Mohammed Ali Alfarsi Project

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University of Technology and Applied Sciences -Al

English Language Center

Project & Presentation Course

What Are the Challenges

of Shopping for Clothes

Name: Mohammed Ali Alfarsi

Asya Tonoyan
Data :28/ 11/2023

Table of Contents

Content Number

Introduction 3

Methods 4

Findings 5-13

Conclusion 14

Recommendations 14

References 15

Appendix A: 16-17
A Blank Copy for the Questionnaire
Copies of Answered Questionnaire

Appendix B: Tally Sheet of Results 18

Appendix C: Action Plan 19-20

Appendix D: Declaration Form 21


Online shopping is the activity or action of buying products or services over the
Internet. It means going online, landing on a seller’s website, selecting something, and
arranging for its delivery. The buyer either pays for the good or service online with a
.credit or debit card or upon delivery

There is an art and science to shopping for clothes online. This ultimate guide will
show you how to make smart purchases you won’t regret. First , Get Your
Measurements Right. Then , Read The Item description. Next, Check Delivery Cost
And Time. Finally, Check Reviews. by( Barsha Bhattacharya , 2023)
There are many problems faced by ecommerce such as, Fierce competition that men
brands are entering the fashion industry, it’s becoming harder to make a name for
yourself. The solution for that is Use Facebook, Google and Instagram for shopping
ads. Also , Changing attitudes towards fashion that men significant change in the
fashion world is the change in customers' attitudes toward sustainability. The solution
for that is Focus on reducing carbon emissions and environmental impact. (Versha
Kamwal, 2022)
Now days all the world del with online shops but most of people and eCommerce
Shoppers faced many of drawback like, Payment Choices Are Getting Narrower, The
Reliability of Unreliable Suppliers and SME Stores Are Struggling To Scale. ( Grit
Global,20 23). We have example from Jorden . Online shopping, low purchasing
power among top challenges of clothing sector stakeholders in Aman . One of the
.most important areas of the Jordanian economy is thought to be the clothing industry
Sultan Allan, president of the Textile, Readymade Clothes and Footwear Syndicate,
told The Jordan Times that traditional retailers have been severely impacted by the e-
commerce boom this year, which has resulted in numerous store closures and large
layoffs. According to Allan, the industry presently employs about 70,000 people and
consists of thousands of shops, stores, and boutiques.People's purchasing power has

decreased dramatically from the previous year, according to Asad Qawasmi, a
representative of the Jordan Chamber of Commerce's (JCC) apparel, footwear, and
jewelry sector. (Maria Weldali, 2022)


The research participants were 30 learners from the university of Technology and
Applied Sciences Al Musanna (UTASA). Both females and males participated in the
survey . This group was chosen as they were easy to reach . The knowledge for this
.report was collected from various sources: the library, online search , and a survey

The on-line search was successful because many of web pages on the topic were
possible. These included articles and e-books. All the information collected was
.summarized and used for writing the introduction of the report

As for the survey , a questionnaire was presented using MS Forms and distributed to
the respondents. The survey consisted of 10 questions based on the topic of the
research. It contained four Yes/No questions, four Multiple-Choice questions and two
Open-Ended questions. Respondents were asked to fill in the questionnaire during
their free time. There were no problems with the survey items, as the respondents
.understood the questions

After that, the results of the questionnaire were rallied using the tally sheet ,put into a
table and converted to percentages. The data was then analyzed and represented in the
.from of dar-graphs and pie charts

Findings and Analysis

Part1: Yea/No Questions

?Do you face problems when ordering clothes online )1

Yes No
66% 34%

The vast majority (66%) of people surveyed, said they face problems when ordering
clothes online. few respondents (34%) answered that they do not faced any problems

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seY oN

?Q2: Are the prices of online products fixed
Yes No
57% 43%
A significant portion (57%) of the surveyed individuals reported utilizing the prices of
online products fixed Conversely, a minority (43%) of respondents indicated that the
prices of online products don’t fixed

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seY oN

Q3:Do you have issues with the quality of the materials of clothes that you order
Yes No
54% 46%
The vast majority (54%) of people surveyed, said have issues with the quality of the
materials of clothes that you order online. few respondents (46%) answered that they
.do not have issues with the quality of the materials of clothes that you order online

fo yitlauq eht hitw seussi evah

.enilno redro uoy taht sehtolc







seY oN

?Q4: Do you think online stores make more money than traditional shops now
Yes No
69% 31%
Many of the respondents (69%) said that they think online stores make more money
than traditional shops now while (31%) of the respondents don’t think online stores
.make more money than traditional shops now

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seY oN

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Part2: Multiple choice Questions

?Q5: What is your favourite online shop to purchase clothes

Respondents Noon Shein Amazon
Males %6.6 73.3% 26.6%
Females 6.6% 66.6% 26.6%

While 73.3%) of male participants and 66.6%) of female participants selected B as the
first most common answer (Shein), a sizable portion of male participants (6.6%) and
female participants (6.6%) selected A as the third answer (Noon). Furthermore,
according to Amazon, option C was selected as the second choice by roughly 26.6%
.of men and 26.6% of women




