UCT AGP M2U3 Interactive Infographic Transcript

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Predictive and Agile

project phases
Learning outcome:

LO3: Identify the phases of an Agile project.

LO4: Relate the Agile phases to the traditional knowledge areas.

Predictive and Agile project phases

Predictive phases Agile phases

Initiate: Identify the customer’s needs, Envision: A more flexible term, used to
define the scope of the project, and reflect the fact that the project outcome is
establish the criteria for completion. usually not fixed or clearly defined in an
Agile context.

Plan: Refine the goals of the project and set Speculate: A less rigid approach to planning
out the steps required to obtain them. that allows for change and unexpected
events. This is not a once-off phase, but can
occur multiple times throughout the project
cycle, along with the explore and adapt

Execute: Complete the tasks set out in the Explore: The flexibility of this term
planning stage. encourages discovery and creativity, and
frames mistakes as learning opportunities.
Feedback is gathered with each iteration
and applied to the next phase. This is not a
once-off phase, but can occur multiple times
throughout the project cycle, along with the
speculate and adapt phases.

Control: Ensure that the project remains on Adapt: Consider feedback on the product
track and in line with the goals established created in the previous phase and
in the planning phase. re-prioritise for the next iteration. This
phase continues cyclically, along with the
speculate and explore phases.

Close: Finalise all project tasks and reflect on Close: Finalise all project tasks and reflect on
the process. the process.

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ClydeBank Business. 2014. Agile Project Management: quickstart guide – the simplified
beginner’s guide to Agile Project Management. 2nd ed. [Kindle edition]. ClydeBank
Media LLC.

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