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Country : USA

Committee : United Nations Economic and Social Council

Topic : International Economic and Trade Relations in the Post-Pandemic Era
The USA has always been one of the important members of the world economy system,
the pandemic influenced USA’s market structure a lot, however. Although the U.S. economy
suffered one of the sharpest contractions in its history during 2020, the economic damage
was even greater in many foreign countries. The pandemic has caused severe disruptions
to societies and the economy around the world with deep impacts on health, education,
economic, financial and social systems Though the situation is now getting better, there are
still dozens of problems to face. The growth rate of March 2022 still is 2.49%. It seems like
everything is in control but the fact did not allow us to be positive actually. USA’s CPI growth
in May is 8.5%, the highest in two score years. Not only the USA, the entire world is facing
the biggest inflationary spike in decades. It directly slows the growth of global trade. There
are many reasons that led to this result. First of all, the pandemic has disturbed the
transportation system that we have built. It makes the transportation cost raise in an
unexpectable way. Second of all, the rising of the energy price gives high pressure. For
example, the crude oil shortage sent prices soaring. The price of oil in May increased 88%,
the highest in history. Third, the lockdown policies that Shanghai took didn’t reach what they
expected. The things that had been done made the supply demand mismatch. Last but not
least, the armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine forced many countries to change their
strategic trade policies. The trading between many places is now stopped. We have to
change this situation to avoid bigger conflicts.
All of the countries should take actions to change the situation and make the people’s life
better. There is a long way to go. The USA is now working on the problems and so should
other countries. For the past few months, the CPI has been a bother. Therefore the USA
lifts rates against inflation to protect the economy. The actions that the USA takes is the
biggest since 1994. The armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine obviously made the
crude oil price rise in an unexpected way and reach an unbelievable height. The supply of
weapons and funds does something while things are going in a terrible way. The US is
always the best ally of human’s rights and justice. People are suffering because of the
commissary problem. No one is born for the war, many innocent citizens died. They are not
dying because they want, they are dying because of greedy politicians. All of the things that
had been done and will be done forced the countries around the world to do trade sanctions
activity, and the retaliatory acts that Russia took are now destroying the economy structure.
According to Universal Declaration of Human Rights “No one shall be subjected to torture or
to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” and “ Nothing in this Declaration
may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any
activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set
forth herein.” Also the economic problems we have to solve are imminent. The armed
conflict should stop right now.
The pandemic really influenced economic activity all over the world. It is almost the darkest
time on human’s history. Now the situation is slowly back in control. To recover the damage
that has been done will take a long time and lots of effort. The USA is one of the leaders of
the world economy. Though things are still noncommittal, the USA will continue to figure out
the problem inside and help restore order in the world economy. The problems of energy
price, commissary, and CPI growth need all the countries to figure. The USA will always
defend human rights, but that is not enough. All of the countries need to do something to
make human society better.

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