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nozamA niehS nooN

?Q6: Many people prefer to shop online because of

Respondents Low price More choice convenience
Males 40% 53.3% 6.6%
Females 66.6% 73.3% 20%
Male participants made up 40% of the sample, while female participants made up
66.6%. A common choice, "Low price," was selected by 73.3 percent of female
participants and 53.3 percent of male participants. Furthermore, response C was
.selected as the third option by 20% of females and 6.6% of males




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ecneinevnoc eciohc eroM ecirp woL

?Q7: What are the issues you face when shopping online
Respondents Extra charges Delivery delay Product quality
Males 20% 66.6% 13.3%
Female 20% 20% 53.3%

Option B (delivery delay) was selected by the majority of respondents (66.66% of

men and 20% of women), whereas a sizable portion of participants (20% of men and
20% of women) chose option A (extra charges). Furthermore, when questioned about
concerns with product quality, roughly 53.3% of women and 13.3% of men select
..option C




seussi yitlauq tcudorP yaled yrevileD segrahc artxE




seussi yitlauq tcudorP yaled yrevileD segrahc artxE

:What are the most popular luxury clothing websites in Oman? Q8

Respondents Farfetch OunassChildren
Males 13.3% 26.6% 53.3%
Females 60% 33.3% 6.6%
A significant percentage of participants (60.3% of women and 13.3% of men) selected
option A, or "Faretch," as their most popular response, while 26.6% of men and
33.3% of women selected option B, or "Ounass," as their second most popular
response. Furthermore, according to Childrensalon, option C is selected by roughly
.53.3% of men and 6.6% of women



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nolas nerdlihC ssanuO hctefraF

Part 3: Open-ended Questions

Q9:What are the main problems that you face when shopping for clothes online?
Mention at least 2 issues

Most of them answered that the problem you always face while shopping online is
knowing the correct size and also delivery

)What are the solutions that you will suggest for these problems Q10
Mention at least 2 solutions

Most of student answer look for detailed size charts and measurements provided by
the retailer to ensure a better fit and read customer reviews and ratings to get an idea
.of the quality and satisfaction of other shoppers


The survey results clearly indicate that both male and female respondents
believe that shopping for clothes online is better, but there are many
challenges when shopping for clothes online, such as uncertainty about
size, limited sensory experience, concerns about quality, and difficult
returns. These issues are a stark reminder of how important it is to have
better virtual fitting tools and comprehensive product information to
improve the entire online shopping experience. Through this project, we
are trying to find solutions and take people’s opinions to get rid of the
.most difficult challenges that people face while shopping online

During the project, I faced minor challenges, but with support and group
members, I overcame them. The most important obstacle was how to start
the project and choose a wonderful topic to be a discussion record. In
addition to that, I faced very great difficulty in writing the introduction,
first in terms of research and second in terms of book sources. The last
problem I faced in the project was making charts and writing

Examine Size Guides: To choose a size more intelligently, consult the retailer's size )1

Virtual Try-On Tools: If available, use the virtual fitting tools to see how the )2
.clothing might fit you before making a purchase

Reputable Retailers: To lessen the possibility of obtaining inferior products or )3

encountering problems with customer service, select reputable and well-known online


Bhattacharya ,B. (2023). How To Shop For Clothes Online: Ultimate Guide 


Kamwal , V. (2022). 7 major problems faced by ecommerce fashion 

.brands and how to solve them

Global ,G.(2023). 2023 Challenges To Online Shopping For eCommerce 

Shoppers & Owners

Weldali , M .(2022). Online shopping, low purchasing power among top 

.challenges of clothing sector — stakeholders
: Image 

Appendix A: A blank copy of questionnaire

English Language Center: Level 4: Project & Presentation


?What Are the Challenges of Shopping for Clothes Online
MS Forms Survey link

PPG16_UTASA Students' Perception about What

Are the Challenges of Shopping for Clothes Online
We are (Hood, Muhammad, Nizar, Marwan ,Yousif) and we are students
.from level 4 to G16
We are investigating what challenges UTASAstudents face while shopping
for clothes online. The purpose of this report is how to benefit from the
challenges faced by UTSA students and find appropriate solutions to these
challenges. This topic includes two main ideas. First, knowing the
.challenges. Second, finding solutions to these challenges

o Male
o Female
2) Do you face problems when ordering clothes online?
o Yes
o No
3) Are the prices of online products fixed?
o Yes
o No

4)Do you have issues with the quality of the materials of clothes that you order
o Yes
o No
5) What is your favourite online shop to purchase clothes?
o Yes
o No

6) What is your favourite online shop to purchase clothes?
o Noon.
o Shein .
o Amazon
7) Many people prefer to shop online because of?
o Low price.
o More choice
o Convenience
8) What are the issues you face when shopping online?
o Extra charges
o Delivery delay
o Product quality issues
9)What are the most popular luxury clothing websites in Oman?
o Farfetch
o Ounass
o Childrensalon
10)What are the main problems that you face when shopping for clothes online?
Mention at least 2 issues

.Enter your answer

What are the solutions that you will suggest for these problems)11
Mention at least 2 solutions

.Enter your answer

This content is neither created nor endorsed by Microsoft. The data you submit will be sent to
the form owner.

