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1. Background of the Study.............................................................................................................3

2. Formulation of the Problem.........................................................................................................4
3. Operational Definitions................................................................................................................4
4. Aim of the study..........................................................................................................................5
5. Significance of the Study ............................................................................................................5
6. Theoretical Framework ...............................................................................................................5
7. Research Method ........................................................................................................................6
8. Population and Sample ...............................................................................................................6
9. Data Collection ...........................................................................................................................7
10. Data Analysis ............................................................................................................................8
11. References..................................................................................................................................8
1. Background of the Study
There can be no ignorance about one's fellow humans anywhere in the world these
days. Furthermore, it is a well-known fact that people speak different languages when
they communicate. Thus, English functions as one of international language in order that
everyone can communicate each other.

English has emerged as the world’s most important language. English is used to
communicate by almost everyone in this world, regardless of nationality. The
significance of English in every area of our lives is one of the reason for this.

In Indonesia, even though English is learned from the elementary school up to the
high school and university levels, the ability of the students in understanding English
grammar is still poor. According to Prasetyo (2020), “some of students are able to speak
English, but they are confused about how to arrange the words they want to speak
according to the grammar rules”. As it is stated by Harmer (2001) that grammar explores
how to create arrangements of words. English grammar is a set of English language
structural rules. This covers the arrangement of single words, sentences, clauses, and
entire texts (Wikipedia, 2023). In other words, learning grammar is one of the important
role in English teaching and learning, where grammar can lead the students to make a
good and meaningful sentence which help the students to convey the ideas or opinions.

Referencing to Ellis (1993), students will never be able to convey their ideas and
thoughts clearly and accurately if they do not learn grammar rules. It is supported by
Tomakin (2014) as cited in Zuhriyah (2017) that a person cannot become proficient in a
language if they do not learn grammar, as it enables them to create meaningful words or
sentences. From the statement above, it can be concluded that the learners of English
language do need to learn the basic grammatical rules of English language as well as the
practice of good communication skills in the language. Moreover, Mustakim and Ismail
(2018) reveal that to utilize the language well, we should master the whole elements of
language, including vocabulary, pronunciation, as well as structure.

Behind learning English in the formal educational institution such as from

elementary school up to high school and also university levels, there must be some
problems that both the students and the teachers face in the process of English teaching
and learning, such as the students have low motivation to learn English. Samuel in
Abdullah and Chaudhary (2012) state that other factors that are thought to contribute to
such condition include the low proficiency of the teachers, the lack of resources, and the
low motivation of students to learn English.

In addition, Marcellino (2015) conveys that the English teaching in Indonesia has
challenges as educational problems and cultural diversity. Although English has been
taught for years, yet the learning outcomes still become the problem for the primary,
secondary as well as the university graduates. The ability and also the understanding of
English especially in grammar are still not optimal. In other words, the formal education
is still unable to help students master English to a satisfactory level. The researcher
agrees with the statement of Marcellino relating to the present situation concerning to the
high school students have low English comprehension especially in the understanding of
English grammar which is caused by many factors such as lack of quality and learning
facilities informal schools in general, especially in remote areas. That is why, it is needed
to create a program in the informal classroom to solve such problem.

The English learning through a program such as English camp is not a new thing
in the countries using English as a Foreign Language (EFL) or even English as a Second
Language (ESL). It is in line with the statement of Park (2006) that English camps,
English villages, English zone have gained popularity in Korea as another form of
English immersion and Thahira et al., (2023), “many English courses have evolved to aid
EFL students in mastering the language”.

Moreover, Garhani and Supriono (2021) reveal, “ in Japan, English camp is aimed
at developing the student mindset into the global one and skills that is much needed
which brings to facilitate students working and living in this global environment”. The
two main results are the beneficial effects of the immersion program and the participants'
good attitudes toward English, especially in terms of their increased confidence in
expressing the language (Rory & Banwell, 2017).

In the effort of providing the students with extensive exposure to English, the researcher
has chosen English camp as the solution to overcome the problems mentioned in the
previous paragraph. One of the educational institutions which has conducted such kind of
English Camp program is eL-BAS foundation. The eL-BAS foundation initiated an
English camp program for five months started from November to March. This program is
supported by a regulation in which the students are not allowed to communicate using
other languages rather than English. Furthermore, the enrichment of English grammar
will be explored and learned to improve the students’ understanding of English grammar.

2. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the statement in the background above, the writer formulates the
problem as follows:

a. How does English camp affect students’ understanding of English grammar?

3. Operational Definitions
These are some terminologies that will be used in this study. Thus, the writer has
clarified the terms as follows:

The first terms is the definition of English camp. English camp program is
intended to expand the chances for students to impart to each other in English normally,
to advance fearlessness among the students to share experience in English, and to get the
students ready to live in the worldwide local area (Adil, 2021). Furthermore, A Fawazien
(2021) defines English camp as an environment for learning English where students are
required to follow the rules and participate in full-immersion English activities. In the
context of English camp in this study, it refers to a program in a place or institution where
the students learn about English to improve not only speaking skill but also the
understanding of grammar.
Secondly, this is the definition of grammar. Grammar is a set of rules governing
the structure, formation, and arrangement of words in a language. It encompasses the
sentence structure, word formation, and meaning of a language. According to Boukenicha
and Bouchenine (2019), they describe the meaning of grammar as the set of linguistic
structural rules that influence how words, clauses, and also phrases are inserted together
in an English context. In other words, grammar outlines how words are supposed to be
used together to form meaningful sentences and how their forms can change based on
tense, case, and other linguistic factors. It also helps to establish clarity, coherence, as
well as understanding in communication by providing a framework for organizing and
expressing ideas within a language system. In the context of this study, grammar is the
indirect object which will be improved the understanding of which to the students by
English camp program.

And the third term is the definition of affect. According to Oxford Dictionary,
“affect is somebody/something to produce a change in somebody/something”.
Meanwhile, Thurstone, (1931); Ortony, Clore, and Cotlins, (1988) has been defined as an
object, person, or event's evaluation or appraisal as good or poor, favorable or
unfavorable, desirable or undesirable. In other word, affect is an activity to produce a
change on somebody or something. In the context of this research, affect will bring a
change to the students’ understanding of English grammar which is caused by the
treatment done in English camp program.

4. Aim of the study

Based on the questions of the research above, the aim of the study are:

a. To investigate the effect of English camp on the students’ understanding of English


5. Significance of the Study

Theoretically, the study is expected to be useful for the readers to know more
about English camp especially in the strategies in improving the understanding of English
grammar. The study provides some information for the next researcher who have interest
in English camp program for improving the understanding of English grammar.

Besides, practically the study is beneficial for the readers to have more understanding
about some new programs that are appropriate to be used in learning English especially
in improving the understanding of English grammar. Then the study can also give more
inspiration which program that can be adapted to teach English which can improve the
students’ understanding of English grammar.

6. Theoretical Framework
The theoretical framework of this study will be based on Active Learning Theory.
Active learning theory is an educational framework that emphasizes active involvement
of students in the learning process. This theory emphasizes how important for the
students to participate actively in the learning activities which enable them to develop
their knowledge, skills, and understanding through hands-on experience.
According to Bonwell and Eison (1991), “active learning theory is instructional
activities involving students in doing things and thinking about what they are doing”.
They emphasize how important it is for the students to engage in critical thinking rather
than just being passive recipients, in order to foster more in-depth understanding. It is in
line with the statement of Brame (2006), he emphasizes that active learning is an
approach which promote learning focuses more on developing students’ skills than on
transmitting information and require that students do something –read, discuss, write –
that requires higher-order thinking. They also tend to place some emphasis on students’
explorations of their own attitudes and values.

Overall, this study will emphasize an active learning theory, where the students
will be more involved in the process of learning activities. And also English camp places
the students as the center of learning (student-centered) which allows the students to take
an active role in understanding the English grammar.

7. Research Method
Experimental research will be used to investigate the effect of English camp to
improve the students’ understanding of English grammar. Through this approach, the
writer will gain how active learning can improve the students’ understanding of English
grammar at English camp. According to Creswell (2012), experimental designs are
procedures employed to determine whether a specific activity or set of materials
influences participants’ results or outcomes. In the experimental design, it is necessary to
test or practice the relationship between the independent and dependent variables
(Creswell, 2014). Otherwise, Latipun (2010) adds that an experimental design is a type of
research where the subject is treated by the researcher to develop cause and effect. Based
on those definitions, it can be concluded that the purpose of experimental design is to
investigate the relationship between the cause and effect of the variables.

