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MA English (CBCS) SEMESTER II Syllabus

Course 2.1 Early 20th Century British Literature

● James Joyce: "Araby"

● James Joyce: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
● T. S. Eliot: The Waste Land
● T. S. Eliot: Murder in the Cathedral
● Katherine Mansfield: "The Fly"
● G. B Shaw: Man and Superman
● W. B. Yeats: "Byzantium", "Easter 1916"
● G.M. Hopkins: "Pied Beauty", "Windhover"
● Virginia Woolf: To The Lighthouse
● D. H. Lawrence: Women in Love
● D.H. Lawrence: "Monkey Nuts"

Course 2.2 Late 20th Century British Literature

● John Osborne: Look Back in Anger

● Harold Pinter: The Birthday Party
● Ted Hughes: Selected Poems
● William Goldoing: The Lord of the Flies
● Dylan Thomas: Selected Poems

Course 2.3 The Post-Modern and the Beyond

● Muriel Spark: The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

● Sylvia Plath: Bell Jar
● Seamus Heaney: Selected poems
● Alex Haley: Roots
● Edward Albee: The Zoo Story
● Angela Carter: Night at the Circus

Course 2.4 - Indian English Literature

● R.K. Narayan: The Guide

● Jayanta Mahapatra: "Hunger", "Dawn at Puri" Mahesh Dattani:
On a Muggy Night in Mumbai
● Salman Rushdie: Midnight's Children
● Asif Currimbhoy: Inquilab
● Gurcharan Das: Larins Sahib
● Kamala Das: "An Introduction", "My Grandmother's House"
● Mulk Raj Anand: Untouchable
● Nissim Ezekiel: "Hymn in Darkness", "Poet, Lover Birdwatcher"
● Amitav Ghosh: The Glass Palace
● A. K. Ramanujan: "One More After Reading Homer", " Elements
of Composition"

Course 2.5 Modern World Literatures (in Translation)

● Dario Fo: We Won't Pay! We Won't Pay! A Political Farce.

● Luigi Pirandello: Six Characters In Search of an Author
● Poems of Gunter Grass
● Pablo Neruda: The Early Poems
● Nadine Gordimer: My Son's Story

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