overall the audience
presentation of the play. Stage Direction
Plot - instructions in the script that
- The Storyline or sequence A guide actors and production
events that unfold throughout staff on how to perform and
the play. stage the play
- The Central idea, message, or Adverbs
concept explored in the play,
which may touch on various
topics such as love, power,
justice, etc.
- used to organize and structure
the narrative, providing a
framework for the unfolding of
the plot.
- refers to a painted or digitally
projected background that
sets the visual tone for a
- includes both major and minor

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