This study uses a pre-experimental design. There are three designs included in
pre-experimental. They are one-shot case study, one-group pretest-posttest design, and
static group. This study will used one-group pretest-posttest design. It means the
participants of this study will only be one group to be tested. The one-group pretest-
posttest typically involved three steps as follow:

a. Conducting a pretest to measure the dependent variable

b. Giving the experimental treatment to the subjects
c. Conducting a post-test to measure the dependent variable

8. Population and Sample

a. Population

Population is subjects with specific qualities and characteristics that the

researcher has selected to be learned and concluded. According to Creswell
(2012), a group of individuals with the same characteristics is called population.
Related to this, the population is generalized of objects or subjects with certain
qualities and characteristics determined by the researcher to be studied and then
conclusions drawn (Sugiyono, 2017). It means the population is the group chosen
for the study of a researcher based on similar characteristics. In this research, the
population is the students of English camp at eL-BAS junior high school which is
located in Imbanagara, Ciamis and consists of four classes.

b. Sample

According to Creswell (2012), sample is a subset of the population that the

researcher intends to investigate in order to draw conclusions about the population
that is the focus of the study. In line with this, Sugiyono (2017) also defines that
the sample is a portion of the number and characteristics that the population
possesses. In this research, the sample will be one class, it is class A of the
students of English camp at eL-BAS junior high school, Imbanagara, Ciamis.

This research uses purposive sampling technique because class A is

categorized as the class which has variety of students’ understanding of English
grammar (heterogeneous students’ understanding) started from the students who
have low, middle, and also high understanding of English grammar.

9. Data Collection
Data collection method is a method to obtain or gain data. The data of this
research are collected by conducting test. Test is a tool or procedure used to know
measure something in a condition, ways and the rules are determined (Arikunto, 2010).
In other word, the aim of the data collection in conducting scientific research is to get
material which is needed by the research.

The technique of collecting the data is clarified as follows:

a. Pretest

The pretest is a test conducted before a treatment is given. According to

Creswell (2012), pretest is administered to the students before the treatment is
given with the goal of measuring certain traits or qualities for assessment. It
means that the students of class A will be given a pretest before being given a
treatment. It is carried out in order to know to what extent the prior students’
understanding of English grammar before the treatment is conducted. The pretest
comprises 25 questions in the form of multiple choice and true or false in the
context of grammatical knowledge. 20 questions will be in the form of multiple
choice, and the rest 5 questions will be the in the form of true or false.

b. Treatment

Treatment is administered to influence students’ ability or results.

According to Creswell (2012), treatment is intended to give an outcome in the
experimental design. In the context of this research, the treatment is conducted in
one class as an experimental class after the pretest has already administered and
before the post the post-test is administered. In this process, the students are asked
to do an activity which contains the theory of active learning such as discussion,
collaborative learning, and other. The teacher also will give kind of explanation
such as lecturing for more intensive comprehension.

c. post-test

According to Creswell (2012), a post-test measures certain characteristics

or traits of research participants after they have received treatment. In other
words, post-test is given to measure the increasing of students’ understanding of
English grammar after the treatment is applied or conducted. The researcher
conducts the post-test which consists of 25 questions. 20 questions are in the form
of multiple choice and the rest 5 questions are true or false.

10. Data Analysis

Data analysis is a review of several activities, including data organization,
systematization, interpretation, and verification, in order to provide a phenomenon with
academic, scientific, and social significance (Tanzeh, 2009). This research will use a
quantitative analysis. The quantitative data of this research will be numeric data and can
be formulated by using statistical method. The data are obtained from the tests which are
given to the students before and after the treatment (pretest and post-test). Then, the
collected data will be processed by comparing the first data (pretest) and the second data
(post-test) to see if the result has a significant effect or difference between before and
after the treatment are given.

The first data (pretest) is the data obtained before the students are taught in
English camp. In contrast, the second data (post-test) is the data obtained after the
student’s have been taught in English camp. If the result of post-test on the students’
understanding of English camp is higher than the result of pretest, it means that the
teaching process in English camp is effective as it shows the significant difference or
effect in the post-test. To get the achievement of students’ understanding improvement of
English grammar, the researcher will give a test after the treatment of teaching grammar
in English camp is done. As the researcher mentioned in the part of data collection that
the test will consist of 25 questions which comprising 20 questions of multiple choice
and 5 questions of true or false. To know the significant difference of the students’
understanding of English grammar, the researcher in this research will use paired sample
t-test on SPSS program. The T-test is used to determine if there is a significant difference
between two means at a given probability level. (Gay, 1992).

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