Appendix B: Completed Tally Sheet

Q Yes / No Questions Males Females


Yes % No % Y % No %
1 Do you face problems when ordering clothes 10 66.6 5 33.3% 9 60 6 40%
online % %
2 Are the prices of online products fixed 7 46.6 8 53.3% 9 60 6 40%
% %
3 9 60 6 40% 10 66. 5 33.3%
Do you have issues with the quality of the % 6%
materials of clothes that you order online
4 Do you think online stores make more money 8 53.3 7 46.6% 13 86. 2 13.3%
than traditional shops now % 6%
Multiple-Choice Questions
A % B C % A % B % c %

5 What is your favourite online shop to purchase 1 6.6 11 73. 3 20% 1 6.6 1 66.6 4 26.6
clothes % 3% % 0 % %
6 Many people prefer to shop online because of 6 40 8 53. 1 6.6 1 6.6 1 73.3 3 20%
% 3% % % 1 %
7 What are the issues you face when shopping 3 20 10 66. 2 13.3 3 20 3 20% 8 53.3
online? % 6% % % %
8 2 13.3 4 26. 8 53.3 9 60 5 33.3 1 6.6
What are the most popular luxury clothing % 6% % % % %
websites in Oman
Open-Ended Questions Most males said that Most females said that

9 What are the main problems that you face when The most of male student said two common issues people
shopping for clothes online? Mention at least 2 The most problems is an, face are sizing uncertainty
issues clothes size . And also they and the challenge of
takes extra charges accurately judging the quality
and texture of the fabric. It
can be tricky to determine if
the item will fit correctly, and
sometimes the actual product
may look different from the
images online.
10 What are the solutions that you will suggest for The most of male student said 1. Look for detailed size
these problems delivery faster than now and charts and measurements
Mention at least 2 solutions don’t late - add a size in the provided by the retailer to
shopping online ensure a better fit. 2. Read
customer reviews and ratings
to get an idea of the quality
and satisfaction of other

Appendix C: Action plan

What Needs to Be Done Planned Date Date of
of Completion Completion

1. Read and understand the activity in class/ Grouping 19.09.2023
2. Discuss the research topic with the teacher and then as 21.09.2023
a group
3. .Research different materials on the topic 25.09.2023
4. Take notes and write summaries 03.10.2023
5. Decide on the most appropriate research tool to be 03.10.2023
.used. Discuss and finalise questions for online survey
6. Design an online survey. Then have it checked by the 05.10.2023
7. Make changes and finalize the survey. Distribute the 10.10.2023
online survey to 30 respondents with cc to the teacher –
,use email, and collect the data
8. Complete the introduction (3 paragraphs) 12.10.2023
9. Extract charts to present the main points from the 24.10.2023
findings using MS Excel. Analyse the data following
the samples provided in the booklet
10. Discuss findings and summarize the main points (Tally 24.10.2023
sheet can be used). Type the findings
11. Make charts (Table, Bar-graphs & Pie-charts) to 26.10.2023
present the main points from the findings using the
12. Write the conclusion, recommendations, methods, and 02.11.2023
13. Submit First Draft of the report 07.11.2023
14. .Design the cover and the contents page 12.10.2023
15. Edit and complete the report. Submit the first draft to 14.11.2023
the teacher
16. Submit the final typed draft of the report 28.11.2023
17. Prepare and practice a presentation with visual aids 30.11.2023
18. Give the presentation 12.11.2023-

Student Name: Group:

Mohammed Ali Alfarsi
Project Title: Team members
What Are the Challenges of Shopping for Nizar Nabeel albalushi
Clothes Online Marwan Juma nasser al kiyumi
Mohammed Ali Alfarsi

Hood juma albalushi
Yousif Yaqoob Almoharbi
Approved by: Asya Tonoyan Date :23/11/2023

UTAS Al Musannah English Language Center

Student Declaration Form

)Semester 4 Year 2023-24(

The Head of Section, Curriculum and Teaching Methods
I Mohammed Ali Alfarsi (51j22204) student of Level 4 in Group NO 16 of the
English Language Center, University of Technology and Applied Sciences, hereby
declare that my Project Report on " What Are the Challenges of Shopping for Clothes
Online ?" as a requirement for the course "Projects & Presentations", is the result of
my own original work, except for source materials explicitly acknowledged by proper

I also understand that plagiarism is an offense that can lead to

.disciplinary action depending on the seriousness of the case
Name: Mohammed Ali Alfarsi
Date: 23/11/2023
: Student Signature


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